Nav03 |


Latest post on 17 August 2021 - 21:51
Hi lovely ladies! My name is Navdeep and I’m an Indian by origin. I’ve been a resident of Dubai from 2013-2019 working for a MNC as a channel sales head. I retired from my corporate life in 2019, took a year long sabbatical and started a heart centered online biz in 2020, while I was stuck in India during the pandemic! The part I most loved during my time in Dubai was spending my early mornings/sunsets by the beaches here. They make me the happiest! Returning to Dubai in the next few months now and looking to rebuild an offline network of like minded women. :) I’m a feisty feminist, an extremely passionate vegan and a doting plant mom. Love books, well ebooks now, I spend my weekends indulging in functional art at home. I like to take life easy and add life to my years regardless of the season I am in. :) I’m also slowly gravitating towards living as sustainably as possible in this next phase of my dubai life- would love to connect with souls on a similar journey. <3 Work wise, I’m also writing a book and would soon be able to call myself an author! Speaking about Expat woman..well it is all over the internet- I decided to go ahead and become a member when I read few posts about natural birthing in Dubai. I’m not a mom yet, not even married actually. This is just something I love to do in my leisure time. Researching about the details of my future desires and finding my way through them feeing a little more prepared when the time of their fulfillment arrives! You could call that a random fact about me.. :)) Very excited to be here!