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10 Exotic Foods That Can Actually Kill You

Posted on

23 April 2017

Exotic harmful foods

For some people (yes, us) food doesn’t go to the stomach; it touches the soul and goes straight to the heart. And of course, some exotic treats deserve a special place.

But would you believe if we say that some of these succulent cuisines can be fatal for you?

From the horrific Giant Bullfrog to the serene looking Stonefish, @TheRichest has created a list of 10 exotic foods that can actually kill you. So beware guys, it's not just heartbreak that kills you.

Spring Rolls Never Looked This Healthy Before

Posted on

17 April 2017

Healthy spring rolls

Unless you’ve invented a live photoshopping tool, it's not going to be possible to lose all the holiday weight for a beach-ready body — at least not with the hearty holiday meals and desserts.

An enviable summer body calls for sweat-breaking runs, fresh smoothies, juicy fruits, raw veggies and summer rolls.

Popularly known as Vietnamese spring rolls or salad rolls, these savoury bites are basically the uncooked version or flash-fried spring rolls or fried egg rolls.

This Is What 200 Calories Look Like: Junk vs. Healthy Food

Posted on

17 April 2017

200 calorie food items

Some of us eat to live and some — live to eat. For those of us who fall in the latter group, life is nothing but a bunch of food lies we tell ourselves. For instance:

Adding avocado to pizza makes it healthy? Yes, of course
Missing lunch means we can eat heavy dinner? Yes, again.
Taking the stairs to the office means I’m done with the cardio today? Obviously, yes.

10 Ridiculously Expensive Fruits Around The World

Posted on

17 April 2017

Expensive Fruits Around the world

For those who think eating loads of fruits and veggies is light on your pocket then it’s time to let go of your presumptions.

Sure, your fridge is full of fruits all worth under AED 30 that you keep munching but what if we tell you that the mother nature Earth is filled with exotic fruits that worth more than your fanciest dress?

These royal fruits aren’t available at your regular grocery stores nor can you find them at the snotty uptown organic shop in the city. They are kinds that require travel, timings and cash — loads and loads of eye-popping cash.

5 Incredibly Easy & Yummy Smoothies To Kick-start Your Day

Posted on

17 April 2017

Breakfast Smoothies

We know you love to put up your #BreakfastToday posts every day, especially if it’s impressively healthy and incredibly pretty aka smoothies.

Fresh, creamy and delicious — smoothies make for a healthy start to a sweltering summer morning when eggs are just too heavy to eat. This blended mix of fruits, veggies and yoghurts offer tonnes of nutrients, proteins and fibres that help keep you full and active until the next meal.

10 Common Foods You're Eating All Wrong

Posted on

16 April 2017

10 Common Foods You're Eatitng All Wrong

How many times have you cursed a poor cupcake just because it's delicious topping couldn't last all the way until the end? The fault here doesn't lie with the baker or with the innocent cupcake — it lies entirely on your shoulders.

And unfortunately, cupcakes aren’t the only items that suffer the injustice of our lack of culinary proprieties. The club also includes tacos, strawberries, leftover pizza and many other yummy treats.
