Lady_Brit |


Latest post on 30 July 2017 - 10:41
It sounds cliche, but I am sure everyone has had an experience here in Dubai with teachers informing parents that their child is showing 'abnormal' behavior. My son is turning 4 and was 3 years old at the time he attended FS1 at Safa community school last September. He is a happy, sociable child who was a little delayed with his speech and loved attending big school for the first time. During the second week at Safa, I started getting calls from the management staff informing me that my son was showing abnormal behavior, not following the curriculum, and that a shadow teacher was the only option if I wanted to keep him at the school. To elaborate, he didn't want to always go toilet when told, he did not want to change activities as he loved playing with the toy cars, and he liked to take off his shows at time. Oh and not forgetting that he liked to touch the carpet which the staff implied he had some kind of censorial issues. Sounds like normal behavior for a 3 year old if you ask me, and I am not exaggerating at all. It even got to a point where my son had to stay home for 3 days as a punishment or 'time to think' as he decided to knock a chair over when another boy took the toy car he was playing with. Not forgetting when he spent 2 hours in the principles office twice that week so he can further 'think' about his behavior. I of course took him to an occupational therapist as I became very paranoid as it seemed the story of my life became meeting the FS management team to discuss my abnormal child. The outcome was that he simply needed some speech support but socially and mentally he was fine and fit for school. The team at Safa of course disagreed and I received a call informing me that my son cannot come back to school. My point in sharing this is to inform every mum that sometimes, the pressures of Dubai and the schooling systems here leads to us preventing our children from simply being that: A Child. A teacher's/school's role (along with roles of us as parents) is to nurture and develop our children and accept that every child is unique, and some may need further support compared to others. Our kids need to tick certain boxes before being 'accepted' or else, let's just get rid of them, as there are many kids on the waiting list wanting a place at school. I dont hold a grudge, but every time I look back at what I was told by the Principle, the FS1 teacher and even the learning support teacher, I remember again that Safa Commmunity School is not what it makes out to be. If you have a perfect child - great then he/she will be accepted: they fit in. However, any signs of teachers having to work a little harder to support or develop your child, then sorry they will need to go else where. "We do not not have space for 3 year old who will not follow the curriculum."
Latest post on 07 March 2012 - 16:02
Yes it is British Curriculum and the cut off is the same date. My son will be 4 at the beginning of September but I have chosen to put him into KG1 in line with most other schools. Have you been to visit the school yet? Would love some info on this school as I am considering putting my little one in Nursery Sep 2013..Do they have nursery or do they start at KG1? Are your children attending this school? Please advise!
Latest post on 25 January 2012 - 15:24
I really beleive that all employees should have the benefit of schooling whether they are execs or not. Why should the executies get help and other not? The company I will be working for soon pays a certain amount for schooling costs from KG1 onwards.. However, the employee has to have been working for the company for minimum one year..Good luck, I really hope they change the system.
Latest post on 25 January 2012 - 11:54
Looking at Google maps is all the help I have right now! Does anyone have any idea whether Jumeirah Island 3 is a part of Jumeirah Village? Any reviews on the area? Thanks..
Latest post on 24 January 2012 - 14:19
I will gain the residency visa first and then sponsor my husband and son..Do you think it is an issue for a woman to sponsor her husband? I know that it may require certain permissions or something..someone informed me that it wouldnt be an issue as we are British, but surely nationality has nothing to do with it? Or?
Latest post on 24 January 2012 - 14:04
Thanks..Yep we will be staying in short term accomodation which is kind of a hassle as it also involves deposits and agency fees and all that..ahhh I think it's going to be a while until I feel settled, and all this with a one year old thats teething! Is the set up of DEWA straight forward?
Latest post on 24 January 2012 - 13:48
Thanks for that.. Its so hard when you’re still far away! I hope it gets easier when I get there and get to look properly.. How long did your residency permit take to be issued? Does it depend on nationality or???
Latest post on 24 January 2012 - 13:28
Maybe I should rephrase the subject matter! All I seem to come across is Better Homes..Anyone!!&gt;?&gt;&gt; <em>edited by Lady_Brit on 24/01/2012</em>
Latest post on 24 January 2012 - 13:25
care to elaborate? :)
Latest post on 24 January 2012 - 13:07
Can anyone recommend an estate agency based on their experience or word of mouth? Moving to Dubai next week..I'm interested in renting a two bedroom appartment but people have been warning me of dodgy agencies. I would appreciate your advise and recommendations.. Many thanks
Latest post on 04 January 2012 - 16:17
Thank you all for your suggestions.. I will be working in Jebel Ali Freezone, which is why I was considering Discovery Gardens, as it is very close.. Does anyone have info on that area? Or even Sports City? Thanks!
Latest post on 24 August 2011 - 23:19
It's Lebanese.. You flew with 'name'.. I swear you are lucky
Latest post on 03 June 2011 - 00:24
Many thanks to you both, will check them out now
Latest post on 02 June 2011 - 22:03
We are relocating to Dubai in the next two months, and will probably need to stay in a hotel/furnished aptmt temporarily for a few weeks when we get there until we finalize our permanent home. Any advice on temporary housing that's reasonably priced? Not too far from JLT? Thanks
Latest post on 02 June 2011 - 12:39
I just checkout out Jebel Ali School's website..looks great so far, from what I can see, the fees are the same all the way up to year 6? Do they have a Secondary School? Or isit still being built?
Latest post on 02 June 2011 - 12:37
wehey I feel like a part of the family now! lol So where about are you living now? So many choices, very confused!
Latest post on 02 June 2011 - 12:25
My Orthodontist was in Crouch End :) I lived in Enfield, also North..Then moved to South Est, near Greenwich. So what brings you to Dubai? How are you finding it, and how long have you been there?
Latest post on 02 June 2011 - 11:50
Thanks everyone! Wow lots to take in, but it all really helps..I have been doing as much research as I can, but getting advice from people who have gone through it all is more effective I think! Regarding my LO, I will be hiring a nanny..but am very anxious, as all mums would be..Are the nannies usually working for a company or freelance? Also, how reliable is the [b'>metro[/b'>?? We will be buying a car, but that wont be until after a month or so of our arrival...
Latest post on 02 June 2011 - 11:40
Many thanks for all your comments :) Although my little one is only 9 months, I have been reading that for KG1 or Foundation 1, I am able to put my LO name on the school's waiting list 2 years in advance. So I wanted to do my research beforehand. We are looking at accommodation within The Springs/The Greens/JLT, still not set on one place. Gosh it's tough to choose! I've read some good reviews, about DESS, Star, and Horizon, thanks for the input..I also liked The English College Dubai.. Anyone know anything about that school? Oh and am I the only one who thinks the UK Curriculum schools are expensive? :/ Any financial aid lol
Latest post on 02 June 2011 - 00:54
Thanks WaxMuch ;) Night night!!
Latest post on 02 June 2011 - 00:51
Calling out to all others :) Please post any recommendations for schools in Dubai, preferable UK Curriculum..would really appreciate it.. Thanks!
Latest post on 02 June 2011 - 00:26
Thanks for the reply..Well maybe I am being a bit too optimistic! My husband's job offers are ranging from 20- 25k, so our joint income should be around 35 - 40k, but do you think this is still living hard? I know the cost of living is very high..anyone care to shed some light aprox on their monthly outgoings? Would really appreciate it! Also, please comment on what you think someone's minimum salary should reach in order to be able to live a stable life..( not necessarily a high life!) Thanks!
Latest post on 01 June 2011 - 22:13
wow a tent sounds great hehe.. That's only my salary alone, my husband has a more stable salary.. However, I think you are right, considering the cost of living in Dubai, schooling etc, I really thought it should be higher, after bargaining, they would not budge! But I considered that it may be OK, as it's with the same company I worked with in the UK. Also, it will keep me busy, as I do get bored if I didn't work.. Realistically, what would you consider a reasonable starting salary is? Within a brand management position? Any comments for UK curriculum schooling ???
Latest post on 01 June 2011 - 21:55
Wow I am def loving the prompt responses :) Thanks to all! Well firstly, my office is located in JLT, which may be the best option, but I liked the look of The Greens, Springs etc also.. Sorry to be so blunt, but I favored places with a Western community, as I also wanted my little boy to have English speaking friends, which I know is everywhere in Dubai these days! Re housing, we were looking at mortgages also, but are wondering whether it is worth it right now to look into buying as we are still new to the country? 9 Plus the economic state etc) Also, Right now, my starting Salary is 14,000 AED Plus commission, and we also need to consider Schooling for my little one. I would like to place him in a school that follows a UK Curriculum, any advice on this? I was interested in The English College Dubai as it has great reviews from both parents and the KHDA, and is also rather affordable comparing to the other UK schools such as JESS, ( which I did like, but felt was still a little pricey). I look forward to your responses, Thanks all
Latest post on 01 June 2011 - 21:29
Hello to everyone..this is my first post and indeed I will be asking the same question that all new expats ask: Where to live!? I am from London, and will be moving to Dubai in the next three month or so to due to a job offer.. I am very confused in choosing an area within Dubai to live in..So far I really like The Greens and JLT..I saw some places in IMPZ also, but I have been reading some bad reviews on that area recently.. Any recommendations? I am married with a child that is 9 months old, thus it would be nice to live in a pleasant community so that my little one can also play out in the pool or garden when a little older. Your comments and recommendations would be very much appreciated! Many thanks!! :)