Desertedbeach |


Latest post on 25 January 2012 - 16:06
I'm actually selling all my balcony plants -cheaper than the souk and they are very well looked after. I have a tropical garden at home - not easy in the UK so im quite good with plants. A couple of lovely indoor ones too. email is marleybose at gmail dot com.
Latest post on 24 January 2012 - 14:23
The theft thing IS an issue. I stayed at my friends apartment -it was a furnished one, rented from a supposed better estate agents. The rent included a maid service once a week. I happily left them to clean... We had two kids t-shirts and some perfume go missing. and half a bottle of gin - it had been drunk between us going out and coming back in! I was perplexed but thought I'd mislaid the t- shirts. And convinced hubby had been making sneaky gin and tonics. Then my friend asked if I was missing anything As she had been relieved of a pair of shoes and some toiletries. It does happen... It has made me less able to trust people.
Latest post on 24 January 2012 - 14:11
Some agents do the Dewa for you. I think it was an option by mine to do everything -for a fee. Dewa is pretty simple to set up. So is most things. Dealing with the representatives of the various companies when there's an issue is something else however... "computer says no, cough" doesn't come close... Stress about these things when you get here.
Latest post on 24 January 2012 - 14:08
Actually your residency depends on the ability of your husband's PRO. Its not some random thing... And it is a smoother process if you come from certain countries - impossible from others, like Iran. Good ones get your residency sorted quickly, without fuss and make life so much easier for you. Lazy, useless PRO's can make life miserable. I had a lazy useless one TWICE. the first one took 5 weeks to sort my visa and five weeks to sort my family's visa... The second one just couldn't be ***** to do anything and I ended up leaving two visa runs later,before he'd managed to sort a single thing. You win some, you lose some.
Latest post on 24 January 2012 - 13:32
We rented from Edwards & Towers - office is on the palm. They have been really good. No hassle, no messing, no nasty surprises. We rent a managed property and maintenance is very quick. I'd def recommend them.
Latest post on 18 January 2012 - 11:33
i went with a friend and had almost the worst service ever. It was about 0830. We never got our coffees, despite asking and waiting for them until way after ten. My breakfast came first then my friends half an hour later! I'd finished by then! Plus it took 40 minutes for mine to come in the first place. I was all for going in the kitchen and rustling it up myself. It doesn't take 40 minutes to poach a ****** egg. She was having the same as me. Why didnt they just make two of the things at the same time? Shocking, shocking, shocking. Then we were charged for the coffees... we asked for them to be removed from the bill. "No, you had coffee..,etc" We eventually left and went and had a coffee at Crumbs down the road. Nice place and all that but my experience seriously put me off from going back there. (The worst ever service in Dubai was from the Arabic place with the terrace overlooking the light show in Wafi. By god they were so bad. And so useless. And they just didn't care. First time in my life Ive walked out of somewhere in a temper.) <em>edited by Desertedbeach on 18/01/2012</em>
Latest post on 17 January 2012 - 22:42
We gave notice as we believe our contract has been broken. We move out on 31st jan, six months early...
Latest post on 17 January 2012 - 13:24
Ginee you sound like you are under considerable stress at the moment. I am too and I can feel the old lethargy pull me back again, where things feel hopeless. Firstly, please be wary of taking meds independently of a doctor. It sounds like you know what you are doing but... Secondly, getting out of depression without meds can happen. I managed but only because my attempt at getting help was initially ignored (managed to see the worst dr in the surgery for depression... Was told that afterwards) and a subsequent attempt saw my health visitor signed off for - you guessed it -depression. My case fell through the cracks until almost 18 months later. In the meantime I joined a forum, talked to people like me and used a herbal supplement called "stress assist" it took me a long time to feel myself again though and with hindsight I wish I'd had the wherewithal to chase the medical community to help me. It doesn't help that my husband is useless in a crisis so if major things happen in my family I have to deal with them. That overwhelms and suffocates me, and makes me feel horribly anxious as I know that whatever solutions needed to alleviate our situation will have to come from ME. Talking helps so much. Can you talk to your husband about how you feel? Will he be supportive and proactive in helping you out of the dark? mine wasn't - not because he didn't care, but because he just can't cope in problematic situations. So I talked to other women. I ranted. I cried. I went for long walks and got support from PND forums. I find people are terribly supportive when you need them to be. Do your friends know? I kept it hidden which was such a mistake. My best friend was furious that i was presenting a brave face when i was crumbling. She would have helped me - i see it now. And if you want someone to walk along a beach with you to blow some blues away then my hand is up.
Latest post on 17 January 2012 - 12:58
Wow Ginee, thanks for this. Excellent - I have cut and pasted onto my notepad so I'll never forget! My mate knows the antiques place really well so I'll wangle a visit with her... Hurrah!
Latest post on 16 January 2012 - 18:15
This is possibly a bit big but.. We have two black leather sofas going free. They are old and the leather is peeling but they are incredibly comfortable. A two seater and a three seater. Available between 27th & 30th of this month. If anyone else wants them..
Latest post on 16 January 2012 - 18:09
Not a clue :\: It's for my brother! I'm going to have to learn, aren't I?
Latest post on 16 January 2012 - 16:49
This happened to us. knock on the door one day and it was the bank - landlord had done a runner - this was four months into our tenancy, so he had rented it out knowing he was off. The bank will honour the tenancy until the end and expect to be paid any outstanding money for the rest of the tenancy. Not sure what position you would be in should the bank just decide to sell since you are so close to the end. Its worth asking them though. How long has the landlord been gone? If it is a few months then expect the bank any day now. We had rented through the landlord's power of attorney. I sent him a VERY strong email saying that unless we had the remaining cheques returned along with the considerable deposit, I would be sending a debt collector to the landlord's new company and home address in India to have a "word." Plus I would be reporting HIM to Dubai police for fraud. We had the cheques and deposit back within a week. In the end we just moved when our payed for period was up. The bank was happy, we were happy as we halved our rent... at least we WERE happy until the stupid shoreline palaver started.
Latest post on 15 January 2012 - 12:25
My daughter has picked up a weird accent here... She sometimes speaks as if she was Spanish or Arabic and English was her second language. She leaves the end off sentences "I doooont wan...." instead of "I don't want to..." I could understand it if she went to a school where everybody spoke like this but she doesn't. British teachers, native English speaking friends... Very odd. She WAS at a school in Abu Dhabi which had mostly locals in the class. But that was only for four months and she's been out of it for a year. Son speaks like his dad. Posh accent. Hilarious as I'm SO not posh. Neither is my husband. God knows how they both ended up so plummy.
Latest post on 14 January 2012 - 14:19
We are leaving our apartment in the Shoreline due to the ridiculous situation. All is well with the landlord but we have to paint the apartment before we leave. It's pretty pristine- not been there that long - and the only bits needing sorted are the picture holes and where furniture has touched the wall. I did my last apartment myself as it was brilliant White - this is an insipid cream and I would have more trouble colour matching. Any one repainted on shoreline and know a cheap handyman to sort? is there a man hanging around here that does that sort of stuff? Before I used to ask the doorman about stuff like this but they keep changing them and the new one doesn't know anything really.
Latest post on 12 January 2012 - 23:29
an extra sense of humour and endless patience
Latest post on 12 January 2012 - 23:23
I've found employers here to be obsessed with a degree. To the absolute detriment of staff recruitment. I think it shows... An old staff member of mine was recruited for her degree in broadcast journalism. She was easily the WORST writer I have ever come across in 19 years of broadcasting. couldn't spot a decent story, usually got the complete wrong end of the stick of any story I gave her... it was painful and added many hours onto my workload. But the boss kept repeating "she has good degree, she has good degree..." Yeah, but she can't do the job you employed her for... In my business in the UK no one gives a damn about qualifications - its all about your experience and work knowledge. I was actually realtively shocked at the degree mania displayed here. Go for the experience. Really, why wouldn't you? Unless you what to pay less. But remember, pay peanuts, get monkeys. I've found that to be very true here also...
Latest post on 11 January 2012 - 12:25
thanks sue - just left my work. That's why we are going! I'll look into couriers. I'll also put another thread in asking if anyone is going to the UK in the next few days.
Latest post on 10 January 2012 - 17:24
You can walk across at RAk. We did this two weeks ago. We drove up, husband and kids went through and I waited in the car Dubai side (no Oman insurance and no passport... Work had it to do visa). It took a long time but it WAS new year's eve. Customs didn't bat an eyelid.
Latest post on 10 January 2012 - 16:59
We terminated our lease yesterday. Life is too short to live with this ****. We can't get the new access cards as my new visa hasn't come through and we need a visa copy. No amount of explaining to the **** in the nakheel office makes the slightest difference. So with the option of being locked out of our building we took the sane route... Bye bye shoreline. Good luck. You're gonna need it.
Latest post on 07 January 2012 - 23:02
I haven't used my laptop since I bought the iPad and wireless keyboard. The only thing that bugs me is I need adaptors for the camera etc. I think apps are great educational tools rather than distractors. iMovie, brushes, starwalk... Sure there are games but there's so much more. My kids are even doing guitar lessons via an app. Plus my 8 year old son FaceTimes his granny and his mates in the UK by himself. I love it. I'm a complete Mac fan though and with good reason as every bit of apple I've ever owned still works including an ancient Macintosh classic and a 12 year old Ruby iMac. Do they really have to use excel for homework? Poor buggers. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, let alone a kid.
Latest post on 07 January 2012 - 22:04
sadly not. He uses word, excel etc but I really wouldn't say he had any specialist computer knowledge! I'm the techy in the house.
Latest post on 07 January 2012 - 20:20
My husband is in the same boat. We all came over for my job and the original plan was for him to do a bit of childcare and study French etc. 18 months in and he's pretty bored but no-one will look at him because of his lack of degree, despite the fact he's been in a supervisory government position in the UK. At least he can think and use his initiative, which 99.9% of people in my company seem to be unable to do no matter what level they are... But they are obsessed with degrees here. I managed to completely **** off an entire swathe of people when i first joined my company because I don't have a degree either. The admin woman kept repeating "but ma'am how can you be manager incharge earning your salary and not have degree. It is not possible." No amount of repeating "don't need one, have been manager for years, was trained by the BBC etc etc" made the slightest difference. It freaked out so many people and I still keep hearing how resentful they are. Just makes me laugh. One of my ex-employees had a degree in broadcast journalism. She still couldn't write for toffee, thought two week old stories were "news" and frequently got the complete wrong end of the stick on stories, often writing the exact opposite of what the source material said. But hey, she had a degree. My ex HR director in Abu Dhabi used to say "experience is not important. What is important is degree and most important is coming from a good family" It explained a LOT. I went for a job interview here where the opening question was "so tell me about your schooling." I burst out laughing as it was such a weird question to me. My school? who the **** cares? In my old job the Director of Programming couldn't understand why none of the UK recruits could find school certificates etc. I kept telling her that no-one ever looks at them, certainly in my industry where creativity, imagination and ability are way more important than academic anything. I digress... if anyone knows of any work my husband could do (until July - we're off home for good then) then let me know. He scrubs up nicely.
Latest post on 30 December 2011 - 09:03 Love the newspapers here... So on the ball. They posted those name and shame lists up weeks ago. Must have been a slow news day.
Latest post on 29 December 2011 - 20:48
Ahhhh... you found the special vibrate app...
Latest post on 29 December 2011 - 19:25
Did you rent through an estate agent? They did mine for me when the whole beach access debacle started.
Latest post on 28 December 2011 - 22:18
We are paying 2000 for a Honda civic from thrifty... But... Do gargash do Oman insurance? Thrifty do not and I ****** love going there. Plus when my company moves to Al Qusais 159 or whatever I'll need to rent two cars. Anyone know of some good deals if you hire two?
Latest post on 28 December 2011 - 20:54
Edna you are like a dog with a bone. Why wouldn't any company look to copy a more successful one? Works in my business and happens ALL the time. I guess narrow minded know it all companies might mistakenly believe they are above that in their misguided arrogance...and that certainly matches the public profile of Nakheel so... This came out yesterday: At least we have "only" been denied acess to the beach and pools... These people could face being locked out of the building. nakheel - not learning anything from anyone, even if it means getting really bad press and then not even learning from that.
Latest post on 26 December 2011 - 19:43
I work in an Iranian firm and there are constant visa problems for the staff. It's sad to hear they will only get worse too.
Latest post on 26 December 2011 - 19:40
If the sunbeds are all broken, the pool unheated and unusuable, the beach is dirty and littered, why does anyone want to actually have access to this in the first place? It sounds like even if the service fees are paid, Nakheel doesn't give a **** about how the money is used! :\: edited by Pomegranate on 26/12/2011 edited by Pomegranate on 26/12/2011 It seemed to be better when I moved in last January. I used to stay at a friend's apartment in Al Basri before that (building 1) and it seemed relatively peaceful and clean. We moved because I had friends in three of the buildings and my kids could just trip down the stairs to the beach to play with kids they already knew and have that whole strip as a playground - I liked the idea of them having some freedom. I was working in Abu Dhabi and I liked coming home on a Thursday and not having to leave the area again until the Sunday. After that hideous drive it was great to be able to shop, eat, have a swim, have a glass of vino etc without having to get into a car. I loved just sitting at the pool bar having a glass of chilled beer or wine and watching the setting sun glinting off the two burj's, knowing i had a two minute walk home. Plus, I just really love being by the sea. Can't get enough of it. Now of course i'm really regretting not taking an old arenco villa in Jumeirah 1 which was a bargain...
Latest post on 26 December 2011 - 18:50
We went there on 21st October at around 1130. It was open but overpriced I thought. We didn't go specially though, just called in on the way to Liwa. I wouldn't drive all the way there just to see it, but as an eccentric aside to the main draw of the dunes it was fun.
Latest post on 26 December 2011 - 09:44
Anyone else think we're going round in circles? 1. Access to all the facilities is in my tenancy agreement. There's actually a bit where it states who pays for the clubhouse fees (that means the gym, pools and beach). it's the landlord. I think this is pretty straightforward to understand - I paid my rent, my contract has been broken by the landlord. 2. It's not just about the service fees. Nakheel are in dispute with the owners association over who owns the "common parts" of the development. This is because they want to make the beach area into a beach club and charge for memberships. This is what started the dispute - banning residents from using the beach came off the back of this and is entirely related. 3. The new clubhouse structure is rubbish. It means that my son can't take his friend to the swimming pool without it costing me 200dhs. It means if my mum comes to stay for two weeks she will have to stump up 28,000 dhs to accompany us to the beach. It also means that my son can't go to play with his mates without me coming with him. It's so badly thought out that you wonder what idiot came up with it. 3. The dispute is with RERA now. They have told residents to pay outstanding service fees but the other part of the dispute is still unresolved. Owner are claiming that Nakheel banning them from common areas is not legal and that is what they are currently fighting over. 4. As I understand it, there have been disputes over the service charges for years - as anyone who lives here would testify, the development hasn't been particularly well looked after and Nakheel are well know for this lackadaisical attitude to maintenance in many of their properties. The beach is usually filthy, pools aren't heated, apartments are badly made and there are always problems with drains/leaks/lighting etc etc. So this is a way of getting residents to pay up without nakheel actually addressing any of the problems. 5. Nakheel's record keeping when it comes to service charges is pretty bad. My neighbour owns, is up to date with servcice charges, has all her receipts and is still not getting access. Even showing them proof she has paid is getting her nowhere. Same with my friend - she has all the lanlord's receipts and still it's "computer says no..." 6. Nakheel limiting access to the beach actually started some time ago. The doors from the beach side apartments were all locked and everyone had to go via the security guards. Myself and my family were stopped early November, before they had originally wanted to bring in the new temporary access card system. We had our pass cards with us. The guard had a big list of apartments/owners/tenants. Although the name of our landlord was correct it was a different tenant name to ours. In fact the name they had was at least over one year old as it wasnt even the last tenant. Even showing them our Ejari tenancy -proving it is registered with the land department- made no difference. I refused to leave until we were allowed on. An argument ensued where we were told by the guard: this wasn't the UK This wasn't our home We didn't live here We had to accept the situation. I was rightly furious and eventually we were let past the guard. This incident had nothing to do with service charges. 6. Edna I believe people have offered suggestions, they are just not ones you agree with. Here's one, why don't Nakheel find a development and developer where people DO pay their service charges and copy that. You know, learn from another more successful, business with a better reputation. So as you see, while I have beef with the landlord there's more than enough to complain about nakheel and their backwards way of doing business.
Latest post on 24 December 2011 - 13:12
Oh and while I'm here... You may think access to beach/pools/gym/playground is not as serious as having your electricity cut off. Well I disagree. Why? Because I PAID for it. Me. In my yearly rental costs. I think not getting what you have PAID for is fraud. Pure and simple. If I don't pay my electricity and Dewa cut me off that's my fault and I deserve the consequences. But we came here BECAUSE of the beach access. And we have already PAID for it. I find that pretty serious. I dunno, deceit just gets me like that.
Latest post on 24 December 2011 - 13:00
Is that really the right figure? 99% owned by expats? Whatever it is owners can certainly get away with endless bad practise. The trouble is it seems you're either renting from someone who is minted and doesn't give a monkey's or from someone who bought during the madness and is looking at a property worth half what they paid for it. either way tenants here can really struggle to get things paid for or sorted. I rented for years in the UK and never had as much ***** from landlords... Why? Cos they are not allowed to get away with it. You can effectively complain. Not just complain to the air. Here it's almost expected. Shaft your tenant, shaft your employee, shaft your customers (thinking of palm utilities here... I think Catherine Tate visited their IBN Battuta office for inspiration when she wrote her "computer says no" comedy sketches.) Basically shaft everyone for as long as you can get away with it. And I completely think Nakheel are shafting ME. Not the person who hasn't paid their bills but ME, and my kids. Anywhere else I'd just withold my rent. But guess what? I've already paid it. Shafted. There's a whole building next door to me owned by one local... It's empty. Nakheel remind me of the football club Millwall whose terrace chant is "Everybody hates us, we don't care."
Latest post on 24 December 2011 - 11:00
My landlord's outstanding charges are not much less than my entire year's rent. I somehow can't see us coming to an agreement on rent reduction... I find it amazing people can really believe that punishing the tenants is the best option. All the people who paid their bills, paid their rent, paid their ****** landlords the money. There really is no honour in business here. Let's hope all the Nakheel supporters never find themselves in this sorry state of affairs. Because if Nakheel are allowed to get away with targeting the tenants then brace yourselves for the tidal wave of other developers who then do it too. I saw someone say they live in Disco Gardens... So you'll be aware of this I wonder if you are also aware that at the root of the Shoreline issue is the owners association wanting to take control of the common areas and Nakheel claiming that the common areas belong to them and they can do what they like with them, including making it into a public beach club. It's more than just a service charges issue. Are nakheel really that hopeless they can't sort out a decent bit of credit control? It seems they are. Did they come up with this genius plan in a management meeting? "I know, let's just screw the people who live there and let them hassle the landlords for us! Yay! Result." Pathetic. Because my property is managed by a decent estate agent, I'm citing breach of contract and asking them to sort it out or we move. Immediately. Because my kids are the ones who are really losing out here. They don't understand why they can't go to the beach and play with their friends like they have been doing since last January (when we moved into our first shoreline flat which was then reposssed by a bank because the landlord didn't want to pay the mortgage... didn't see the bank demanding that we sort out their debt collecting for them....)
Latest post on 20 December 2011 - 21:06
it so depends on the company and profession. I was management in Abu Dhabi in the media and my allowance was 158,000. Over there, that gets you nothing decent if you want to live in the city rather than the desert. No amount of arguing changed it and they were a company who paid really good salaries. They also paid the allowance monthly. Most of my work colleagues had to take out whacking great loans to get somewhere decent to live. Now I get zip - its all part of my salary. But this is normal in broadcasting where all the feather bed allowances are rare and not nearly as generous.
Latest post on 20 December 2011 - 20:54
I really think it's important that Nakheel don't win here... You really wouldn't want to let other property developers think this is a good way of collecting their unpaid service charges Service charges need to be paid, and developers can only send so many letters asking LLs to cough up. What are the alternatives here? Nakheel can't just swallow the service charges, because it needs the money, and it would set a dangerous precedent. The government can't cover the charges for the exact same reason. Like it or not, inconveniencing tenants is the only effective way to get the attention of LLs, many of whom have probably simply been ignoring the service charge demands because up till now there's been nothing Nakheel can do to make them listen. Hmmmm... Really? In a country where debt is a criminal offence I'm still amazed that Nakheel can't manage to collect their own service charges in a timely and effective manner. Smacks of incompetence to me. You can't seriously think that hurting tenants to get back at landlords is the way forward? So many landlords here couldn't give a toss about their tenants. Once they've got the money, that's it. And big companies like Nakheel also treating tenants like **** gives these unscrupulous landlords impunity to do the same thing.
Latest post on 20 December 2011 - 18:54
Mum2girls - everything you said is spot on. I really think it's important that Nakheel don't win here... You really wouldn't want to let other property developers think this is a good way of collecting their unpaid service charges. Then it might not be just the palm renters that are suffering. To be honest, in a country where you can be thrown in jail for bouncing a cheque, does it not smack of monumental incompetence that Nakheel can't collect money owed by any other way? They may as well have taken out a giant advert on the Sheik Zayed Road saying "we can't collect our service charges so we decided to screw the little people."
Latest post on 20 December 2011 - 08:50
Because I pay my rent up front and included in my tenancy agreement is acccess to the facilities. Why would I NOT expect access? Just because it's Dubai? One would assume that after taking my money the landlord would "do the needful" and pay his/her bills.
Latest post on 19 December 2011 - 23:15
The Scottish version of poo was censored? The pink animal with a curly tail was censored????
Latest post on 19 December 2011 - 23:14
A cleaner I work. He doesn't. He's ***** at cleaning. Any recommendations? *** ugly, of course.
Latest post on 19 December 2011 - 23:08
See the other thread for my thoughts. There is a Facebook group. Might be worth you all joining. And email the national: [email protected]
Latest post on 19 December 2011 - 22:55
I used to smoke more than camels... I liked smoking. Pisses me off that it's bad for you.
Latest post on 19 December 2011 - 21:39
I'm taking this up with my estate agents. That's who I paid the cheques to, not the landlord. In my tenancy it includes access to the facilities. I consider this a breach of contract. My landlord owes 76,000 dhs! What's the likelihood of them coughing up... I either get access to the beach or we move. Good luck on trying to rent it out in the future... You can almost hear the properties devaluing. It's an incredible demonstration of how to make an entire area drop in attractiveness virtually overnight. You wonder how the idea got passed anyone vaguely sensible. They have to win the prize for the world's most deluded property company. I'm fuming. Yes I feel we do put up with a lot - thin walls, **** plumbing, central park being built at a snail's pace outside my window... Without the beach and pool the apartments are nothing. The world's most luxurious ghetto... I can just see the headlines now. I suggest you all email the national. It's the only decent rag here and they are more likely to do a proper news feature piece. it's [email protected]. The more the merrier I say.
Latest post on 03 December 2011 - 23:27
My son had a stroke at the age of six (two years ago tomorrow) After 17 days of heparin he was on warfarin for six months - whilst on this he had his blood checked every week. He was put onto aspirin after his scans at six months showed no new infarcts. His last scans were also stable but he will be on aspirin until he is at least 40kilos - not sure why this is (I'm too busy asking aout other stuff) He said he felt fine on warfarin - although I noticed he had trouble getting to sleep at night. Now he's on the aspirin that has gone. He is followed up regularly and we watch for any headaches, strangeness, weaknesses on one side etc. I'm paranoid as kids/young people usually have strokes because of ilness, blood disorders, heart problems, trauma etc and his is still unexplained. There must be very regular checks while on warfarin - it's all about the levels. My son certainly didn't bleed more often although he did bruise easily. Nothing wrong with having more checks - if this were my son I'd be back at the doctors tonight. Weak and unwell are not good signs at the best of times. If she's been through a stroke she news to be scanned and have her levels checked ASAP.
Latest post on 04 October 2011 - 17:57
Good tv, good jobs in good tv! A tv service that doesn't die on me every bleeding night. Cheap iPhone contracts. I really miss markets and woodland. Fruit that tastes amazing. Being able to buy wine in the same shop as that amazing tasting fruit. Asking in a shop "do you have...." and not getting a blank look. I miss friends and family the most though... Would give up mny of the so called good bits of here to have my mum nearby
Latest post on 04 October 2011 - 17:49
Do bears **** in the woods?
Latest post on 04 October 2011 - 17:48
The beach and sea swimming every day. The really great friends ive met here. That's it I think.
Latest post on 03 October 2011 - 15:06
claire call jacky in dubai - she sorts car rentals cheaply and the cars are usually delivered free. once i found her i never used anyone else. number 050 148 4944/050 206 0646
Latest post on 03 October 2011 - 14:59
oh and Aleta - you've got mail.
Latest post on 03 October 2011 - 14:55
I'm taking great comfort from the support you ladies are giving. just so fed up with negative stuff! Simpleasabc there are actually 4 of us in this apartment - me, hubby and two kids! We downgraded from a larger apartment to save on rent and managed to get a very good deal. Had the jobs materialised we would have been very happy to stay. I love being able to sit at the beach every day, or gasp, have a drink of beer by the pool. So civilised! I thought the flat was small after our big three bed one - and then i went home to the UK for the summer, stayed with my brother in his little terraced cottage and when we came back I was going "oh, not actually small after all." i'm going to end back in the UK bemoaning the lack of bathrooms and ceiling heights. I'm a bit worried about Dubizzle... we sold some furniture on there and it was NOT pretty. I had to throw two people out of my apartment... It will be my last option. I figured we'd get a nicer person through this site!