MegDXB |


Latest post on 22 June 2013 - 23:11
We lived in Shanghai for about a year before coming to Dubai. I think Shirls covered most of what I'd say already. My daughter was an infant when we lived there so can't comment on schools. We found medical care to be adequate but had coverage for private facilities (all English speaking, usually western trained doctors) and never any need for emergency. We also lived on the Pudong side which is much cleaner and 'green' ... but that was now three years ago (when they were really cleaning up to host the world expo) so its hard to say what might have changed. I enjoyed living in Shanghai and found it easy to meet people within the expat communities. When we were in Shanghai the most popular 'forum' was ShanghaiMamas. It used to be run through a Yahoo group service but they now have a dedicated webpage ( Also, I'm clearing out now for a move back to the US and have some books from Shanghai that I'd be happy to give away. Just let me know if you'd like them.
Latest post on 21 June 2013 - 16:25
Are you looking for specific cities or just general China? I'm pretty sure I have a few for Shanghai and can go look for them if interested.
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 20:18
Strange, I've used him a number of times before and he was always very reliable. Thanks for letting me know and for the recommendation :). We called another handyman and he did the job just as well, his name is Mangala and mob no is 055 267 4497. Try him if you cannot find Ingrid.
Latest post on 07 February 2013 - 13:16
Hi there, we lived in China (in Shanghai) for about a year when my daughter was a baby so I can try to give you some tips. I found it quite easy to get around with her in the baby carrier when in Shanghai. Most of the touristy places get too crowded to easily push a stroller through. We did a weekend trip to Beijing (3 days) and hired a driver to take us to all of the major sights. We had the stroller with us but mostly used the baby carrier (our driver also acted as a tour guide and was able to tell us when things would be stroller-friendly). He brought us to the Forbidden City, Great Wall, Olympic Village (drive by only as we were short on time), Tiananmen Square, and Temple of Heaven. I can forward you much more information via email if you would like (I think I even still have contact information for the drivers we used).
Latest post on 26 November 2012 - 11:00
Yes! They are driving me crazy. We see 4 or 5 of them every afternoon and the kids are so curious and want to play with them. My maid warned us that they aren't nice and will burn / leave red marks on the skin so the kids know to tell us if they see one. I haven't actually seen any cocoons yet. My neighbors have been cutting back a lot of their trees and we think they may be coming from there.
Latest post on 12 November 2012 - 07:44
I use Tiny Prints - they will address and mail the cards for you (for US addresses).
Latest post on 16 October 2012 - 06:50
Hi GreenQueen, just wanted to make sure you received my email. Please let me know if it didn't come through.
Latest post on 15 October 2012 - 07:20
Hi Natasha - as we understood from the Consulate website its not just minimum wage that you would pay but the 'prevailing wage' for the type of worker which varies for each state. There is a database on some website that gives you the worker classifications and prevailing wages. It's not the easiest thing to figure out - I'm not sure why they make it so difficult. I still have your email address I think, I'll forward you the link for the database a little later along with the information I have on the worker classification. Hi Ladies ... Quick update for all of you going through the process. My nanny went for her interview and said the lady was v nice. Main questions were: is she treated fairly by us, how long she's worked for us, where she'll be staying in US and so on. As others have said, the most important part is having a contract covering her time and wages in USA. I didn't provide my nanny with that so the VISA hasn't been approved yet but she is going back with that document and her passport and has been told she'll get the VISA approved without any problem (tough wood!!!) So basically, make sure your helper has this US contract ..... Megdxb has written a perfect example of one which you could request to see. I'm going to write this contract- does anyone know if the requirement is the US minimum wage ie. 7.67 usd p/h in Florida? Because the VISA interviewer has written that my contract needs to pay 400 USD per wk for 40 hrs which is much higher than minimum wage. Can anyone clarify?
Latest post on 15 October 2012 - 07:18
I've replied now, sorry I didn't see it earlier! Will email you a little later.
Latest post on 15 October 2012 - 07:16
I've got your email address and will forward you the contract later today. We are both US citizens and my husband was able to go into the Consulate with our helper. He told the guard at the door that he was her sponsor and showed his US passport and he was let thru. We didn't have any 'domestic contract' from them, not sure what that is. Need to get my kids off to school but will be back online later and send you some information then!
Latest post on 10 October 2012 - 07:45
Hi GreenQueen ... we were successful in getting our helper a Visa and brought her to the US for seven weeks over the summer. To start, you need to go to the US Consulate website for Dubai and fill in the application. It's all online and you will have a confirmation page to print once its complete. At the same time, you search online for an interview appointment. It took me a week or two of refreshing the calendar to find an open slot for interview - I think they must release a few slots at a time and they go really quick. When it comes time for the interview, you can accompany your helper to the US Consulate. I think the interview process may differ if you are not US Citizens (we both are) and depending on the age/nationality of your helper. We drafted a contract for the period of time we were going to be in the US which showed that we would pay our helper according to minimum wages in the US. They also asked to see the Dubai contract and wanted evidence of how long she was working for us (which was just over a year so we showed her UAE Visa's showing my husbands name as Sponsor). I was over-prepared for the interview and brought along all sorts of documentation showing her ties to her home country (marriage license, son's birth certificate, bank account balances, property details in home country, etc). The questions they asked were mostly related to salary, working conditions and travel plans. They provided our helper with a document that outlines the US labor laws (which I had already given her a copy of as it is online). If you post your email address I can forward you a copy of the contract we drafted to bring to the Consulate. Let me know if you have any other questions!
Latest post on 15 September 2012 - 19:46
My husband renewed our maids visa a few months back and when they returned home from dnrd, they also had no new contract. I called dnrd to ask (my maid needed hers to get POLO paperwork completed for holiday) why and they suggested that my husband and maid return to dnrd to obtain a new contract. So they went back with the passport, new visa and receipts and requested contract. It was issued, signed, etc there and then with no fee. Hope that helps. This was all at Jebel Ali btw.
Latest post on 18 June 2012 - 19:27
Hi, we have managed to get our maid a visa to travel with us to the US this summer. If you go to the US Consulate webpage for Dubai there are instructions there. Once you have the application completed it's quite a long wait for the interview appointment, we waited just over a month. If you post your email I'm happy to send you more detail on what documents we provided and what information was needed for the interview.
Latest post on 25 May 2012 - 19:53
Hi , when my maids passport needed renewing I sent an email and received a reply with the set date for her to go apply (about six weeks out). If you post your email I can forward the info that I have.
Latest post on 20 April 2012 - 12:06
The package is likely being held for collection at Emirates Post in Karama. You should receive a delivery notice telling you to go collect, although these tend to be delivered quite late for us. I would suggest calling the Karama post office (the phone number is on the Emirates Post website if you google it) and they should be able to give you an update if you provide the tracking number that you have. <em>edited by MegDXB on 20/04/2012</em>
Latest post on 17 April 2012 - 20:47
Natashak, I'm just wondering if you've managed to get an appointment for your nanny yet. I have been checking the calendar daily but haven't had any luck. If you don't mind, please get in touch via email - MegBDXB @ gmail....I'm also curious about what supporting documents you will send with your nanny for the interview.
Latest post on 17 April 2012 - 14:04
I am switching brands so have one spare pack that will go unused. Happy to give it away if you want to pick it up. Post your email and I will get in touch.
Latest post on 04 April 2012 - 21:38
I'm also getting ready to start this same process. Dxbintheciy, did you attend the interview with your nanny? From reading the Consulate website, it seems that I won't be allowed in with my nanny when she goes for the interview. She very well understands why we want her to travel with us but I have a feeling she will be very nervous during the interview and may not be able to clearly articulate this. jeanettesamer - I'll be interested to see what support you send along with your nanny for the interview. I was also planning on having a contract ready that states we will pay her minimum wage in the state we are traveling to and provide regular hours, room & board, etc. I'm hoping to have the online application submitted early next week and then will start the process of trying to get an appointment.
Latest post on 13 December 2011 - 21:52
Has anybody shipped anything to the US recently with Emirates Post? I'm hoping this 450 grams requirement mentioned below has been lifted but cannot find anything about it online. Thanks!
Latest post on 04 December 2011 - 14:16
I always go to collect parcels that are addressed to DH. I bring a copy of his ID in addition to my own and they have never given me any trouble over it.
Latest post on 01 December 2011 - 17:03
We found that most rentals were furnished, although the quality of furnishings varied greatly. Do you know what area you would be working in? Thanks MegDXB. Apparently the employer will provide a driver both fo work and domestic use, but I think I would still like to be near a metro station as well. Thanks Meg, any insight would be great! Also, are all rentals furnished? edited by DesertBoot on 01/12/2011 edited by DesertBoot on 01/12/2011
Latest post on 01 December 2011 - 16:14
Hi DesertBoot - We spent about a year in Shanghai just before moving to Dubai. While I do agree with some of what Michellelite has posted, I did find it a much more difficult assignment than here (although that might also be because it was our first assignment). The language and getting around are difficult (you have to rely on public transport or hire a personal driver). However, it is a really great city and we really enjoyed our time there. A few other websites worth checking out: If you want to post your email, I'm more than happy to get in touch to discuss more. Good luck!
Latest post on 22 November 2011 - 16:46
Sorry can't help with Shop & Ship. Just wanted to add that I have this pump and bought it in the US. I use it with a step down transformer and have had no problems. It also comes with a battery adapter but I found that the pump wasn't as efficient when using batteries.
Latest post on 21 November 2011 - 12:37
I use a brand called Melt Easy which I've seem at Spinneys and Waitrose, near all the baking stuff. They have chocolate, white chocolate and sometimes a pink one (not sure of the flavor). You melt it down and then dip your cake pop. It will dry in a few minutes and form a hard shell. You could probably get away with using chocolate chips, but I like using the white chocolate for my cake balls.
Latest post on 16 November 2011 - 07:17
Yes, they did yesterday at MoE.
Latest post on 06 November 2011 - 18:39
I delivered at American about 9 months ago - a really good experience. Definitely go along for the tour, I'm sure they will answer most of your questions. I was induced at 41 weeks (had my waters broken) and when I was admitted the midwife went through my birthplan and we talked about my previous childbirth. My birthplan was on file as I was with one of the docs at AH and had reviewed it with her previously. I was allowed to labor as I wished with intermittent monitoring - there are no bath tubs but you can use the shower which has a stool inside it. My husband was with me the entire time and was able to spend the night no problem. They wheeled in an extra cot for him and charged a small fee for his meals. I was admitted directly into a labor & delivery room. After my daughter was born there were no beds available to move to so they put me in a clean labor & delivery room. I'm not sure what happens if they are full when you show up - probably a question to ask on the tour. The baby stayed with me the entire time - except for a short period when they took her to the nursery to be cleaned up (a few hours after the birth, she stayed with me a while at first) Good luck!
Latest post on 23 October 2011 - 09:30
I have used Ingrid in the past (contact details and other reviews on the thread here : ). He did a really great job with our curtains and pictures.
Latest post on 23 October 2011 - 07:02
I found them at Favourite Things in the Marina Mall a while back.
Latest post on 18 October 2011 - 20:57
Children's Oasis on the Palm offers this, although I am not sure what age they start from.
Latest post on 17 October 2011 - 19:46
Hi there, I had two babies that were very similar so thought I'd share what worked for us. First, I noticed a huge improvement when I cut dairy from my diet. With my first baby I just had to limit the amount of dairy I had. With my second, I had to eliminate it completely. It made a huge difference in the amount of fussiness and with my second, she spit up less and slept better if I avoided dairy. Also, as my second had a bit of reflux, she slept so much better when her head was elevated. We accomplished this using a swing but I've heard of some people elevating one end of the cot mattress. The other thing that really seemed to help was a really good swaddle. Although she squirmed a lot and tried to get out of it, she always slept better when tightly wrapped. I would suggest checking out the happiest baby on the block if you haven't already. I only watched the video (there is also a book) and his tips really helped. Good luck, and hang in there!!
Latest post on 16 October 2011 - 15:27
It is possible to do, we started the process for a Chinese maid last year (but did not finish the visa for multiple reasons). You go about getting the visa the same way you would for an approved nationality, except that they will ask you for justification at DNRD. We explained that we had moved here from China and we wanted our daughter to continue learning Chinese and to have her same nanny whom she had become very close with. They approved this and gave us the visa paperwork so that we could proceed with her medical. We brought our Chinese maid here on a visit visa before starting the sponsorship process to see if she liked it before paying all of the fee's for her maids visa. It was quite lonely here for her - she is shy and although her English was strong enough to converse with us, she had a hard time uderstanding different accents. She wasn't used to being so far from her husband and in the end decided that being here wasn't the right thing for her so we sent her back before finalizing the visa. Good luck!
Latest post on 11 October 2011 - 18:51
I share your fear of the dentist. I just had two fillings done by Dr. Mina at Nicolas & ASP (Marina Branch) and she was fantastic. Very gentle and kind.
Latest post on 11 October 2011 - 15:00
Congrats, prego! I just thought I'd add one more positive experience for birth in Dubai. My second child was born here (at American Hospital) and I had a wonderful experience there. In comparison to the birth of my first child (in the US), giving birth in Dubai was 100 times better. While in labor in the US, I was given an iv, was encouraged to use pitocin and an epidural, and was held to strict guidelines about the baby being out within 24 hours of my water breaking. In Dubai I was allowed to labor as I wished and was not encouraged to use any sort of interventions. There was also added stress with the first birth in the US because we had to plan my husbands travel arrangements to ensure he would be there for the birth - but he only had four weeks in total to spend in the US. He ended up having about two weeks at home with our daughter and then we were apart for about three months. I think as long as you find a facility and doctor here that you are comfortable with, giving birth in Dubai can be a great experience.
Latest post on 11 July 2011 - 08:48
Got it, will send some photos later today.
Latest post on 11 July 2011 - 08:22
I need to go search through my box of maternity stuff but I know I have a few things that I wore when having to give presentations at work (although I don't think I have a suit). If you post your email I'll send along some photos later.
Latest post on 29 June 2011 - 09:55
Just sent the email!
Latest post on 29 June 2011 - 09:12
I have a spare if you would like to buy it off me. It is still new, in the box (was a gift for DD2 but already had one from DD1). Let me know if you are interested.
Latest post on 22 May 2011 - 16:21
I have about half a box that I never finished if you would like them. Email me on [email protected].
Latest post on 07 May 2011 - 13:03
She is great!! Her full surname is longer. This should go to her profile page:
Latest post on 27 April 2011 - 21:34
I would definitely agree with what everybody has written here already. Especially ecossedl's recommendation for "The Happiest Baby on the Block". I have the dvd if you would like to take a look at it - it's pretty quick and covers the 5's in detail. My first daughter was very similar to yours (although she didn't sleep day or night). With my second (just a week older than yours) I've used most of the 5's and she is a much better sleeper! Plus I think I'm a bit more relaxed as a parent this time. Anyways, if you want to check out the dvd or even just chat you can reach me at megbdxb at
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 15:07
Hi ladies - I'm a bit late joining this thread (haven't been around EW very long) but am also expecting a February baby - due on 2/2. Hoping it will be a January baby for us but just trying to be patient. Four weeks to go and I'm feeling huge. I have a daughter who is 22 months craving so much more attention these days, makes me very nervous about having two! Would love to join in on any coffee meetings - megbozz@
Latest post on 05 January 2011 - 20:12
Hi Moi - if your maid is still available can you please contact me? Thanks! I currently have a full time phillipino maid, but unfortunatley we will not be able to renew her sponsorship which expires 5th February 2011. She has been employed with us for more than 3 years and has been fantastic with my three children aged 4, 2 and 8 months. During her employment with us she has not been a 'live-in maid' but she is willing to live in, or out in her next job. We initially employed her through the agency 'Majestic Nannies' but I'm not sure if they still exist. Just as a footnote, one of her past employers was a crown prince of Saudi Arabia. Let me know if you would be interested in her CV and I can arrange to get it to you. <em>edited by MegDXB on 06/01/2011</em>