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Latest post on 11 February 2020 - 11:33
I agree with "Stay away from Marc Mueller"'. In my opinion, he is extremely invasive and very commercial. I also recommend Dr John McEwan. As for the comment above that, Dr John was not available...
I just completed treatment with Dr Marc Mueller and wanted to praise him online to show my appreciation for the excellent work he has done. This thread is quite outrageous, seeing how Dr Marc really is such a wonderful caring person and great surgeon. I cannot believe what this person here is saying. Dr Marc is such a sensible and kind person, I find it very odd and unlikely that anyone whos honestly had a problem with him would go online and placate the web with slanderous slogans while at the same time advertising for a doctor who may want to try and compete with Dr Marc. Anyone who has been in DXB for a while will have come across Dr. Marc at some point or another. People should know that among experienced expats he is considered the gold standard for facial plastic surgery and respiratory issues. The fact that he does not need to go online and slander other doctors, while advertising his name, is case in point. Whatever... Who cares... to each their own!