Sara969 |


Latest post on 23 July 2012 - 10:28
Hello Sara, may be try British ladies foundation. They may be able to give you the advise you need. Sorry we dont have a maid so I cant advise you at all. Im going home early August. If I could help in the short term let me know. no payment as that would be against the law. I am a mother & grand mother. ( photos of my beautiful grandkids always available !!!) :cool: Are you just arriving in Kuwait? Thank you Neamhai that's very kind of you. I have good news. I have found a lovely maid and so far so good. My son likes her which is good news as he usually cries of he goes to anyone but me. He is such a clingy boy, so different to how my daughter was a that age. We arrived in Kuwait August last year but it has taken us forever to settle one of the main reasons was because it took hubby almost a Year to find a job. Everything is about 'Wasta' here. It's so unfair! Now hubby has found work we can finally try to settle. :)