izzybella | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 10 September 2014 - 22:08
We were happy with Ice Cap who are in Al Seef Tower, which is on the main road where Al Tamami Hotel and Media One hotel are on. They do pick up and drop off. For reference, I think a wash + iron for a man's shirt was 11dhr(?). Not the cheapest but not the most expensive. Unlike other places they don't send theirs off and turn around clothes in a day in most cases. They also do pick up and drop off.
Latest post on 07 September 2014 - 14:49
I'd oven bake. If I had to do chicken breasts, I'd put it in a casserole dish (something with a lid) as I feel it stays more moist. Once cooked, if you have a stand mixer, I'd throw the breast in and spin on medium with a beater head. Et voila, shredded chicken in &lt;60 seconds. <em>edited by izzybella on 07/09/2014</em>
Latest post on 06 September 2014 - 22:06
Luckily I didn't quite get that far. I was in the pre-cancerous team and had to have my cervix attacked with an electric loop for an hour... which was [i'>super[/i'> fun. I had a lot of anger when my pap smear results came back positive for "abnormal cells" and HPV16. Mainly towards the NHS for not supplying pap smears until the age of 25 and for only warranting them useful every 3 years (being only 24, this was my first one). Also, HPV 16 and 18 are on the rise in young people in the UK, so it sickens me that it's not being screened. I'm pretty grateful that I found out a year earlier than I would have but I'm angry that STI tests don't detect it and that the NHS failed me. I know what I'm going through isn't the same as what you're going through, I appreciate that. But I can empathise about the scariness of getting bad results, the initial treatments and tests, the embarrassment, the anger and the stigma of having an STI (I have never felt so dirty in my entire life and I still don't feel 's.exy' nor interested in *** yet). I wish you all the best of luck in your treatments. I'm still not out of the woodwork, I'm due my first check up this week.
Latest post on 06 September 2014 - 21:55
Did you try Paper Lane in (Jumeirah) Town Centre Mall? That's the only place I can think of with a large range of paper craft-y things.
Latest post on 06 September 2014 - 21:53
Latest post on 06 September 2014 - 21:32
Drink a glass of water. Your mind can't differentiate between hunger and thirst. Often it's the latter so when you next feel hungry, have a glass of water and wait 15 minutes. It's surprising how often it works... coming from a fat girl who also forgets to drink water ;)
Latest post on 04 September 2014 - 12:51
I never pay the bill (joint accounts, so what's the point?) but for our "proper" date nights in that area we go to: The Rivington at Souk Madinat for Beef Wellington (which you have to order in advance), or; Ruth and Chris's Steak House (Porter house) at Marina The Address. The Social Bar and Grill at Emirates Hills We really like sharing dishes for some reason! I'm sure you could easily top the 1000dhr/2p bill but it depends on whether you want starters & dessert or not. Plus, it's an anniversary tell him to live a little :) Apparently we also really like English food when we do expensive dates. I'm racking my brain for non-English cheaper places in the area. Will report back if I think of any. <em>edited by izzybella on 04/09/2014</em>
Latest post on 03 September 2014 - 13:01
I'd get a no VOC paint. Other than that, I wouldn't sweat it too much. Chalk paint would be darling.
Latest post on 02 September 2014 - 20:02
I'm sorry but if my dog got bitten by a snake in my own backyard because someone else let them out, I wouldn't want that person to pay. It could have happened to me. I don't check my garden every time I let the mutts out - they're in and out all day. I think in that case the person looking after my dog would probably be just as devastated as I was. All I'd ask for a pet sitter is that they have access to a car and could drive the dog to the nearest vets if there's an emergency. Accidents happen. You have to be pretty heartless to blame someone and then ask them to pay for it.
Latest post on 02 September 2014 - 15:21
I really like [url=http://nomnompaleo.com'>Nom Nom Paleo[/url'>. Her recipes are usually easy and her writing style makes me smile.
Latest post on 01 September 2014 - 13:48
Not as much as I expected, to be honest but I'm wary of the experience of the practitioners. I think it's one of those things that have to be implanted properly to have a high success rate. I'm looking really hard at getting off hormonal birth control (been on it since I was 16 and have had crazy side effects) but the possibility of falling pregnant scares the bejesus out of me. The other option (for me) is sterilisation which I'd have to get privately back in the UK. I think the latter might be my final option.
Latest post on 01 September 2014 - 10:16
This is really interesting, thank you ladies. Does anyone have a ballpark cost for this? Contraception prices make me pretty nervous in the UAE.
Latest post on 01 September 2014 - 10:14
I have an Omega Juicer which I brought when I moved from the UK. It's a masticating juicer which means it goes slowly. The chute is a tad small (have to cut apples but most carrots fit through fine). It's best on greens than soft fruits like citruses. I've had centrifugal juicers before but the reason I upgraded to a masticating one was the pulp. Mine is usually bone dry or near about. The yield from a masticating juicer beats a centrifugal's bum. The pulp usually goes into my compost heap so I don't feel there's any "waste". I hear there are some good recipes for the pulp (crackers, cakes, bread, etc), if you were concerned about chucking it out. I think Organic Foods and Cafe sell a masticating juicer. The argument for juice over smoothies is that you can get a lot more veg & their nutrients in a single glass compared to how much you can get in a smoothie. I try to have one or another a day.
Latest post on 15 June 2014 - 21:50
FIV tests can come up as a [b'>false positive[/b'> if the kitten is tested before 6 months. This is due to antibodies from mummy. So I generally wouldn't recommend wasting your money on it unless you want to add other cats to your home. He will need Tricat/equivalent Vaccination at 8 weeks (can be earlier if kitty reaches 1kg before hand), then a booster of same vaccine a month later. Then annually after the booster. Deworming every 3 months. Should start from 6-8 weeks. Rabies once a year. Start from 8 months. FeLV (Feline Leukaemia Vaccine) should be once a year also from the age of 8 weeks. I also recommend a scratch post and an interactive toy or two. Kittens need some human socialisation so toys on strings are fantastic to get rid of pent up energy. I also urge you to get him fixed when it's time. Most vets won't do it until he is 6 months but it can be done sooner at some vets. It will stop him wanting to go outside at night, being aggressive, prevent him from getting testicular cancer and it will lessen the chance of him catching FIV if he's clean (due to no fighting or ***). It will also help prevent pregnancy in other cats which is why we have such a problem with the stray cat population all over the world. As mentioned Bin Kitty Collective will be happy to advise on vets. They may even extend charitable rates for the castration and vaccinations. How old is he? The diet might not be ideal for him if he's a small kitten.
Latest post on 04 June 2014 - 18:28
put some freezer-safe ziplock bags in the shoes, half fill with water, put in freezer. Should stretch them out a little.
Latest post on 01 June 2014 - 15:30
We had a RC wedding here and I'm not religious so rolled my eyes a bit at having to do the 'course'. But that "ten tips for a happy marriage" that we got given during the course, has been stuck to the front of the fridge through every single house move we've done. I particularly like "never yell at each other unless the house is on fire". Bless. :) edited by Tattie Bogle on 01/06/2014 I just got a flashback to when DH shouted "QUICK, GET THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER!" - the tiny 'fire' proceeded to extinguish itself. I've never laughed so hard in my life.
Latest post on 31 May 2014 - 21:24
I'm just going to put this out there: if you're worried enough to post this question on a public forum to be answered by people who don't know you, you're probably not ready. That's not to say you won't be ready in a month or two, but right now, with your mindset, you sound too unsure. To answer your Q: 11 months. His parents married after 9 months of dating and have been married for 40+ years. She said they just knew and didn't see the point in waiting. I love my husband, but our arrangements may have more to do with where we live as opposed to what we want (neither of us are bothered about marriage).
Latest post on 28 May 2014 - 18:59
Sorry for resurrecting an old thread. @Ecochic - I also feed my dogs a BARF diet. Do you have the contact number/location for the butchers in Deira Fish Market as I've never been and I know I'll get screwed over with prices. Also, are the frozen chicken boxes from the same place?
Latest post on 21 May 2014 - 11:11
I prefer male doctors as all the female ones I've ever gone to with "women problems" have been very dismissive/patronising. I know there are a few bad eggs but I honestly can't imagine many gynos being that lecherous after seeing women with yeast infections more than they care to say. It's not a position where many men (or women, for that matter) would be turned on looking at a cervix... Regardless, I've enjoyed this thread and will be heading its advice.
Latest post on 12 May 2014 - 12:23
I'm pretty experienced in toilet training, I had to toilet train my own adult dogs and I have fostered too many dogs to remember. I advocate Crate Training for several reasons: 1. Speeds up toilet training 10 fold. 2. Gives dog a space of his/her own. My dogs just pop in for naps when they don't want to be disturbed. 3. Whilst they're a puppy, if you're in a position where you can't constantly supervise (you leave the flat) then you have left the puppy in a space where (s)he can't get into mischief and chew your brand new shoes (it happens to EVERYONE). Find out his age. If he is 4 months, he should only be able to hold for 4 hours during the day. (Most puppies learn to sleep through the night and hold from around 4-5 months.) The rule of thumb for crate training/toilet holding is 1 hour per month of age with an absolute maximum of 8 hours. Why does crate training work? Well, if you do it well (feed him in there, put him in there with his favourite toy, encourage him to sleep there) then he should start to see his crate as his space. Normally, dogs don't like to soil where they sleep or eat so he will try to hold. (This may not work straight away but it will work within a day of feedings and naps.) The premise is to take him to his "toilet place" as soon as he comes out of his crate. If he doesn't go after 10 minutes, you put him back in the crate and try again in 10 minutes. If he makes a mistake when you're watching, try clapping/making a loud noise, pick him up and put him on his pad. If you miss the mistake, just take him to where he was supposed to "go" and say your cue word then clean up the area as soon as possible! I suggest you just crate and toilet train for a week or two before he understands the concept. Adult dogs generally figure it out in a day or two, if you're lucky, your puppy will pick it up fast - though it's not uncommon for some dogs to take months to train fully. I'd also suggest not being super crazy about changing the pads. I use one a day unless it had poo on it. But the scent of his own wee should encourage him to go in the same place.
Latest post on 08 May 2014 - 14:56
My hubby's company (US-based) have set it up in 2 options: Option 1: Housing allowance is divided by 12 and added on top of salary monthly Option 2: Housing allowance is divided by 2 and added on top of salary bi annually. With option 2, the months are set for everyone across the company. When we moved to UAE last year, the company provided one month free accommodation and paid the year's housing allowance up front. We're now on (option 1) the monthly allowance until the biannual month rolls around and we get to opt into option 2.
Latest post on 03 May 2014 - 08:34
1. DH [b'>always[/b'> takes his socks off in the living room, on the sofa. The washing machine/laundry room is only 10 paces away yet everyday I find socks on the floor or in between sofa cushions. (Luckily, his feet don't smell!) 2. I am green - it's a constant struggle to remind DH to recycle and not bin his Diet Coke cans. I'm constantly dumpster diving my own bin in order to be an environmental goddess. 3. When we take the same car, I'm NEVER allowed to drive. Bear in mind that I get terribly motion sick when I'm not driving. 4. He's also very critical of my driving which is highly hypocritical of him. I've been in one (tiny) accident where the other driver was at fault; he's totalled 2 cars. All my "faults" that he comments on are things he does too! I'll never forget the day he checked his emails on his iPhone whilst we were in traffic but decided to lean on the accelerator a little and I had to shout "STOP!" as he was completely absorbed in work and not paying attention to the car he's about to crash into at speed. 5. When I'm talking to him, and I've not noticed he's working, he'll respond like he's listening (head nodding and "yes", "oh really?") rather than just tell me that he's busy and I should talk to him later. So I end up saying things like "I'm considering getting a boyfriend...I think I should find someone Mediterranean...maybe a Carlos? You know, someone WHO LISTENS TO ME" to see if he's paying attention :P Then he'd say "what?" and I'd say "it doesn't matter, dear" This being said, I do things to annoy him on purpose and I'm sure I do things that annoy him not on purpose. :D
Latest post on 25 April 2014 - 08:30
800 900 is the number for the animal welfare section of Dubai Municipality. They're the only ones who can legally do anything about animals in the UAE, though their laws are quite lax. Shelter, food and water. That's all an animal "needs" in the UAE...no matter what its other conditions. They will, however, come out and have a look/word with the dogs' owners. That should scare them. If the DM decide that the animals aren't getting their basic needs met, they will take them. Please bear in mind that dogs are "terminated" after a week if nobody adopts them. Perhaps you could suggest the owner get a dog walker. Or surrenders them to an animal welfare org? (although, maybe not right now as nobody has space)
Latest post on 25 April 2014 - 08:29
a...then b.......then think "I wish I had done c" <em>edited by izzybella on 25/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 21:51
They generally put it on another page/section of the PP.
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 19:15
Wikipedia: "Prevention is by vaccinating for canine adenovirus, distemper, parainfluenza, and Bordetella" What does your dog's PP say? Just take it to the vets, they'll tell you straight away.
Latest post on 27 March 2014 - 10:59
Sorry, I tend to dip in and out of this forum. I'm happy to do it for a small fee. I'll be putting 100% of the money toward my animal rescue org so you can be as generous as you like - you can even pay it directly to the vets under our animal rescue name so you know it's being put to good use... I've no idea how you exchange info on this forum. Can you PM? Just let me know. :)
Latest post on 26 March 2014 - 20:10
The houses are built but the whole area is still under development. Few shops and local amenities. However, that means it's cheaper and if you can keep rent low, it [i'>should[/i'> improve in the time you're living there. You'd definitely need car(s) as it has no public transport yet. Finding a furnished property is usually pretty hard to come by in Dubai. However, being a transient country, finding cheap furniture on dubizzle is a dime a dozen. You'll be fine :)
Latest post on 26 March 2014 - 18:10
Depending on whether you can cope without a garden or not, you might want to keep an eye out on JVC. It's about 10-15 minutes from Dubai Internet City. We're moving there next month (into a 2 bedroom + maids + biggest garden known to Dubai) and it's still pretty reasonably priced as it's still in development and 5 years too late. Prices are creeping up every month so you have to start looking ASAP. Cheaper villas are in "old Dubai" - Mirdif, Warqaa, etc. however they're 30 minutes away without traffic. Springs and Meadows are cheap but tend to be pretty small and very "little boxes"-esque. Propertyfinder.ae and dubizzle.com should be your first port of call. Good luck!
Latest post on 23 March 2014 - 13:28
Saturday lunch times? I think I can help. I'll be moving soon but only to JVC. What are you looking for? 30mins-hour? Play?
Latest post on 16 March 2014 - 20:38
ACE is a rip off. Try Danube in Al Quoz. There are also A LOT of building supplies in the area, just drive around.
Latest post on 16 March 2014 - 19:53
Just to make things more awkward: I also collect to sell at flea markets etc to help animals in need here in Dubai.
Latest post on 16 March 2014 - 17:19
I mentioned clear boundaries. That may or may not include them being allowed in her room. That would be up to you. Seriously, are you women for real? Do you not think it's better to prevent she doesn't get pregnant whilst under your employment as opposed to tempting her into having an illicit affair by saying it's off limits? Do you not understand the mentality of humans? If you tell someone they can't do something, they'll probably do it. Worse, they'll probably do it and get pregnant. People have *** out of wedlock in Dubai/UAE. ALL.the.time. I didn't say I managed people in an office setting. I actually use to manage a lot of young people which is probably why I'm a bit more pragmatic than most. Okay, it's not legal/kosher to "allow" out of wedlock *** but you can at least control it reasonably. Birth control and information is better than ignorance and "abstinence". Take Texas for example - they advocated teaching abstinence and do not teach birth control at school, they have one of the worst teen pregnancy/STD rates in the country. @mushypeas I understand that a warning may not lead to the best outcome but I think I'd rather give someone a chance than fire them straight away. Surely it depends on the gravity of the situation and the way you warn them? Some people are better at delivering warnings than others - I've witnessed this firsthand. These are my views, and they might not agree with yours but I do feel that living a ***/intimacy-free life is wholly unrealistic for a young person, no matter which country they reside.
Latest post on 16 March 2014 - 14:31
I'm going to pre-face this with: I don't have children. I do, however, have a lot of experience managing people. You didn't like her behaviour (and I wouldn't either if my child complained). There's a difference between it being fun and silly to being a chore and inappropriate. You've had a chat with her, she's apologised and said it will never happen again. Hopefully it will never happen again and you don't have to worry about it. If it does persist, just give her an official warning. "This is not acceptable behaviour and if you continue, I will be forced to terminate your employment" blah blah blah. As for not using her phone whilst working: come on! I bet you do. As long as the OP's children aren't in danger and chores are being done, I see no harm in letting her text her friends/use social media. I applaud your efforts to let her have a [i'>personal[/i'> life. That's more than some employers here. If she really wants to have ***, she will find a way. You can have the talk about not letting her bring strange men home and tell her that if you suspect it than you will put up cameras but maybe change the tone if she gets a regular boyfriend. Maybe meet him. Have clear boundaries and provide adequate birth control. Be realistic. Firing her for one incident after a whole year is childish. To the person who suggested that, you can't pretend that you've never made a mistake before. What's with the Dubai mentality that if someone makes one error they should be fired? The headache of employing a new maid, not to mention the cost, surely outweighs a warning with your current maid? Especially as she's "genuinely great". I'd ignore that "suggestion" for now. Good luck. :)
Latest post on 15 March 2014 - 20:21
http://goo.gl/kA2w5a &lt;&lt; Map I made of dog-friendly places in UAE. Feel free to add it to yours and add more places to it. :)
Latest post on 15 March 2014 - 20:19
If you struggle selling them, may I be cheeky and suggest you donate them to SNIFF (www.facebook.com/SNIFF.MiddleEast)? We could always do with donations. :)
Latest post on 02 March 2014 - 18:37
Unfortunately, I am unable to help as adopted four cats and brought them back to home country but main reason for post is who on earth thought up that acronym !!!! Could have thought of something a little more appropriate surely..... because dogs and cats never sniff...
Latest post on 25 January 2014 - 21:41
Bubbalicious @ Westin? Kids are allowed but they generally stay in their play area/we've never really noticed them.
Latest post on 25 January 2014 - 18:47
I aim for one meal. Either late lunch or dinner time. I try to go as late as humanly possible without eating as then you actually fast. I drink black coffee, green tea, black tea (earl grey, etc), English breakfast tea with a "dash" of milk for flavour, sparkling water, still water. Another vice is diet coke for those desperate moments when I want something "sweet". For my meal I default to salad and protein. Last fast I had rump steak with raw kale in lemon and olive oil. Black pepper and salt. Beautiful and filling. [u'>Other ideas:[/u'> - Scrambled tofu/egg( whites) with veg and 1 slice of wholemeal toast - Burgers (meat or veggie) without the bun - Tuna and bean salad with balsamic - Baked chicken breast, steamed veg - Baked (sweet) potato with controlled amount of fillings (beans and cheese are my fav!) - BIG SALADS with fat in the dressing (as fatty dressings are proved to sate hunger) are my staples! I also get a kcal when I'm feeling lazy or need some variety. As mentioned, if you ditch the carbs on a fast day, you can eat more (volume-wise) with vegetables and protein. I also find that if you have a hunger pang/wave, just drink a tummy full of something and it passes after 15 or so minutes. It's self-control/distraction. After the first few fasts, it gets MUCH easier!
Latest post on 23 January 2014 - 22:14
The Address at Marina Mall do Salsa on a Wednesday.
Latest post on 23 January 2014 - 20:03
If you're following the 5:2 for health reasons, you should continue this "diet" for the rest of your life. The benefits of inhabiting IGF-1 are fantastic. <em>edited by izzybella on 23/01/2014</em>
Latest post on 23 January 2014 - 14:55
The Animal Project have a [url=https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=658080180905073&set=pb.244126352300460.-2207520000.1390474419.&type=3&theater'>rabbit called Laura[/url'> who needs a forever home.
Latest post on 23 January 2014 - 14:52
Where I'm an advocate for adopting over buying, I'd just like to mention that some puppies are born at the vets as their mothers are rescued whilst pregnant. Thus they are handled by humans straight from birth and have none of the abandonment/abuse issues street dogs can have. In fact, I know that there's a pregnant mother on the Animal Action Abu Dhabi waiting list currently at a construction site. I'd also like to say that I wouldn't trust a dog alone with an infant EVER. Regardless of its background or upbringing. You never know what or when a dog will snap, even if you hand reared it from X days old and it loves you explicitly. <em>edited by izzybella on 23/01/2014</em>
Latest post on 23 January 2014 - 09:01
I'm back on the 5:2. I'm on week 2 of the alternate day fasting kickstart. I've lost 3.8lbs in 10 days! (Bear in mind, I have a lot to lose to begin with.) I haven't decided my fast days yet. In the UK I did Mon and Thurs so Sunday and Thurs seems not too far off. Hoping to be a healthier person by the end of 2014! (and hopefully lose the tummy!)
Latest post on 22 January 2014 - 09:48
I know that Stadium (in Dubai Mall, Dubai Marina Mall, Deira City Mall) all stock [url=http://www.carrotbananapeach.com'>Carrot Banana Peach[/url'> who make lovely organic and sustainable yoga wear. <em>edited by izzybella on 22/01/2014</em>