nixwilson |


Latest post on 25 July 2013 - 12:42
Was wondering if anyone could recommend someone to put up wallpaper? I did have a number for someone but he is away on vacation until September and wanted to get my DS's room sorted before my next baby arrives in 3 weeks. Thanks in advance, N
Latest post on 25 July 2013 - 12:40
Hello there and welcome to Dubai. Here is the link for DESS Mums on Facebook :-) My little one is going into Yr 2 (he started in Reception) and he absolutely loves it!! I think you'l be very happy with the school :-)!/groups/288223237857730/ Nicola
Latest post on 03 March 2012 - 15:15
Hey Barmy, Travel sickness bands are supposed to be very good, if you can't find them in a pharmacy here you can order from Amazon. Ginger tea also supposed to be very good, can find recipes online, works better if you make it with fresh ginger rather than store bought tea bags x Good luck xx
Latest post on 03 March 2012 - 15:11
Hi Tia, i too had really bad PND after my LO was born, was in a very dark place for quite a while and even though I started to recover within a month or so i can honestly say that it wasn't really before my son was 1 that I fully felt the cloud lift and felt human again. My situation was compounded by the fact that my son was diagnosed with a life threatening condition not long after I was diagnosed so I did take the drugs offered but i came off them after a month as I didn't feel like they were making a difference (I wasn't breatfeeding though as had to give it up at 3 months due to my son's condition). What I did find made a huge difference was talking about it to other mums and realising that there was something wrong, admitting it and that I wasn't the only one going through it. It is hard for someone who isn't to understand as they try to rationalise the dark thoughts with things like 'oh its just your hormones, it'll settle down soon' etc. They mean well bless them but they have no idea as the feelings aren't rational! I would be more than happy to chat to you and let you vent etc. Please feel free to message me. I'm a mum who's been in your boat and I know how you are feeling. Be proud of yourself that you have taken the first step by admitting you want help xxx Nic
Latest post on 28 February 2012 - 15:18
Woo Hoo!! I think you already knew that there were 2 in there, what with you're high HCG :-) But that is awesome news! Were they able to tell you if they had there own placenta (fraternal) or whether they were sharing (identical, like me grin) Nic
Latest post on 28 February 2012 - 13:47
Everything crossed for you Barmy!! Thinking happy thoughts :-) Please keep us posted :-) N
Latest post on 27 February 2012 - 14:41
Hi confusion, thinking of you and hoping all goes well tomorrow. The figures are supposed to double every 48 - 72 hours so stay positive :-) barmy army - have you had your scan yet? Nic
Latest post on 19 February 2012 - 21:14
Hi nickym1d, i had one done at Suliman Al Habib with Dr. Hiba last March and I know that Medcare also do them. Not the most pleasant of procedures but is over in about 10 mins or so, from what I can remember x Nic
Latest post on 15 February 2012 - 14:24
Hey Confusion, Was thinking of you and wondering how your collection went :-) Happy vibes to you xx Nic
Latest post on 11 February 2012 - 20:00
For me, the egg collection was the easiest part, cos you're knocked out :-) The worst bit of it is getting the cannula in your hand for the anesthetic to go in, so suggust nipping to the pharmacy and buying some Emla cream and ask the nurse to apply to possible cannula sites as soon as you check in (takes at least 30/45 mins to fully numb the area) and you should be grand. As IVFUAE says, afterwards you might have some cramping, mine was bearable but prob due to fact I have endometriosis so am used to have the most dreadful period pain :-) To be honest the egg transfer was the worst bit for me, not that it was painful per se, just uncomfortable but I just found it completely unsettling and embarassing :-) Mind you I did start crying as he did the actual transfer but that waas the emotional aspect of knowing what it might lead to. I am currently 13 1/2 weeks pregnant with identical twins :-) So my babies are part IVF/part natural as the egg splitting was completely its own action :-) Nic
Latest post on 11 February 2012 - 18:43
Hi Presam, I'm also pregnant with PCOS :-) I wouldn't worry about it too much at the moment, stress will only put more strain on your system x With regards to the PCOS it can be confirmed by a blood test so I would get one done to set your mind at rest if you want to. From a pregnancy point of view the PCOS shouldn't have that a major impact and the fact that you have seen the sac and heartbeat means that your chances of miscarriage are the same as any pregnancy at this stage, about 2%. With regards to the medication, if PCOS is confirmed, you should take the Glucophage (I am) as it reduces the risk of developing gestational diabetes x Should be taken to about 4 months. But when in doubt, always get a second opinion xx Nic
Latest post on 31 January 2012 - 11:04
I used to premeasure my formula into those dispensers and carry empty bottles and as soon as I got on board the plane just asked a flight attendant to fill with boiling water and then let it cool down. Will prob be doing the same this time around though as I'm having 2 not planning on flying with them while they are tiny :-) N
Latest post on 28 January 2012 - 19:01
I am seeing Dr George Michaelidis at 9 Medical in Healthcare City. He delivers at City. He is pricey but completely worth it. He is a Fetal Medicine specialist so heaven forbid there are any complications, you'd be in good hands :-) I am having identical twins, sharing a placenta so am considered high risk. Nicola
Latest post on 25 January 2012 - 21:25
PS if you want to have a chat about the actual ins and outs and various steps of the whole process, I am happy to share my experience.
Latest post on 25 January 2012 - 21:23
The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to relax and go with the flow. I know this sounds tough but if you have the mindset from the beginning, it will make a huge difference. Me and Hubby started our treatment in October and I was adamant from the very beginning that I wasn't going to work myself up about it and worry about stuff as really it was out of my control. As a result I didn't have any hormonal bursts etc and I found it all straightforward. The hardest part was after egg transfer as there is a whole drug regime you have to take which nobody had told me about. Hubby and I both decided that the way to think was that we didn't have a baby and if we didn't try we definitely wouldn't have one so anything that happened was a bonus! I am happy to say we are now 11 weeks pregnant and in fact found out last week that the egg split and we are having identical twins :-) So there is always hope but really try not to put pressure on yourself as I firmly believe the mother's mental state can have an effect on the outcome! Good luck!!!!