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Latest post on 31 December 2016 - 11:51
Its too late now, however, in the future it is only considerate to set these schedules up in advance on large, especially Christian, holidays. It is really an investment to have someone in your employ who feels heard and considered. We have had no turnover since our marriage in large part before we always consider the personal and financial needs of staff when we make plans big or small around vacation, holidays and social engagements.
Latest post on 23 December 2016 - 14:56
I've heard from many ladies their favorite cough or flu meds are not available in Dubai, can you recommend something reliable which is available here? Wish I could, you will have to go to the doctor for a prescription. Nyquil is by prescription only. Yes, I am serious.
Latest post on 23 December 2016 - 14:49
Thanks for that information. Do you know the approximate cost of running a pool each month? I am afraid I don't but it will depend on whether you have a heater/cooler combo or just one - coolers are very expensive to run.
Latest post on 21 December 2016 - 09:42
Thank you very much ladies. I am slightly concerned because at present I have an appointment to open a file at Corniche Hospital in AD and I have been told that you are not assigned a specific doctor nor will you know the doctor who will deliver you. A family member who has delivered at Corniche had developed a pain plan with one of the doctors and when she delivered the doctor on call denied her some of the pain medication agreed upon. It is not that big of a deal, I will survive, but this is my first so I was wondering.
Latest post on 21 December 2016 - 09:12
I second home maids.
Latest post on 21 December 2016 - 09:08
Good to know, thank you for replying :-)
Latest post on 20 December 2016 - 12:16
There are a number of maid services that you can arrange a weekly schedule with. I have used Home Maids and Easy Maids (i think that is the name) several time when our maid has been on holiday. Generally speaking you are not going to have much luck with the daily maid services providing someone who could prepare food or cook a full blown meal. This is something you look for in a full time live-in and even then it will be only food prep and perhaps a few simple dishes. To hire a proper cook several times a week is going to be an expensive prospect, but if you have the funds I am sure you could find someone. Again, this is vert often a full time live in position which will cost upwards of 50% more than you would pay a full time maid. We have a live in cook and I don't believe he has ever worked anywhere without living in. You could order delivery or arrange for one of the food delivery services in Dubai? They tend to be diet oriented but I do believe a little google search will turn up a few non diet delivery options. Good luck!
Latest post on 19 December 2016 - 23:01
Would anyone who delivered here care to share their experience or knowledge about what pain medications are available in this country for labor and delivery? I have asked this question directly of the midwife but she is not keen to elaborate as I assume she prefers the natural method. Is the broad range of pain management that is available in the west available here? Anything that diverges from the norm? many thanks in advance!
Latest post on 19 December 2016 - 13:03
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Though I cannot suggest you any make up artist, I can help you with houses if ever you're looking for one :) just in case. I appreciate that you are looking to strike up business in the rental market, but is this appropriate for the forum? The only posts you have made are to offer housing to people.
Latest post on 19 December 2016 - 13:01
The utility bills in both Raha and Khalifa will be comparable, it depends on the size of your villa. With regard to the villas and communities themselves, Raha has a far more expat community feel with neater, well made villas with vert good furnishings. The smaller villas have one maid room - some inside, some outside - and the largest (5 bedroom) will have two maids quarters. Some have pools. The area itself is well maintained, nicely landscaped and encircled within walls with security gates at several entry spots. Khalifa is less of a community and more of a series of independently built, GCC style villas which tend to be much larger and in arabic style - meaning two majilis', oftentimes two kitchens, and often with outside driver rooms and maids rooms inside the home or atop the roof. As it is not a community there is no landscaping or communal gardens, every house tends to itself. With respect to amenities, as they are just across the road from each other, there is very little difference. There are more salons however within walking distance to many villas in Khalifa. Hope this helps!
Latest post on 19 December 2016 - 12:46
I have used Home Maids on occasion when our home helper is on holiday, I find them to be very thorough! For curtains I tend to go through Satwa and Bur Dubai shops, see if they have anything I like, get quotes and compare. I have never had a problem with any of them; prompt, fast and always come in far cheaper than the more established places.
Latest post on 19 December 2016 - 12:32
I am so sorry DarkChild, Take heart in that it is not personal. All industries are experiencing tremendous slow down and as oil will never return to 100 or above public and private institutions everywhere in the region are being forced to reassess their strategy. It is really hitting all people, all levels, all passport holders. Keep at it though, I hope you will find something!