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Latest post on 02 January 2018 - 07:19
Hi All We are moving to Dubai this summer, we found out just over a week ago so it has become painfully obvious that we are late applying for schools. My children will enter Yr7 (Gr6), Yr9 (Gr8) and Yr12 (Gr11). Most schools are full already / waiting list, but we have managed to find places for all 3 at Repton and possibly for my younger 2 at Nord Anglia - I am unable to come visit the schools due to personal reasons so we are relying on feedback and research. Anybody that have children or have had children at these schools? I've noticed from reviews that there has been a lot of movement from Repton and I am wondering why? Any advice / feedback greatly appreciated! Hi n2016 I know this is an old thread, but we are in pretty much your situation now and recently turned down a great expat opportunity due to our daughter going into her last two years. Not sure it was right to do this - for her possibly but as a family we have to look at everybody. The UAE may be on the cards again and we can't keep going backwards career wise if there is a solution to her schooling and the use had much better schools than the last country we were in (which made is gun shy going again hence the turning down of what was probably a great ousting and remorse now!) ... We have narrowed Nord as one of the only schools that would suit her as they offer Chinese. Did you take a place there and how have things worked out? This would be our daughter's seventh school over a few countries but she has been on Australian curriculum last two years. We understands he would effectively find sh six months later than if she stays in oz, and she has never done IB but a academic so we think it could suit her. Thanks for anything you can share - so much more complicated at this age!
Latest post on 31 December 2017 - 12:29
Hi We are contemplating a move to the UAE. This would be our kids third expat posting, starting with the UAE many years ago when they were young and schooling seemed much simpler! We turned down an incredible promotion for DH and package in one of our favorite countries a year ago, choosing stability for our daghter's final few years of high school instead. However, due to changes with both our jobs at home, we find ourselves contemplating overseas again. Our [b'>only[/b'> concern is DD's final years of high school ... Out of three international schools, one was great, one okay and another a disaster. So it makes us pragmatic. My questions are: Has anybody moved an Australian teen to IB for the final two years (she had been on Aussie curriculum at home for past two years, British before that). How different is it? Was it successful or something you regret? Secondly, can anybody share opinions on Nord Anglia + JESS Arabian ranches, and/ or green community school? Any thoughts at all for one or all of them? With only two years left of school the temptation is to stay put but there has been regrets over saying no to the last opportunity. Every move had its nerves but worked out as such rich experiences - the only hesitation gong again is her age and stage of schooling. However I've heard plenty f success stories with older kids over the years (and a few not so great). Would love thoughts from mums of older teens in Dubai about lifestyle, schooling and opportunities for older kids too. Thank you in advance!