diamonds | ewmoda


Is It Always Quality vs. Affordability When It Comes to Diamonds?

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1 October 2017

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Is It Always Quality vs. Affordability When It Comes to Diamonds?

You really don’t need to compromise when you are choosing your engagement ring, you can get an excellent quality AND affordable ring. You might have thought that you would have to sacrifice quality to be able to afford a dazzling ring. Although it does unquestionably help having a larger budget to maximise every aspect of the ring. The reality is that this does not always make your ring visually superior. And in this day and age you don’t have to drop a year’s salary on a ring to find the perfect one for you.

A Guide to Giving Your Girl Jewellery as a Gift

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27 September 2017

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A Guide to Giving Your Girl Jewellery as a Gift

Jewellery has to be one of the best gifts a girl can receive. There are so many options and occasions which are perfectly marked with the appropriate piece. Jewellery is an everlasting gift, and traditional romantic gifts like flowers and chocolates are undoubtedly nice but likely to come and go in no time, leaving nothing behind. For your wife or girlfriend, a piece of jewellery is a lovely little reminder of you every time she wears it. Here are some ideas and tips to ace the art of gifting...

Have You Ever Wondered Where Diamonds Come From?

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30 August 2017

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Where do diamonds come from?

Looking down at that sparkling diamond on your finger, it’s easy to forget that the diamond has been through quite a journey to get from its naturally occurring state to the dazzling stone that adorns the ring. And it has been a long journey indeed, as the diamond was likely formed 3 million years ago beneath the surface of the earth, so your diamonds are probably the oldest things you will ever own! Good things come to those who wait, and although we adore diamonds around the world, few people actually know how it gets from Mother Nature to shop floor.

The 5 Best Places To Buy Diamonds In Dubai

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18 May 2017

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The 5 Best Places To Buy Diamonds In Dubai

For all the ladies who love owning diamonds, Dubai is one of the best, if not the best, place in the world to purchase diamonds and diamond engagement rings. This is primarily due to its tax-free status, a highly competitive local market as well as its position as one of the top 3 diamond trading centers in the world. These environmental factors have created a perfect storm for picking up a bargain!