In order to get your work visa in Singapore you must undergo a Medical Examination.
3 February 2014
| Last updated on 28 June 2017
The Foreign Worker (FW) has to undergo and pass a medical examination by a Singapore registered doctor within 14 days of arrival (including Sunday/Public Holidays) in Singapore. The Work Permit will only be issued if the Foreign Worker passes the medical examination. Foreign Workers who are unable to pass the medical examination, which includes those who have been diagnosed with active pulmonary Tuberculosis and/or HIV will have to be repatriated.
The medical examination screens the Foreign Worker for four types of infectious diseases (Tuberculosis, HIV, Syphilis and Malaria) that are of public health concern. It also serves to check that the Foreign Worker is generally fit to work at the point of examination. However, even if the Foreign Worker passes the medical examination, it does not mean that he/she is free from all illnesses. Employers with specific concerns may wish to send the Foreign Worker for other tests as they deem appropriate.
Employers who wish to know the results of the medical examination may obtain a copy of the completed report directly from the examining doctor.
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