Monmon |


Latest post on 13 April 2014 - 00:38
Try JPS in October, usually early October is when the GEMS schools open up. With regards to people saying that they they take names before one year, this is usually only those who are on the wait list from the year before. When children do pass the assessment the year before but are not offered a place, they ask you if you want to keep your child's name for the next year. From personal experience, I would not have my child's name down for only DESS, always have a plan B. We applied to four schools for our daughter for FS1 September 2014 and got offered places in two (one of which, DESS, we were first placed on a the waiting list). Two of the schools took application fees although they did not have places (even though we applied within the first two days of them opening up applications). One of those schools was JPS. Good luck to you both, and my advice would be, do not rely on just one or even two applications even if you are told there are places.
Latest post on 27 January 2013 - 11:15
Thanks Emur! This is really a great help. Its always good to get advice from people who have been :). And yes....for sure, we will make space in the suitcase :)
Latest post on 27 January 2013 - 10:44
Thanks Emur, very excited about this and good to know November is not a bad time to go. We are actually looking at a Disney vacation, and for going for about 4 or 5 days, from what I have read it seems that Disney is small there and will not need more than two or three days so that leaves us a couple of days to check out the other places you mentioned. This trip is really for our daughter (her 3rd birthday gift) and so had to be very kid friendly. I hope it wont rain too much when we are there! Thanks again so much. Any other "kid friendly" advice you or anyone else can give us would be great!
Latest post on 27 January 2013 - 10:00
Hi Byoung, Thanks for your posts. We are thinking of taking our daughter for her 3 year birthday which is in November, towards the end of November. Is that a good time? We don’t mind the cold (it’s always nice to get a change in weather) but does it get very cold? Is it a very rainy place? I am not at all familiar with Hong Kong and since you lived there thought to get some advice from you.
Latest post on 05 April 2012 - 07:42
Thanks everyone, will add these to the list and try to arrange visits. Lisa71, does small world have the option for picking up chidlren later, their website says that they operate until 12:30, that would not work for us since we both work until 3.
Latest post on 05 April 2012 - 07:42
Thanks everyone, will add these to the list and try to arrange visits. Lisa71, does small world have the option for picking up chidlren later, their website says that they operate until 12:30, that would not work for us since we both work until 3.
Latest post on 05 April 2012 - 07:42
Thanks everyone, will add these to the list and try to arrange visits. Lisa71, does small world have the option for picking up chidlren later, their website says that they operate until 12:30, that would not work for us since we both work until 3.
Latest post on 04 April 2012 - 12:27
Thank you Poppy 82. So happy to hear that Willow was a good option for you. I have an appointment with them early next month for their September term and there is a big chance there is space, so I am happy about that. I will look into the others as well. This was very helpful. I guess it will come down to the gut feeling, but its always important to hear about others' experience.