need info on secondary education in france |

need info on secondary education in france

Latest post on 15 October 2014 - 10:03

we are looking to move to the poitiers area in france or down near Rodez.
The only issue is the education - as far as I can see, the education system is rather based on rote learning............and the international schools are all in the expensive areas....
any info is more than welcome. thanks

Latest post on 21 October 2014 - 08:38
Hi Mairam No, I went to school just outside Paris - at the Lycee International in St Germain-en-Laye. It is a fantastic school, and I *believe* there is a similar one in Toulouse (probably for Airbus expats). The great thing about international 'lycees' is that they enable your kids to experience the French system while maintaining their level of English and exposure to British culture. As such they come out perfectly bilingual and 'bicultural'. 'British' international schools, on the other hand, may be good at teaching the BC but would not expose them to French culture to the same extent. As such they may end up just living in an expat community and not really benefiting from their time in France (imo - others may disagree of course). They are also *much* more expensive. Mainstream French schools have a high standard, so it may be quite hard for your ds to adjust at first. But within a year of being totally immersed in the language he would probably be completely fluent. And if you say that he is good at languages, that's a great start. And the long term benefits of being exposed to the French system are fabulous - including access to (virtually) free university education. Feel free to email me on [email protected].
Latest post on 20 October 2014 - 16:54
White Orchid - did you go to school in Toulouse ? We are very tentative just because of the schooling. thks
Latest post on 16 October 2014 - 09:51
My children went to the local primary school and college. We live in a very rural part of France, and the nearest international school would be over 2 hrs drive. I think initially it was very hard for them to cope with the French language. We actually kept them off school for 5 months, so they could learn french at home and around the village , before going to school. Even in the primary school , the children learn English , although my children were learning German and Latin ..... Not a very popular lesson at the time !! The French way of life for children is lovely . Although I don't think they appreciate it even now ! Another issue was that I didn't speak french at all , so it was impossible for me to help the children with homework , or liase with teachers. Your children will definitely benefit from growing up in France, even if they don't realise it yet !!
Latest post on 15 October 2014 - 22:52
Hi mairam, Congratulations on your upcoming move. France is an amazing place and moving there is a fantastic opportunity for your kids. I went through the French system at both primary and secondary levels, although I had a 3 year break from 11-13 years. I'm interested to hear that you think it is based on rote learning though. Personally I would not sat that at all - quite the opposite. Granted, it is very academic but I don't recall learning much by heart at all. Far more emphasis is placed on how you structure your thoughts and present them in a logical manner. I attended an international school based on the French curriculum, but with additional lessons in English and history (taught through English). It was a fantastic way of achieving s bilingual education. I'm not sure whether there is any such school in Tours though (there is in Toulouse). I'm happy to answer any questions you may have on French schooling. Hth x
Latest post on 15 October 2014 - 20:50
12 years old and only done year 7 french, now starting year 8. However he finds languages easy compared to some children. Since last posting, I have found that there is an international school near tours called something like St.Denis. I am waiting for a reply from them but still keen on anyones experiences or knowledge. thanks
Latest post on 15 October 2014 - 13:42
How old are your children, and are they fluent french ?