Kylah |


Latest post on 20 October 2012 - 22:17
Hi Nikki, I honestly had no problems with Fakih IVF in Dubai. I was going to Fakih IVF in Abu Dhabi and found them very difficult to deal with. I had a major run in with the IVF coordinator there, who told me that if i wanted to get pregnant I needed to relax (after I was annoyed because she never returned my calls) so unprofessional. I wanted to continue my treatment with Dr. Fakih but not in that clinic so we made the decision to make the commute to Dubai and it paid off. I did however do my treatment during Ramadan when the clinic was quieter and I was off work for the summer so I was very flexible with my time. I know it get very busy there at other times of the year and particularly in the evenings. You do need to expect that there will be some waiting time and that appointments don't always run on schedule, but this is the case in all the hospitals and clinics I've been to in this country. I agree with you though, you need to minimise your stress as much as possible, IVF is stressful enough as it is. Wishing you the best of luck with your decision! edited by Kylah on 20/10/2012 <em>edited by Kylah on 20/10/2012</em>
Latest post on 13 October 2012 - 17:35
Thank you Casta :)
Latest post on 12 October 2012 - 08:40
Hi Rouls, how are you getting on? I'm 13 weeks pregnant with twins too. I am currently seeing Dr. Marwan at Al Noor, Airport Road and have found him very good. I think I will stick with him for the moment but will also register with the Corniche (I'm not insured there) just in case and see how things go. I'm really interested joining a support group too, as these are my first babies and I don't have a clue what to do :) Did you manage to find one?
Latest post on 06 October 2012 - 16:56
I would also like to highly recommend Dr. Fakih. As soon as we found out that IVF was our only option, I called Faikh IVF. I was able to meet with Dr. Fakih within 3 days of my diagnosis (this is one of things I like best about this clinic, they are open long hours and it is very easy to organise an appointment there, without long waits). I found him supportive and reassuring. He preformed a laproscopy on me before we began IVF, I was very happy with the treatment I received. He reassured me that I would get pregnant and he was true to his word, as I am now almost 12 weeks pregnant with twins!! We were extremely happy with care and communication that we received at Fakih IVF. All the staff there are lovely and very helpful, from the receptionists, to the embryologists and nurses. As far as I know their success rates are the best in the Middle East! I wish you the best of luck with your decision and future treatment x