11legs | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 29 September 2012 - 16:49
Thanks Taurusbaby and ScottishGal4. The kicking and moving shouldn't stop although it may become less frequent as you get bigger and there is less room. If you ever become worried about less movement have a glass of cold water, this wakes the baby up! Anyway I don't mind sharing my birth story which is a bit bizarre to say the least. Just to explain the first time around I was in the UK and after a long labour of around 27 hours, the doctors decided to do an emergency c section as my baby's heart rate had been high for a while and the baby was in distress. So the second time around here in Dubai I opted for an elective c section as I had been told that if you are in labour for 10-12 hours they would want to give you a c section so I thought what's the point in waiting all that time?! I was booked in for Wednesday, a week before my due date at 9 am. I had a feeling I wouldn't make it because the pressure down below had been intense for weeks. The baby moved down at around 33 weeks whereas the first baby tends to move down around 37 weeks. I have never experienced Braxton Hicks nor contractions that start and then stop and even the first time around it was only when the labour actually started that I had my first contraction. On Sunday night I was feeling a lot of pressure down below and it was coming in waves. I just thought it was part of my body's process of getting ready for the birth. I managed very little sleep and it stopped being so regular in the morning. It was happening about 3/4 times an hour as opposed to about every 10 minutes or so. I drove my daughter to nursery and even had one of these weird motions whilst driving, dangerous when I think about it now but hey I didn't think it was anything to worry about. At about 10am I started getting them again and thought I should phone the hospital. They of course asked me to go into the emergency room. Not expecting it to be anything of concern I left my bag at home and drove to hospital (probably shouldn't have done this either). I got to the hospital at about 1040 and they put the bands around my tummy and didn't think it was contractions I was having. The doctor examined me at 1100 and said no I wasn't in labour. I had also asked her to check me on Saturday at my last antenatal check up as I was very paranoid that something was going to happen and she had said no I was going to be fine for the planned section. By about 1130 the weird motions started coming more frequently and it just happened that a nurse came to check on me whilst one was happening. She told me that I was having contractions and that she would ask the doctor as I was not in labour. That was when the fun really started. As I was having contractions but not in labour, the doctor said that the only option was an emergency c section between 1-130 and this was at 1210. I started crying as the first time ended the same way and I had hopes for a lovely planned section - yeah right! The contractions became longer and intense. They were trying to prep me for the section and kept having to stop because I kept grabbing hold of anybody near me as the contractions were coming more quickly and more intense. Before I knew it I was 7 cm dilated, screaming, begging for drugs. They told me that there was no time for drugs so I believe my words were please kill me then! In what seemed like a few minutes I was told that I was fully dilated and had the urge to push. Without meaning to I pushed twice so then my doctor said Are you going to try naturally? At this point I was beside myself, screaming and absolutely going crazy so I said no please can I have a c section because I cannot take anymore. The next thing I knew they were putting an oxygen mask over my face saying I would be asleep shortly. I woke up at 3pm and my baby was born at 120. I can't get my head around the fact that I was supposedly not in labour at 1100 and had a baby just over 2 hours later. When I saw the doctors that had been with me when I was in labour on the wards they still couldn't get over how quickly it had all happened seeing as the first time around the labour had been so slow and I was not in labour when I arrived at the hospital. I think that if I had been in control or could have had drugs I would have tried naturally but it was never going to happen with the state I was in. The doctors jokingly said to me next time I could try naturally! Not sure if I can see even envisage what is going to happen in the next hour at the moment never mind another baby! We have now been home since Thursday and it seems to be ok. My toddler is slowly adapting to the baby. I am waiting for her to ask me when the baby is going home. The baby seems to like sleeping for long periods at night which I am not complaining about but I think could be shortlived. She is still a bit jaundiced so we had to go back to hospital today and have to go again on Monday. I think she is ok, just looks tanned! I would like to meet up soon and intend to go to the Bumps and Babes Monday coffee morning soon. My mother in law is here next week so I am not sure if we will go then. I hope that you are all feeling well and are not too nervous about the next stage. I hope that you all have lovely deliveries (apparently they do happen but just not for me :-( )
Latest post on 25 September 2012 - 07:45
Morning Ladies. Hope you are all feeling well and not too huge yet! Well I have some news for you... my princess arrived yesterday! She was supposed to arrive tomorrow by c-section but was obviously to get out into the world. Looking to hearing about other babies arriving.:)
Latest post on 08 September 2012 - 20:13
Hi ZiGo, I find that when you are pregnant the doctors seem to tell you something and get you all worried and it generally turns out to be nothing to worry about. I think in my first pregnancy my blood pressure went up towards the end which sparked a bit of a panic where my midwife monitored me closely for a few days but it was ok and I did read that this was not unusual because of the extra weight you are carrying. I hadn't thought about genetics and I think I may have been a bigger than average baby but second babies are often bigger. I have got everything in my hospital bag from size 1 nappies to snacks but I am going to check what the hospital provides so I don't duplicate anything. There was a post on here about what ladies thought was a good idea to put in your bag. It would be worth a search. I had two separate bags the first time around, one for me and one for the baby. I came unstuck though when I went to hospital to be checked out when my waters had broken and contractions had not started because I didn't end up leaving the hospital until 5 days later. I didn't think to take the baby's bag as I thought I would be going home. Don't know about a oxigenifier - never heard of one of those. Bumps and Babes is an Expat Woman Coffee Morning for mums to be and those with babies. They meet every Monday at either Mall of The Emirates (MOE) or Dubai Mall. This Monday it is at MOE at Costa Coffee near Ski Dubai. I used to go when my daughter was smaller and not mobile. Perhaps see you there?
Latest post on 05 September 2012 - 18:28
Hi everyone. Hope you are well and not too uncomfortable. What an eventful couple of days! My insurance company told us fibs about maternity benefits last year so as a result we did as suggested and signed up to the government hospital to lessen the potential shortfall. However, they stopped paying antenatal claims so I queried it and good job I did. They told me some more rubbish about me having double the amount I thought I had to spend on the delivery. We then queried this further through my husbands HR department and it turns out if I had chosen a hospital on the network such as City, American, Medcare etc everything would have been covered despite being more expensive than where I was. As a result I have now changed hospital at 36 weeks! and am now going to deliver at Medcare as the insurance company, despite being in the wrong would not meet the shortfall from Latifa hospital (despite it being much less than any of the private hospitals that they will now have to pay out for?!). The only issue to deal with now is the fact that Latifa has got a thing about my baby being too big so I need to repeat the sugar test without the nasty drink. Medcare are arranging this despite saying they thought the baby was a bit big. I wouldn't mind but they are talking about doing the c-section in 3 weeks time and I wonder if it is worth all the fuss but they know best! I am looking forward to not being pregnant anymore but a bit nervous about number 2 arriving. I am so uncomfortable as she has been down for a few weeks and sometimes I struggle to even walk as the pains in my legs are quite bad. My back isn't great either. Never mind not long to go now... I am going to try my best to go to MOE for Bumps and Babes on Monday. Lisa (who runs it) said that there are a few ladies at similar stages to us. bye for now
Latest post on 03 September 2012 - 09:34
Welcome ZiGo and congratulations! I have just put together my hospital bag and look like I a going away for a month! I think I should check what they provide at the hospital as I have heard that they may have stuff that I don't need to take. I am going to try and go to the Bumps and Babes meet next Monday but as my toddler starts nursery that day I am not sure how it will go. I find out tomorrow when D day is!! Am nervous and excited!
Latest post on 29 August 2012 - 13:32
I had treatment with the Fakih clinic at the end/beginning of this year and am expecting a baby girl very shortly. I saw Dr F for the initial appointment and the egg transfer and he seemed fine. I then saw Dr Amal after that and she was really nice and took time to explain what was happening. Once it was confirmed that I had been successful I had my first few scans with Dr Amal. She then explained that she wouldn't always be able to see me for my scans and throughout the course of the pregnancy because she was so busy with patients and 3 children so asked if I didn't mind seeing other doctors and I now see Dr Roya. I didn't mind and Dr Roya has been fine. She doesn't say as much but perhaps there is not much to say as this is my second pregnancy and has been straightforward. My experience with the clinic has been positive and I would happily recommend them to anyone.
Latest post on 28 August 2012 - 12:02
Hi Ladies, How are you all doing? I have had a crazy couple of weeks with my toddler not sleeping and issues with the villa we have moved into but hopefully these issues will be resolved shortly. I have also started potty training my toddler as it was suggested that she was showing signs. So far I haven't managed to get her to do anything in the toilet or the potty but she likes taking pull ups off and being naked! I have opted for a c-section this time and at Latifa hospital they like to do it before your due date so I suppose you don't go into labour. This means the arrival of second bundle of joy is getting closer! They are going to confirm the date next Tuesday. It could be as soon as 3 weeks time! I am excited and nervous all at the same time. Latifa hospital did explain that they were shortstaffed in the sonography department hence the reason for the scans being booked at odd times. The doctor I saw this time asked me to arrange a scan privately along with two other tests so they can decide when to do book in the c-section. As I am supposed to have 2 scans included in my package I will ask about reimbursement for the one that they have requested I arrange privately. I had hoped to go to some Bumps and Babes coffee mornings before the second baby comes but I may only have a week between my toddler starting nursery and the baby coming so I am not sure if it will work. I am struggling with sleep at the moment in addition to my toddlers sleep issues so may want to use the time when she will be at nursery to sleep! But I will definitely be there when she arrives as I will want to be out chatting with other mums. Anyway my delightful toddler is happily throwing DVDs around the front room so I'd best go and sort her out!!
Latest post on 01 August 2012 - 06:42
Hi All. Welcome to Dubai Gingerdee - hope you are managing in the heat! I have been quiet for a few weeks as we moved to a villa and do not have internet yet. At the moment I am sitting in my hotel room in Goa which has both internet and TV! Yay! It is also 30 degrees here and quite windy with the odd rain shower so it is bliss compared to Dubai at the moment but hey we will be back to the sandpit soon enough! I had my glucose test a few weeks back and they said it was fine. The drink was pretty horrid. I have pretty much made up my mind to have a c-section this time and have told the hospital. They have given me an idea of when it would be and it is only about 8 weeks away... All of a sudden it is starting to become real. As this is my second it shouldn't come as a surprise but it has!! My sleep has been up and down for a while now and I know it is my body preparing me for what is to come. My hips have been better this time around. Last time a friend gave me a piece of foam to put on top of the mattress but under the sheet and this helped me greatly. This time I am sleeping with a wedge under my bump and a pillow between my legs and it is ok. Just feels a bit crowded when I am trying to sleep! Gaviscon is the way to go. I drank gallons of the stuff the first time around and this time I have tried to limit myself to when the indigestion/heartburn is really bad. Being a stay at home with an active toddler I don't think it would be a good idea to try and go any bumps and babes meets until my daughter starts nursery in September. She would not want to sit quietly and let me chat to any mums. I have worked out that there will be about 2/3 weeks between my daughter starting nursery and the baby coming so I think I will definitely need to be getting to coffee mornings to chat to other mums to be able to cope! Anyway hope everyone is well and enjoying the last trimester before the fun starts!
Latest post on 12 July 2012 - 17:39
I am currently registered at Latifa hospital and have appointments every month. I registered with Al Safa clinic when I was about 14 weeks. When I got my referral letter I rang and got an appointment 2/3 weeks later. At the first appointment they took the payment of 5000 aed and did blood tests. I was there for 3 hours. I booked my scan at the same time which was when I was 23 weeks. I think you need to be persistent with the govt health centres and hospitals to get anywhere. Latifa is supposed to be one of best for maternity so it is worth pursuing. Good luck! I know how frustrating it can be.
Latest post on 30 June 2012 - 21:59
Hi Lilypad28, I am sorry but I have not heard of Al Bahara hospital so can't help there. You need to call Latifa hospital before 2/230pm (can't remember exactly what time) but I am not sure that there is much point until you have a health card. I know its very busy there so it might just have been bad timing to find no one there last weekend. A week day would probably be better. I got my health card from Al Bada'aa clinic even though I had been to Safa twice and they have written on my health card that Safa is my local clinic?. You have to take all of your papers, i.e. tenancy contract, passport copy, husband/sponsors passort copy etc. There is probably more information on here or on the DHA website as to what you need to take exactly. I did it a few months back and it took a few goes to get it right. I think it cost 210 AED and I had to pay in cash. You can't make an appointment so its a good idea to go in the morning. Once you have the health card then you need to register with your local clinic. I registered at Safa who asked me for details of the pregnancy. They then gave me a referral letter for Latifa. At this point you can then phone Latifa to make an appointment. It take a bit of time to get this sorted so I would advise you to do this as soon as you can so you can get your anomaly scan booked to make sure everything is ok with your baby. Good luck.
Latest post on 28 June 2012 - 17:37
Hi Lilypad28, I think I rang Latifa hospital when I was around 14 weeks and they explained that I needed to be referred through a local clinic. Once I had been to Safa clinic and had the referral letter I phoned them back and got an appointment which was about 2 weeks later when I was about 16 weeks. I decided on Latifa because my insurance doesn't fully cover any of the private hospitals and I have read that if there is an emergency then Latifa is the place that you would be referred to providing that you are registered with them. I did read that some private hospitals (none were named specifically) could not deal with all pregnancy complications so for peace of mind I registered with Latifa. I think Latifa is fine but I have nothing to compare it to as I had my first child in the UK. There is a lot of waiting when you have your appointments, usually at least an hour after your allotted time and you never see the same doctor but the nurses are friendly enough. I did read that some pregnant ladies continue with their private gynaecologist and also attend check ups at the hospital. I couldn't afford to do this although I can understand why. You have to ask questions and make sure you are happy with what you are told as the hospital is very busy and appointments are quick. With private healthcare you are likely to have the same doctor and more time to discuss any queries at appointments. This is my second baby so I don't have many questions except wanting to know about the delivery and my options. Just so that you are aware the scans that you require may not be at the time you expect them. e.g. my 20 week anomaly scan was at 23 weeks and I think someone else had to wait until 28 weeks for their anomaly scan. However, you have probably had scans elsewhere so this may not be an issue if you have to wait a while for your anomaly scan. I would prefer it if the hospital was closer to where I live as I am not used to being more than a walk away from the nearest hospital but this is Dubai and everywhere is generally a car journey away. It might be a idea to visit the private hospital that you are contemplating to see how you feel about it. I don't think you can visit Latifa hospital but am not sure. Anyway hope this helps with your decision. It is a relief once you have registered somewhere!
Latest post on 27 June 2012 - 08:22
Morning All. Hope everything is ok Scottish Gal. There is nothing worse than doctors not reading notes properly and making judgements and drawing conclusions on half the information. We are definitely moving in mid July but not sure of the exact date yet. Maisa - I had another check up at Latifa hospital yesterday. I saw a different doctor who was better than the last. The nurse I had was really nice and wanted to make sure that I was getting everything I should with my package. With the package you are entitled to 2 scans, namely 12 week and 20 week, however, I had already had my 12 week scan elsewhere. The nurse said that she wanted me to get my moneys worth and said I should book another scan. I did laugh as the earliest slot they had was 27 September! I might have had the baby by then!!. I explained to the lady who then found a cancellation on 20 September. I can't quite see the point of it but as the nurse said I have paid for it. After the sonographer not saying much at the scan, the doctor looked at the paperwork and said the baby looks perfect but the sonographer was a bit concerned as there is slightly too much water. It would have been nice to have known at the time but I guess its not that serious otherwise they would have got me back sooner. I am now having a Glucose Tolerance Test to check for Gestational Diabetes (I think from my reading) to see if this is why there is too much water. I am hoping that this is nothing to worry about and that it will sort itself out. The doctor said that I need to decide at 34 weeks about my delivery; i.e. c-section or natural. I am swayed towards a c-section at the moment but she was saying that if I have a c-section for this baby (first being an emergency) then I could have only one more so it depends how big a family I want. I can only just about get my head around two never mind anymore than three.
Latest post on 20 June 2012 - 15:01
I think that the process must have changed recently as I have had all of my antenatal appointments at Latifa hospital. I would have preferred to have had them at my local clinic.
Latest post on 20 June 2012 - 14:55
We got pregnant with Dr Fakih and his team earlier this year. When I first approached the clinic I wanted to know whether I had to act sooner rather than later to have another child (the first being IVF too but I had the treatment in the UK). He was very good and ordered the relevant tests which revealed that I had no time to lose. I found that at the DGFC they wanted to start treatment straight away which is not what I had wanted and I just wanted to know whether I could delay having more treatment until next year. We paid the 28k in two installments, one at the start of the egg stimulation and one at the egg retrieval. I have heard of a place called Bourne House where you can have IVF treatment but I couldn't tell you anymore than that. Good luck to all of you and I hope that you are successful.
Latest post on 20 June 2012 - 14:39
Is it wrong that your post has made me smile Salster?!
Latest post on 20 June 2012 - 14:29
Hi all. Hope you are well. Good luck Scottish Gal - hope everything is ok. We are looking at moving to a villa in July but its all up in the air at the moment as we have found a villa but the contract is awful so it may come to nothing. So this means I am not sure when would be good in July as we were looking to move mid July. I will keep an eye out on here as to when people can make and hope that I can too. I have another appointment next Tuesday at Latifa hospital so fingers crossed I meet a nice doctor who will read my notes properly and not make me feel stupid :)
Latest post on 12 June 2012 - 08:46
Hi. Having just gone through a successful course of treatment with dr fakih I can say the 28000 aed doesn't cover all the pretreatment tests they do nor the blood tests after transfer nor the medication they advise you to take. I think you are looking at around 35000 aed at least. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
Latest post on 10 June 2012 - 15:29
Hi everyone. Haven't been on here for a couple of weeks and there are lots more ladies all due around the same time which is great. Congratulations to Scurry77, *Jules*, Barmy Army, Maisa, Leenavay and Nyle!! Maisa - my experience with Latifa hospital is a bit strange to be honest. I had a my 12 week scan elsewhere so they said that they would do the 20 week scan which was actually 23 week scan. I have had 2 appointments so far with different doctors. The second doctor was a bit abrupt to be honest and I had said that I wanted to ask questions. She seemed to want to rush me and dismissed some of what I asked about making me feel a bit stupid for asking. Perhaps it was a language thing or me being a bit sensitive. Hopefully she will not be doing the next appointment at the end of June. I had my 23 week scan this morning which was odd. I am used to being able to see the baby the whole way through the scan but sonographer only showed me at the end. I asked for photos but she said I had to pay. So I said ok as it was 10 AED per photo but none of them were any good as they were pictures of the face or the legs etc not a picture of the whole baby. So far I have had 2 appointments as I said one in mid April and at the end of May. I did read that there would be 6 which is different to other private hospitals where you have 12. They are extremely busy there and I have waited at least an hour for each appointment and even for the scan this morning which I thought would have been quicker but never mind. At my last appointment I did try and ask about natural and c-sections and the response was very confusing. They seem to be saying that they assess you at different times for each which I found a bit odd as I don't know what I want to do and need advice. I was told that I am classed as a high risk pregnancy which I didn't understand and when I asked why it was clear she had not read my notes properly. I am sure things will become clearer and I certainly will not be asking to see the same doctor as last time again. What I would really like to know is the policy in Dubai hospitals for being overdue. In the UK they leave you for about 2 weeks and assess you regularly. If you don't want to be induced you are monitored very carefully to ensure the baby doesn't get too big. I have not heard of anyone being overdue but I haven't spoken to that many people who have had babies here. I am going on holiday for 2 weeks during Ramadan and will be getting a fitness to fly certificate from the hospital. Anyway ladies I hope you are all feeling well and enjoying your pregnancies.
Latest post on 10 June 2012 - 15:07
Hi ladies! I’m so glad I found this thread. I’m at 18 and a half weeks with my first – due 13th October – and rather nervous about the whole thing! Congratulations to all of you, it sounds like there’s a few of us. I’m fairly new to Dubai so really keen to discuss things on here and meet up as well if anyone’s up for that – would be great to share it with people going through the same thing. I won’t be able to go to the coffee mornings (unless they’re at the weekend?) as I work in the week. We’re seeing Dr Grace at Dubai Mall Medical Centre and she delivers at City Hospital. She’s been really good so far, and I’ve heard City Hospital is excellent, although we haven’t looked around it yet. Just over a week till we find out if it’s boy or girl! Is everyone else going to find out? taurusbaby and 11legs you're having girls! How exciting. I've been to Prenatal Yoga at Exhale in JBR a couple of times – has been really good and I’m going to try to go most Saturdays I think. Have just started getting more energy and feeling less sick in the last week or so, so it feels good to actually do a bit of (gentle!) activity. You can just pay as you go at that branch, so I assume it’s the same at MotorCity. Aqua aerobics would be brilliant – let me know if you find anywhere that does it champagneblonde! I'm going back to the UK for a couple of weeks at the end of June, can't wait. And I too just did a big maternity shop. Feels so much more comfortable wearing clothes that fit properly around the little bump - work trousers were becoming a bit of a struggle! Barmy Army and 11legs – when are you due? Hope everyone is doing well, look forward to hearing updates! xxx Hi Jules. My due date is 3 October.
Latest post on 16 May 2012 - 15:45
I have travelled with BA, Virgin and Emirates and prefer Emirates out of all 3. The bassinet looked uncomfortable on the Virgin flight as my lo couldn't lie flat. The BA was much better as was the Emirates one. Hope this helps! P.s if you are flying on your own with your los the staff are really helpful.
Latest post on 16 May 2012 - 15:40
Congratulations Barmy Army, Flowerd and Gingerdee! This pregnancy seems to be flying by. I am halfway through now, just another 20 weeks to go :). How are you all feeling? I am just tired now, the sickness seems to have gone which is nice. I am starting to feel more movements which is really nice. Gingerdee - we moved to Dubai last July and it is absolutely roasting then. Unfortunately it is already in the low 40s and set to get hotter so enjoy the colder weather in the UK. Flowerd - I am not taking pregnancy dha but I am taking pregnacare and calcium tablets. I had a scan a couple of weeks back and found out that I am having another girl! It does make life easier having already had a girl. I am having my next scan is just under 3 weeks which will be the anomaly scan so they can confirm for sure then. Is anyone planning on going back to their home country over summer? I am planning to go on holiday but only for a couple of weeks.
Latest post on 21 April 2012 - 16:49
When I was pregnant with my first baby I had 2 cats and it was fine. I asked my husband to clear out the litter tray and if he was away then I used rubber gloves. We had our cats until my LO was 8 months when we moved to Dubai and never had any problems. Our cats were short haired so I don't know if that makes a difference with your cats being long haired. I could not have beared to have given my cats away when I was pregnant so I hope you don't have to do that. Perhaps other ladies on here know more...
Latest post on 21 April 2012 - 16:41
Congratulations ScottishGal4 and Champagneblonde! I didn't find out the XXX at my 12 week scan. They couldn't tell because it was probably too early. Unfortunately my 20 week scan will in fact be at 23 weeks so a bit longer to wait to find out unless I am offered any scans before then. When I was pregnant with my first I did some yoga towards the end of the pregnancy and it was really nice. I wish I had discovered it earlier but never mind. Re Expat Woman Bumps and Babes coffee mornings. When we arrived in Dubai last summer my daughter and I went to the mornings and they were fine. My intention is to go again when my daughter starts nursery in September as she is now walking and will not simply sit in one place for too long. This doesn't bode well for coffee mornings. Lisa who runs them is very friendly and has 2 boys herself. I think anytime would be a good time to start going to the coffee mornings as there are bound to be other mums to be there who would love to share experiences and chat. I am still feeling very shattered even though I am in the second trimester but that might be to do with baby no 1!
Latest post on 16 April 2012 - 16:09
Congratulations! to you both too. Sorry to hear that your husband lost his job Newhannah. You never know what will happen as you say. Hopefully you won't have to leave Dubai. Well our insurance is not great so I am going to give Queen Latifa a go. I have my first appointment tomorrow so fingers crossed it will be ok. I am excited and nervous and all those things. My due date is 3 October. I have heard very good things about City hospital and American hospital so good luck with choosing. I don't know about you but it is a bit of minefield. In the UK where I am from you don't have so much choice which is much easier. Anyway good luck to you both!
Latest post on 13 October 2011 - 14:01
M People - Moving on up A man needs a woman like a fish needs a bicycle... I meant a woman needs a man.... - dur! Dozey me! <em>edited by 11legs on 13/10/2011</em>
Latest post on 26 September 2011 - 12:02
Just found out that my husband has a medical card - presumably my baby and me need one each too to be able to use the government clinics and thereby getting baby vaccinations free. Sorry for sounding dumb but I am clueless about the health system here. I have been spoilt in the UK with the NHS where I suppose we took it for granted...
Latest post on 26 September 2011 - 11:31
I have got an insurance card for Metlife Allico - is that what you mean or do you mean something different?
Latest post on 26 September 2011 - 10:31
thanks AnonDubai but can I ask where it is and what it is called? We have only been in Dubai for 2 months so still finding our feet
Latest post on 26 September 2011 - 10:10
Morning Ladies, Is there a travel clinic in Dubai where you can get your vaccinations? Ideally I would like to avoid being slapped with a 300AED bill for going to a doctor to be told that we don't need any travel vaccinations. In your experience is it normal for baby vaccinations not to be covered by insurance? I am a bit annoyed that our claim has been rejected for a vaccination that it was suggested that our 11 month old should have because she now lives in Dubai. Thanks
Latest post on 25 September 2011 - 13:54
Could it be First Gulf Bank?
Latest post on 24 September 2011 - 11:47
Morning Ladies, We are new to Dubai and been here about 2 months. I have felt all the things that you have posted on this thread. I try and be positive but sometimes its just too hard when things don't happen how you expect. I don't think we have settled in just yet but things are getting better. It wasn't so long ago when I thought if I went home for a couple of weeks this would help. I didn't go because I had no passport as it was with the PRO sorting out our Visa for a while but now I think that if I had I may have wanted to stay and not come back which would not have helped. I have decided to find a job so that my little one (aged 11months) can go to nursery and meet lots of other babies and children from all over the world and I can meet some new people too. I hope that the other ladies on this thread can start to feel better about being here and it would be great to meet up with other mums. I am no way glam and am a bit rubbish at getting dressed up - think I still dress like a student despite the fact that was 15 years ago!!
Latest post on 20 September 2011 - 13:14
Hi Maplemimi, sorry to hear you lost your baby at 4 months. Lots of luck with the embryo transfer when you try it again. It would be lovely for you if just by chance you got pregnant naturally. I am trying not to lose hope but it is alll just so emotional and stressful. At the moment my husband and I are trying to come to a decision on whether we have treatment again now or later. I want to know if time is on my side or not as when we had our treatment I got the impression that we had to crack on. I don't want to miss out by leaving it too long. Good luck to you!
Latest post on 15 September 2011 - 22:53
thanks twinsmum. I think I need to pursue this further and will look at dgfc. I looked at the website for Dr Faikih and it says that one of the criteria for treatment (if we decide to do it again) is for the FSH to be below 10. My result could have been a fluke and not mean anything but it could mean everything. I read on another thread that you have had your twins through IVF and are pregnant with a third also through IVF - congratulations to you!! I think it is really helpful to be able to chat to other mums who have been through the same experience so thanks very much.
Latest post on 28 August 2011 - 18:00
41 +1 - finished work at 36 weeks thinking I wanted 2 weeks and then was ready for my baby to arrive. Instead she kept me waiting! Enjoy your last weeks and try and get as much sleep as possible!
Latest post on 25 August 2011 - 08:56
We were going to go to Jordan for Eid but the flights were 2500 AED each which we thought was a bit on the dear side as we only wanted to go for 3/4 days. After reading this I think that we will try and go in November.
Latest post on 18 August 2011 - 13:59
Hi. I recently took my LO to Dr Khan (Cooper Clinic) and he said that if we intended on staying in Dubai for a longer time he strongly recommended giving the TB jab. He said it is more common here than at home (UK). He went onto say that he would only give it at 13 months. He did also train in the UK I believe so that gives me a bit more confidence in what he says. The issue I have is that we are here for a min. of 2 years and then subject to agreement we could stay another 2 years. I have got until November/December to decide what to do. I think I asked if it would make my LO sick and he said no it would just be a bit scabby and pussy. Not sure if this helps you anymore.
Latest post on 18 August 2011 - 12:08
thanks so much babyangel. Will definitely seek out this coffee mornings. My email address is [email protected].
Latest post on 14 August 2011 - 17:31
Hi, Thanks Pentel - I have been going to the Monday meetings and have chatted with loads of mums. My little one has enjoyed interacting with the other babies. I think that the way to do this next year is to arrange to go back to the UK for a couple of weeks or go on holiday - that seems to be what most mums have done. I have now been to the aquarium at the Dubai Mall. I enjoyed it although, I think my little one enjoyed people watching more! I have also discovered Peekaboo which is nice when they are singing nursery rhymes and doing 'groove time'. Childrens City sounds promising so will look into this a bit further - thanks Schmoo.
Latest post on 11 August 2011 - 10:08
Are there certain ones that are banned? The reason I ask is that I saw some on sale in the Early Learning Centre before I left the UK last month and they were also on sale here. I have also been recommended to get some from Ace hardware store although I haven't made it there yet as we have no car and am not sure we could direct a taxi driver.
Latest post on 05 August 2011 - 11:31
Infacol is good but not sure it works instantly. If it is wind you could try rubbing your little ones tummy in a clockwise direction or I used to put my baby on her front (watch for sick) to wind her. Good luck!
Latest post on 04 August 2011 - 16:43
thanks for cheering me up ladies.
Latest post on 03 August 2011 - 21:01
Hi there, We are living in Marina Heights - almost opposite Spinneys.
Latest post on 03 August 2011 - 16:26
thanks faireycakeyumm. They didn't tell me that but then they want me to sign up to 12 classes
Latest post on 03 August 2011 - 14:27
I checked at favourite things and you have to pay for 12 classes upfront, cannot just go to individual sessions.
Latest post on 03 August 2011 - 11:27
Thanks Brummie Bird. I think someone did tell me that you could pay per session and it was about 60AED but not sure.
Latest post on 03 August 2011 - 10:43
Hi Brummie Bird, We are new to the Marina area and are looking for baby groups to join. Would you mind providing a bit more detail about what Boogie Babies is and how long a term is please? 780AED seems steep but then I am used to UK prices for groups. thanks
Latest post on 01 August 2011 - 17:11
Sorry pollydxb, I am from the UK
Latest post on 01 August 2011 - 17:05
It is called Rotavirus in the UK as well and no they don't offer the vaccination. My god daughter had it and when her mum asked why she could not have been vaccinated against it, the response was along the lines of all children get it at some point or have been exposed to it. Someone I met her said that their clinic insisted on vaccinating her baby but when I phoned the Cooper Clinic they said my daughter didn't need it??
Latest post on 01 August 2011 - 17:01
When I was pregnant I had a lot of what has been listed here. I got cold after cold for the first trimester. I read somewhere that where your body is adapting to allow the baby to grow your blood vessels expand, hence the reason for nasal problems and carpal tunnel syndrome. My CTS got so bad from 6/7 months I had to sleep with wrist splints on which were also uncomfortable but it was better than not having them. My feet used to swell like balloons! And the indigestion was incredible but my baby girl has a great head of hair! Curries and spicy food used to cause all kinds of problems. What fun it was!!
Latest post on 01 August 2011 - 16:53
Hi, I was at MOE this afternoon and can confirm that Sezzam is open and so is the Aspen Bakery, probably because they are linked to the Kempinski Hotel. thanks