littlepenguin |


Latest post on 07 June 2017 - 16:48
Great work - sometimes trying to get this information is like getting blood from a stone. I don't suppose you have the costings for Al Zahra? I haven't been as persistent as you, and so haven't been able to get much info!
Latest post on 15 May 2017 - 11:11
We were told that we can't use the package at AZ because of our insurance.... I check with the company insurance people, and sure enough even though they have a direct billing arrangement with the hospital, the arrangement doesn't cover the packages. You might just want to check that with your current insurance to see if it's a similar scenario. I liked the doctor there and it's much closer than any of the other contract hospitals our insurance covers, so we are probably still going to go with AZ, but it's just annoying that this information isn't freely available anywhere!!
Latest post on 04 September 2016 - 23:02
Hi Katiekooky Assuming that you are potentially coming to Dubai as EK joiners, you might find it useful to get in contact with the admin of the group Emirates Pilots Wives, who in turn can help you to get in touch with people who live in Heights. I have heard that Heights is currently full and they are placing people in the new EK villas at Meydan South (even though Heights is the destination on the HR tour). Heights has a pool, South doesn't, but apparently the villas are bigger. When we visited Heights in December there was nothing there in terms of shops except for a minimart and a Costa cart.... that might have changed now though....
Latest post on 11 May 2016 - 00:38
I love New Zealand but was staggered last year (we were looking at options for a move as my husband is in aviation) when I was looking at salaries - there is a huge difference between what I earn in Australia and what I would be earning in NZ. The difference is massive; even for administrative work in the university sector we're talking differences in the region of $20000 per year (the AUD and NZD are pretty much on par at the moment). This would be fine if the cost of living in NZ was also significantly cheaper, but groceries and fuel are certainly no different. Housing in Auckland is now approaching Sydney-crazy levels, too. Add to that the lack of compulsory employer-paid superannuation (9% mandatory in Aus, used to be none in NZ but maybe 4% now). The population of NZ is also much smaller, and so for me the employment opportunities (I work in the public health sector) would have been very limited. There would have been a lot of positives as well: I love the climate and the outdoors, the public health care is of high quality, if were somewhere like Christchurch or wellington I wouldn't be commuting 2 hrs/day etc. Ultimately it wasn't worth it financially for us (my husband would have been taking a pay cut to fly the same aeroplane) but it would have been a good life style decision. Maybe when we retire.... ?
Latest post on 07 May 2016 - 09:44
Hi mrssak I've only been to Adelaide once for a conference, so I didn't really get to do much whilst I was there. I liked what little I saw. It's smaller than Sydney and Melbourne, and a little cheaper (I think). Public School is free from kindergarten. You don't need free education prior to that because there isn't any form of mandatory preschool prior to kindergarten. I started kindy when I was 4 because my birthday is before July - 100 years ago when I was starting school the rule was that you had to turn 5 within the first 6 months of the school year (our school year starts at the end of Jan) and I think that it's still the same (although there might be some minor variation across different states). You will hear lots of opinions about public vs private schooling, so all I will say is that I attended a public school and got an excellent education, got into a top university and landed a great job. Part time jobs are very common in Australia, as are casual jobs which pay a higher hourly rate but do not have any holiday entitlements or superannuation. I work in the public sector, and job share and part time roles are normal. I'm not sure about housing prices in Adelaide, but you can check out or to get an idea ?
Latest post on 06 May 2016 - 02:49
I am from Sydney, so am contractually obligated to say that it is better than Melbourne ? Both cities have large Muslim populations, so I don't think that needs to dictate your choice. I would be more focused on where you would be more likely to be able to find work. You will be able to find halal food without any problems. In Sydney, suburbs like Rockdale/Hurstville/Arncliffe, Lakemba/Bankstown spring to mind as having large established Muslim communities. This link might be helpful You should be aware that housing, particularly in Sydney (and then, particularly in the 15-20km radius of the city), is extremely expensive. Both the rental and purchasing market are eye-watering at the moment. My understanding is that Melbourne is heading in the same direction but isn't quite as bad as Sydney just yet. The suburb that I currently live in is about 12km from the city and rent for a 2bdr apartment is rapidly approaching AUD $600/wk. The lifestyle in both cities is good, albeit different. Very generally, Sydney is a coastal town with a beach lifestyle, whereas Melbourne has lots of interesting alleyways and a cafe and wine bar culture that has sprung up around the laneways. Of course, you can find lots of cafes and small bars in Sydney, but only in certain pockets.
Latest post on 30 April 2016 - 03:10
Hi WAQ I had a terrible experience some years ago when the clicking of my TMJ got really really bad, and then one day whilst eating a piece of bread, the disc popped forwards out of the joint and wouldn't go back in ... For a couple of weeks I couldn't open my mouth more than a finger width. It was awful and so painful!! In the time (and in the lead up as well, when the clicking was really bad) I saw three dentists who were 'experts', had a sleep study, was told to have surgery to correct my nasal breathing (I worked for an ENT at the time, and he said there was nothing to correct) got told I needed braces to realign my teeth, had anaesthetic injected into the joint so that they could try and manipulate it, and finally was booked in for a manipulation under sedation. I also had two mouth guard things made which not only cost a fortune, but did nothing and I think, made things worse. The whole experience was very distressing and has made me very cynical about any claims the dental profession make about their expertise in dealing with TMJ disorders. In spite of what their advertising material might say, there doesn't appear to be much evidence for the things they suggest, nor any formal qualifications that make someone a 'TMJ specialist'. At the time, with increasing desperation, I did a fairly thorough review of the medical literature and the conclusion was basically that none of these interventions are better than placebo. The thing that finally helped me, luckily before I had the procedure under sedation (which I was very nervous about because I didn't want to make things worse...I did not go through with it) in the end, was physiotherapy with someone who had an interest in TMJ. She did massage in my mouth, and showed me some techniques to do at home. I also had a small cap thingy put on my back molar which changed the angle of my bite slightly and alleviated some of the pain (this was done by an oral surgeon as a temporary measure whilst he ordered me some $2000 splints, but years later I still have it and I never got the splints!). Sorry for the essay - your gut instinct is that the advice you've been given is a bit off, and I would go with your gut.
Latest post on 13 April 2016 - 16:35
Nope, no way. A good surgeon will have examples of work to show you. I worked for a surgeon who did rhinoplasty and not only would he show photos, he also modelled a pre/post set of head shots showing the planned outcome. Also, depending on the degree of change/correction you are after, closed rhinoplasty may not give you the best result. Finally, based on my experience (I used to do airway testing as part of my old job and would see a lot of failed rhinoplasties), if I were going to have anything done to my nose I would only get it done by an ENT with experience in facial plastics. I would never get anything done to my nose by a garden-variety cosmetic surgeon. Not sure what your guy is, but maybe worth bearing in mind. Get a second opinion before you move any further forward!!
Latest post on 10 April 2016 - 13:43
Just start cracking open the red wine now and you'll have enough corks in no time :biggrin:
Latest post on 17 March 2016 - 01:44
I have read the pprune thread, and one person on there gave a break down of costs, but something about the numbers doesn't add up - $11 AUD for 500g butter? I looked on and even the fancy butter wasn't that expensive. Am I missing something?
Latest post on 14 March 2016 - 14:18
There are a couple of other products that are the same as microgynon 30 (literally the only difference is the excipients- ie. the non-active ingredients): ovranette and nordette. The active drugs are identical. The difference between the two is related to the progesterone in the combination. Both are 30ug ethinyl estradiol then: -Microgynon (assuming microgynon 30) is 150ug levonorgestrel -Yasmin is 3000ug dospirenone. Is there a reason that the doctor prescribed Yasmin? To be honest, if I were only planning on taking it for another 2 months then I would push back and ask for the original script since it would be annoying to disrupt things by transitioning to another class of progesterone. Actually, I would probably just not bother and utilise other methods of avoiding pregnancy for two months ;)
Latest post on 11 March 2016 - 02:11
I have very sensitive skin and get dermatitis on my scalp that I have to treat with steroid lotion BUT I am incredibly vain, particularly when it comes to my hair, and I refuse to give in to a flaky scalp!! If your hair is getting oily within a day, you may actually be over-washing it. Soaps and shampoos are very drying for the skin, no matter what the label says, and sometimes dryness can kick your oil production into overdrive. Things that have helped me to manage this are: 1. Less frequent washing. Your scalp really will adjust! I wash about 2x per week (when I had longer hair that I wore pinned up I could get away with just once a week). Depending on how you wear your hair, you can also do a little refresh with shampoo through the week, just around the hairline. Dry hair shampoo is your friend (I like lee Stafford). 2. Keeping the above in mind, always wash after working out (or in my case, bike riding - helmet hair). If I leave sweat on my scalp then I'm guaranteed to ge a flare up. 3. Switch to sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. SLS is the detergent that makes the bubbles, but it is very harsh on sensitive skin. 4. Include an anti-dandruff shampoo (containing either salicylic acid, selenium or any anti-fungal agent ending in -azole) in your rotation. Unfortunately, these ones are usually not sulfate-free, but I alternate and only use the medicated ones for about 1/4 of washes. If none of the above are helping, speak to the doctor about getting some mometasone lotion. Hope this helps! ?
Latest post on 10 March 2016 - 09:31
Some of these tips are great. I'm also a nervous flyer and sometimes feel like I am the only one awake in the cabin as everyone is fast asleep on a particular night flight we do. It's really quite freaky. I wish I could sleep. Will try some of these. CP, a colleague of mine is a reeeeeally nervous flyer, and she has had some good things to say about a book and app called Soar (terrible name). Not sure about the book so much, but the app is designed to be used whilst in flight and has tools/activities to use when you are particularly anxious during the flight. Eg. when it's turbulent, have a glass of water in front of you and watch how much the water actually moves (not much, because it reality the plane is only moving a little), and also a g-force meter which you can turn on in turbulence so that you can see how little force there really is. Her fear of flying is the type that stops you from going on interesting holidays because the thought of the flight is too terrifying. But, she's found Soar pretty useful.
Latest post on 07 March 2016 - 15:05
Hi Riss I'm also Australian (and fall smack bang in the middle of you age bracket), and will be moving to Dubai at the start of July. My husband is going for work at the end of March, and he'll be working a lot, so I'm very keen to get in touch with people around my age. It seems so far away, but this year is just slipping away, and I'd love to meet up once I arrive ? My husband also works a lot of hours! Hopefully I will have found my feet by the time you have arrived and I can tell you & show you what I know :) This year is flying by! Can't wait to meet you!
Latest post on 07 March 2016 - 11:36
In the absence of 5mg valium and/or a business class seat, I find that I can get a lot more comfortable if I can prop my feet up. Also, noise cancelling headphones make a huge difference!! I use in-ear buds as my ears get sore when I have full cover headphones on for an extended period of time, and I leave the cancelling on even if there's no music. You don't realise how loud a plane is until it's blissfully drowned out.
Latest post on 07 March 2016 - 11:29
Hi Riss I'm also Australian (and fall smack bang in the middle of you age bracket), and will be moving to Dubai at the start of July. My husband is going for work at the end of March, and he'll be working a lot, so I'm very keen to get in touch with people around my age. It seems so far away, but this year is just slipping away, and I'd love to meet up once I arrive ?
Latest post on 04 March 2016 - 17:54
What's a kitchen tea??!!! Don't get me started on the poems asking for money!!! It's just a bridal shower with a fancy name ;) I have to admit, I've been a little put off all of this because of a wedding I attended last year that involved flying from Australia to Europe and making our way to a small, out-of-the way village, only to have the bride's mother indicate in a very odd manner that it would be appropriate for us to give a monetary gift of a couple hundred euros.... Sort of left a bad taste in my mouth, and was the wedding of a really good friend ?
Latest post on 04 March 2016 - 17:45
I've had luck with hairspray to remove biro from a handbag lining and leather. Basically, you want a solvent, so if you have any 70% ethanol that should do the trick as well (the type they spray your nails with at the salon). The key, in my experience, is to flood the stain with the hairspray/etOH, leave it until you see the ink starting to move into the solvent, then gently GENTLY blot/squeeze and repeat. If you can do a test run on some spare fabric with the same marker then all the better.
Latest post on 03 March 2016 - 11:45
By the time you factor in flights, a hotel, a dress, the gift....the cost of just going to the wedding is massive! In my experience, the people who have the weeklong hens party are the same ones who also have an engagement party, a kitchen tea, the pre-wedding dinner, and multiple baby showers down the track, and get offended if you are unable to attend and don't send a gift in absentia.... I'd rather spend my money on my own holidays, or a great night out with lots of delicious wine.
Latest post on 02 March 2016 - 12:12
Is no one else worried about the effects of Gardasil? I'm all for vaccines but what I'm hearing isn't great? My short (personal) answer is that, no, I'm not concerned about the side effect profile of gardasil (or in general, any registered vaccine). My long answer is that without access to the core safety information for the product (noting that the trial in question was of gardasil 9, not the original 4-strain vaccine) then it isn't possible to make an informed judgement about the safety of the vaccine. Whilst such information is proprietary and is therefore not available in the public domain, it must be submitted to the ethics committees that oversee trials and also to any regulatory agency that is assessing the drug. More concerning to me, from that article, is that the trial was not conducted in accordance with Good Clinical Practice, the internationally recognised standard for clinical trials. It seems that the court case centres on failure to obtain informed consent, and perform adequate follow-up, not that there are safety issues with the product. Good quality clinical trial data are required in order to adequately assess the safety and efficacy of new drugs, but this should never be at the expense of vulnerable populations. While it would be tempting to blame this on the 'global pharma' machine, this was apparently an academic study. The mind boggles!!
Latest post on 02 March 2016 - 01:58
Did anyone vaccinate their girls for that ? Where and which one ? There r 2 kinds one for 4 viruses and one for 2 . How much dud it coast here ? My friends Daughter had Cervarix done at the American Hospital She cannot remember how much it cost but when they offered it me back in 2007 ( I was in my mid 30's) it was around AED120 so I imagine it has gone up significantly by now Give them a call and they should be able to quote you a price Here is the difference between the two There are two vaccinations available in the UAE, the first is Gardasil, which will protect you from strains 6, 11, 16 and 18 – , 6 and 11 are linked to genital warts, and 16 and 18 are two strains that can give you cervical cancer. The other vaccination available in the UAE is Cervarix, which is for 16, 18, 31 and 45, so it does not cover genital wart strains. The difference between these two vaccinations is firstly that Gardasil is only effective from the age of nine up to 26, whereas Cervarix can be given from the age of 10 up to the age of 55. Both vaccinations are given in three separate injected doses. The first can be given anytime, the second one is a month later, and the third is four months later. Just a quick, minor, correction to this info regarding the age ranges recommended: it's not actually that gardasil itself is ineffective beyond age 26 (or cervarix past 55), it's that by age 26 the probability that someone has been exposed to at least one or more HPV strain is quite high, therefore there's sort of no point getting immunised. If you have never been exposed, then the vaccine is effective. As Sarahlou123 mentioned, 70% of cervical cancers are linked to strains 16 and 18 (, and genital warts to 6 and 11, but the strains covered by the vaccines are the 'high risk' ones associated with various cancers. 31 and 45 have a much lower proportion of HPV infections and cause fewer cancers ([url='>[/url'>) I had gardasil whilst I was at university because it came on the market in Australia first and there was a national campaign for free immunisation. Given the choice over I would probably still get gardasil rather than cervarix because it covers warts, and because the additional cancer-causing strains covered by cervarix are so much rarer.
Latest post on 29 February 2016 - 13:35
Hi ladies.... I too am at my wits end with spuds (potatoes) but for a different reason!!!!! Hubby and I love our mince and spuds or plain old mashed potato....but any potatoes I buy here are really really wet and soggy when mashed,...even if I dry them out before mashing.....anyone else had this problem and found potatoes anywhere that won't do this?? I normally buy in spinneys or geant!!! Being Irish the perfect potato is an essential for us ha ha You want a starchy potato rather than a waxy one... not sure if they're sold by name in Dubai, but here is a great list of different varieties and what they're best used for [url='>[/url'> One trick for nice dry mash is to steam the potatoes in their own liquid only (or. Don't boil them). I wash them and leave only that moisture on the surface, and then put them in the microwave, unsliced/unpeeled, for about 10 minutes. Slice in half once you take them out of the microwave and then when you mash them the skin just comes right off.
Latest post on 28 February 2016 - 09:28
If it makes you feel any better, I had numerous large amalgam fillings as a child in my molars and they really were not noticeable at all. Also, as Tessa21 says, they're only going to be there for a couple of years before the teeth fall out. I did a bit of reading out of interest, and it seems that stainless steel crowns are preferred for children because they are more durable and are easier to place/fit than porcelain crowns, and they also only require a single visit.
Latest post on 25 February 2016 - 11:51
Is it advisable to flush down sanitary pads? What is wrong with you? Ahahahahah - this is the best response I have read all day!
Latest post on 24 February 2016 - 16:01
May I suggest that you stay away from Pprune :) and instead head over to Facebook - Emirates pilots wives, lots of gals ready with answers to your questions. We have been her 13 years and are leaving end of May. My advice on the furniture is this, There are so many site that are selling used furniture that is in fabulous shape because it is so transient here, that chances are you can outfit your self to start with some nice things and 1/4 of the price. Do not buy with an eye to take it back with you to your home country. Chances are your tastes will have changed in the interim and do not want to take it lol.....'hands up here' lol If you have furniture you cannot live without then bring only what you love or is absolutely necessary! Now in dubai you can get anything, 13 years ago it was the pits lol. Dubizzle is one, you are moving to Meydan Heights they have a SELL, BUY, Swap page on FB... You can also get a starter pac (unless that has changed) where you get the bare necessities to start, plates, cutlery some pots and pans, sheets, towels plate, glasses etc. Not all the furniture is expensive but if you are going to be here for a long time think short time anyway in the furniture dept. You can always buy better stuff somewhere down the road. Lots of places will make your curtains, Satwa, Dragonmart.. lots of recommendations here :) Dont rush into trying to furnish like your home country, it will come...get mattresses and other absolute necessities..... That is just my opinion though. Thanks SueB - I will head to the fb group. I try not to read pprune too much (or read into it too much), but it's sort of like watching something gruesome on tv.... You want to stop because it's making your stomach churn, but at the same timer you can't tear your eyes away... I just try to remember that there is often a lot of negativity in the Australian threads as well, which we [i'>know[/i'> is not always accurate, but people do love to complain and pilots more so than most ;) I think I am going to buy as much second hand as I can because as you say, the turnover is so high. I can't believe some of the stuff I've seen on dubizzle!
Latest post on 24 February 2016 - 11:26
Hmmmn, well from the picture they just look like normal legs... Is it folliculitis? Exfoliate exfoliate. It is the key. Or laser, if you have dark hair on your legs. Also, if that's the case and you shave your legs, you might have finer regrowth if you wax instead. Edit - just saw your comment about waxing. Laser might be the way to go. Hi littlepenguin, here's another link to show you what I've got: Thanks for your response :) They're bumpy and I feel like it's ingrown hair. Do you think I should consult a dermatologist and confirm if laser will cure this? They aren't smooth and spotless, I feel like it's ingrown hair. Yeah I would be inclined to consult a derm. I did a bit more reading and it does seem to be related to rapidly growing ingrown hairs. My experience with laser was that it really reduced the density of my hair (I had many follicles that grew two hairs) and made it much sparser and the hair itself finer. As a result I have far fewer issues with ingrowns. Getting a dermatologist to take a look is a good idea also because if it is something like folliculitis then they can give you some medicated creams that will help with the inflammation (or a medical grade exfoliant). Good luck :)
Latest post on 24 February 2016 - 00:04
It's great that you were able to get PR, as this can make the job hunt easier. As far as overseas being more troublesome for employers, your PR will be a real bonus (as for many jobs you won't get past the first stage unless your visa is in order). But in my area we would probably look to interview local candidates first because it would be difficult to arrange a video interview and we also need people who are familiar with local legislation/guidelines etc. I imagine that in your skilled field though, companies would be prepared to make the effort for the right candidate. I would have thought many manufacturing jobs were concentrated in Western Australia and Queensland where the mines are, but Melbourne is a major metropolitan centre, so I'm sure you will find something there. I wholeheartedly agree with what has been said about the quality of our education system. While naturally the quality varies, I went to a well-regarded public high school in regional Australia and I, and many of my friends, subsequently attended the major unis like University of Melbourne/Sydney and University of New South Wales (and got good jobs). My husband attended a private school and I outperformed him academically ;) 100,000k single salary in Sydney is do-able but with two kids I think it would be tight. Rent is a killer here, and public transport is getting more expensive (although for the first time in years fuel is cheaper than $1AUD/L). Above all the quality of life here is fantastic. I love being able to go walking/camping/swimming in the weekend. It's going to be hard for me to adjust to Dubai, I think!! Best of luck whatever you decide to do. Edited to add - part time jobs (family friendly) are a also pretty common here, particularly in the public sector.
Latest post on 23 February 2016 - 23:44
Yep, I'll send you an email when I get home from work tonight. You can edit out your email address now, I've got it :)
Latest post on 23 February 2016 - 16:00
Hmmmn, well from the picture they just look like normal legs... Is it folliculitis? Exfoliate exfoliate. It is the key. Or laser, if you have dark hair on your legs. Also, if that's the case and you shave your legs, you might have finer regrowth if you wax instead. Edit - just saw your comment about waxing. Laser might be the way to go.
Latest post on 23 February 2016 - 12:36
I'm a cheek kisser when the occasion calls for it, but my nanna, who is very prim and proper sometimes very unexpectedly swoops in for a lip kiss. Always takes me by surprise, and at one point I started to wonder if it was just that her eyesight was failing!
Latest post on 23 February 2016 - 12:33
Great stuff littlepenguin. Yes we also opted for the allowance. My husband manage to take some videos and pictures as I didnt get the chance to go with him on the interview. I have also been looking online at and to get a general idea of what the prices are for the large appliances, so far it does seem pretty reasonable. Will you guys also be in Meydan Heights? When do you move out there? We don't have any kids, so at the moment are eligible for 3 bedroom apartment, but the recruitment person has said there are currently none available and that he'll be in a temporary studio apartment for the foreseeable future! We decided it that maybe we should bring forward the kids plan, so that we can get the villa ;) (joking, joking!) He goes at the end of next month, and I'll probably arrive at the end of June, depending on when I finish up at work and also some health stuff. I took quite a lot of photos on the tour, which I'd be happy to share with you if you post your email ?
Latest post on 23 February 2016 - 12:24
I've had laser for spider veins, but it didn't work particularly well (actually made them darker). I only had it the one time though, so it's probably my fault! There are different types of laser, which emit different wavelengths, and that's partly what determines how well the vein will absorb the energy of the laser. There is also endovenous laser, which is used for deeper veins. With a good vascular surgeon, who uses the right equipment/techniques, I'm sure you'll get good results.
Latest post on 23 February 2016 - 11:50
I think one key thing here is to try not to beat yourself up, because that's only going to make you feel miserable. Focus on the feedback you've been given and use that so that next time, or the time after, you can really nail it. The positive aspect of the feedback is that your answers were too brief, ie. you were unsuccessful not because your skills are inadequate, but because you couldn't quite express yourself the right way. I haven't really been in the professional workforce for a very long time, and since stumbling into my first post-uni job, have had 4 'real' interviews with a 50% success rate. As I have gotten more confident about my skills and more knowledgeable about my field, my interview technique has improved. That said, even within specialised fields there are some fairly standard interview questions ('tell me about a time when...' 'Tell us about yourself and what you will bring to the tole') and actually practicing my answers to those standard questions has been immensely helpful. Talk out loud to yourself at home until those answers roll fluently off your tongue. Good luck!
Latest post on 21 February 2016 - 00:47
My husband will also be starting with Emirates soon, and I went to the interview in Dubai with him (I share your sentiments exactly: excited, but terrified). As for furniture, you have 2 choices. The first is to take the company furniture, which means that the house will be fully furnished, including linen, and an oven/fridge/washing machine etc. If you take unfurnished then you will get a once-off allowance of 45000 dirhams. We are going to take the allowance because I really didn't like the ek furniture (dark wood laminate), but if you take the allowance you need to buy appliances yourself. The allowance seems reasonable to me, but I'm going to buy stuff on dubizzle. There are only 2 of us though, so our priority will be the kitchen and one bedroom in the first instance.
Latest post on 14 February 2016 - 16:17
At the time of the horse meat scandal in Europe, I recall the IKEA near me in Australia advertising specifically that the meatballs were made from "100% Australian meat"... at least if we were eating horse, it was 100% Australian! A classic Swedish köttbullar is usually a mix of beef and pork, with the proportions dependant on the region. I don't think IKEA has reached such sophisticated levels of regional variation though ☺️
Latest post on 03 January 2016 - 02:22
Firstly happy new year! Ladies I really appreciate your replys thank you. It is invaluable to hear from people who have been through the process. We are travelling at the end of January and are taking our 10month old with us. However the email from Emerites says that they cannot accomate children ( referring to day 3 of the assesments, where they take you on the tour of the accomodation/favilities ) My partner is going to email to find out more. Has anybody taken their children on the tour? It is not an option for us to leave him behind. What do you suggest I do? I don't think there is any way to take kids on the tour. It starts with a briefing at EGHQ and then it's pretty much a day spent hopping on and off the bus. There is also a bit of waiting around, and I don't think it would be the best environment to have a 10-month old in. Perhaps you could contact the hotel to see if they can assist with a half-day of babysitting? For me (having never been to Dubai before), the most useful part of the time we spent there for the selection program was the tour, and also some exploring I did by myself when my husband was at the interview. If you can't go on the tour at all, make sure you have some other plans to get a feel of the city.
Latest post on 30 December 2015 - 08:18
Hi yellow g My husband had an interview in early December, and now we are waiting waiting for the phone call... They took us to Meydan Heights, a school, one of the cabin crew accomm buildings, and to the medical centre on Sheikh Zayed Road. I think the school visit would be quite useful because the waiting lists are long and it can give you an idea of what's available. From what I gather, they'll only take you to the school if people express a preference (there were at least 3 people in our group with kids), so make sure you speak up. All the best with the interview, it was a stressful couple of days!