AirHostie |


Latest post on 23 January 2015 - 18:42
surrey610 is it okay to ask you a question? I was wondering if you are insured for your pregnancy or are you having to pay for delivery? Im asking because my husband has just moved to Riyadh and We were hoping to starting trying for a baby however, I don't know whether to wait until i have got my iqama and under his insurance (could take 6 months plus) or just starting trying. Im not sure if insurance will cover if im already pregnant? Hope everything goes well - don't worry I think ur in safe hands in Dubai - i might even go there to give birth over Riyadh!
Latest post on 21 January 2015 - 23:06
Thank you so much for reply. I was panicking because I was hoping to give birth in Saudi but I don't think I'll be covered by insurance if I don't have residency by the time I give birth (not pregnant yet but was hoping to be soon!)
Latest post on 04 September 2014 - 00:26
Thanks for that. Yeah there seemed like too many available and quite a high price. Sent alarm bells ringing. Coupled with the talk of them on forums. I think he will stick to Viva Bahriya. Seems not bad place to be
Latest post on 31 August 2014 - 12:31
Anyone? Would really be helping me out!
Latest post on 29 July 2014 - 17:13
So quite alot of insurance doesn't cover maternity even if you get pregnant after you get cover? Might be better to stay at home. If it was a straightforward birth that would be fine but incase of emergencies it seems like costs could rise.
Latest post on 02 May 2013 - 15:52
Have you tried Virgin? Flights are pretty quiet to the point where there are rumours onboard that DXB will be cancelled
Latest post on 13 April 2013 - 02:27
Your pram will come out on the baggage carousel at T3 which is a bit of a pain. I think unless you can wrap it up or buy a travel bag your going to run the risk of it being damaged. However, make sure you check it really carefully for damage before you leave the carousel. Then if there is some damage, even a few bad scratches there is a baggage desk for Virgin at the carousel and they will take care of it. Even take pictures of the pram before the flight. Means you have proof it was in good condition before it went on the plane. What date are you flying on? Are you flying economy, premium or upper class?
Latest post on 04 November 2012 - 22:58
Thanks for the info ladies. Just had a look at roadworks, what a pity, I don't mind too much traffic but I can imagine it will be a nightmare. Not in Dubai just there constantly with work. We had always assumed my husband would be transferred to Dubai but seems like they need him more in Doha, guess all the building work! I'll have a look at other options, maybe Al Waab or something
Latest post on 03 November 2012 - 23:59
Ill have a look at Al Jazi. I did fancy The Pearl. Is the traffic bad from the Pearl down to the Sheraton? Its so hard to do this when I've never been to Doha! We always thought it would be Dubai and I know it like the back of my hand but Doha is like a mystery!!
Latest post on 22 October 2012 - 03:45
Heathrow will never ever bring buggies to the door anymore. It's ridiculous because they then don't provide a buggy service at Heathrow. It depends which airline you are flying with and what sort of buggy you have. If it is a quiet flight and its a fold up buggy then you might just MIGHT find a nice stewardess who will put it in the hatrack for you.A couple on a flight of mine recently didn't get the buggy tagged and assumed we could put it in the hatrack so just left it at the door for us. The groundstaff told me just to leave it at Heathrow I was like eh no I'll find a space for it. So make sure your buggy is tagged just in case. This sounds a bit extreme but I would avoid Heathrow if you can when you have kids, its just such a long walk without a buggy or many willing people to help you
Latest post on 11 October 2012 - 02:32
Hello Lec, I can def answer this for you. At Heathrow buggies can be brought to the aircraft door, just make sure its tagged for the hold. Sometimes they make you fold it down at the top of the jetway and sometimes at the actual door. Dont worry about a cheap stroller, you will be fine with yours. The flight is quite quiet so you should be able to spread out! Enjoy the flight!
Latest post on 04 October 2012 - 22:49
That's a second for Strasbourg! I used to live there and it is so beautiful at Christmas! Plenty to do including visit to the cathedral. They bring a massive tree in from the Black Forest and decorate it in the square. Makes the Christmas tree at the Rockafella centre in New York look puny! There is usually a good opera production that goes on also in a beautiful old opera house. Well worth going.
Latest post on 07 September 2012 - 19:30
Not sure what happened here but so many times people combine alcohol, nerves and sleeping tablets and it makes for a very bad combination. I had a man in first class strip naked, bent over and starting blowing kisses from his as@*hol@. He had taken sleeping tablets and drunk alcohol and was mortified in the morning! Really feel for the poor Emirates crew.
Latest post on 29 June 2012 - 21:36
The crew were literally having a tug of war with the passengers and their luggage. I think the best thing to remember is that if an alarm goes off even if you cant see fire or smoke or danger follow your instincts and get somewhere safe.
Latest post on 29 June 2012 - 00:32
Unfortunately it doesn't matter what has happened in history people never learn! A recent incident at my work proved that. Crew had to evacuate the aircraft on ground because they were told a fire warning was going off in the cockpit. There was no sign of fire but it's impossible to really tell as the system indicated it was in the cargo hold. The crew were screaming at people to get off as they are trained to do. They screamed at people to leave all their stuff behind and get out quickly. People just started at them and started to get their luggage out the overhead lockers and walking to the exit. As they could see no fire they didn't know of any danger. The crew were vilified in the press for overreacting but it is exactly as we are trained to do and if people don't take us seriously then that's their issue. All you can do is know if a fire alarm goes off just get somewhere safe and screw all the idiots that don't take it seriously. It's unbelievable that the hotels haven't go e through their fire drills rigorously!
Latest post on 03 March 2012 - 17:05
Thanks Ladies, ill have a look at her stuff
Latest post on 27 January 2012 - 02:59
Reason we aren't allowed to hold babies without being strapped in to a seat at my airline is because at another airline the crew were looking after a baby in galley while mum was at toilet. Crewmember decided to sit baby on galley surface, baby falls off onto the floor, crewmember picks baby up and gives it back to mum without tell her the child has just suffered a major blow to the head, baby has to go into hospital and subsequently suffers brain damage. So no Solo, I would rather not hold your child for you because 1. your child is not my responsibility and 2. I wouldn't want a stranger holding onto my baby. I would prefer to help carry bags or open a buggy
Latest post on 24 January 2012 - 23:11
Thanks girls. So from the actualy Burj Khalifa it is only about 5 mins? so doable you would say in summer.
Latest post on 17 January 2012 - 22:43
Eating in Edinburgh is great. Hundreds of great restaurants and cafe. If your looking for michelin star go to Number 1 in the Balmoral, Castle Terrace or Tom Kitchin's restaurant The Kitchin. Great restaurants on George street if your looking for something a bit cheaper like The living Room, Tiger Lily, Tonic (for amazing cocktails), George hotel. Also the Tower Restaurant on the top of National Museum or Harvey Nicols 4th floor restaurant. South Queensferry is good for a nice walk along the beach and near to the Forth Road/Rail bridge which is a good walk if your into outdoors things. There is also a boatride out the Firth of forth which is good fun. Enjoy! You will have amazing time! enjoy!
Latest post on 13 January 2012 - 23:36
Haha they are just rank! It doesn't happen that often to be honest. Luckily. If I was a passenger though I would be going mental! It's just so inconsiderate to others
Latest post on 11 January 2012 - 15:58
Don't worry doll. Our airline is still sending us to Lagos. We would be stopped from going if the company thought there was any danger to us. We are never allowed to leave the hotel as a rule in Lagos anyway. You husband will be fine. I'll let you know if we get any information that changes the situation although Im sure your husbands company will do the same!
Latest post on 10 January 2012 - 20:27
Aw boak I totally feel for you!!! I have actually had to drag a guy off a girl in our Upper Class cabin (they were staff passengers of course!) because it is not appropriate to lie in a bed together infront of other customers who really dont want to see that. If the crew were short staffed i can understand them not noticing they drank alot. Sometimes its hard to walk through the cabin and not get about 20 requests for different things so you then are so absorbed in trying to remember those 20 requests you dont notice what is going on around you. Having said that It is SO SO SO obvious when people are drinking their own alcohol. I don't know about Emirates but at my airline there is no way crew wouldn't notice. Typical signs are people asking for lots of soft drinks or if your walking through the cabin you can just smell it in the air. Its as abnormal a smell as smoke in the cabin. You notice it straight away. I think the best thing you can do in that situation is don't bother confronting them, go straight to the crew. Unfortunately when you fly Emirates you get people from different cultures, who english isn't their first language and who might not have the confidence to confront people and tell them off. You should however, let the crew know and tell them how disgusting it is. I and many other crew love nothing better than embarrassing passengers who are causing problems. It makes my day!! It really irritates me to hear that crew haven't got the balls to do something about you problem. Emirates crew are lovely and I've never had a bad experience, but i think all those cultures, languages etc can cause big problems onboard when it comes to dealing with situations. Sorry you had to put up with that and never feel like you can't go and speak to the crew (discreetly i think is best) in the galley. I don't know why people think thats an acceptable way to act on a plane. People do the strangest things. Just last week a guy (right in front of me) threw his dinner tray on the floor. I was just clearing in! He wouldn't never do that at home i bet but on a plane anything goes i guess!
Latest post on 05 January 2012 - 18:01
Hi Xiana I am 24 and for the last 2 years have had quite a bit of cellulite on my bum and thighs. Its gutting being 22 and having cellulite. Im 5ft 8 and a size ten so you can see it happens to anyone of any size and age. I have noticed a dramatix change in my cellulite recently and its been through making a few small changes to my diet and exercise. I am quite active anyway and dont eat alot of junk food but the food i eat onboard can be quite bad. I dropped cheese, crisps (mostly), chocolate and full fat fizzy juice. I increased my water intake (still only about 1 sometimes only half a big bottle a day) and lots of peppermint tea. Don't know if this has helped but honestly i have noticed a massive difference. Its almost all gone from my thighs and still a bit on my bum tho. Exercise wise I should do another cardio workout a week but no time so Im only doing maybe 2/3 workouts a week, I reckon if you do more you will probably lose it quicker. I do cross trainer (high level for about 20 mins) stepmaster, running (High incline is more important, works your bum) and i do ,lots of squats and lunges with weights. 10-12 x 3 each. Here is a good video for correct squats: I always remember get your feet right then stick ur boobs out then ur bum out. If you do these right 90% of the work is done. Here is one for lunges too You will notice a massive difference but you need dedication!
Latest post on 24 December 2011 - 01:35
I can tell you, on the rare occasions that we get car seats onboard we know exactly what we are looking for and will can can consult our onboard manuals if we need to double check. Can't pull the wool over our eyes! The basic element of a car seat is that it must have a 5 point harness. This is because it keeps the child strapped in correctly incase of a crash and the baby doesn't need to brace because it is held in by the straps. I personally think the best place for a child is on their parents lap. I always make sure parents tighten up the orange extension belts. Also everything comes down to that all importance brace position. In a crash if the baby is on the parents lap the parent can do a really effective brace position and protect the baby with their own body. The problem with flying with people like Emirates is their safety isn't the greatest compared to British airlines. We have really strict rules at my airline and there are no grey areas. It might be inconvenient to some passengers but its better to have someone who cares about your safety enough to make you tighten your baby's seatbelt or not allow your child to sleep on the floor than someone who doesn't know or care about the implications and put your child in danger. Phew.....sorry for the long winded response. I've had a few bad flights with parents screaming at me for not letting them do this and that. It's quite draining!
Latest post on 24 December 2011 - 01:26
Thanks for your reply doll. Apologies in advance to anyone enjoying a nice at the beach on Xmas day. Our crew tend to get a bit rowdy when we are released into the wild! :-)
Latest post on 29 November 2011 - 17:10
As I said I will do more research, maybe speak to my local vet and see what they say. Lots of websites seem to say dogs can survive in any climate but some do better than others. Cavaliers aren't banned from travelling on airlines hence why I thought they might be okay. I have had a cocker spaniel before and he was amazing so it won't be a big trauma to get one of those instead of a Cavalier. You should see the local RSPCA website in UK. Full of staffies, never understood why people think its okay to have one of these lovely dogs and give up on them because they can't be *****! Staffies are used here as some sort of status symbol. Horrible
Latest post on 29 November 2011 - 02:21
I was under the impression that cavaliers have a longer snout hence why I was confused about whether they would be okay in heat. I'll have a big think as it was the breed I had my heart set on but would never want to think it would be uncomfortable. I realise you can get pedigrees from rescue homes but again don't want to get one from a rescue home for personal reasons. Thanks for your help! <em>edited by AirHostie on 29/11/2011</em>
Latest post on 29 November 2011 - 01:15
I should of written down before people jump down my throat I have done my research. I have reasons for not adopting a rescue pup and I am aware of all the organisations who have plenty of puppies for rescue but I want to and I am prepared to pay for the costs as long as I get one in the UK. I wouldn't dream of buying from a puppy mill and like to think I am pretty clued up as to the workings of dodgey dealers. I realise what questions breeders will ask and know what to expect. If someone who knows about the cavalier king Charles breed specifically could answer my actual question rather than people debating the pros and cons of buying a pedigree puppy over a rescue puppy that would be great. I've already read lots of posts here all about buying in UAE etc
Latest post on 20 November 2011 - 21:02
Hello thanks for all your replies. Very helpful stuff! I actually am not just a trolley dolly I have a degree and previous experience in the job I am applying so hopefully that will help me! I don't want to reveal what I am applying for as this forum isn't very private so I shall wait to see if I am offered the job first. My main dilemma is whether to go for this job in Qatar or wait and see if my husband gets a job in Dubai then look for one there. I'm so torn! It would be much easier to get jobs in Doha but I really like Dubai and there are some really negative comments about Doha. It makes me worried as we don't have kids so not sure if Doha has as much for us. Any thoughts?
Latest post on 04 October 2011 - 01:27
Thanks doll. Very excited to get everything started. Just need to poke OH to get applying
Latest post on 03 October 2011 - 23:40
He prob won't b working outside a lot although he will have to visit site. He is an engineer so will be offices based. I think we will prob try and cut his commute down to make it easier
Latest post on 03 October 2011 - 23:33
Oh dear might have to break this to him gently. Might buy him a new golf club to tell him!
Latest post on 30 September 2011 - 00:42
I've flown to BKK via LHR with them 2 times. Once in economy once in business. You pick your seat at the time of booking but it doesn't matter if u don't because u can pick three days before. Why do I say it doesn't matter? Because airlines don't guarantee your seat anyway so it's irrelevant when you pick your seat. Food good crew great business class is great good prices and transfers at Doha easy. The business class terminal is amazing. Enjoy they really are good
Latest post on 23 September 2011 - 21:03
salsb, what building are you in? there are soooo many buildings to choose from!
Latest post on 04 September 2011 - 21:14
Thanks for the advice! Haha brats! Love it. I'm Scottish so English is first language. I could teach French/Spanish but would prob have to teach children as it's all the experience I have (I don't mind) The reason I ask about CELTA ( I think I will do my CELTA in scotland PT) is because after dubai we would like to move to Asia after so would def like to teach English there. I might research teaching foreign languages but think I need to do my post grad and def don't have enough time to do that :-( aaa confused!
Latest post on 01 September 2011 - 13:09
DubaiCat, Do not, i repeat do not carry anything for strangers over on a plane from another country. No offense rhubard, im sure your request is genuine but DubaiCat you will be asked at check in has anyone asked to carry anything in your luggage for them. What are you going to reply to that? You never know who people are on the internet and what you have actually been asked to carry. Its horrible but its the truth. Quite a few cases of people being put in prison in other countries for accidentally carrying things like illegal drugs into other countries. And especially in DXB where they are funny about prescription drugs.
Latest post on 25 August 2011 - 02:29
Hello I live in Edinburgh (trying to get to DXB) the German Market is great and plenty for the kids. Also the National Museum has just opened it's great lots of things to see. There should be a good santa Claus to see but can't think where. Gorgie farm is better than Edinburgh zoo but might not be open in winter. Enjoy it's an amazing city in winter
Latest post on 23 August 2011 - 00:41
Hi Muu, I work as crew so ill give you a couple of pointers. Most importantly, if bubba starts crying don't worry about noise etc. I know how other paxs can be but there is no use you getting stressed out, your baby is just that. a baby. Lots of babies don't like being on a lap for takeoff and landing but i think the best things are having something to keep them entertained like a teddy or a rattle. Or even better feed them on takeoff as its good for the ears. Also don't be scared to ask the crew for help whether if you need to go to the toilet and need someone to hold the baby or if you need milk heating up etc. Try and also get a bassinet seat which is great for night flights. Most of the crew love babies because they never demand 6 beers at a time! Also on a night flight go to the airport in a all in one or pjs so as soon as seatbelt signs are off you can get them off to sleep. You will be fine. I think you will find your baby should sleep most of the time, I rarely find a baby awake during the night especially on a night flight. Just relax and you will be fine and remember the crew are there to help! I hope you get nice crew! Im guessing your flying Emirates or maybe BA?
Latest post on 22 August 2011 - 18:55
True generalisation is bad. However, having flown BA on numerous occasions with children in business and economy I think I am in a good position to comment on BA attitude towards parents with children. Travelling back from BKK my 2 year old cousin was hit in the head with a piece of plastic from the ceiling of the aircraft. I pressed the call bell and the "stewardess" (i hate even calling her that because the way she handled it was no excuse and she should be ashamed to call herself cabin crew) said is she hurt, I said im not sure i cant see a cut or nething. She then proceeded to say oh well never mind before running back to the galley to get her cup of tea. They never answered one call bell the entire night and left me sitting with two dirty trays the whole night. Im sorry but the number of BA flights i've take every single time there is some problem. And the dirty looks if you dare ask for milk. Im in a great position to comment on their service because Im crew and I know how you would be treated at Virgin. I know its generalising but its less likely to happen at virgin because I still believe the service is far superior to BA. I realise its not perfect at Virgin, but its few and far between compared to BA.
Latest post on 21 August 2011 - 22:53
Nadia, I actually work as crew for Virgin. It's a bit silly to say I won't fly virgin because they got people's meals mixed up and served me a chocolate brownie. It's only a 6/7 hour flight and you get dinner. Do you expect another meal before landing? As for the chocolate brownie I agree I wouldn't want to eat it because it's not really a breakfast thing but emirates and BA have both served me the same thing to DXB. Our aircraft aren't old and rickety on the DXB. It's our A340-600 which are at worst 5 years old and have on demand entertainment. To let you all new our economy service is being changed which is happening next year and another DXB route when we get 787s. On saying that I would choose emirates. Better food and better service. BA don't get two hoots about anyone. And they hate children lol