Jaseelkid | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 01 March 2018 - 11:32
When it comes to fees at nurseries, this would be hard to comment on as different nurseries charge differently. The best option for you would be to shortlist a couple of nurseries you are interested in, and then enquire on their rates and enrollment procedures from them. 1.5 years is considered to be the right age to admit your child at a nursery. But there are several nurseries that take in children from the age of 10 months as well. Most of these nurseries are equipped to handle children at a younger age and have separate activities that are suitable to that specific age group. Kids Palace Nursery is a good option for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. They take in children from 14months to 4 years.
Latest post on 01 March 2018 - 11:26
Getting your child in a good nursery is essential for their overall development. There are several great nurseries in Dubai that you can choose from: Ambassador Kindergarten, Kids Palace Nursery, Orange Tree Nursery, Dubai Gem Nursery, Toddler International Nursery, Cambridgeshire Nursery, New Dubai Nursery. Among these, Kids Palace Nursery is considered to be one of the best. At Kids Palace Nursery, your child will feel at home in a safe, supportive and simulative environment that helps children express themselves and grow to reach their full potential. visit their kidspalacenursery,com to verify them :)