MrsAbdalla |


Latest post on 17 November 2016 - 18:19
I gave birth in Al Zahra on Sunday and can't recommend the hospital, OBGYN, midwives and nurses enough. Although I didn't have a waterbirth, I did have a VBAC 15 months after an emergency cesarian. My doctor fully supported me and let me go 12 days overdue and I gave birth naturally and was ecstatic. Most other doctors and hospitals wouldn't even entertain the idea of me having a VBAC as they thought it was far too early. Dr. Ikhlas was a blessing and I'll be eternally grateful to her for trusting me all the way to call the shots on my pregnancy and delivery.
Latest post on 08 October 2016 - 12:11
I had emergency c section 15 months ago and became pregnant 7 months later. When I went to my regular gyny she said "I warned you not to become pregnant in the next 2 years. Sorry but this time we have to do elective Caesarian". My emergency section was horrific and I had a normal birth 3 years ago which was amazing and perfect so definitely want VBAC. I switched to Dr. Ikhlas in Al Zahra hospital in al barsha and she's been great, Totally supportive and reassuring me the risks are very very low and everything would be fine. I'm due in 3 weeks so here's hoping! Good luck ❤️
Latest post on 02 March 2016 - 00:46
Can't help you specifically with City hospital but you're friend is probably right. I had my 2 kids in garhoud private hospital, the first without insurance. I was told the delivery cost was 11,000 but when we got the bill it was 19,000 something. Epidural was 2000, they charge for time in the nursery, every single pill and pad, etc
Latest post on 31 March 2015 - 18:20
If it's for a baby i got my daughter's done at Al Garhoud Private Hospital by Dr. Muna, i think it cost 250.
Latest post on 24 March 2015 - 02:15
I got the medela swing and found it great. Thought i wouldn't need it as i wanted to BF directly without bottles but when my baby was around a week old i woke up one day (after several night feeds) and my breasts were soooooo swollen and engorged i cried from the pain, i immediately put the baby on me to feed but the little amount she took did nothing so i made my husband go out and buy one! He came back with that and i really found it great though the pumped milk was wasted anyway
Latest post on 24 March 2015 - 02:11
In my personal experience here in 2 pregnancies i am pretty sure no doctor ever offered medication unless asked for it, especially when it comes to epidural, the OB/GYN's say that it slows down the labour and makes the delivery much longer. And it's better to NOT have a birth plan because let's face it, things can change in an instant, you might very well want medication if you're finding the birth agony and the last thing you'll want while you're in the middle of a contraction and wanting to ask for an epidural but can't talk is some DOULA beside you insisting no doctor or nurse give you anything! See how it goes on the day!
Latest post on 02 March 2015 - 16:28
I've often asked myself that question! My mother in law cooks really nice meat which I always assumed as sheep/mutton/lamb. Then one day she told me it's goat meat and no one here ever cooks with sheep. I was surprised because i've never seen goat meat for sale in the supermarket! only sheep :s
Latest post on 02 March 2015 - 16:20
I would have to say i'm extremely happy but in saying that i tend to be a very positive person anyway. My life turned out far better than I could have imagined, i do feel blessed and lucky every single day.
Latest post on 02 March 2015 - 16:18
I once left my cat in a place in RAK, it's actually an animal shelter but they do provide boarding also for 50 dirhams per day. They gave my cat a fine size room, what might be compared to a kiddies bedroom back in UK. But the cat was in a horrible mood when I brought her home, not that she's ever happy being boarded in such places but I definitely felt she didn't enjoy her stay there. I always leave her at the Blue Oasis in DIP but she has only a cage there and they say they let her out at different periods during the day for play and exercise.
Latest post on 02 March 2015 - 16:15
I never read that you should do so! Thanks for posting. Have baby no.2 on the way but my daughter never ever used the cot and is in our bed until now and I'm guessing the new baby will follow the same way so I probably won't bother.
Latest post on 22 February 2015 - 22:08
Hannahlisamakeup on instagram always does my party make up, she's fab. She wasn't here for my wedding 3 years ago and i booked with a colombian girl who was AMAZING but her price was quite high (3500 i think just for make up)
Latest post on 22 February 2015 - 22:02
renewed my irish passport a few months back. paid an extra 100 or 200 dirhams to have it "express". I actually neatly fainted when it was ready for collection from the embassy 3 days after i submitted my documents!
Latest post on 22 February 2015 - 21:48
I have a daughter 1 yr 10 months old and am 5 months pregnant and without a maid. I can't stand the thought of someone I don't know in on top of us, I know her work wouldn't be at the same standard as my own and wouldn't dream of letting her looking after my child. So there's no point getting one. Even though sometimes I do find it EXTREMELY hard. My husband (due to cultural reasons) does absolutely NOTHING in the house, leaves dirty clothes on the floor, changes clothes 3 times a day, likes all food made from scratch etc. If i complain he says he'll get a housemaid for me :s which he knows I don't want. My in-laws advised me to get a maid and i thought about it, until my brother-in-laws wife got one and they all said how lazy she was because she had only one child and a small apartment and got a maid! Can't win :D
Latest post on 22 February 2015 - 21:41
Hi ladies! Congrats to you and to all of us! I'm due 14th June, found out i'm having a little boy and really happy as I already have a girl who is 1 yr 10 months now. Will be delivering at Al Garhoud Private Hospital again inshAllah with Dr. Hanan. Had the BEST experience there last time around. Hope ye're all feeling great :)
Latest post on 06 December 2014 - 22:02
Before i got married 2 and a half years ago i had a beautiful one bed/2 bath in Silicon Oasis which i adored. It's a lovely quiet location, no noise, the building had a fabulous pool and gym, i had a parking space, etc. The building was also fairly new and immaculate, I adored it. I paid 3000 per month rent and around 400 for DEWA. At the time I was looking, I asked the agent about International City which seemed to be way cheaper but he advised me in a polite way it's not a suitable area for a single lady as it's full of sheesha cafes which tend to be downstairs of most apartment buildings and bachelors hang out there day and night and pester women. Don't know how true it is. But i really loved Silicon Oasis.
Latest post on 06 December 2014 - 21:59
McDonalds deliver! My year just got made! :D
Latest post on 06 December 2014 - 21:57
[u'>[b'>Dar al Ma'arefa and School of Research Science [/b'>[/u'>are run by the same management. They have a very good reputation for instilling a strong Arabic/ Islamic identity. A lot of parents tend to be outwardly religious (eg mums are hijabi at minimum). When English is taught, it is taught mainly by non-native English speakers, and in the high school, the English teachers are male native English speakers. However, there are severe discipline issues, particularly in the boys' section. Thanks so much Apricot any idea where i can get info on Dar Al Ma'arefa? I googled it but their website seems to be in arabic only :( which i guess is understandable considering it's an arabic language school :D
Latest post on 06 December 2014 - 21:55
I wonder why every single post got several thumbs down? LOL. Some people are really so pathetic, I imagine them at home scrolling through every single thread on EW and giving thumbs down. Thank God I have a life! They should try getting one too :)
Latest post on 02 December 2014 - 14:02
Thanks Marroosh, the one in Sharjah sounds perfect but i do wish they were part of a primary school as i don't want to move her after KG and have her lose all the friends she's made :( but i guess if it's KG only then all the kids will be transferring and there's a good chance she'll end up with some of them. I'm reading about them now, sounds really ideal :)
Latest post on 19 November 2014 - 13:58
it's not about having the latest phone! my current phone is broken. if i take it from etisalat with the package its free, if i buy it from an independent phone shop its more than 3200 dirham plus i still have to take the package in the end from etisalat. I am not complaining about "not having the latest model phone", i am complaining about appalling customer service here in UAE!
Latest post on 19 November 2014 - 13:47
Just get one from another outlet - they all have stock. my point was that we have gone to almost EVERY outlet and they are all out of stock and all tell us "keep coming back". And none of the outlets answer their phones to you can't even call and ask!
Latest post on 14 November 2014 - 23:22
Regardless of where they get married, as long as they are muslims they will live under shari'ah law in UAE. This is in every aspect of their lives, not just marriage. So for example if they divorce in UK she would get half of his assets (or whatever, I'm not sure how it works), here she would a lump sum (stated in marriage contract IF married in Dubai court) plus one year accommodation paid for by ex husband plus 3 months financial support.
Latest post on 13 November 2014 - 22:09
The whole western world condemned swaddling 2 years ago and doctors advised it is very bad for babies hips and that general area. Regarding people saying it keeps the babies quiet and calm, i guess when you put an adult in a straight jacket they also get quiet and calm after some time! Humans are meant to move! Babies are even moving in the womb, why do people think they should be wrapped like mummies and prevented from moving? <em>edited by MrsAbdalla on 13/11/2014</em>
Latest post on 29 October 2014 - 18:43
They sell them in Toys R Us
Latest post on 19 October 2014 - 19:32
It's definitely a cultural thing and how people are reared. Whenever I gave my husband's niece and nephew a gift (ages 5 and 6) they just took it and left. Their mother seeing my shocked expression shouts at them "say thanks!" but of course they don't then she says "my kids never say thanks to anyone". As soon as i learned to talk i was taught to say please and thank you for everything. My in laws actually make a joke of it that whenever we eat lunch at my mother in laws (she cooks), after the food i say "thank you very much". They all get hysterical, including my MIL and say "why do you always say thanks? :s "
Latest post on 17 October 2014 - 16:38
planning my big wedding party was a breeze comparing to trying to actually do the marriage in Dubai court! I'm a westerner, hubby is local and they asked for so much paperwork, everything had to be translated, attested, ministry of justice, ministry of foreign affairs. we finally thought we had it all in order, went to get married only to be turned away for missing one stamp on a translation of something! ugh! anyhow we got it in the end alhamdulillah :)
Latest post on 17 October 2014 - 16:33
I always buy my abayas from Bin Sougat Centre in Rashidiya, a shop called Al Hadayeh. Their prices are sooooo good, for my really really fancy ones with different colors and lace and drop waist etc. (for visiting homes, not for going out in) i pay less that 500. Black only with some nice black embroidery will set you back 400 or less, and the quality is outstanding. Since i found them I've never gone anywhere else. Of course all made to order, you just choose the design you like from what they have or bring your own!
Latest post on 17 October 2014 - 16:14
they told me the gender of my baby without even asking, it was good i already knew and wanted to know because i know many people want to keep it as a surprise but when i was having a scan after changing from a different hospital the doctor said "ah its a girl eh?" i said "yes!". good i hadn't been waiting for the big day for the surprise!
Latest post on 17 October 2014 - 16:01
I had the greatest experience with Dr. Hanan in Al Garhoud Private Hospital. So good that i wouldn't consider going to anyone else now i'm in my second pregnancy. She is the most friendly, down to earth woman who makes you feel so relaxed, when i went into labour at 5am last time she personally came in to deliver my baby and it was just all so perfect. I adore her.
Latest post on 17 October 2014 - 15:58
Hi there! i went with my parents in February 2012 and spent 3 days in Kandy and 2 in Colombo. It is an amazing and beautiful country with lots to see and do. If you are looking for water activities think Bentota would be better than Kandy. HTH xx
Latest post on 01 October 2014 - 18:29
My husband and I are breaking the usual tradition of spending Eid at home with family and would like to go somewhere for the day with our little girl, have a nice lunch out etc. And preferably outside of Dubai like Al Ain, Fujairah etc. And somewhere that won't charge extortionate prices just because it's Eid. Thanks in advance!
Latest post on 26 September 2014 - 22:37
If you and your husband are both muslim, then YOU have full right to them UNLESS you re-marry.
Latest post on 26 September 2014 - 21:56
I regularly order from eBay, sometimes have it shipped directly to UAE and sometimes use Shop N Ship, depending on what's cheaper. I've never had any problems, both ways are great!
Latest post on 10 July 2014 - 01:17
I advise against it. i found this clinic a couple of years ago through cobone or groupon, was very happy with my check up so went back and paid thousands to have all my silver fillings replaced with white ones. They all rotted away and when i went to a dentist back home she said basically he just covered the hole and didn't clean and sterilise it or put a bottom for the fillings. Within 18 months all my fillings had fallen out and i had to get them re-done.
Latest post on 27 December 2013 - 11:32
God news. I hope the fact that the email went into your junk mail and you didn't reply straight away does t cause another misunderstanding. Me also! I emailed her back explaining why it took so long to reply, but i don't think it will. She seemed as happy as i was that i got in touch so we'll see inshAllah. But im really ecstatic beyond words &lt;3
Latest post on 27 December 2013 - 00:49
UPDATE: I heard nothing back from the email and honestly was so upset that it's been on my mind since...So anyway just now opened up my laptop and was in my account and found a reply in the junk folder! she replied almost immediately (like 10 days ago) and said the same - that she missed me and didn't understand what happened between us! I love this girl to bits and hope we are going to meet soon. I don't even wanna know what happened and i don't care, i'm just sooooo sooooo happy to have her as a friend again. Thanks for all your advice xxxxxxx
Latest post on 17 December 2013 - 09:24
I had to do this, also. My name was written as Amy Dad Papa Family. I am not surprised they would make it 10 years. The UAE nationality is very lucrative, and getting more so. UAE Nationals are taken such good care of. And if Sheikh Mohammed's vision for super Dubai comes into fruition, which I think the world leaders are starting to believe it will, then this passport, held by very few people, is going to be even more valuable. And I can see him giving his people even more to make sure they are taken care of well enough to not just sutrvive in the new Dubai, but triumph in it. Thanks for that Amy!I don't mind waiting at all. I hadn't even planned on applying but my husband informed me that if I don't and even after 20 years if anything happens to him i will have to be sponsored by my kids every 3 years with the same visa i have now! seriously awkward!
Latest post on 17 December 2013 - 09:07
Well i often wondered the same, maybe it was something i did that made our friendship go sour. I cant think of anything for the life of me but who knows! I emailed her late last night and just have to wait and see. If i don't hear anything i definitely wouldn't try contacting her again but she really is someone who has been on my mind through my marriage, my pregnancy, and now in mother hood i always wish she was around. I never felt that way about any friend, even ones i've know since child hood. I know what happened was bad, but i'd really rather forget about it all than lose her forever (if there is a chance our friendship is worth saving).
Latest post on 17 December 2013 - 00:45
They don't! I just sent her an email. Her friendship means much more than my ego!
Latest post on 17 December 2013 - 00:33
Errrr., no. Not a requirement. You can choose and have your own middle name instead of your fathers name, upto you what you put on the form, but it will be what has been in the Nationality book. Let me know if you need more help offline on this subject. Thats what i thought! I was wondering if it was because i didnt have a middle name or something? Anyhow i got the letter and will submit it but just thought it was ridiculous. Plus my father and his father have the same name so it will look really stupid on my passport as *my name* william william hahaha
Latest post on 17 December 2013 - 00:10
Has anyone been? If so, i'd love to know how it was. Planning to go in April for 10 days with our daughter who will be a year old. Is it safe etc.?
Latest post on 02 December 2013 - 21:50
Had to add this one i just remembered! A very well educated friend of mine: "drink a milkshake every day for the last 3 months or else your baby will have pimples" LOOOOOOOOOL
Latest post on 02 December 2013 - 21:48
I thought the ones i heard when pregnant were bad! its much worse now i've had the baby! When pregnant: walk at a snails pace. I used to chase my cat around the house and ill never forget the horror on my MIL's face hahaha. drink fresh UNPASTEURIZED cows milk to make the baby strong. She still doesnt accept that this can actually cause a miscarriage. bring a housemaid and dont do any work at all or i'll have a miscarriage.
Latest post on 02 December 2013 - 21:45
I always had problems with my inlaws regarding this! They wanted me to dress the baby like i was back home when i had her in April, it used to be 40 degrees somedays and we kept the AC off so i always kept her in light clothes. Also they told me i needed to swaddle her to keep her warm (i was so happy recently that Sky News aired a program about the bad effects of swaddling :) ) . Anyway i ignored everyone and did what i felt was right and am proud to say they are all jealous of my baby who "sleeps brilliantly, never cries, and is always in a good mood" their words not mine :) they all told me how awful their babies were and how they used to scream and cry day and night and yet wanted me to follow their way of looking after a baby! no thanks!
Latest post on 02 December 2013 - 21:36
oh gosh i really feel for you! i was recently telling my mom how wonderful my pregnancy was, and she replied "because you laid in bed all day and sat around eating whenever you got up!" i don't think i would have been able for work especially the first trimester. It was awful. Some days i didnt get out of bed at all and i never even had vomiting. i really hope you feel better. Should start feeling good about week 14 inshAllah
Latest post on 02 December 2013 - 21:32
my daughter is 7 and a half months. i went home for 6 weeks when she was 5 months and got her into an amazing routine there which got totally messed up when i came back. Her pattern is still predictable but having very late nights. Sleeps from 12 at night until 12 the next day with a dream feed around 5am and a small cry at around 9 but straight back to sleep. Has at least 4-5 naps a day, falls asleep while im breastfeeding her and i let her sleep. It seems to be ok coz she's always in a good mood and never cries and is such a happy baby. That being said her routine suits me because im a full time SAHM. Dont think those hours would be ok if i had a job!
Latest post on 02 December 2013 - 21:26
im 90% sure i saw it on sale in lulu
Latest post on 21 November 2013 - 00:24
i gained a massive 20kg while pregnant with my daughter. the first 14kg flew off with breastfeeding and the delivery of course. Just managed to shift my last 6 kilo by eating 2 weightwatchers meals per day and cutting out the junk for 2 weeks!
Latest post on 09 August 2013 - 21:46
My little girl is almost 4 months old and i've never given her a dummy and im glad for it. The first 2 nights in hopsital after i delivered her i was totally exhausted and asked the doctor if i should give her a dummy. He said people only give babies dummies to shut them up and that's no good because if a baby is crying it's for a reason and it should be found out and sorted, not shut the baby up for peace (his words not mine). my sis in law's 11 month old wouldn't be seen without his dummy and God forbid he drops it - he screams blue murder! It's only a bad habit and my girl is fantastic without it.
Latest post on 01 August 2013 - 00:58
There is a stray that keeps paying us visits. We feed her cat food and give her water and try not to do it everyday. But, it's getting very hard to ignore her yowling and she always asks for attention and does gentle head-butts asking for strokes. What to do?! This cat is making me feel guilty when she does her head-butts asking for love! A beautiful grey fluffy cat entered our villa garden 8 months ago and because she was so beautiful i assumed she was lost or run away so i decided to feed her until i found out who owned her. She ended up being a street cat, not lost at all, and now i have her and her 4 kittens living on my door step, i fall over them when i want to go in or out of the house with my 3 month old baby. I used to always feed strays but after this experience never again. It's really turning into a nightmare. When i open my front door they all run in like rats and scatter. With my baby i dont have time to take her and have her neutered and im really at my wits end as to what to do with these cats. my advice (im a real animal lover i swear) stop feeding her or she'll become totally dependant on you and never leave. the cat im feeding refuses to teach her kittens how to find food, she just assumes ill look after them :s