lilythepink |


Latest post on 27 March 2016 - 11:48
Sandrine i have been thinking about you all morning, my baby was not premature he was born at 38 weeks with a serious infection and complications and spent almost six weeks in total in NICU being re admitted several times, he was the biggest baby in NICU and once or twice he was the sickest, but thankfully we had a happy outcome. I have read some of your blog and I admire you so much for your strength, I'am so sorry for the loss of little Lucia Marie, she fought so hard for 51days and too lose her after such a length of time is just devastating. I too spent my time at City Hospital it was a much smaller Nicu then compared to now, my boy is now almost five and those days there are never far from my mind as well as the doctors and nurses. wishing you all the best, and your blog will be a great support to mums facing the NICU, take care x
Latest post on 05 March 2016 - 20:55
She's gone to the Airport now, we had to get the police involved unfortunately, It wasn't a decision we made lightly and I don't feel good about it, I have been in Dubai 9 years and this is the first time I've had to deal with anything like this, I'm not going to go into the issues that brought us to this as the bottom line was we didn't trust her with our kids, and we didn't feel comfortable in our own home, thanks so much for your replies, have a nice evening.
Latest post on 05 March 2016 - 08:37
I wouldn't say what she did was unforgivable but I can't possible trust her with the kids again and therefore she needs to go, she has been a negative presence in the house from day one and we have had chats about it and this is just the last straw now, she is however refusing to leave.....
Latest post on 22 September 2015 - 12:22
I believe she is still delivering at City Hospital, but is no longer at Dr Sulaiman al Habib, and no one seems to know or want to tell me where she is now, the only contact city hospital have for her is the clinic i have already mentioned, so hoping someone can help me. Thank you
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 18:29
Hello Congrats on the birth or your girls, my little boy spent quite a while at City Hospital NICU athough he was full term, the staff there are fantastic, I do know that Dr Azeim one of the neonatologists there holds a clinic for outpatients on a Tuesday afternoon, maybe that has increased to more afternoons im not sure but definitely on Tuesdays, words cannot describe how grateful we will always be to him, he went above and beyond the call of duty for me and not just my son, nearly three years later we are still in touch and his photo with my little boy has pride of place on my fridge. We also see Dr Nicholl for routine stuff, my ds does not need any specialist care any more, and he is also a fantastic doctor, either one your girls will be good hands, enjoy :)
Latest post on 27 October 2013 - 18:50
Ohhh I so feel your pain, we have a po box in Jumeirah town centre, and we have even posted stuff to ourselves to see it was delivered ......nope, its beyond belief, dh will not let me next to or near a post office as it may result in my deportation Grrrhhhh
Latest post on 11 October 2013 - 09:55
singarosa, I'am very sorry you had such an awful time, I'm not a doctor but the placenta being left behind is something of course shouldnt have happened, I think I know who your doctor is and if I'm right then she also looked after me for my last two pregnancies, she is extremely expierenced in obstetrics and specialises in high risk pregnancies, I cannot rate her highly enough, I recommeded her to three of my friends and they love her, she is direct, she is not a hand holder, she is calm and knows her stuff, for her to speak to you like that and through a file at you tells me she must have been extremely frustrated, it is quite out of character in my opinion, if she told me she needed to deliver I would never dreamt of questioning her, I trust her implicitly. with my last child he turned to the breach position at 37 weeks and I therefore had to have a c section, she would not enteratain attempting to turn him, which was fine by me I trusted her, it was the best decision in the end as my little boy was born with a GBS infection and was seriously ill, he is fine now, my c section was perfect, I recovered very well, and my scar is virtually gone two years on. Babies are not kep in NICU unneccessarily, so obviously they're was a reason for that. Regarding the placent and the bleeding, it sounds horrendous, you have had a horrible time, and it clearly should not have happended, you still seem very traumatised by the last years events and sometimes the anger lingers on, please don't let it spoil the times now that you are feeling better and if you need to get help or talk to someone.
Latest post on 26 August 2013 - 15:35
missrayner, I had a similar experience to you on my first child, I had her in Europe at 36 weeks 5/4 hours labour, she flew out and all was well, she was 2.6kgs and perfect, my 2nd pregnancy i was here in Dubai and also v concerned as my husband travelled etc, However I had to be induced at 40+ weeks, the little guy didnt want to come out at all, i was so sure he was coming early I had the bag in the car from 35wks, I was very well looked after here and I cant recommend the care in Dubai highly enough. My 3rd ds was by elective csection as he was breach, that went perfectly fine also, the only thing is I tested positvie for Group B Strep and he was seriously ill and in and out of NICU for 6 weeks, in my home county they do not screen for GBS so if I had gone home to have him it would have been a very different story, the point I'm making is, Dubai is as good a place as any developed country to give birth, and I will be eternally greatful for the care that I got here especially on my 3rd child, good luck with whatever you decide.
Latest post on 18 July 2013 - 12:39
My son has been on medication for a conditon called SVT which is a type of arrythmia, he had it as a newborn and his heart rate used to go up to 280/300 beats a minute, he stayed on medication until he was 14mths and is a year off meds and so far so good, his cardiologist is Dr Samir Sajwani, he has a clinic at city hospital every Tuesday and he also works out of Latifa, good luck
Latest post on 14 July 2013 - 12:52
Dr hiba delivered my last two boys and she is fantastic, love her to bits, very experienced, very professional, cannot recommend her highly enough, I miss her lol !,,
Latest post on 24 April 2013 - 17:57
Sami, glad you had a good outcome, City NICU are fabulous and will have a place in my heart for a very long time, there is not a day goes by when I don't think of them and that is two years down the line, I guess Latifa or City would be my only recommendation.
Latest post on 23 April 2013 - 18:37
I can only speak for City Hospital, my ds was in and out of there for up to six weeks, He was full term but had a few difficulties and the NICU were fabulous, he is just two years old now and we still keep in touch with those amazing people, it is expensive up to 5k per night but I believe Latifa are also fanctastic and they charge 4k per night, the only diffference is at city your baby will have one on one care if needed, as far as I;m aware at Latifa it is two babies per Nurse.
Latest post on 10 April 2013 - 19:40
aa, no the company will not cover school fees, what are the state schools like, we have been led to believe that english is widely spoken!!!!
Latest post on 10 April 2013 - 17:39
thank you for all your replies, i have looked at the mentioned forums briefly, they're certainly seems a lot of information so will have a good read when i have more time, dh has had one interview so far via conference call with a swiss company, he has been made redundant here so we are looking at all options, the role is a senior global director level, however im concerned about a number of things, schooling, have three kids, 5,7, and 2, English is our first language and I do not have a flair for languages, I'm just wondering how we would all cope. cost of living, the initial salary suggested is 160K swiss francs, which does not sound like a lot to me but maybe someone can tell me if this is doable, can we have a decent standard of living plus save a bit, we are fairly low maintenance as far as expenditure is concerned, dont go out much but dont want to be scrimping either, dhs previous salary here in Dubai was 60k plus health, schools, flights etc, so not sure how to quite compare with Zurich. Curious about the lifestyle, we have been in Dubai six years, like to do family stuff, keep fit, run, etc, also what is the weather really like? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Latest post on 17 February 2013 - 14:07
Thanks guys, I just hope I can convince my dh, it's Causing a big row at the moment, my dhs background is commercial director and operations director to two huge multinationals, v experienced, great cv, v positive feedback from headhunters and recruiters but still no job!!!!!
Latest post on 22 January 2013 - 12:56
Hi there, Yes it could be one of the reasons for early delivery, but at this stage there is no way of knowing regarding your earlier deliveries, I tested positive for GBS on my third pregnancy and was advised that antibiotics would be adminsistered during labour, however my ds turned to the breach position week 37 and i had to have an elective section, it is not normal procedure to give antibiotics when having a c section as the baby will not be passing throught the birth canal and the chances are zero of picking it up........Well no quite so my ds did pick up the infection from a c section and ended up with sepsis and pneumonia, had blood transfusions, lumbar punctures and was ventilated for four days, and spent two weeks in NICU, he is thankfully 100% now and will be two in March. My point is, forwarned is forarmed, make sure everything is in place regarding the antibiotic etc and you should be fine, since my sons birth, the hospital has changed its policy regarding c sections and anyone who is GBS positive and having a c section will be given antibiotics regardless, Sorry if this post alarms you, but its something that is very close to my heart and I didnt no enough about GBS at the time, or at least it didnt cause me much concern, maybe i was better off not knowing, good luck with the rest of your pregnancy,
Latest post on 17 January 2013 - 18:29
I can second dr Sameer, he has a clinic at city hospital every Tuesday afternoon, he has taken great care of my 20mth old ds since birth, I got a second opinion back in a children hospital in Europe and his care and management of ds was spot on, good luck
Latest post on 07 January 2013 - 10:08
Hi there, we all came down with this over Xmas as my mum kindly brought it with her, what surprised me was how contagious it was, we all went down with like dominos, firstly be careful hygiene wise, maybe just designate one loo for just you, and told to clean all surfaces with domestos including door handles. For you yourself just rest, stay hydrated, if diarrhoea and cramps are bad take motilium that should help, and thats all really, my mum was sick for over a week, the rest of us recovered within 24hours, hope you feel better soon
Latest post on 15 December 2012 - 21:00
I cannot understand how anyone could helmet a baby 23 hours a day, let's be fair would really take it off for one hour, my two boys had this and it sorted itself out gradually, enjoy your precious baby...
Latest post on 09 December 2012 - 20:25
Hi there, i have dealt with dr Habash at the AH and also dr Claire Roberts at more fields and I can highly recommend both, I started taking my son since he was 2yrs old.
Latest post on 05 October 2012 - 15:25
its incomprehendible how someone could do this to a little girl, WHY OH WHY, poor little pet must have been so frightened, how could any parent over cope with this... so so sad, may she rest in peace...
Latest post on 02 October 2012 - 22:37
Yes I have been having problems the last few days connecting, I don't no why as wifi is fine :(
Latest post on 16 September 2012 - 14:56
I have the kindle fire and an ipad, the kindle is great for reading, but I cant read mine in daylight, am i missing something?
Latest post on 06 September 2012 - 14:05
you've got mail :)
Latest post on 06 September 2012 - 10:36
I'am selling a mamas and papas moses basket, cream linen coloured with a stand, im in the um sequiem area if you are interested....
Latest post on 05 September 2012 - 22:40
My third baby turned to the breech position at 35 weeks, I tried everything to get him to turn naturally, my obgyn Dr Hibba, would not even discuss attempting to turn him as some hospital i think dont allow it here because of the risks, I therefore had a c-section and the care I received was second to none, I can highly recommend her she is based at Dr Sulaiman al Habib Clinic at Health care city and delivers at City Hospitol.
Latest post on 27 August 2012 - 22:15
Dr Hibba delivers at city hospital, I'm not aware of any other obgyn at sulaiman al habib
Latest post on 02 July 2012 - 13:56
Hi there, i can absolutely recommend dr hibba, she delivered my two boys, one at the American hospital and my youngest ds at city hospital last year, she is based at the dr sulaiman al habib clinic in healthcare city and now delivers only ay city hospital, good luck :)
Latest post on 21 May 2012 - 10:24
MaGrabbi Kids, in Dubai Mall, its not far from Hamleys, they probably have the best range in Dubai, I buy all my ds glasses from there:)
Latest post on 14 May 2012 - 11:09
Hi there, I tried this as my ds turned to breach position at about 36 weeks, it didnt work for me unfortunately, the lady that helped me was Dr Oh, a chinese lady and you can do a search on here, I don't have her number but she is very good. I ended up having the c-section and after two normal deliveries it really was not that bad, I'm curious that your Dr will try and ECV, mine wouldnt, hope things work out for you, good luck.
Latest post on 09 February 2012 - 18:55
I dont have a lot of time to reply, but the NICU at city hospital is so so close to my heart, it almost brings me to tears to talk about the wonderful and amazing staff there, I owe them so much, rest assured if you're baby needs neonatal care he is the best place possible, I have also heard great things about the American hospital, good luck x
Latest post on 06 January 2012 - 07:43
Hi there, I have been taking my ds to Dr Habash since he was 2yrs old, he is now 3.5, he has the same problem that you desscribe your child as having, I find him excellent, and yes I also think its great that he advised a patient to get a second opinion, good luck, it might take about a month for you to get an appointment with him though.
Latest post on 04 December 2011 - 22:08
I have had this problem with both my DS's, ds 1 was pretty bad and I got the goi goi pillow online and this has helped alot, he is now 3.5 and you cant notice it unless he his hair wet lol, my ds 2 spent some time in NICU when he was born and so had the flatness before he came home, I have used the goi goi pillow again for him and they're has been a major improvement in his head shape since he started sitting up, he is eight months now. Have you thought about one of those bumbo chairs to encourage lo to sit up, I couldnt use it for mine cos they're legs were to fat lol. In the grand scheme of things it really is only something small, I wouldnt have the heart to put a helmet on them, it will diminish with time although i suspect not entirely, but believe me my little guy has been through the mill and if all he suffers from at the end of the day is a little flatness on his head, then im not the least bit worried about it, lets hope my two don't go bald eh.
Latest post on 13 November 2011 - 19:04
Dr Hiba, delivered my second and also my third at City Hospital, she practices out of Dr Sulaiman al habib in healthcare city, she used to be at the American, she is fantastic, I have recommended her to several friends for different things and they have all been delighted with her
Latest post on 05 November 2011 - 22:32
Hi there, just to add my tuppence worth, my ds has a heart issue which at the moment is being controlled by medication, he has a condition called SVT which caused a lot of problems initially but thankfully the doctors at City Hospitol were able to get him on the right medication, if he has any further problems I will have to take him to Al Wasl hospital, it has'ent happened, but I believe they're is a very good pediatiric cardiologist there, the other thing I would like to say that Sheikh Kalifa in AD is a centre of excellence in pediatric cardiology, I think it would be a good place for you to start before you make any decisions about going home etc, again I do not have any names of Drs, hope this helps, good luck x
Latest post on 06 October 2011 - 20:14
Dr Kay Deeming at Infinity clinic on alwasl rd, close to park and shop is very sympathetic and understanding, good luck :)
Latest post on 06 October 2011 - 19:32
Trbdxb, don't listen to any nonsense, I did not bf any of my three children, on the second and third whom I had here in Dubai, my obgyn gave me a tablet after the birth I think it was called "dustinox' the spelling is most likely incorrect, I just took one and I never experienced any pain or engorgement, and believe it or not I'm still here to tell the tale... Oh and no side effects whatsoever,None! <em>edited by lilythepink on 06/10/2011</em>
Latest post on 14 September 2011 - 21:12
My only experience of NICU care is at City Hospitol, I had my ds there about five months ago, he was full term but developed a serious infection almost immediately after birth, he subsequently spent two weeks in nicu and later had to be re admitted three separate occasions, i cannot speak hightly enough of the doctors and nurses there, I will be eternally grateful for what they did for me and my son, I sought second opinions when I went back to europe over the summer and I was told that ds got excellent care in Dubai, I strongly believe we would not have got better care anywhere in the world, amazing is an understatement,
Latest post on 04 August 2011 - 01:01
I can recommend 'Danny Boy' it would defo seal the deal lol, the year I went to the rose ball Daithi O' Shea was presenting it which was fairly cringe worthy, the oul "my mammy would love you' was a bit stomach churning towards the end, I have since heard he has actually got engaged to an ex rose.
Latest post on 03 August 2011 - 17:12
LOL this is funny, I went to the Rose Ball here about two years ago, it was a good night, the majority of the "lovely Girls" as father ted once put it, were all teachers just out for the craic to be honest, I really don't think any of them took it that seriously, mind you does anyone these days, some companys will sponser a rose as well as far as I can remember, are you thinking of entering???? "an aul jig' would definitely get you in the running:)
Latest post on 02 July 2011 - 18:23
Thanks pilotprincess, that really helps:)
Latest post on 29 June 2011 - 21:46
I get quite emotional when I think of the doctors at city hospital, NICU and pediatrics saved my little boy twice, i strongly believe that my baby or I would not have got better care anywhere else in the world, I'am indebted to them for life, it's true people are so quick topost and complain and very often we dont post about the good experiences here in Dubai. CITY HOSPITAL ROCKS....
Latest post on 01 May 2011 - 18:43
just thought someone out there might have one that they no longer use, or maybe point me in the right direction on where to get one!
Latest post on 22 April 2011 - 20:05
sorted, vero possums you are a star:)))
Latest post on 13 April 2011 - 11:37
My ds had torticollis which is a stiffness in the neck and he only turned his head to one side and as a result got a flat spot, I took him to Dr Loubster, who recommend I increase his tummy time to improve his head and neck control and the improvment was almost immediate, I also bought a 'goi goi' pillow which is specifically for this type of thing, try googling it, i ordered it online and that also made a big difference, I would use a helmet as an absolute last resort, cant imagine putting something like that on a bably, look at this way if by any chance none of the above work, you have a little girl right who will have more hair in the coming months and that it self will hide any flatness, try not to stress too much.
Latest post on 22 March 2011 - 19:41
we have always used Dubai to Heathrow and then onwards to Cork, can't bear going through Dublin, give me LHR anyday, my parents travelled out this year through Amsterdam and on to Dubai with KLM, a bit of a tight connection in Amsterdam on the way out but they managed fine and no probs with luggage.
Latest post on 17 March 2011 - 08:26
;)))))))))))))))))))))))) cheers all
Latest post on 06 March 2011 - 19:45
So whats Doha really like then?
Latest post on 06 March 2011 - 15:22
What is about the ****** Irish, they have to know everything about you....LOL Am from the main Douglas rd, have I been rumbled yet????
Latest post on 19 January 2011 - 18:53
A heartbreaking story, so pointless, beautiful girl with everthing to look forward to, strange cruel world we live in.