pinksushi |


Latest post on 07 March 2013 - 12:11
I'm not familiar with the policy - what is it?? are kids not allowed at the movies here? what is the age limit?
Latest post on 07 March 2013 - 12:06
Are you exercising? No, I just lay in bed all day with my mouth wide open waiting for refills. Love this!!! and I feel your pain ladies, been on a "diet" for a couple of months now and use a great app on my iphone that helps a ton called MyNetDiary, its awwwesome!! so far I've lost 4.5 kilos (10 pounds) and even though its not rapid loss, I've not gained it back so far... but could use more ideas for simple, uncomplicated snacks/ lunch ideas that are low in calories - never tried the rice crackers, will look into this weekend
Latest post on 06 March 2013 - 12:12
when you guys say mini pizza, how do you make this - like what kind of bread do you use? (sorry for the lame question)
Latest post on 04 March 2013 - 15:37
I know Skoki, believe me I have my own scar from an old wound (20 stitches in my forehead!) and honestly I've never obsessed about it, its just a part of me. But with my kid I'm just so guilt-ridden about it because he's just a child and I wish I had been tougher about him running around to avoid it! so anything I can do for him I want to try to do - crossing my fingers!
Latest post on 04 March 2013 - 11:56
thanks again for all the advice - will purchase the silicon sheets and contractubex today and hope for the best!
Latest post on 03 March 2013 - 14:34
oh thank you for posting! this is reassuring to hear - my 4 year old had 5 stitches on his lower cheek last week and will be taken out in a few days- we've been told to try silicone sheets to minimize the scar, and the only thing I've found is Cica-care. did you leave the Cica-care silicone sheet on all day or only at night? I will also ask about contratubux (sp) - thanks for the advice!
Latest post on 03 March 2013 - 14:19
I checked in the pharmacies here in Dubai and they all offer just one brand, Cica-care - does this work? Any idea if there are any other brands available in Dubai?
Latest post on 07 February 2013 - 16:19
We flew RJ and it was great! Service was excellent!
Latest post on 07 February 2013 - 14:24
Thanks for the advice ladies - so I've booked a cleaning for us both and looking forward to it!! :)
Latest post on 07 February 2013 - 10:17
and they were able to do a full cleaning etc. and she didn't give you problems / squriming / couldn't handle it? did you feel like the visit was the right time and it was beneficial ?
Latest post on 23 January 2013 - 15:56
OMG Gummy this is hilarious!! christmas clothes center? I am silently shaking with laughter at my desk!
Latest post on 22 November 2012 - 14:46
my all time fav is toss up between Gone with the Wind and Pride and Prejudice.. as for the Kindle, just try it and you will love the convenience of it, especially here - I am totally a convert too!! for those with Kindles - do you know of any great (meaning free) sites to download pdfs or ebooks from other than Amazon? Would love to try some of these recommendations!
Latest post on 22 November 2012 - 09:41
I am unabashedly re-reading Twilight and its got me in a fabulous mood! :)
Latest post on 18 November 2012 - 11:09
hello - I figured out how to get my paypal to work with Emirates NBD finally! If you are like me and couldn't figure out how to add your UAE credit card to your account, here is how you do it: If you already opened a paypal account back in your home country (USA) or UK, etc. you can't add a UAE bank credit card to this account. You simply have to create a brand new paypal account for yourself in the UAE. You apply for a new paypal account under your same name and information, however you select United Arab Emirates as your country location. Then when you add your credit card, it will accept your UAE credit card as payment option. whaalaa! done!
Latest post on 18 November 2012 - 11:08
hello - I figured out how to get my paypal to work with Emirates NBD finally! If you are like me and couldn't figure out how to add your UAE credit card to your account, here is how you do it: If you already opened a paypal account back in your home country (USA) or UK, etc. you can't add a UAE bank credit card to this account. You simply have to create a brand new paypal account for yourself in the UAE. You apply for a new account under your same name and information, however you select United Arab Emirates as your country location. Then when you add your credit card, it will accept your UAE credit card as payment option. whaalaa! done!
Latest post on 18 November 2012 - 11:07
hello - I figured out how to get my paypal to work with Emirates NBD finally! If you are like me and couldn't figure out how to add your UAE credit card to your account, here is how you do it: If you already opened a paypal account back in your home country (USA) or UK, etc. you can't add a UAE bank credit card to this account. You simply have to create a brand new paypal account for yourself in the UAE. You apply for a new account under your same name and information, however you select United Arab Emirates as your country location. Then when you add your credit card, it will accept your UAE credit card as payment option. whaalaa! done!
Latest post on 18 November 2012 - 11:07
hello - I figured out how to get my paypal to work with Emirates NBD finally! If you are like me and couldn't figure out how to add your UAE credit card to your account, here is how you do it: If you already opened a paypal account back in your home country (USA) or UK, etc. you can't add a UAE bank credit card to this account. You simply have to create a brand new paypal account for yourself in the UAE. You apply for a new account under your same name and information, however you select United Arab Emirates as your country location. Then when you add your credit card, it will accept your UAE credit card as payment option. whaalaa! done!
Latest post on 12 November 2012 - 14:38
thanks so much for this information, it's extremely helpful!!! p.s. the visa is 50 pp if you have UAE residency, 200 if not!
Latest post on 24 October 2012 - 17:02
WOWW -- I had no idea :o thanks ladies for the heads-up! I will NOT be seeking out any firecrackers of any sort!
Latest post on 22 October 2012 - 12:28
Thanks, I read all the recommendations already on here and you are right, most talk about this Dr. Madhu - but none of the previous posts mention his charges for cleaning, tooth fillings, etc. Also, was hoping to get other names too and prices so I can compare! I called around 10 places yesterday and got huge differences in prices, so I need to know what is common practice and "reasonable" for Dubai
Latest post on 22 October 2012 - 12:10
sorry had no idea! he was in network for our insurance so I didn't see his bill!
Latest post on 22 October 2012 - 11:06
I went to a fabulous doctor in Dubai Healthcare City - he's German and he's part of BR Medical Suites, which have a few different docs not just ENT. Dr. Marc Muller BR Medical Suites Building No. 64 971-4-439 2305
Latest post on 01 October 2012 - 10:20
I would love to do a traditional party at home, but my apartment is not big enough - even if its just the four kids, I would also be inviting the parents so add 8 adults, which would leave no room for games and hardly any room for people to sit down! as far as the food court idea - do you think you need special permission to bring a cake and have a mini party there? I like the idea, but then I wouldn't have any place to store the cake and party stuff while the kids are playing, etc.
Latest post on 26 September 2012 - 14:01
I had this same problem - but after searching many, MANY children shops, I actually found perfect school uniform pants (plain, dark blue pants) at this store in Deira called Kabayl (not a uniform shop, this is just a general store). And the price was amazing, not even 30 Dirhams! I don't know what size you were looking for, but they definitely have small sizes for young children. edited by cleoExpatra on 26/09/2012 <em>edited by cleoExpatra on 26/09/2012</em>
Latest post on 09 September 2012 - 12:27
couldn't agree more with Mrs. O's reply - I have interviewed hundreds of applicants and you would be shocked at how important your appearance is to getting the job/asked back for a second interview. Only tips I would add are: 1. If you smoke, don't smoke on your way to the interview because the smell lingers on your clothes and in a closed door interview, the cigarette smell does not bode well with your interviewer. They will assume you will be constantly taking smoking breaks on the job. 2. Style hair as simple as possible - if its long, tie it back or wear it in a bun or ponytail. If its short, make sure its styled demurely 3. Keep nails clean and professional looking - no bright nail polish or chipped nail polish, it is always noticed by the interviewer 4. If you've got a blazer or any type of short jacket - wear it. What you think is a professional looking dress or outfit may be looked at as too casual by others - a jacket always adds professional look to any outfit.
Latest post on 09 September 2012 - 12:17
So yesterday was a pretty traumatic day because I lost one of the diamonds in my engagement ring! :( I have no idea when or how or where it fell out, but needless to say there were a ton of tears- I've had my ring for almost 9 years! So we plan to try to replace the missing diamond and/or have a look at a possible new ring upgrade, and I was just curious if we'll get a better deal here in Dubai or if I should wait until I go back to the U.S. for a visit, which I have no idea how long that could be. Are diamond rings (want to buy a solitaire) cheaper here than America or Europe? Where can I find the best deals on diamond rings? The Gold Souk?
Latest post on 21 August 2012 - 16:27
Hi guys - I read about it here: Of course this is Dubai, so they don't give you too many details -- that's all I've got. In my humble opinion, give up on maps in Dubai :) I highly recommend a GPS and entering landmarks, like hotels, malls, supermarkets etc. to find your way around. Now, that being said, Al Seef Road is near a ton of Embassies, like the Saudi Embassy, the British Embassy, etc., so if you don't know where this is simply ask a taxi driver where the British Embassy is and you can easily find Al Seef Road (One entire side of the road is lined by the Creek) Although parking on Al Seef Road can be a nightmare during normal weekends, and so I'm guessing it may be even worse during Eid!! There are parking lots along the walkway on Al Seef Road, so if you want to catch the fireworks there, plan to give yourself PLENTY of time to find parking. The other option is Creek Park, which is much simpler in the way of parking as there are several gates and entrances to the park with parking lots, but again, crowds may be an issue. Creek Park is a great park and I think you should be able to see the fireworks from just about any spot in the park, although there is a shore inside the park that would probably give you the best view!!
Latest post on 21 August 2012 - 12:43
9:00 PM all three days of Eid - the web said you can see them from Creek Park or Al Seef Road (the road with all the dhow boats along the creek)
Latest post on 31 July 2012 - 11:43
Does anyone have any recommendations for a vacation spot that's still within driving distance from Dubai? I've heard people say Oman - where exactly in Oman? I would like something with beaches and mountains. Are there any other ideas within the UAE besides Fujairah? we're looking for a great hotel deal for Eid holiday weekend and know I must book soon to get a deal! what are some good, reputable websites that offer amazing deals? <em>edited by cleoExpatra on 31/07/2012</em>
Latest post on 29 July 2012 - 13:57
thanks for all the recommendations ladies!!
Latest post on 25 July 2012 - 13:41
so far, its free of charge - but knowing Dubai, I'm holding my breath for now that it doesn't change!! as far as daycare centers I am sure there are, but for me, this is problematic for 2 reasons: first, I have to pay for the bus transport at the school, which for one way its 4,500 AED extra per year (approx. 450 per month) plus pay the daycare (assume another 500 -1000 AED per month (and that's being really optimistic), that's another 1,000 - 1500 AED per month for 3 hours!!! we're already paying school tuition! I'd rather get a nanny, at least my son could go home at 2:30 and she'd probably clean the apartment too! and second, and more importantly, I really don't want to send my little guy on a bus at 2 to another place where he has to be occupied until 5:30 :( as it is he's in daycare full days now, but at least its been 1 location, he takes his nap, feels settled there, has all his snacks and food, etc. I'd much rather see him either stay in the same place all day or get to go home at 2:30 !!
Latest post on 25 July 2012 - 13:06
thanks on the name :) and we ended up picking the American International School - my son will be starting KG1 and while the KG program technically ends at 12:30, parents are allowed to let their kids stay in the classrooms with the teachers (doing quiet activities, coloring, playing, etc.) until 2:15/2:30 pm. When we visited the school (which was around 2:00 pm) there were still a ton of KG kids there and what's nice is the KG kids stay in their own contained KG unit of the school, separate from the older children. but like I said, unfortunately I still don't have a plan for 2:30 - 5:30 (3 hours) everyday. Hoping for a stroke of genius over the summer :) <em>edited by cleoExpatra on 25/07/2012</em>
Latest post on 25 July 2012 - 12:49
hi there - in the same boat as you - we've been searching and searching and there really are no options out there besides a nanny.. the only school I found that has "later hours" was the International School of Choueifat, but they are quite expensive and school only goes until 3:30 pm, so you're still stuck for another 2 hours or so.. we ended up picking a different school that ends around 2:30 pm and personally I still don't have a plan and September is approaching... so any new ideas would be refreshing and much appreciated!!
Latest post on 15 July 2012 - 09:37
Actually I didn't realize this, but yes - if the Consulate sees a blank space for "Witness" signature, they want you to have a witness. However they were really easy about it and the Notary clerk just told me to grab a couple witnesses from the waiting room to sign, which I did. Apparently people do this all the time :)
Latest post on 12 July 2012 - 16:51
Hello, Just an update to this post for any future readers - we ended up making only 1 appointment and went to the U.S. Consulate in Dubai to notarize a Power of Attorney and only paid one fee, 186 AED (equivalent of $50.00) because even though my husband and I both signed, we were signing the same document and were charged only 1 fee because it required only 1 notary stamp. FYI!
Latest post on 27 June 2012 - 10:32
oh noooo serioulsy?? I thought for sure that we could sign one and pay one fee! :( well thanks so much for replying and for the info and if anyone has had a different experience or ideas, do tell!
Latest post on 25 June 2012 - 10:46
Hi Ladies, I am looking for a Nursery/ Daycare for my son in the Qusais/ Al Nahda 1 area - he is 3 1/2 years old and will be starting KG1 in the fall, so I need full time daycare for July and August and then ideally, after school daycare only come September. He has been in a Nursery school in Deira but we have had too many problems with the nursery and I want to move him out asap! Thought if anyone has any recommendations for a good nursery in Qusais / Al Nahda 1, I would prefer this area as it will be next to his new school. I have heard about Kidsmate Nursery and Rainbow Nursery? Anyone heard anything about them? Or if you know of any others, please please let me know. Many thanks!
Latest post on 24 June 2012 - 16:10
Hi does VISS stand for? I am interested in checking them out but googled it without success
Latest post on 24 June 2012 - 16:06
ishehere thanks for the glimmer of hope, although a name would be great! I'm not a fan of Domino's (the crust is too thin for my liking) but keep the recommendations coming ladies!!
Latest post on 24 June 2012 - 16:03
Hi Ladies, I need advice and just found this specialized section for Nursery/Schools so I am hoping you guys will have good advice and suggestions for this frantic mom! I am a full time working mom and my son (who is currently 3 1/2) is in nursery school full time in Deira. The problem is, most nurseries in Dubai only take kids until 4 years old, so come September 2012, I don't know what to do!! We just registered my son in KG1 at American International School (in Qusais), but the KG program ends at 12:30 pm and he can hang out at school only until 2:00 PM. I finish work at 5:00 PM, so I need to find a solution from 2:00 until about 5:30/6 pm! A nanny is not an option for me, because a) its way too costly to sponsor a nanny full time and plus we don't know how long we will even be living in Dubai and b) people keep scaring me about getting a part-time nanny at home because its not legal and c) even if I could find a part time nanny, they don't have cars so I still have the problem of getting my son from school to home at 2:00 pm - if I put him on the bus, I add another 6,000 AED ! So please if you have ideas, please please let me know?? Man, I miss the USA where school is free!! Any advice much appreciated!!!
Latest post on 24 June 2012 - 15:34
Since we moved here (in 2012) I have yet to find a great pizza place where I can order a great, normal tasting pizza in the Deira area. I mean don't get me wrong, Pizza Hut is great, but I don't want to have to spend a ton of dirhams everytime we want to grab pizza for dinner, which is pretty much twice a week!! I've tried other places but the pizza I've tried has been either tiny-tiny in size (despite having ordered large), super thin crust (pretty much like manaeesh) does not have the right cheese on it (romy cheese will never be mozzerella), has mayo on it (don't even ask), etc. I've gotten used to missing a lot of things in Dubai but c'mon, pizza is a staple I cannot live without! I'm used to having a great go-to place like Little Caesars where I can grab a yummy hot n' ready pizza that doesn't cost lot but that actually tastes like pizza and when I order a large, its actually large!! Any pizza recommendations would be much appreciated! <em>edited by moving2010 on 24/06/2012</em>
Latest post on 19 June 2012 - 14:50
Hi jodukwe, We just registered our son for KG1 at American International School and we are excited for him to start in September. We are Americans but we looked at both American and British curriculum schools and after looking at a ton of schools, we were impressed with AIS for the following reasons: 1. AIS is a U.S. Accredited school, which means it has met the guidelines set by NCA and AdvancED so you can be sure your child is getting a U.S. accredited education 2. AIS is one of the few schools that offers children in KG instruction in two languages: 2 hours in English and 2 hours in Arabic everyday, so children will gain both languages at this prime age for language acquisition. 3.. The KG Department teachers (I did not meet the teachers of the other grades) all speak English fluently and there are even a few native English speakers in the KG/Primary Department. 4. The price at AIS is very reasonable and affordable compared to the other American/British schools in Dubai that are charging 30,000-40,000 AED per year!! The KG classrooms were very well equipped with lots of materials and activities for the children, they have a nice, covered playground area for the kids, and the KG Director appeared to be very capable, organized and friendly. If you have any other questions, feel free to let me know Good luck!
Latest post on 12 June 2012 - 17:02
thanks ladies for your support! even though I've still not found a solution, its nice to know I'm not alone!! keep the replies coming and if anyone thinks of anything, please do post!! in the meantime, maybe I should open an Afterschool Club for all of us :)