moiee |


Latest post on 02 February 2013 - 12:26
Loube, I would love to have a pair for my little girl. She's been asking me for one and she would be trilled! Promise we'll look after it well :) My number is 0508782215
Latest post on 30 January 2013 - 23:19
Little zuzu, I'm sure you're feeling rotten. I know the feeling, My little one managed to somehow get out of the cot at 6 months! I still don't know how she fell! I heard her cry and found her on the floor! Took her to the hospital n she was fine! The doctor said to look out for signs of disorientation and vomiting. From your post I think your baby is ok, just continue keeping an eye on her. You will surely notice if there are any changes. Don't be so hard on yourself. Accidents are bound to happen with babies. I'm just thankful that my baby was ok..and we got a better secured cot the very next day! ;)
Latest post on 09 October 2012 - 10:29
With lovely weather comes pesky flies :/
Latest post on 09 October 2012 - 10:26
Hi upsyDaisy, We live at the Lakes and i just mentioned it to the guards when we had a garage sale. They told me they will inform management. Good luck! Ice maiden, I have a 4 drawer/ dresser if you're interested. Bought from ikea and selling cheap cos we moved house and I have tons of storage space and no longer need it!
Latest post on 25 September 2012 - 20:09
The op is clearly making an effort to cook differently ( without spices and herbs) but is still getting the nasty comments. Dear TSI, I think you just can't please some people and best leave them and their comments alone. You just get on best way you can, walk away if you're too annoyed and as many of these ladies said, just keep the peace. I know two weeks can seem like eternity but it will pass. Zengirl, 19 years!! My goodness! After 10 years my mil still spells my name wrongly on Xmas cards! I'm just glad she includes me! Lol
Latest post on 19 May 2012 - 23:44
Hi, I read that it can help babies with gas by making a paste with a little water and turmeric and rubbing it on tummy. Is this true? Has anyone tried this? My baby has bad gas especially early in the mornings and I'm thinking of trying this. Irooni, where did you see it sold? Tia
Latest post on 12 May 2012 - 14:10
Hi ladies, I'm thinking of switching hospitals. Anyone currently with SGH. Please advice on services/ care especially the pediatrics department. Really appreciate any feedback. Thanks!
Latest post on 08 April 2012 - 08:32
Hi Santa, At the playground or on walks with my little ones, I see many maids (not all) who chat on the phone or are constantly texting instead of supervising the kids. It's certainly not safe as little ones especially if there's more than one kid, needs constant supervision. I've also seen kids strapped on the pram without any stimulation while the maid is on the phone. My help leaves her phone in her room and only uses it when she is on her break or after work and we've made that a rule since day one and she is fine with it. If there is an emergency or she needs to contact me or DH, she uses the house phone (land line). Don't take the chance when you have little ones, she needs to be focused and 100% alert when she is tending to them. Imho :)
Latest post on 21 March 2012 - 11:45
Hi, we sent our new help to Bahrain. She thransited and got bck to Dubai on the same plane an hour later without having to go through the immigration in Bahrain. She just needs a stamp of exiting Dubai on her passport. Cost of flight was only Dhr400. Not sure about Hattha. Hope this helps.
Latest post on 14 March 2012 - 21:11
I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I wasn't judging just felt sad seeing what I did. I was sat next to them throughout lunch. The maid was completely ignored and the only thing she said to the maid was "come" when she had finished and just walked off leaving the maid with the pram and bags. I know what I saw and I'm not a judgemental person. I was feeling really sad throughout the day and couldnt get that maid's sullen face out of my mind. I thought posting here, I would receive some happy news to know that there are kind and lovely people around. I DO hope that i got the whole thing wrong and that the maid is well, ok. Again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone :)
Latest post on 14 March 2012 - 19:59
I know this happens a lot and even after living in dubai for the past 3 years i still find it hard to swallow. I was at Ibn Bhatuta Mall with my little one and we went to this cafe for lunch. Sat next to me was a women with her daughter probably 7, baby in pram and her maid. Her daughter was having a juice and cookies and she was wolfing down a full meal with juice and water while the poor maid was just sitting there next to her watching over the sleeping baby. I could not help but stare and my heart went out to the maid. I just dont get it, why cant she just buy the maid a juice or share the water with? The maid is surely assisting her with her precious kids so why cant she be a little kind? It was late lunch time and im sure the maid would be hungry, especially with all the food on display. I felt like buying the maid a sandwich and sending it over anonymously! She had two big shopping bags from Debenhams so im sure she could afford an additional juice at the very least. Its really very sad how heartless some people are but im afraid this is the world we live in..sighh
Latest post on 12 March 2012 - 19:42
These comments used to hurt a lot. I'm 5'8, 52kgs and have always been so as an adult. Since living here I have received so many comments on my weight or lack off, like you must be sick? are you eating? You should drink protein shakes (???) and I get these comments especially from my DH's family and they've known me for 10 years! I have an amazing metabolic rate which I'm grateful for so I eat my heart's desire and work out when I feel like but I find myself lying and saying to people that Im on a diet and I work out like crazy just so they stay off my back! Not that I'm 8 months pregnant my mil can't stop saying how big my hips and thighs are and apparently my round chubby face looks better than my non pregnant one lol It's hard but I try to not let the comments bug me. I believe that if you're healthy and love the way you look than who gives a s**t what others think :)
Latest post on 26 February 2012 - 14:27
Hi, I wouldn't worry. DH and i are both Asians and both my little ones are below the who charts but they eat nutritious food very well, snack on fruits and nuts. They are very active and healthy and to me that is a better indication that they are growing well than using any charts as guidelines. I was a horrible eater when I was a kid and the smallest in my class growing up. But I did grow up to 5'8 and turned out to be a national athlete so don't worry too much. You seem like you're doing a great job. Carry on bf if you want and give your little one smaller nutritious meals or snacks throughout the day.
Latest post on 23 February 2012 - 17:49
Saw a lady get her lash extensions done at Tips & toes, meadows branch and it looked very good. Was tempted myself ;) Cost 500, if I remember correctly.
Latest post on 23 February 2012 - 17:44
I know the feeling. Had my baby girl's lovely knitted, one of a kind sweater taken from the park. I've since been asking every maid I see who goes to the same park whether they've seen it but it's misteriously dissappeared and I've reluctantly given up on the idea of ever getting it back. We both loved that sweater :(
Latest post on 15 February 2012 - 23:07
Hi Suzq, still waiting for feedback. There's quite a bit on the south campus here on EW but not much on west. I had a tour of the school last week and everything looks good, the staff friendly and helpful. I guess it really depends on the teacher. All the best to you!
Latest post on 13 February 2012 - 00:11
Thank you all so much for the replies. My son was with Hayya but there were 10 kids to one coach and its too many for that age, imho. Will give Clark Francis and super sports a call for further details. Thanks again!
Latest post on 13 February 2012 - 00:00
My kiddies, 4 and 2, go to bed by 630pm as well and wake up at 7/730am. They have their dinner together and I wait for hubby who is usually home around 830pm. Even though we don't all eat together, my little ones are still well behaved when we eat out, no problem. I guess it really depends on how they are raised at home and know what is acceptable and not. If an early bedtime suits your family then please don't worry about what other people think
Latest post on 23 January 2012 - 09:53
Hi Manubhadauria, Sorry for the late reply. Im not a regular on EW. Hubby bought me the Soft Form Maternity Band. He cant remember exactly how much it was as he picked up a few other things but it was less than aed200. Its tan in color and is very discreet so you can wear it under your regular clothes. According to hubby there were two types available at the pharmacy and the Soft Form had better back support. He got it at the LIFE pharmacy at Sheikh Zayed Rd near DIFC. If you're driving along the main road you cant miss it. Im wearing it all day now and its been really helpful especially when you're running after two little ones all day :) Hope this helps. Good luck!
Latest post on 19 January 2012 - 20:32
Hi manubhadauria, Thanks for the sweet offer but my hubby picked up one for me the next day on his way home. I guess he got tired of me complaining lol Perhaps other ladies who are in the same boat as me could take you up on your kind offer? I've been using the belt since and i must say that its a great relief. It takes away a lot of the strain and im walking with ease now and less discomfort. My little one says it looks funny though :)
Latest post on 18 January 2012 - 19:27
Im 5 months pregnant too and i suffer from belly ache, back ache like the one you described, groin pains, leg petite so dont think my body is holding up well with the additional weight and this IS my 3rd pregnancy so my muscles and ligaments are not as supportive as they used to be. A very nice lady on EW offered to give me her belly belt and i've been told it really helps so maybe you should get one too. Hang on, 4 more months to go so rest as much as possible and get your hubby to give you feet rubs ever so often. Mine gives the best ones ;) Good luck!
Latest post on 18 January 2012 - 16:52
Thank you so-indecisive! Are you sure you don't want to hang on to it for the 4th? Lol I will email you later when kiddies are asleep Pingu, i was told that the belly belt helps with the bladder situation as well. Thank you all :)