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Latest post on 20 May 2015 - 12:00
Thank you sheikhandbake .
Latest post on 20 May 2015 - 09:43
Hello, I am considering putting my child (FS1 ) in Capital School (Al Quasis). I would appreciate current feedback on the school. (not sure why KHDA has not done a review) Also what are the additional costs of textbooks and uniform and extra curricular activities? And what is included in the resource tech fee of AED 1200/- Thanks.
Latest post on 11 December 2012 - 10:31
Hello, Little Castle in Dubai Mall stores beautiful 3 piece Tuxedos for little boys:) They are located on the Fashion level.
Latest post on 02 October 2012 - 18:54
Its sad to hear about Suma. I used her services in March this year and it was AMAZING!!! 1/2 hour for my son and 1 hour for me for 30 days for AED 3000/- Her masseuser (Lalita) used a mixture of Ayurvedic oils while massaging and just before bathing she prepared a body pack and scrubed me with it. I must say that she spent 20 mintues just massaging my abdoment in circular movement to let the air out from the uterus and after Bath she tied a long sari around the area. They also asked me to avoid eating potatoes/peas/cauliflower-anything that could bloat me up during the course of the massage. I was so thirlled when my Jeans fit me-just 30 days after the massage.
Latest post on 12 August 2012 - 11:20
Thank you all for the advice. Dr. Samitha Rajkumar from Unicare (Burjuman) is the pediatrician we have been going to. She is really amazing and I would highly recommend her. So last evening I expressed 120ml of BM, as we were headed out; unfortunately my DS didn’t take to it!!! I kept trying for 1/2 hour-in the feeding room and in the car, but he refused the bottle. Then I just BF him (in the car) And I’m thinking if he is refusing BM from the bottle, he is not going to accept Formula from the bottle. I will have to drop the idea of supplementing with formula and just continue BF him on outings.
Latest post on 10 August 2012 - 14:55
I have been exclusively BF my DS for the past 6 months. He will begin his 7th month next week. As per his pediatrician he is doing really well and has asked me introduce soft solids, small amounts of water and continue BF. When I asked about formula-dr. mentioned it’s NOT required as DS will slowly increase his intake of solid food and reduce Bmilk. I don’t mind BF at home but when we head out to the mall/restaurants, it is very difficult to BF him, as he gets distracted with every little sound and starts wailing -so we have to rush back to the car and BF there. It’s exhausting!!! I want to introduce formula for outings only-say 2-3 times a week (I have tried expressing – DS gets hungry very quickly and I have to rush to the car to BF him again) There are SO many brands of formula in the market (SO confusing!!!) Should I start him on Stage 2 (6mnths onwards) or for starters give him the Infant formula? DH is supportive with the idea; but I’m feeling a little nervous going against the pediatrician recommendation. Would love if anyone can relate/ share their experience…. Thanks
Latest post on 19 January 2012 - 17:13
So Sorry for your Loss Greenish-May God give you the strength to overcome this.