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cooking tips

A Guide to Cooking a Turkey in the UAE Without All of the Stress

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16 November 2022

Cooking a turkey in the UAE for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner

Don't be intimidated by a turkey!

Turkey is, let's face it, one very, very large bird. The sheer size of it is enough to put even the bravest of cooks off.

However, no Thanksgiving meal or Christmas dinner is complete without it. Yes there are the trimmings, the mashed potato, yams, brussels sprouts in sage and butter, but none of them make as big an impression on the guests as that glorious golden stuffed bird does.

4 Science-Approved Tips To Brew A Perfect Cup Of Tea

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30 July 2017

Tips To Brew A Perfect Cup Of Tea

Life’s hard and that's why we have tea – to make it all better. The worst part, however, is when even your tea tastes like dirty lukewarm water. Those who proudly call themselves, tea-aholics even have a name for this condition (no kidding!). It’s called Tepidophobia - the fear of a badly made cup of tea.

Many things can cause Tepidophobia. According to Dr Stuart Farrimond, an expert in the science of making tea (yes, that’s an actual job), the brewing time and even the colour of the mug plays a significant role to make your tea just the way you like it.

4 Ingredients That Can Ruin Your Perfect Pasta

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29 July 2017

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4 Ingredients That Can Ruin Your Perfect Pasta

If we could, we would eat pasta every day and not complain. This Italian dish is SO versatile you can practically mix it with anything and it would taste YUM.

Tomatoes, zucchini, fish, cheese, beef, seeds, potatoes – there's an endless list of ingredients you could add to pasta, but the list of things you shouldn't add is much shorter.

Simple to make and quick to satiate, the thing with cooking a plate of pasta is, you can either end up with a delectable treat or a gooey mess – it all comes down to correct ingredients and timings.

10 Kitchen Hacks To Make Your Summer A Breeze

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29 July 2017

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10 Kitchen Hacks To Make Your Summer A Breeze

If you’re experiencing the sweltering Dubai heat these days, the last thing you want to be doing is standing in the kitchen, cutting veggies and chopping fruits while sweating your hair off. And that’s when the pool party is about to begin.

Most summer party dishes like salads, pasta, and BBQ grills require a lengthy prep process that leaves you unnecessarily tired to enjoy the final meal. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Even the best chefs rely on their tried-and-tested shortcuts to minimise cooking preparations and keep their dishes flavourful for longer.

You've Been Reheating Your Leftover Pizza Wrong This Whole Time

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26 June 2017

Reheating Your Leftover Pizza

There aren’t many things in the world that can match the satisfaction of seeing a leftover slice of Pizza just sitting right there in the fridge…waiting to be devoured…by you and you alone.

TBH, a true pizza devotee (erm, that’s us) knows that the only way to order a pizza is X-Large so that you can save the leftover slices for late night craving. But reheating your slice the wrong way can leave you with a chewy crust and soggy toppings.

Professional Chefs Reveal 6 Common Mistakes That Amateurs Make

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6 June 2017

Common Kitchen  Mistakes That Amateurs Make

When it comes to kitchen experiments, we’ve all had our fair share of embarrassments. And as it turns out, professional chefs are the ones with the worst kind of experiences.

The only difference that makes them a PRO (and us amateurs) is that they don’t give up on a bad dish like we do. They spend hours perfecting the recipes, sauteeing the ingredients and measuring spices — till they get that restaurant-worthy result.

20 Genius Kitchen Gadgets To Make Your Life Easier

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28 May 2017

20 Kitchen Gadgets

Whether you’re a born chef or you still struggle with your scrambled eggs, there’s one kitchen rule you must never forget: Never say no to a handy kitchen gadget.

Your kitchen can either be a torture cell of constant cutting, peeling and dicing or it can bring you great happiness — it all comes down to the kitchen tools you invest in. Sure, you have all the basics sorted out, but it’s time to take things a notch up and make your cooking time stress-free.

19 Food Hacks That You Should Have Seen Sooner

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29 April 2017

Life saving food hacks

You may be a decent chef who knows his/her way around different knives. You might even have one or two cookbooks that you occasionally rely on to impress your guests plus, several of your favourite recipe websites are bookmarked and apps downloaded.

But does that mean you don’t need to learn a few hacks? Of course not. There is nothing such as too much knowledge and that rule applies to kitchen fixes too.
