emmadubai | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 01 January 2016 - 19:12
Hi Rourou, I am a divorce lawyer at Expatriate Law and saw your post. In the unlikely event of divorce, you may not be able to divorce in China or France (and so have financial matters dealt with there) as there may not be jurisdiction for you to do so. I advise British expats on divorce and generally speaking British expats are able to divorce in England as most retain 'domicile' there, but the laws are not the same necessarily for the rest of Europe. Google me at Expatriate Law if you would like me to suggest a suitable lawyer in France or China - it would be sensible for you to seek advice on the jurisdictional criteria in France and China so you know where you stand. In Dubai, it would be sensible for you to enter in to an enforceable agreement to set out the respective shares that you and your husband wish to retain in the property. Without an agreement, in the event of divorce in Dubai, you would be unlikely to receive a share of the property unless you can establish your contributions towards it.