caitlinhawdon |


Latest post on 28 September 2017 - 10:52
If water is causing hair loss it must be hard ... Usually ground water is hard I.e contains lot of ground salt that is not good for hair. We suggest you fix a water ionizer in bathroom to make it soft and suitable for hair wash. Also take steps to strengthen hair roots. You can check out some excellent products for hair fall.Also take care of your hair by massaging your scalp with coconut oil regularly. This would improve blood circulation to your scalp which in turn promotes hair growth.
Latest post on 28 September 2017 - 10:32
The best natural hair treatment would be to use solely natural products. Instead of store bought shampoos and conditioners that may contain harmful chemicals, use mayo, eggs, honey and coconut oil for a deep conditioner. Instead of shampoo, rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and cold distilled water. Also, maintaining a diet that is rich in protein, iron, vitamin A, C, and E, Omega 3’s, zinc, selenium and biotin is critical to keeping the hair healthy and in balance. It seems like you are already doing a great job-just keep these things in mind to enhance your already long and beautiful locks
Latest post on 27 September 2017 - 08:54
I recommend you one of the best surgical clinic in Dubai for rhinoplasty surgery,contact the world-renowned Dubai Cosmetic Surgery clinic, which qualifies in providing unparalleled treatment services! Also have highly skilled and experienced surgeons for free consultation visit website.
Latest post on 27 September 2017 - 08:48
My friend had extreme hair fall issue as well. She told me that she underwent PRP Hair Therapy from Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic and her hair fall has stopped completely. Her hair has become so much thicker since then. So if want free consultation from world best surgeons for hair loss treatment you could approach Dubai Cosmetic Surgery .
Latest post on 25 September 2017 - 09:01
I suggest eat the right food, know what your body needs. Then try to work out, with of course, with your gym instructor so that s/he can assist you on how you will gain weight with good built. Fruits and vegetables are the most healthy foods that you can simply eat, which I'm pretty sure, can help you from staying healthy or gaining weight. But please avoid junk foods.
Latest post on 25 September 2017 - 08:55
Skin pigmentation is the problem of most of the people know a days .Its very common and mostly due to sun exposure so if you want get rid of skin pigmentation here are few useful tips that you can apply at home : Take one tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoon lemon juice, apply it for 20 minutes and then wash out. Make a mixture of almonds and curd, apply it and run it smoothly over the skin. After 10 minutes wash off. Mix rose water and lemon juice in equal quantity, apply on the affected area and wash after 10 minutes...
Latest post on 23 September 2017 - 14:47
There are so many home remedies or products available for stretch marks removal but it important you should know about your skin. First check your skin type or concern to a dermatologist than use it better results.
Latest post on 23 September 2017 - 14:39
There are many good dermatologists in Dubai but i have heard about Dubai Cosmetic Surgery they offer all kinds of services in Dubai , Abu Dhabi , Sharjah giving effective solutions to anyone going through any disease related to skin also they have specialists or surgeons with experience. You could approach Dubai cosmetic surgery for free consultation
Latest post on 23 September 2017 - 14:07
This remedy is regarded as one of most effective and oldest ones. The reason behind is that it contains sulphur that boosts collagen production in the tissues and helps in the re-growth of hair. Don’t let its strong smell keep you away from using it, because it goes off just after one rinse. To try this remedy, cut a few slices of onion and squeeze out its juice (either by mashing it or grating it) and apply it on your scalp for about 10-15 minutes. Let it work its magic and then rinse it off with a mild shampoo.
Latest post on 23 September 2017 - 13:39
Nose Surgery in Dubai offers a solution to correct any kind of nose abnormality.Recently one of my friend did her rhinoplasty from Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic and now she is very happy and satisfied with their results so if you wish to know more about the surgery procedure and cost and also for free consultation you could approach Dubai Cosmetic Surgery because they are offering best rhinoplasty treatment at reasonable rates and also have experienced surgeons .
Latest post on 20 September 2017 - 11:50
If you see that your nails are starting to look unhealthy and are easy to break, then you need to help restore their health by eating foods that are rich in protein and sulfur. These two substances are needed to make your nails strong and resistant to breaks. Some of the foods that you can add to your diet not only to help you become healthier but also to make your nails tougher include cucumber, apples, garlic, asparagus, grapes and onions
Latest post on 18 September 2017 - 09:50
Acne is a common skin problem.they are slight discolorations, usually light brown. scars or brown spots are commonly a sign of sun damage by having the skin exposed to the sun over many years. Some Natural Cure for Brown Spots Finely chop or Some blend an onion, and use a strainer or cheese cloth to squeeze and extract the juice. Take one part of Apple Cider Vinegar and one part of onion juice and mix them together. Dab a cotton pad into the solution and apply it directly onto the age spots. The acid in Lemon juice has been shown to help fade the appearance of spots. Aloe Vera juice Castor Oil has been shown to improve the appearance of age spots Hope this help you....... Good Luck!
Latest post on 18 September 2017 - 09:43
hi, If you want best treatment for your skin i recommend you to try out Dubai Cosmetic Surgery because they are offering best services related to any skin disease also they have specialists or surgeons with experience. So you could approach Dubai cosmetic surgery for free consultation
Latest post on 12 September 2017 - 14:49
Why is a tummy tuck the way to go? You can diet and exercise till you´re blue in the face. improves the appearance of the abdomen and make it look flatter and taut. The saggy pouch on you abdomen is most likely not going to go anywhere. I had my Tummy Tuck one year ago this August. Nerves, and all that comes before, pain, can't stand up straight, the drains, the initial scar/incision. Good thing my surgeon was very supportive throughout. I would recommend to anyone getting a tummy tuck in world renowned Dubai Cosmetic Surgery. I wish you the best and take care.
Latest post on 31 August 2017 - 15:56
Exercise is the best way to loss belly fat but person need more hard work on exercise and also need to concentration on good diet which help to loss weight.
Latest post on 31 August 2017 - 14:49
Just put some olive oil on a cotton pad and gently massage the oil onto your face to get rid of the makeup and dirt. Don't: Forget that exfoliation is indispensable. At least once or twice a week, exfoliate your skin to remove the layers of dead skin, sure to leave you with a more healthy glow and brighter skin.
Latest post on 28 August 2017 - 11:30
There are many good clinics in Abu Dhabi for hair transplantation but you should try out Dubai Cosmetic Surgery because they offer all kinds of services in Dubai , Abu Dhabi , Sharjah and all over UAE giving effective solutions to anyone going through any disease related to hairs .Also, they have specialists or surgeons with experience. You could approach Dubai cosmetic surgery for free consultation
Latest post on 12 August 2017 - 14:20
Hi Can anyone recommend a good rhinoplasty surgeon in Abu Dhabi ? As i am planning to have nose surgery cause my nose is too long so before i proceed i just wanted to know best rhinoplasty surgeons in Dubai or Abu Dhabi ? Many thanks in advance.
Latest post on 07 August 2017 - 16:03
The shape of your nose can make or break your look. You don't understand it if you have a proportionate nose but for the rest of us, we know how it feels like to be called various names and always feel insecure while looking in the mirror. The truth is that the shape, size and orientation of the nose can change your entire look even with the slightest modification. Luckily, there is a way out. You can get rid of that insecure voice in your head. The cure lies in Rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi and elsewhere. It is one procedure that can drastically transform your look for life. There are a plenty of non-surgical options as well but they are not suitable for everyone and don’t last longer than a year. Read more at
Latest post on 04 August 2017 - 10:20
I recommend you one of the best surgery clinic in Dubai .You should try out Dubai Cosmetic Surgery because they are offering many services related to breast or skin also have highly skilled surgeons with experience you can get free consultation from them if you wish to know more about surgeons or breast related treatment visit website .
Latest post on 04 August 2017 - 10:13
The non-surgical liposuction treatment not only breaks down the fat underneath the skin, suctioning of fat is also not included. Instead, the latest techniques dissolve the rigid fat deposits via sophisticated technologies which involve no nips and tucks. Striving to have that perfect body? Diet and exercise don’t seem to work? What about liposuction? No way! I don’t want anything that invasive. Well, you don’t have too. Long are gone the days when surgery was the only way you could acquire the body of your dreams. Surgeons and researchers have come up with advanced, non-ablative methods that will endow you with a picture perfect body and enhance your confidence magnificently. Now, you can get a perfectly sculpted body without the risks of the surgeries. Think of all the flabby fat deposits, cellulite and unshapely figure. Think non-surgical liposuction now and imagine all of the above-mentioned issues wither in the air. Read more details at
Latest post on 03 August 2017 - 11:29
My friend had extreme hair fall issue as well. She told me that she underwent PRP Hair Therapy from Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic and her hair fall has stopped completely. Her hair has become so much thicker since then. She said that the staff was amazing and prices were reasonable as well. I have myself seen a massive change in her appearance since the therapy.So if you wish to know more about the treatment or procedure contact world renowned Dubai cosmetic surgery :)
Latest post on 03 August 2017 - 11:17
A lot of young individuals are undergoing liposuction surgery. While youth comes with a lot of works, most of us don’t have an excessive amount of money in our twenties. Hence, we are tempted to settle down with the surgeon that offers the lowest price. However, you must be mindful that you might end up paying more if the surgery doesn’t go well. It is important to find a healthy medium between cost and quality. Hence it is important that you choose your angel from a list of best doctors . But how will I ever be able to do that? Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as you think. All you need is a little bit of time on hand and dedication to find the perfect surgeon. I will share a couple of tips that will definitely lead you to few of the best liposuction doctors and it will then be easier for you to choose from. For more details visit
Latest post on 02 August 2017 - 10:56
Thanks for sharing i can't say anything about it but here i can suggest you good surgery clinic for hair transplantation , Dubai cosmetic surgery is world renowned surgical clinic giving effective solutions to anyone going through any disease related to hair they have specialists or surgeons with experience you should consult with surgeons they will better guide you .
Latest post on 01 August 2017 - 13:53
Hi, Cocoona is good clinic providing good treatments but i suggest you one of the best surgery clinic as i I have done laser hair removal from their and i am fully satisfied and happy with the results. Dubai cosmetic surgery is best place to go for laser treatment as they have highly skilled surgeons with experience and if you wish to know about procedure for free consultation visit website .