s_dxbbb | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 01 March 2020 - 12:45
The costs with any kind of assisted reproductive technology can be quite pricey in the UAE. Most insurance coverage (provided by employers) do not cover these procedures. However, if you have Thiqa (category 2 or 3) you will be entitled to 3 IVF (or IUI or ICSI) procedures per year for free. If you do not have Thiqa, I can recommend making an appointment at the Dubai Gynaecology & Fertility Centre (DHA run) as they have packages and their prices are a fraction of the private clinics. All there prices and packages are listed: https://www.dha.gov.ae/en/SpecialtyCentres/DubaiGynecologyAndFertilityCenter/Pages/About.aspx I understand your concern is the success rate, but please remember with any ART, the success rate comes down to the couple, not the clinic. GOod luck! :)
Latest post on 01 March 2020 - 12:22
Hi ladies - safe to say it has taken me YEARS to actually get an account here, even though this is my number 1 place to find out any info/get answers to any questions! - Where are you from? Australia - Where are you living now? Dubai - How many years have you been an expat? 6 - What are your hobbies/interests? Cars & racing - How did you find ExpatWoman? #1 search result whenever I google a question hehe - And lastly... One random fact about you! - I'm a twin! :)