Rubbadubber |


Latest post on 11 September 2012 - 11:07
I posted in the classifieds as well and we are getting bombarded with emails for her! She will not be able to keep up with the replys. I think if you are interested in her you need to send her an email telling her a bit about yourself so she can decide who she needs to reply back to. You can reach her at yasmine underscore manubag at yahoo dot com. Thanks!
Latest post on 11 September 2012 - 08:54
Yes mine is available, she is wonderful. I hate to have to give her away, but thats life sometimes :( mushypeas posted the link for the post I left about her below.
Latest post on 03 June 2012 - 23:42
You could send her this link. They've dealt with the message in such a beautiful and moving way NOW that gave me tears! I had tears too when I first saw it. I'm putting it on my blog now - trying so hard to stay professional and not include rants about drivers bottle-feeding their babes while doing 160 on SZR. Just posted on my FB
Latest post on 03 June 2012 - 23:22
You could send her this link. They've dealt with the message in such a beautiful and moving way NOW that gave me tears!
Latest post on 03 June 2012 - 21:17
No one in my husbands family wear seat belts neither adults or children and definately NO carseats! I get so furious every time we go places as a big family. Sometimes my kids want to ride with their cousins and since I make them put on their seatbelts, their cousins tease them. I have had an argument with my SIL about it twice. Her youngest is 7 and she just stands on the hump in between her mom and dad the whole time! I have tried talking to them so many times. I tell them about how my own father is a retired Highway Patrolman and that I have seen actual pictures of dead babies and children from accidents my dad would investigat! Yes my dad used the gory scare tactics on us even pictures of people who die using drugs. But my inlaws just wave there hand and say nah it want happen to us we are good drivers. I dont know what else to do I worry about their children all the time!
Latest post on 03 June 2012 - 20:54
Sounds wonderful, Rubbadubber, really anxious to make that Pecan Pie. Just one thing, what is corn syrup, is it available here and if not, is there a substitute to be found here, please? I use Karo syrup the clear one not the dark one. I have seen Karo at LuLu's. There is also a good pecan pie recipe on the karo syrup bottle that is very easy!
Latest post on 03 June 2012 - 19:37
If you buy the Pecans I will make you a homemade Southern Pecan Pie! I also make a delicious Coconut Cream Pie! I would love to have a reason to bake a pie, cuz I cannot eat any right now :( Please PLEASE for the benefit of all EW-ers on her, please post the recipe for these pies!!! TIA ;) Pecan Pie: 1 unbaked pie crust (make your own or buy the pre made ones from C4) 1 cup white sugar 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup corn syrup 1/3 cup melted butter (regular, salted) 3 eggs, beaten 1/4 teaspoon vanilla 1 1/2 cup chopped pecans or 2 cups whole pecans Mix sugar, brown sugar, salt, corn syrup, butter, eggs, and vanilla together in a bowl. Pour chopped pecans in the bottom of the pie shell. Pour syrup mixture over the top. Bake pie at 350 degrees farenheit for 50 minutes, being careful not too overbake!! Will still be a bit wiggly in the middle, but it will set up once cool. Perfect Pie Crust: (from The Pioneer Woman website she does a detail w/pics! best pie crust!!!) make 3 single crusts. Ingredients ■1-1/2 cup Crisco (vegetable Shortening) ■3 cups All-purpose Flour ■1 whole Egg ■5 Tablespoons Cold Water ■1 Tablespoon White Vinegar ■1 teaspoon Salt Preparation Instructions In a large bowl, with a pastry cutter, gradually work the Crisco into the flour for about 3 or 4 minutes until it resembles a coarse meal. In a small bowl, beat an egg with a fork and then pour it into the flour/shortening mixture. Add 5 tablespoons of cold water, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir together gently until all of the ingredients are incorporated. Separate the dough into thirds. Form 3 evenly sized balls of dough and place each dough into a large Ziploc bag. Using a rolling pin, slightly flatten each ball of dough (about ½ inch thick) to make rolling easier later. Seal the bags and place them in the freezer until you need them. (If you will be using it immediately it’s still a good idea to put in the freezer for about 15 to 20 minutes to chill.) When you are ready to use the dough to make a crust, remove from the freezer and allow to thaw for 15 minutes. On a floured surface roll the dough, starting at the center and working your way out. (Sprinkle some flour over top of the dough if it’s a bit too moist.) If the dough is sticking to the countertop use a metal spatula and carefully scrape it up and flip it over and continue rolling until it’s about ½ inch larger in diameter than your pie pan. With a spatula, lift the dough carefully from the surface of the counter into the pie pan. Gently press the dough against the corner of the pan. Go around the pie pan pinching and tucking the dough to make a clean edge. Coconut Cream Pie w/Meringue: 1 pre cooked pie crust (poke holes in crust before baking w/fork all around bottom and up sides) FILLING: 1 cup sugar 1/3 cup all-purpose flour Dash salt 3 cups 2% milk 4 egg yolks, lightly beaten 1 1/2 cups flaked coconut 1 teaspoons vanilla extract MERINGUE: 3 tablespoons sugar (I use icing sugar) 4 egg whites 1 tsp cream of tartar For filling, in a large saucepan, combine sugar, flour and salt. Stir in milk until smooth. Cook and stir over medium-high heat until thickened and bubbly. Reduce heat to low; cook and stir for 2 minutes longer. Remove from the heat. Stir a small amount of hot filling into egg yolks; return all to the pan, stirring constantly. Bring to a gentle boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat; gently stir in coconut and vanilla extract. Pour filling into pastry shells. For meringue, In a large bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Add sugar & Cream of Tartar beating constantly until stiff peaks form. Spread evenly over hot filling, sealing edges to crust. Bake at 350° for 12-15 minutes or until the meringue is golden brown. Cool on a wire rack for 1 hour. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving. Store leftovers in frig. edited by Rubbadubber on 03/06/2012 <em>edited by Rubbadubber on 03/06/2012</em>
Latest post on 03 June 2012 - 16:02
If you buy the Pecans I will make you a homemade Southern Pecan Pie! I also make a delicious Coconut Cream Pie! I would love to have a reason to bake a pie, cuz I cannot eat any right now :(
Latest post on 01 June 2012 - 11:54
For anyone of the ladies that were interested in the juice fasting, I am into my 3rd day now, and have lost 3 kilos! Yes I know it is mostly water, but I feel so much better! I am not really doing this just for weight loss, but to give my body a break from all the processed foods. I have not had any of the detox symptoms they talk about, yet, but I really think it is because I am drinking my weight in water! I hope, God willing, I can continue for atleast 7 more days maybe more if I can stand it.
Latest post on 31 May 2012 - 19:21
Do you actually blend some fruit and veggies or must it all go into the juicer? It is good to do both according to the reboot website...... Smoothies Equipment: Blender Price: There are lots of good ones on the market and most are inexpensive Process: Load up the blender with clean, fresh or frozen fruits, veggies like green leafys (swiss chard or spinach for example) and liquid like coconut water. Off your Reboot try almond, hemp or soy milk, cacao nibs or chia seeds for fun. Benefits: Phytonutrients found in the skin and flesh of fruits and veggies. Loads of fiber from the whole fruit and vegetables. Fiber is important for regulating blood sugar, keeping bowels regular, aiding in hunger control, may help prevent certain types of cancers. Juicing Equipment: Juicer/juice extractor Price: Varies ($99-399) Process: Push clean produce (fruits and veggies) through the chute. For more tips and ideas visit: Benefits: Juicing removes the insoluble fibers (but the soluble fiber remains in the juice). Important micronutrients typically more difficult to absorb become accessible. These nutrients include digestive enzymes and certain phytonutrients. In the end, including both smoothies and fresh juice can be a healthy and delicious way to boost the amount of micronutrients in your diet.
Latest post on 31 May 2012 - 19:12
Can you ladies share your juicing programmes? What do you follow? Where do you get recipes? I am getting my recipes from the Fat, Sick, and nearly Dead movie (a Joe cross film).
Latest post on 31 May 2012 - 18:05
I am interested in trying the juice fast as well. Which juicers do you recommend? I had one but it was not terribly strong and I had to do lots of chopping and peeling, and it was a pain to clean. I have a Jack Lalanne's Power Juicer that I love, but it is in storage back home. I plan on bringing it back with me when we go on vacation. For now I bought one at Carrefoure to hold me until I can bring my nicer one. But CF has a lot to choose from 65 to 800 aed. Mine is a Black n Decker on sale for 129aed. It is doing the job for now, but my Jack laLanne juicer gets a whole lot more juice out of my fruits and veggies! It is very easy to clean, but I do have to chop a bit as the opening is small.
Latest post on 31 May 2012 - 13:36
I did a 7 day juice diet but i did not go to the for ages is this normal.......? I am on day 2 of my 14 day juice fast. I am feeling fine so far, no headaches yet, but I cannot stop going to the T.....! I dont know how you did a 7 day juice fast and had problems with this! I was told that the first few days you will go a lot, but then it will taper off and that fiber should be added. I will look for maxicol tonight when I go shopping. But for now I cant imagine taking it! My juice today is: Parsley, Spinach, Celery, Carrotts, Tomatoes(just a cpl), small onion, and 1 garlic clove. Was attempting a V* type juice but doesnt NOT taste like the commercial v8 we are use to. It tastes like liquid salad! Its manageable. I think tomorrow i will do something with watermelon and gives myself a bit of a sweet flavor.
Latest post on 31 May 2012 - 08:04
I did one for 10 days, and lost 10 pounds that have stayed off. The hardest part was still having to cook dinner for everyone else. Most days a few bites sneaked past my lips. One tip from the Reboot site is to add Chia seed. It has a lot of protein, and thickens the juice up a bit. Hope to do another one over the summer - when I'm not cooking for dh! Buckeye, do you know where I will find Chia seed? And what is the best Fiber Supplement available in dubai I could add to some of the juices?
Latest post on 30 May 2012 - 22:58
I do a green smoothie daily for breakfast. Is this the same thing? I add whatever green leaves I have in my fridge. I've been trying to get ahold of Kale too. I'm pretty sure I saw some in Waitrose. I'm going there tomorrow so I'll check and let you know. Thanks coco pops, I was also thinking of trying organic cafe. Let me know! ;)
Latest post on 30 May 2012 - 22:40
I add omega oils, flax seed oils and plenty of celery too. When I need extra protein I add powdered almond etc but can look weird too. How about rocket and spinach and lots of parsley too. Parsley has more vit c per sq inch than citrus fruits and a super food. Good luck! Could I eat a small handful of almonds or would that defeat the purpose? I am taking Omega oils, and my juice today had 6 stalks of celery! I will add the Flax thanks! I also used Spinach but I really dont like rocket :( I will keep my options open. dally thanks for the advise on the citrus and the tomatoes, i did not know that!
Latest post on 30 May 2012 - 22:35
Al Qusais has many typing offices that do the ID apps. Damascus street/Baghdad Street alone had a lot! I took my Maid today to the one in Arabian Center, they said they were not taking new apps. they sent me to Al Qusais and said I would find a lot of places, and I did. Got maids done within 10 minutes of entering, and she already received her text for her appt.
Latest post on 30 May 2012 - 22:31
Stick with it!! This diet is a path to health and longevity like no other. Just be sure to give equal emphasis to veggies as fruits. Too much fruit is too much sugar. There needs to be a balance in what you juice. You will feel a new person in 5 days. Thank you gardenlover for the encouragement! I am trying to stick with 85% Green. My daughter cooked a lovely Beef Stew tonight and homemade cornbread, the smell is about to kill me! LOL But i really want to do this for myself. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Acid Reflux, and need to lose about 20 kilos. I am hoping this will give me that boost towards the right direction. If anything just to feel lighter and help to relieve the joint pain!
Latest post on 30 May 2012 - 19:25
I took my Maid today to Al Qusais, found a tiny typing center off Damascus street. We were in and out of there in 10 minutes! She already received her text for her appointment as well this evening!
Latest post on 27 May 2012 - 22:10
This recipe is very similar, but the original ones have some sort of dough conditioner in them that is what makes them so fluffy. But I have used this recipe forThanksgiving rolls and were told they taste similar to Texas Roadhouse Rolls. •1 package active dry yeast •1/2 c. warm water •2 c. milk, scalded then cooled to room temperature •3 Tbsp. melted butter, slightly cooled •1/2 c. sugar •7-8 c. flour •2 eggs •2 tsp. salt •1/2 c. honey Directions 1.Dissolve the yeast in the warm water with a teaspoon of the sugar. In a mixing bowl, add the yeast and sugar mixture, milk, the rest of the sugar, honey (if you're using it), and enough flour to make a medium batter. Beat thoroughly. Beat together and let it stand until light and foamy. Add the melted butter, eggs, and salt and beat well. 2.At this point you'll want to add enough flour to form a soft dough. Don't throw all 8 cups in or it might be too much. Sprinkle a small amount of flour onto the counter top and let the dough rest for a few minutes. 3.While the dough is resting, grease a large bowl. Then knead the dough until it is smooth and satiny. If you have a KitchenAid you can knead the dough with the hook attachment for about 4-5 minutes. Then put the dough in the greased bowl. Pick it up and turn it over so it's greased on the other side as well. Cover the dough and let it rise till it is double in size (about 30 to 40 minutes). 4.When it has risen to double get some rage out and punch away. Put the dough out onto a floured surface and divide it out into portions for shaping. Let it rest for another 10 minutes. Shape the little dough pieces into desired forms. Place on greased baking sheets and let rise until doubled in size. 5.Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes until golden brown. Baste immediately with butter. shape rolls by rolling out the dough into a rectangle, about 1/2-inch thick, then fold the rectangle in half, making it about 1-inch thick. Use rolling pin and roll over the dough just to seal the two halves together. Then use a dough scraper and cut the rolls into squares and place them on a greased baking sheet. ◦Cinnamon Honey Butter: ◦1/2 cup butter ◦1/2 cup powdered sugar ◦1/2 cup honey ◦1 tsp. cinnamon (Leave powdered sugar out if too sweet for your taste)