Ciao |


Latest post on 02 April 2017 - 12:15
Hi Queenie! I am a wife of a A330 FO and been here for a year. We live in Barwa City which is nice for family living. Life here is generally quite peaceful, minus the occasional crazy traffic situation. Since your kid is still a baby you don't have to worry about schools which is a nightmare. The weather has now started to get crazy hot, but come October it should start cooling down a bit. for the 6-7 months that the weather is nice, there are lots of fun outdoor events taking place to keep you entertained. Let me know if you have any specific questions you need answered. Happy to help :) Hi is there a chance I could contact you personally? My fiancè will most likely join qa and I'm trying to get an idea of what life would be there. I have loads of questions and don't really know someone who could answer them!