Honestyfirst | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 12 December 2018 - 23:54
Perfect Touch far from perfect. Please be aware!!!! I left my car to see what can be done as two indication was flashing- Batery and the engine. During the time my car was inspected I was sending inquiries how things are going ? But the response was less then minimum - we are checking... After one week Mr Jarek ( manager) told me that the car is ready for pick up and the amount is 4500 ! He explained what repair- some parts has been changed to used ones some new as he wanted to save the cost .... zero communication at all ! as I would much prefer original parts better to spen more then keep repair... in my opinion. How any type of garage or clinic or any establishment can make a decision for you ??? Now that’s not all unfortunately, on the day when I arrive to pick up my car I’ve noticed crack on my front window! I am 100% sure that my car didn’t have any window crack - even I was observing when Mr Jarek checking my car at the beginning as he used his computer and my eyes was focused on the front bonnet. At this moment my issue has been rased to DED Costomer Service rights and they are in contact with the over of the shop ! Absolutely unprofessional very careless approach be aware.