Jules06 | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 17 November 2014 - 11:36
I realise that but I am more than happy to skype you...it will be ok, you can and will succeed this time! As you know in order to succeed it's about making life comment. You have already taken a huge step by admitting you need help, well done ....Whatever you decide to do please don't give up. If you have a 'bad' morning you can choose to have a better afternoon, it's normal to have lapses and relapses so don't be too hard on yourself. Remember small steps... Have a good day
Latest post on 16 November 2014 - 23:29
Hi How are you feeling today? I can help you, I am a fitness professional/Master Trainer from the UK specialising in a number of areas Diabetes and Obesity is one. I have successfully helped other women in similar situations as you.... I will be in Kuwait as from Wednesday this week as I have secured a position as a Fitness Director within a ladies only health club. If you would like some assistance please do not hesitate to contact me Warm regards