shadowmist2 |


Latest post on 18 May 2017 - 13:40
I am in the same boat, my inlaws are already here, AXA will load on your price if they have pre existing conditions, best quotes I have had so far are from Oman Insurance and RAK Insurance I am yet to sign on the dotted line, but will be doing shortly Best of luck
Latest post on 16 April 2017 - 16:30
Can you tell me the cost, I am looking to have a knee replacement done for my farther in law
Latest post on 05 April 2017 - 11:59
HI Tim Tam Dainfern is a good compound and community to live in and is very secure, but please remember as the other ladies have commented on keep door locked on your cars at all times when driving, put your handbag under the seat, not in view of anyone passing by. also your house doors. I grew up in Joburg, lived and worked in Sandton and Rosebank, before I returned back to the UK and now I am in Dubai, it comes down to remaining vigilant at all times, I know its not nice to think of, but you have to. It is a beautiful country, unfortunately it has its problems, wish you all the best with the move,
Latest post on 20 February 2017 - 15:47
HI Anony Did your daughter go for the assessment at ASD, I am currently applying for my boys and I know my eldest battles with this kind of thing. How was it
Latest post on 26 May 2016 - 19:20
Why do you not have your x ray done in the country you are currently live in and see if, and how much scaring there is and then base your decision on that. If there is no visible signs you should be ok
Latest post on 14 May 2016 - 14:30
My kids have XBOX 360, XBOX ONE, PS3, PS4, and the WIIU, they play most games that are available, the are very aware these are games and not real life, it has given them good hand eye co-ordination. They enjoy the challenge of building, working out how to do things and the complex strategies you need to play in the games, they also get to play with there friends online. There are certain games I have not allowed, but all in all they are very well versed, and know what is right and wrong, I would say its up to every individual to decide what is best for their kids
Latest post on 05 May 2016 - 13:55
If you are interested in selling cosmetics (home based business). Please let me know. I would also be interested
Latest post on 27 April 2016 - 17:19
IzzyOnTheSeat I have 2 black bags dull of clothes, mixture of boys children's clothes and adults, you are ore than welcome to have, how can I contact you
Latest post on 20 April 2016 - 15:46
I'm hoping someone might be able to advise me about the MoL/contract implications of how to essentially demote someone. All the information I can find about changing someone's salary on their labour contract is related to increases. The individual is not performing after oodles of training and coaching (they've been with us nearly 6 months, coming up to the end of their probationary period). I can't fault their commitment but it's just not working. I feel for them as they are so hard working and have two thoughts: 1) either to reduce their salary and offer them a financial incentive back up to their original package value or, 2) to offer a lesser position obviously with a reduced salary. I really don't want to make them redundant Hoping someone might be able to shine some light? While you obviously have a big heart and very kind, and taking into consideration you believe this person could manage to do something else. Please take into account that you have trained this person, and said person is not grasping what is being taught, are you prepared to carry on training and in a longer term actually get nothing out of it as the employee. Many would say cut your losses, offering them a different position at a lower salary, might suit, but said person might just take it to keep themselves here in Dubai and then use how kind hearted you have been. Sometimes you need to be cruel to be kind, legally you can let the person go now as the job that said person is supposed to do, is not being done even after the continuous training, during their probation period. Offering the lesser position with a reduced salary, would have an impact,as the people that work with said person could loose respect and treat them differently, so then you might end up with a very unhappy employee, and that can also have consequences. The final decision is yours, I am no legal eagle, but I know what most HR managers would do... Good luck with your decision ..
Latest post on 14 April 2016 - 13:18
As much as Pay Pal is a good thing, I would not accept it, if you insist on cash on collection, trust me they wont be interested in it for long, I had the same thing and I refused to accept pay pal, - they never contacted me again
Latest post on 01 April 2016 - 19:33
Hi First thing good luck with the move, you MUST negotiate housing and school allowances, in all honesty you will not survive on what he is currently being offered, especially with kids, Weigh up how your lifestyle is at the moment and then what your lifestyle would be like here. We already substitute the school fees (currently paying for my 2 boys 130k (thats for the 2 of them) and rent 165k (2 cheques) Uptown Mirdif is a very family friendly close to shops and everything you need. I am going to home school to cut costs, yes that means I give up my part time job, which are hard to come by, but its a decision we had to make.
Latest post on 27 March 2016 - 15:59
Home is where my husband and kids are, and right now that is here,
Latest post on 25 March 2016 - 20:32
HI We used ISS and they were brilliant, came in packed it all up, the guys that did the packing were friendly and ensure all things were looked after, put into the container outside my door as it went straight from there onto the ship, was with my husband in 5 weeks, The gentleman called Alan did our assessment he was with City movers and it was all co-ordinated with ISS, and then Amos dealt with everything n this side Good luck with the move :)
Latest post on 24 March 2016 - 17:26
HI Are you set on Jumeria, as we are moving around that time, we currently live in Uptown Mirdif, we are in a 3 bed plus maids, with access to gym and pool, nice area and neighbors,
Latest post on 22 March 2016 - 14:01
The company I work for has given us Sunday off, which is appreciated, but hubby working, so I will spend it with he kids,
Latest post on 18 March 2016 - 15:32
Lessons I've learnt from my time in Dubai - Smile and wave - As trying to get things done that should take 10 minutes, takes over a month Education is not a ... given right, even though it should be Patience on the roads - never driven in a country with so many inconsiderate and rude people ( and I have lived and driven in a few) Sun - as much as its nice to enjoy the rays, green grass, rain, clean air, forests and snow is something I will always appreciate Restaurants - The service is impeccable, and a pleasure, and the food is really good, ( only had 2 bad experiences since moving here, whereas my home country they could learn a bit from here) Oh and Patience Patience Patience -- oh wait I lost mine ----- frustration or people being willful obstructive. That kinda sums it up :)
Latest post on 18 March 2016 - 11:54
Hi Bex Welcome to the world of being an expat, I can remember when I was told to find a school and then a house to live in. There are so many different curriculum's, UK, Canadian, PYP, American, etc etc, and there is benefits and downfalls in all of them, and then it also comes down to have you got a school allowance from your husbands company, as schooling is expensive. You say you are coming over in April for a looksie, Look at Hartlands, my friend has her kids there her son is about the same age as your daughter, she is very happy with the school, Gems also have a good reputation. Remember you also have to go through an assessment to get your child into a school, which can be a pain in the bottom and frustrating Good luck with the search :)
Latest post on 17 February 2016 - 17:17
Any plumbing experts out there?! Looking for a solution to Dubai toilets that don't flush and get blocked constantly. Common problem I know, so maybe someone has found a product that works or is there something a maintenance company should be able to do? Our maintenance guys just tell us we're using too much paper and can't (won't?) do anything about it. Is that right or should we get a second opinion? If you know where the main drain is on the property, best bet is lift it up, we have more than one, and see where the blockage in the pipe is, we had the same issue and once we had cleared the pipes externally, ( we found cloth in ours ) we have had no further problems (touch wood) good luck its a messy job :(
Latest post on 26 January 2016 - 10:53
HI Can anyone suggest a company or someone who can supply, install and try not shock me with the bill to have my patio glass door , the glass on the one side has shattered , it is double glazed and i need it fixing urgently as I do not want my pets to run through it . I have tried various places with no luck Thank you
Latest post on 20 January 2016 - 20:51
Polyclinic on al wasl road, There is a very good cardiologist he saw my youngest and is brilliant and explains everything
Latest post on 20 January 2016 - 20:47
As a working mother myself with 2 kids i tend to use my leave if they are ill, or end up working the time in that i am off, fortunately I only work half day, so if I do take off i can work in the hours to balance it out.. It the joys of parenthood as I say...
Latest post on 07 January 2016 - 16:45
Hi Have the schools got any better reports, was also thinking of moving to RAK but obviously the kids education is a priority to me
Latest post on 04 December 2015 - 13:19
We have been here for a year now and my husband is still trying to secure ACA work here. If anyone knows of any openings in the UAE, we would be so pleased to hear from you. Many thanks Try looking on linkdin, and go onto emirates website I have seen a few jobs on there for accountants , good luck
Latest post on 04 December 2015 - 13:14
Hi everyone , My partner is going for an assessment next week with an airline that will be based In Dubai, he is a pilot so ur would be a big boost to his career. We have a 9month old son, I am a teacher but not planning on returning to work until March. We live in Edinburgh and absolutely love it here, we are both Irish so it means we are v close to home when we want to be. If we did move to Dubai I would most likely be a stay at home mom, at least until we find our feet . I've always supported my partner when it comes to his career, and I do see a possible move to Dubai as a good opportunity for our little family but have so many concerns. I am worried what life will be like for a stay at home Mom over there. The airline provides families with Accomodation in a compound and I am worried about how isolated I would feel living in a gated community like that. I enjoy being able to walk with the buggy, to parks and local shops and cafes etc, going to mum and baby groups etc. I have never visited Dubai but I picture it to be a place where you have to drive everywhere? Is there much green space? And are there many things to do such as baby grouos etc. I would love to hear from women who have been in similar positions, and how they are finding life in Dubai with their children. Thanks for reading x Take it one step at a time, my hubby moved here 4 months prior to the kids and myself arriving, and we hated being apart, I have now been here a year, and yes there is ups and downs, and lots of hoops to jump through, with getting all the paperwork etc sorted out. As a Aviation wife as I call it, we all know the times we spend alone, or not during the silly schedules as they all have, it is an experience that you will never forget, Little one is still young and as much a an AC can be bad so can the UK weather, and yes you will miss the thunderstorms and yes the Snow, I know we do, So good luck, and there is plenty of stay at home moms and there will be plenty to keep you busy.. :)
Latest post on 19 November 2015 - 17:09
Good Luck with finding one, I can only work part time due to the kids, other suggestion would be to get a reliable maid
Latest post on 09 November 2015 - 19:30
Is hubby joining as a Corporate Pilot or Commercial Pilot, either way the communities are very friendly, and you know what its like to be a Pilots wife so you know the pro's and cons. Do you have children?, if so then there is the schooling, and I am sure you will find work here, as long as you are mindful that you are in a country that you respect there laws all will be fine good luck
Latest post on 30 October 2015 - 07:56
A friend of mine has her kids there and are very happy, I am looking at it at the moment but I heed a higher year for my eldest so just waiting to see when they are opening there year 8 upwards
Latest post on 21 September 2015 - 21:22
I would never ever recommend JIM WILL FIX IT. We had very bad experiences with them. 1) We've contracted them for the whole maintenance of an AC before we moved to a new villa. It seems like they didn't do anything, because in the next two weeks all ACs in our villa were broken. 2) We had a sewerage emergency. JIM WILL FIX IT came after we begged them, they saw our problem and everything they've told us was wrong. We've been told that we should lift our floor so they could do the cleaning. And that was wrong! The problem was in another place and was not related to the kitchen floor. Anyway they couldn't do anything. Or just didn't want to work! Probably they have toooo muuuuch costumers! They also have done some small repairs for us and we had to re-repair everything with another company. And they charge a lot! Very bad service! Sorry for your experience with JIM WILL FIX IT, i have had nothing but praise for them, they have done my AC'S twice and fixed a nasty sewerage problem for us less than a week ago, and they were fantastic, the guys were polite friendly and did there job well, and the cost was not that expensive.. They had also informed me that unblocking drains etc was not there specialty and if they could not rectify it within an hour they would recommend some one to do it for us, JIM WILL FIX IT came out with in 2 hours of me calling and had it sorted out within 50 Minutes.
Latest post on 21 September 2015 - 17:20
My Skype is also not working, and we have etisalat :(
Latest post on 16 September 2015 - 16:14
When I arrived nearly a year ago, that was my biggest concern, after the usual of schools house, visa noc's etc etc, in finding a position that would fit in with my kids, Thankfully I have , and even though it takes me an hour to get to work, I get to drop kids off at school and pick them up at finishing time, and my boss is flexible in regards to if I run late or end up being off due to kids being ill, I just work the time in, Holidays become a problem, but between hubby and myself we work around it, Good luck with finding the right position, I know its not easy but they are out there... :)
Latest post on 25 August 2015 - 09:17
Reading this makes you wonder who you can trust with your hard earned money, thankfully having been in that industry ( no longer in it) it makes me giggle when my other half gets calls, trying to sell him insurance and investments etc, and taking into account some of these calls come from the UK. We had a guy call yesterday, and he became very pushy on the phone, and then got abusive because my husband refused to invest with him and we had invested somewhere else. Advice form an ex adviser, speak to your bank, or get an accredited broker, that is bound by the law, and one can have full recourse against if he has not given you full disclosure. :nerd:
Latest post on 12 August 2015 - 16:06
Good Luck with the move, as everyone is saying you will struggle to find a 3 bed for 100K, but I do know there are a few villas in Mirdif for around the 120-130K mark for a 3 bed. We are currently in Mirdif and love it here, as much as we are right under the flight path it does not seem to bother us anymore, we have all amenities close by and there is public transport and plenty taxi's Remember negotiation is the key...;)
Latest post on 27 June 2015 - 10:24
Not sure on Uptown Mirdif but Ontario is about to start there second year here in Dubai, they have swimming and other activities but none after school, they are adding a year every year so this September they have there first grade 7, and have just brought on some new teachers for, for the coming year and always try keep the parents involved with the curriculum and activities
Latest post on 23 June 2015 - 16:27
I will say what most people are saying DO NOT opt out of Emirates housing, if you need to travel in the first year to school , do so, the cost of living in Dubai is constantly increasing and and the benefits of Emirates housing is a very very big plus... I have friends who have 3 kids and have just been offered accommodation etc and they are taking it as what they are paying at the moment with DEWA it makes a lot more sense and they have been here for a while. :)
Latest post on 23 June 2015 - 16:17
Beautiful place to go, kids would love it, it is currently winter going in to Spring around September if I can remember correctly lol :) the wine route is a must, If you get the chance. table mountain and other attractions available. Enjoy the holiday :biggrin:
Latest post on 23 June 2015 - 16:13
Also remember if you are on your husbands visa you need a letter on non objection, your visa needs to be in your passport, emirates id etc, etc etc, I was with out a car for about 2 months, fortunately i was within walking distance from the school my kids attend and it was not as hot as it is now.. :) If you are on your own Visa things seem to go quicker
Latest post on 22 June 2015 - 17:09
Hi Shadowmist2 Ive got a 8 month baby , its nice to know that the area is family friendly. I wont have a car to start off with , is everything easily accessable? Can l ask where /which gated community i should be looking for a good villa in Mirdiff? We are in the Uptown Mirdif Villas, there is also the apartments, we are walking distance to Uptown Mirdif, there are shops, doctors, chemists, dentist, and more, and a quick taxi drive to Mirdif city centre. Very family friendly, parks are also close by, Mirdif itself is very comfortable to live and get around, also depends on your budget, as there is a lot of places to stay, we have friends in Shorooq, Gharoob, etc My boys are school going Shout if you need anymore info
Latest post on 17 June 2015 - 18:17
Hi, I have been living in the Uptown Mirdiff Villas for over 6 months , friendly family environment, close to amenities, and if you are under the flight path like we are you get used to it within a week or so, we are very comfortable here. If you move here welcome to the neighbourhood..:)
Latest post on 10 May 2015 - 18:40
we are moving from paris to dubai end of june and I have applied my 10 year old daughter for so many schools only to be put on waitlist. I started with applying for the american curriculum schools because this what she is attending in her current school, but now I have also applied for IB and British system schools. I just need her in a good school now... Can it really be true that I can't get her in anywhere? I'm about to cry about this situation.... again :( What can I do? Please help! :( I felt the same when when we moved form the UK to Dubai, OICS has spaces and that is the Ontario Canadian curriculum, but it also depends on where you are going to stay.... as said before you will find a place for her Good Luck :):):cool:
Latest post on 09 May 2015 - 11:03
for the kids renewal of passports do I need to get the photos signed at the back, or can I just send the form with photos and old passports
Latest post on 05 May 2015 - 19:41
I had a woman in a Dodge, cut 2 cars off, in Mirdif, and when we hooted at her she pulled a rude gesture at us, my husband was so infuriated with her as our children were in the car, I can not understand why people can not be polite and patient on the roads, we are all going somewhere, rather get there safely.
Latest post on 30 April 2015 - 17:16
Thank you both. I'm yet to look into mirdif as an area to live in but have heard its on the flight path... Any feedback on that? Silicon oasis seemed a lovely community more established than the villa- would I be right in saying that? Do most of you with children in primary and secondary do the two different commutes? I will have a year 2, 5 and yr 7. TIA Mirdif is a very friendly community and you get so used to living close or under the flight path, as I am, there is a few schools including uptown and Ontario international Canadian School, My kids are in the Canadian school and loving it, Good luck with your search..
Latest post on 30 April 2015 - 17:05
I would guess it would be the RTA in UM Ramool, that is where we collected ours from
Latest post on 28 April 2015 - 16:27
I went down the medication route with my eldest and it was a nightmare, eventually took him off them as it was just making him worse, but it is each to its own. My son was also behind and when we moved to Dubai I was lucky enough to put him a year back to help him catch up,(which I would never of been able to do in the UK) but it is a long hard struggle, patience, and perseverance are key also reward charts. Everyone has different way in dealing with everything that an ADHD child throws at you, and it is by no means an easy road, and at time help seems so distant. I would guess that it also depends on the school, if you are not working and can spare the time, ask the teachers to send home what is being done in class and you spend some time going through it with her, or if you can help her in class every now and then. Best of Luck
Latest post on 27 April 2015 - 19:14
Why not use HSBC, here aswell, they are a good bank and if you are having your salary transferred then you can have more than the savings account..
Latest post on 27 April 2015 - 19:02
The boys love it, which is the main thing, and the school has fixed there fees for 3 years because they are new, which also helps.... I picked them because I was able to put my eldest a year back, and the Canadian system is not all academic, with him being ADHD he was not coping in the UK, and unfortunately the UK system pushes the kids through even if they are not able to keep up, and then they wonder why they have so many illiterate adults.
Latest post on 27 April 2015 - 18:49
No, I am British,The fees are High, but in no means the highest, and it annoys me that Schools can charge so much, I looked around and compared the prices
Latest post on 27 April 2015 - 18:41
Does she really need a shadow? It may well be worth looking for which lessons she actually needs support in and see if you can employ someone directly (who is approved by the school) on a part time basis in order to reduce costs. I agree my Son is ADHD and he is assisted in class when needed, he has cue card stuck on his desk to help him concentrate, and we also have a reward system to, which motivates him. I know its not an easy thing to deal with and ADHD can be defined in so many ways, and the problems that come with it, with the learning and behaviour. best of luck on your decision
Latest post on 27 April 2015 - 18:33
marycatherine, My boys started in January this year, the Head Teacher is always contactable, and their SEN teacher works wonders in my opinion, also the Grade 6 and Grade 2 teachers whom I deal with are always available to touch base with. I do agree that there website could offer more, and with any new School there are difficulties, so hopefully onward and upward for them, they adding a year each year to go up to year 12 if I can remember correctly. There is a notice board with all the teachers on it, as my son was one of the kids that put it together.
Latest post on 27 April 2015 - 17:23
Just a note, tell her to read her contract, I believe if she opts out of the accommodation part she wont be able to take it further down the line, and to my knowledge its better to opt in and stay in the accommodation offered as there is more benefits to it... :) and No I do not work for Emirates, but have a few friends that do..