Sabs10 |


Latest post on 23 August 2012 - 13:47
I recently passed my test and I learnt from scratch here in Dubai. Tip: always stay within the speed limit if you're in a residential area then 40km/h if you're on the main road then 60-80 km/h, free way then 100-120 km/h as a learner you must always stick to the extreme right lane unless told by your instructor/examiner to change lanes and as that lane is the 'slow' one then sticking to the speed limit is advisable unless if there are conditions where you must slow down the speed also the examiners don't like it when you slow down unnecessarily and drive below the speed limit. So if its 60km/h the speed limit then if road conditions allow stick to 60 km/h not below nor above. All the best
Latest post on 23 August 2012 - 12:45
I learnt to drive in Dubai with EDI and I managed to pass in my first go, I had a total of three instructors, my first one i was comfortable with but unfortunately due to personal reasons I had to stop my classes and by the time I came back my instructor had gone for her daughters wedding. The second one was always moody, she didn't care about my driving just kept on complaining about how I would never pass and if I asked her to show me how to do it she wouldn't listen, I then changed my instructor and she was perfect, she had patience and was understanding (I learnt to drive in a manual car) gave me tips and not only on how to drive in the UAE but also how to drive in UK (that's where I am from and am planning to commence my further eductation) was encouraging and finally when my test day came I passed with no mistakes. I did have an advantage, as I was learning in manual it was me and the instructor only in the car I had no other passengers/applicants with me. The tests are now done by RTA officers, however there's always one and no matter how good you drive she will fail you, it happened to two ladies I spoke to and another tip dont do your test in Ramadan unless if you do it early in the morning... Best of luck to any who are doing their test.