Haseff | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 12 December 2016 - 18:07
Hi ladies. We're moving to Doha from Dubai in Jan. We like the area of the Pearl. Have a 2 year old who'll be starting school when we move. Any recommendations for good schools near the Pearl or West Bay (hubby's office is there)?? We've been recommended Doha College. What other options are available??
Latest post on 10 November 2016 - 17:50
We may be moving to Qatar coz of hubby's job. The Qatar forum is very inactive as I've been trying to get some info regarding good places to stay (in motor city here in dubai and really love it) and good nurseries and school (have a 2yr old). Any help would be great as we don't know anyone there and the Qatar forum hasn't been very helpful. Thanks!!
Latest post on 02 November 2015 - 14:35
I had my first baby with Dr. Elsa, but she's left city hospital and her new clinic is pay and claim. I'm planning my second pregnancy now and want to decide upon the dr beforehand. Who's the best at City hospital??
Latest post on 02 November 2015 - 14:26
Thank you all :) I think I'll try empost
Latest post on 06 June 2015 - 15:55
Hello ladies. My 1year daughter's curls are getting out of control. Can anyone recommend a good place where I can get her a haircut?? She won't let me touch her head when I tried to use a trimmer :( Go see Orlando at Favourite things in Marina mall, he is excellent with children Thanks! What do they charge?
Latest post on 06 June 2015 - 12:27
I recently ordered my daughter's first birthday cake from House of Cakes. They did an amazing job :) I don't know if we can add pics here otherwise I would have posted one. You can check their website. got the decorations from party center opposite welcare hospital. I haven't been to its other branches.
Latest post on 19 May 2015 - 15:03
Hello, we had to buy all the appliance when we moved in however we were one of the first people to move in so maybe some landlords have fitted the kitchens by now. We did have quite a few problems with standard appliances not fitting properly. The hob space is designed for a gas hob however the municipality has banned any gas appliances so we had to get an electric one and get Dubai properties cut the space so it would fit. Not a massive job but they still charged us Aed 500! Also the oven is cut to the wrong size so it takes up more room which doesn't allow for a built in microwave. We searched high and low to buy appliances that fitted, but in the end we just got them from hyper panda and made do with the standard ones. Not perfect but they will do. Marley73 how do you find Mudon? We've checked out a villa there which we like but think that the community is underdeveloped.
Latest post on 03 April 2015 - 13:03
Thank you ladies! Especially for the extra tips regarding style and fabric :) have never worn an abaya before so all your feedback will definitely come in handy :)
Latest post on 01 April 2015 - 16:53
Really hope someone will help me out on this. Have never worn/ bought abaya, now need to because hubby and me are planning our first umrah. Would really appreciate suggestions on where's the best place to get one. Thanks!
Latest post on 23 December 2014 - 17:56
If you already have all the blood tests, then it might the cheaper to pay-as-you-go for the pre-natal care at Al Zahra. You can bring your previous tests results and the doctor will not need to repeat them. However, if you are missing any of the tests, or a long time has passed since you had them done, they will require that you have blood work done, as a possibly undetected condition can be a danger to the baby. This is true for most doctors/hospitals. I gave birth at Al Zahra in October and cannot recommend it enough! Yeah but they can't force me to have blood work done which i don't want.. Me and my husband are clear of all genetic disorders and we've been tested already. I just need an ultrasound which is all you need along with bp at your first visit in 8th week. Do u think they can force all these tests on me? Seriously the only thing i need to monitor during pregnancy is development of the baby and watching bp + blood sugar. I don't want any genetic anomalies or down syndrome testing. We have a faith in having a healthy baby as i'm a "health nut". Do they require any documentation to bring along for pay-as-u-go patients? edited by CZ_Expat on 23/12/2014 "We have a faith in having a healthy baby as i'm a "health nut"." Are you serious?? Do you realise that sounds as though you are blaming [b'>mothers[/b'> for any health issues affecting their babies? You do appreciate that things can go wrong in the womb no matter how healthy the mother and her lifestyle? And that downs' syndrome (to name just one) does not respect maternal health nuttiness or otherwise? I have no view on what blood tests you should or shouldn't have and believe they should be by agreement between you and your doctor rather than imposed (and incidentally had healthy babies myself) but your comment just struck me as really offensive to mothers whose children were born with health issues. My sister discovered that the baby had trisomy 13, and had to abort the poor baby as she had multiple birth defects associated with this problem and had no chances of survival had she taken the pregnancy to full term and would also have put her to risk. Both my sister and brother in law are perfectly healthy and there is no history of any genetic disorder whatsoever. I wish the best for you and your baby, but please don't make it sound as if women who have all these tests and ultrasounds are wasting money, or the doctors are greedy for getting all these tests done.
Latest post on 23 December 2014 - 17:37
We have a Toyota land cruiser 2014, very spacious.. I don't find the seats as comfortable as the Tahoe we used to own.
Latest post on 23 December 2014 - 10:22
Images look fab, but all depends on the real thing True! Apparently the work is going on at a really fast pace, expected to finish by end of 2015.. But still, investing in an on going project makes you think twice
Latest post on 21 December 2014 - 16:31
There's a Starbucks next to spinneys in cedre villas and a costa near the smaller spinneys in semmer villas
Latest post on 15 December 2014 - 14:57
i think their prices are absolutely outrageous! they are effectively holding your beautiful family to ransom, in my opinion. we looked at them but then went with Barefoot instead. images are fantastic, and i got more than 30 included in the shoot price, no hidden extras. really recommend them. alex and sapphire did a great job. www.barefootdubai.com Kelly1814 how much was the shoot for (including the images)?? I just checked their site, their portfolio does look good.
Latest post on 15 December 2014 - 14:46
We just had a free photoshoot at pink pepper we got from city hospital. The shoot includes just one free image. The price list we got looks ridiculously expensive.. 200 aed for low resolution, 720 aed for high (digital, not prints). Is it the norm or it's just me who finds it extremely pricey?? Yes they are that expensive, I did a shoot with them before and the quality is amazing, far better than others I tried in Dubai. Unfortunately they are very pricey, but the pics I bought are classics. I tried many cheaper photographer, but honestly never been as happy as with Pink pepper. Just take the freebie if you find the prices too steep. Did you buy the low resolution images or the high resolutions ones?? <em>edited by Haseff on 15/12/2014</em>
Latest post on 10 October 2014 - 10:34
Found this last night at babyshop https://www.facebook.com/steribottlegcc Just got a 2-pack first to check if my baby takes on to it or not.. Hope she does because I can't imagine washing bottles in turkey :/