Overview of the Healthcare System in Vietnam- take a look at what it's like & what to expect when you're travelling here.
8 June 2014
| Last updated on 29 June 2017
The quality of healthcare in Vietnam has dramatically improved in the last few years and significant progress has been reported in life expectancy and child mortality rates. Medical care is provided in both private and public sectors and most services have to be paid for. However a new law on health insurance aims to provide a better health care system for all and is due to come into effect this year.
There are lots of hospitals and clinics operating within Vietnam and finding a doctor is pretty easy. It is the norm to give nurses a ‘token’ of money in order to receive better treatment, however these practices are being stumped out in the bigger and private hospitals. Expats should try and visit private hospitals as the doctors there are more likely to speak English, thus communication is easier.
Vietnam is generally a great place to live, however there are various infectious diseases that expats should be aware of. Hepatitus A and B are rife, especially in the countryside where hygiene standards are not particularly prominent. It is recommended to get the appropriate Hepatitus vaccinations before moving to Vietnam. Typhoid fever, dengue fever and malaria are also quite common.
If you are moving here for work you will be liable to contribute towards the national Health Insurance Fund. All expats will be able to register to use the public hospitals as a result. However most expats purchase private health insurance rather than rely on public health.