littleone |


Latest post on 22 October 2015 - 10:24
sarahlou, how do you test the speed?
Latest post on 20 October 2015 - 13:16
Unfortunately a 6 year old boy was killed on one of these last week, apparently he was on a busy street and zipped out into the traffic. So very sad for the family.
Latest post on 22 September 2015 - 21:25
Umm Suqeium vets are open over Eid. They are on Al Wasl Road near choitrums.
Latest post on 22 September 2015 - 09:04
Umm Suqeim Vets has them, they are on Al Wasl Road near Choitrums. Just purchased one last week, they had a new shipment come in.
Latest post on 21 September 2015 - 10:50
It depends on the area you are in, some suburbs are serviced by Etisalat and some by du, also OSN is an option but I dont know a great deal about it. As an aside, did you know that typing in capitals is the equivalent of yelling.
Latest post on 20 September 2015 - 13:09
I havent had a script for mine since my doctor put me on them.
Latest post on 20 September 2015 - 13:02
You should be able to get it over the counter at the chemist without a prescription.
Latest post on 17 September 2015 - 10:13
Hi Monnie, On another thread you mentioned you are doing an interior design course, do you mind sharing which one you are doing and how you are finding it? I have just resigned from my job and have no job prospects and I want to do something constructive with my time. TIA :)
Latest post on 14 September 2015 - 13:36
As a candidate its really difficult trying to get in front of recruiters, I feel like they are literally box tickers. If XYZ skills required and your CV doesnt have these specific skills "verbatim" then you dont even get a look. Then when (if) they forward your CV the potential employer discounts you because your CV is verbatim of the job description they provided the recruiter. The thing that gets me is that eventually some of these candidates end up in roles where they need the services of a recuriter and I highly doubt that they would use the firms that have treated them poorly/ignored them. I know that there are a huge amount of applicants for roles but isnt that what they are engaged and paid for to weed out the candidates. Dont get me wrong, there are some seriously good recruitment firms out there and I applaud their professionalism to all parties. Just wish there were more of them.
Latest post on 03 September 2015 - 10:02
I dont live at Fairmont Residences but DH and I were looking to move there. If you are road facing or on the spare block of land be aware that it is noisy. Construction is 24/7 and the Hilton site is currently the most active, trucks enter from the land next to Fairmont, there is also a significant amount of dust from the trucks coming and going. The facilities at Fairmont are excellent and IFA are great managers, but......there has been talk which has been in the papers as well, that Nakheel are building a promenade walk across the front of Fairmont Residences which means they will loose beach access. I believe the matter has been in court and Im not sure of the outcome or whether it has been resolved.
Latest post on 26 August 2015 - 11:31
Its a shame that they arent open to hearing the other side, I hope you can come up with a solution.
Latest post on 26 August 2015 - 10:18
We have just adopted a little dog and had no idea he was an incessant barker until our neighbour (who we are good friends with) let us know. Apparently an hour and half on day one of being left with our other dog who isnt a barker. To say we were mortified in an absolute understatement. We went to all our other neighbours and explained the situation and that we needed to know if they did hear them during the day could they let us know. We have one neighbour who is at home most of the time and he said he didnt hear them at all. We have been working really hard with the new addition to get him settled and calmed down, unfortunately his previous owners didnt train him, he was never walked (he is 3 now) and it appears he was beaten because he is petrified of men. As someone on the other side of the fence, I would be more than accepting to know the barking was going on and would do my best to address the situation as a neighbour.
Latest post on 24 August 2015 - 09:40
You can buy it here at the craft/scrapbooking store at Town Centre, I think its called Paper Lane. I bought mine from Amazon and had it shipped, worked out cheaper even with shipping.
Latest post on 24 August 2015 - 09:01
And I thought this was going to be a good thread (for a change). No drama's yet, everyone must still be coming back from holidays. Maybe some maids have been wearing madam's bikini and posting on FB whilst she has been away!
Latest post on 21 August 2015 - 07:54
I agree with Cherry Ripe, Dr Khan is excellent. I just had a mole removed 2 weeks ago with him and it would have to be the best experience I have ever had with a mole removal and I have had 20 plus removed over the years. The scar is on my face and it is barely visible without makeup. Aftercare is excellent the nursing staff were brilliant and Dr Khan made me feel at ease and his bedside manner was fantastic. I hate having them removed and usually work myself up to the point where I faint afterwards and I could have driven myself home, which is a big thing for me. I had an excellent experience with him and wouldn't use anyone else in the future.
Latest post on 19 August 2015 - 10:56
DH and I were looking at purchasing on the Palm about a year ago and whilst we have been lucky that we have been in the same apartment for a while now, we get the eviction notice each year. We decided to pull out of purchasing despite the arguments/benefits of purchasing versus renting. The main reason was due to the potential of another manager taking over the building and bringing the quality of the building and services down, the construction quality of the building which is showing its weaknesses now that its aging, potential of community service charges increasing as the building gets older and requires extra maintenance. In the end I didnt believe that it would be a good investment for us personally and would rather look at other asset classes that meet my and DH's risk profile, which are very different, but any investment is a joint decision that we must both agree on. Its a very personal decision whether you buy or rent, you must consider the market and potential of increase of new properties coming to the market and how that could impact the value. Make an informed decision based on as much information that you can get and digest. Be aware of the potential risks associated with the purchase and acknowledge the emotional side of why you are buying a property. DH has been sprouting off about expo and the impact to property prices, which I dont believe an iota, property works in cycles and there is about to be a glut in the market as new properties are released. If you buy into the hype go in with your eyes open. This is totally my personal view and I know others will disagree with my comments, but the choice is incredibly personal and based on your own personal circumstances. Good luck with your decision and I hope you both find some stability with your home.
Latest post on 17 August 2015 - 20:28
Have you tried Banana republic or M and S. Good for basics. I don't shop here anymore, I buy online and shop and ship it.
Latest post on 17 August 2015 - 19:19
CP, absolutely brilliant.
Latest post on 17 August 2015 - 10:46
Judging from previous year's posts on this subject, it's wise to book early - like now. Anyone already booked, and do hotels have their packages etc ready this early? By the time all the Christmas brunch info gets published it's mostly too late. Thanks! I think August is early to book but there is no harm in asking if they have a waiting list that you could join. Last year we booked in early September but did check with the hotel in August and they emailed through the details.
Latest post on 17 August 2015 - 09:26
Seriously, is there nothing else better to do? Certain cultures do not wash their hands, I have had maids spray entire bathrooms whilst cleaning and flood the bathroom, there are posters mostly in bathrooms that ask that you wash hands - what type of 'poster' do you think can be produced can be more effective? The list goes on - not just in UAE and other countries!!! Nope JEAHH45, I have nothing else to do but whinge about this ;) I understand that some cultures dont wash, but with swine & bird flu along with a plethora or other nasties you would expect that some hygiene would be useful. I definitely need help on the poster though, do you have any suggestions. I think we can tackle the other list of grievances as well. Lets start with failing to indicate or the fast lane hoggers or the driving whilst on the phone. I actually had a complete numpty nearly wipe me off the road last night because she was serving between three lanes and was on the phone. ahhh...its just not worth it, I think getting the loo sign sorted is a good place to start.
Latest post on 17 August 2015 - 09:21
Maybe it's the only way they can get some privacy... Oh DT, how can you get privacy in a loo with a tinkle an almighty spray and a flush!
Latest post on 17 August 2015 - 09:20
Hurrah, a thread that is not about Doctors!!! Littleone you could have some fun with this..........! Let's design posters for the back of the phone booth door!! <rushing to get a black marker pen> <thinking of catchy slogans> You would have thought we could have had some fun...but alas no! It had the makings of a good old TNT, but its been shot down. You know your ode could get the thread deleted, its been a long time since there was an ode thread.
Latest post on 16 August 2015 - 17:03
I was seriously thinking about the posters or yelling out to wash your hands, stop talking on the phone or the one I have considered incredibly seriously pretending to make the bodily sounds that are usually relegated to the safety of your own home but I have a very thick accent and am the only one from my home country on this floor. So envitably I would be found out and then think of the gossip and snide lears I would get from the other dwellers of the phone booth. I shudder. I would definitely appreciate all assistance in the wording for the appropriate poster, possibly a catchy slogan could help. And it would need to work across various languages and cultures so that we can get the biggest market share.
Latest post on 16 August 2015 - 16:44
How can people think this is acceptable :confused:, you're in there for a reason not to sit (no pun intended - yes actually there was) around for a lovely chat whilst others come and go with the inevitable cascading sounds of the job at hand, flushing, coupled with the shatoff hose and the fact that the acoustics are awful, [b'>the person your chatting with knows exactly where you are! [/b'> Seems that everytime I went to the said cubicle today, which I think is now a phone booth, someone was on their phone and yes it was mid stream. I've heard singing to someone on the phone, a job interview, a discussion about their bank account and talking about what to have for dinner. Then hose goes off with a flurry, flush and swish out the door! No hand washing in sight, I am aghast in the cubicle, head hung low at the display of such poor hygiene. How I havent managed to catch some horrific flesh eating mutating disease is primarily due to my skill of opening doors with additional paper whilst balancing in the most precarious near splits position in my high heels and business attire, whilst attempting that no part of my skin dare to touch anything that could have remotely been in contact with the phone talking non handwashing person (I refrain from using the term lady, that she is definitely not ) all the while looking like a contortionist or graceful "elephant" no no gazelle as i leap towards the door to avoid the overspray from the you know what hose which has somehow been sprayed up the wall and is dripping from the roof of farthest cubicle from the door and sink! Okay, I might have exaggerated a little but for the love of dogs... can someone explain why there is a need to be on the phone in the loo? :thinking:
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 16:29
I have a friend who is exactly like you Chezmoi. She made it very clear that she doesnt like FB or many other social media sites and I have never posted a picture of her on FB specifically for that reason. I respect her privacy and I think your friend should too. I agree with Marroosh I would ask for her to take them down, she is probably totally oblivious to how much she has invaded your privacy.
Latest post on 03 August 2015 - 14:05
I don't buy anything from the stores here, I usually go to studio calico buy up big and shop n ship it.
Latest post on 28 July 2015 - 16:42
We have had issues with smells in our apartment but it was and i quote "because something is missing in the drain", which must be the technical term for they didnt know. They fixed it eventually, both Golden Mile and Fairmont Residences also have issues with AC drainage which blocks and overflows and eventually leads to a leaky roof. The other issues in these buildings are cracks in the walls, ours is bad and we have had it repeatedly fixed but they come back. Your daughter should be [b'>very[/b'> aware that if she is facing the road and there are vacant plots that it is likely they will be constructed on and the construction is 24/7. Park facing seem to be more desirable than road facing although some have water views, which is reflected in the price. Parking can be a challenge if you have more than one car, most apartments whether one, two or three bedroom come with 1 car space, unless the owners purchased an additional one initially but you can lease one from IFA for a large fee. Guest parking is either street or available at a lower level. Pools and guy I doubt will be available to residents for a while, we have been waiting 5 years and the pools do have water in them but access isnt available. GM are currently managed by IFA, they are excellent for concierge services and they maintain the properties to a high standard, if they change management we will leave. The apartments are large and the walk in robe is awesome, I have managed to well and truly fill it, next step is to evict DH from it and I will be a happy girl.
Latest post on 28 July 2015 - 15:54
;) thats why there is "apparently" going to be beverages up your end. Mind you, I dont really trust the rumour mill on the Palm, but its alway good for some gossip.
Latest post on 28 July 2015 - 15:34
Building One, scheduled for September opening. There are a few shops nearly ready to go, a surf shop, gelato and a coffee shop. If you are at the other end, you guys get the good restaurants and I know for sure that wagamummas (? spelling) and also little shakespeares will be going in. Finally some decent dining options! Oh, and if rumours are correct you should be able to get some "beverages" at your end.
Latest post on 28 July 2015 - 15:01
I know! At least Spinneys will be open shortly. The shelving arrived this week and I'm having fun being nosey when I walk the dog!
Latest post on 28 July 2015 - 14:32
There is no unpaid access to any beach clubs if you live in Golden Mile and the pools are still not open yet! Moved in 8 months ago with the promise they would be opening 'soon', still nothing and no clue from any of the staff :cry: We have been waiting 5 years and its not likely to be free when they do open it. Apparently there is a gym going in and it will have the pool rights so if you want to use the pool you will have to join the gym!
Latest post on 28 July 2015 - 11:18
Yes, they have been talking about this for well over 7 years and this article is from February. I did read an article somewhere that it is likely to be introduced throughout the the region and its likely to happen sooner rather than later.
Latest post on 28 July 2015 - 09:20
If you go to FB page for the Dubai Senior Dog Project and look for a lady who posts called Hayley, she is a qualified dog training and taking private training with the proceeds donated to the vet bills for the charity. It sounds like he is being protective over your family. Good luck.
Latest post on 27 July 2015 - 22:29
TKD at Town Centre Jumeirah. They have lovely bras and a decent range. Good sales too.
Latest post on 27 July 2015 - 16:04
Shame, I was hoping it might have been something simple. Fingers crossed your frustration is eased!
Latest post on 27 July 2015 - 15:58
I just tried and had no problems with the pin. All went through ok. Maybe check if you have your cap lock on or if using the number pad that it is locked on numbers and not symbols.
Latest post on 27 July 2015 - 15:34
My DH has been whinging about how much I spend on groceries for a while, and I will concede that I go to the most expensive place but its my choice and its convenient. So I made him do the groceries last week and he was horrified, he couldnt believe that our weekly shop has doubled in the last 7 years.
Latest post on 27 July 2015 - 11:50
yes, we have used them for transfer to an from Colombo.
Latest post on 27 July 2015 - 11:21
Diane Clifford <[email protected]> Try Diane and her husband, they offer transfers from Colombo, she is British and a really lovely lady. I think her sister is in Dubai and I got the recommendation off here. We would use them again if we were going to Sri Lanka.
Latest post on 23 July 2015 - 20:56
Be prepared for lots of maintenance and do make sure you take some pictures of what results you want. I went from very dark brown to a blonde ombré and it took nearly two years to get the result I wanted. I regularly use treatments at home and with the poor quality of water here your hair will be dry. Also if you have ever had henna in your hair please let the hairdresser know, as they will test the hair before doing your whole head. I saw a lady have ombré done and lied about having used henna and her hair turn bright orange and was fried, they had to cut it off!
Latest post on 22 July 2015 - 13:12
It will definitely be interesting to see how much fuel goes up by but also how it will impact the cost of goods that are transported as well. I am sure that the additional fuel charges will be passed on to the consumers of the end goods which means groceries will rise even further. And if the VAT is eventually introduced in the GCC then DH and I will definitely be reconsidering whether we stay here or go home.
Latest post on 20 July 2015 - 16:21
Nimue [url='>link[/url'> is fantastic. The whole range is awesome. Its available in Dubai at Astor Pharmacy and they deliver! No I dont work for them, I love the whole Nimue skincare range. I keep coming back to it after trying other brands.
Latest post on 20 July 2015 - 15:35
I'm so sorry for your loss and its so sad for your family and for your young boy. Have a look on facebook, there are a few facebook groups that get together with other dogs for socialisation so maybe have a look there, Dogs in Dubai or Bahya Sanctuary is a good starting point. I know you mentioned that you will eventually rescue but have you thought about fostering in the interim, most of the rescue groups are full and desperate for fosterers at the moment. There are a few fosterers that are going on vacation and need someone to take the dog for a while or until another foster home is found, even for a few nights.
Latest post on 15 July 2015 - 08:17
I wouldn't risk it, it's easy enough to do online and really quick. You receive the visa within hours.
Latest post on 12 July 2015 - 13:10 this is the one we have
Latest post on 17 June 2015 - 09:52
He was gorgeous that little boy and the tale of how he got to Australia, from his perspective, was heart breaking. It makes me realise that often we fail to consider how a child interprets the world and this really hit home to me. I wonder what children in the EU are thinking with the situation with the refugees that are arriving by the boat load and are stuck in Italy or Calais. The situation portrayed by the media is confronting and with the IS situation as well it must be overwhelming for children.
Latest post on 15 June 2015 - 09:53
We did a fitout 12 months ago with DesignLab, they were fantastic : t. +971 4 323 0 323 They did everything from fitout to furniture, they were competitive and our office looks fantastic, its open plan, modern warehouse but functional. We dealt with Agnes for design through to handover.
Latest post on 14 June 2015 - 09:34
Its too hot to go to the Souk at the moment and most of the shops their are affliated with the G&D Park. Did you negotiate on the price? It might also depend on the size and how many of the stones you are replacing and what quality they are. Its very personal on whether or not you think you are getting value for what is being done, but I only go to Cara and Clara (they are next to each other and are the same shop).
Latest post on 14 June 2015 - 08:45
Also agree with Giorgio Armani, its lovely, but my go to foundation is Dior BB cream, its lovely light and gives me a good coverage without adding more cracks to my face. I have MAC and I dont like it because of the cakey effect.
Latest post on 09 June 2015 - 09:58
DH is off surfing in Oman this weekend with a friend. He is so excited he has taken a "mental health day" on Thursday so he can get there early and surf. Best of all I get a day with my girlfriends and a bottle of bubbles! Just hope it rains here and wash away the dust from the last few days. But then again the balcony will be a mess. Suggest you get him to double check the weather and coastguard advice, there may well be strong undercurrents. He is all over it, he has been checking the weather reports on an hourly basis. He is an experienced surfer and life saver and incredibly fit. They only surf the shore break and he understands the surf and rips. If its too dangerous they wont go out and he has surfed in cyclonic conditions in Australia before. I trust him enough not to risk his life in surf thats too big and dangerous, thankfully he has a deep appreciation for the water and the risks.