DISYA | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 25 July 2017 - 16:16
Dears, I need help as I'm planning on a romantic dinner date with hubby. Please suggest a reasonable place to have a buffet (continental). I need gift ides to buy a birthday present for my hubby. What do you all suggest? Thanks & Regards Disya
Latest post on 25 July 2017 - 16:13
Please help dearies... I got my periods on 12th July & this continued till 19th July. I met an infertility specialist on 21st July who recommended me to take letrozole (femara tablet) for 5 days, today is the 5th day of taking the tablet and surprisingly I have got my periods again. Me and my Husband has been TTC for the past 2 years and no luck yet. I'm diagnosed with PCOS and periods were irregular. But since this March I have been getting my periods regularly. I'm all confused about this period which has come again this month, means I have got my periods twice this month. I need your suggestions on this, what should I do? Help me out dears... Thanks & Regards Disya:(
Latest post on 19 June 2017 - 11:30
Hi Mullbery, Sorry about your experience at Dr Fakih. I had my son through IVF, I found Dr Fakih to be very professional. If you go to fertility friends website, there is a special section for Dubai, a lot of women there had babies through him. He is licensed to do IVF in Dubai, and the new clinic on Al Wasl Road will open soon, NO MORE DRIVE TO AD, though it was only for retrieval and transfer. I really like the clinic, the staff are really friendly, his website fakihivf.com provides all the information including the prices, they are open 6 days a week, also open till late in the evening, which is really convenient especially when you are working. Anyway I am thankful to god and then Dr Fakih for my child. All the best. Hi All, I'm new to this group and hope to see wonderful people here. Working as an accountant in DAFZA. My concern is we have been trying to conceive for 4 years and last year I met Doctor Elizabeth in Medeor Hospital. My periods were irregular but for the past 3 months I have been getting my periods regularly which is a positive sign. Twice I have been given femara and once tried ovidrel injection as advised by our doctor. But all these were unsuccessful, the doctor has asked my husband to take a semen analysis and she said accordingly we will need to consult an IVF specialist. I wanted your suggestions on if I should go for a second opinion or should I directly meet an IVF specialist. I'm really upset on this, i'm loosing hopes and desperately need a child in our life. If I should meet an IVF specialist whom should I go to? I stay in Sharjah, i'm also over weight because of PCODs and reduced upto 8 kgs but looks like my weight is stuck now and doesn't go down anymore. But I havent gained weight after the 8kg reduction as well. Feeling really hopeless and upset. Please help me dears. Thanks & Regards Disya