Snugglepot |


Latest post on 13 September 2013 - 06:39
Thanks Sakhifa - I was wanting to copy & paste without having to go into the image's own window - I used to be able to do that only a couple of weeks ago - it seems Pinterest has changed somehow. I do have a Pinterest account but did not realise that you could create a private board that no-one else can see - thanks for letting me know about that.
Latest post on 15 July 2012 - 18:59
Hi Vlooi - sure if you want to post your email address I will make note of it. Ok first of all I should clarify we are actually just over an hour drive outside of Toronto downtown - Hamilton area if you want to look at it on a map. I just find it easer to say Toronto, as no-one outside of here would know the area otherwise. Have you looked into areas to live as it is a massive place and there are so many different areas offering different things? For us, we have found it far more expensive in general here than Dubai - i.e. cars; petrol; food (both groceries and eating out) (though - as in Dubai, you can find expensive and you can find cheap eating places, but in general we find it more expensive here). And obviously tax is added to everything you buy. We do miss Dubai - we miss the Middle East way of life - the mix of people in Dubai; the variety of food from around the world; walking around places like Satwa & Karama which have a buzz all their own. However, we are happy here as well - I have loved experiencing all 4 seasons of weather here and most people are friendly - when you refer to "quality of life", I guess that is subjective, depends what it means to you. We live near the winery area of Niagara region and it is just beautiful to go for a drive there. In some ways we had a better "quality of life" in Dubai; but in other ways it is better here. A bit hard to define. It would probably be easier to answer specific questions that you may have than trying to generalise. And I think there are a few Canadians on EW now who may also be able to help you. Have you actually been over here to visit yet?
Latest post on 14 July 2012 - 06:08
Hi Vlooi - yes still here in Toronto - 1 year last Sunday actually!! Sorry, can't remember hijacking your post (apologies!) but happy to help if I can.... we are actually about an hour out of downtownToronto .... which area are you looking at? And when are you moving?
Latest post on 23 May 2012 - 23:52
Hi TimTam (I feel homesick everytime I see your name!!) - good point, I thought it was already in - but have just seen this statement on a web-site: The Final Budget Outcome for the 2011-12 financial year will be released by the end of September 2012 I still haven't seen anything though claryifing whether it has to be a registered valuer or whether a real estate agent will suffice. Any thoughts on this? We don't have the intention of selling - but, you never know what is around the corner. Thanks.
Latest post on 15 April 2012 - 19:02
Hiya back Chocs01 - thanks for your input - I agree, I have received some great advice and information from everyone. I have started exercising for 3 reasons; firstly to keep mobility & agility (stiffening up with age! ha); secondly to lose some weight (about 1 stone); and thirdly to meet new people. So far I think I am going well with first & third reason (already feeling more energetic and not so stiff after sitting for a little while - before after say, a 30-40 mins drive, it would take make a while to unstiffen as I got out of the car) and the weight loss - hopefully that will come with time - so I feel happy I am on the track to better health. I love the fact that all you ladies have been so encouraging - it is nice to get the advice & information - but it is incredibly fantastic to get the encouragement and good wishes - that is what will keep me going. I will let you know in a few weeks how I am progressing!!
Latest post on 13 April 2012 - 17:44
Thanks spongemonkey for your input - funny you should mention Zumba - Curves actually offer this as well - I have done 1 class so far and was pleased with myself that I lasted the hour, though found a lot of the steps difficult. So I am doing the normal circuit Mon; Wed; Sat; and a Zumba class Fri. So, all in all, with what you and Beebers and Goldeelocks have said, I feel I am on the right track. Yeahhhhhh.....a late bloomer on the exercise scene, but better late than never - actually feels good to feel like I am taking some control of my health. Thanks again to all of you.
Latest post on 13 April 2012 - 07:24
Oh Beebers, thank you so much for mentioning the eating before workout info. I had been wondering about eating a banana beforehand as I had read something about "fat burns in the flame of carbs" but I think you are right that I would have enough stored anyway. The more research one does the more confusing it gets - that is why I appreciate your feedback as it seems you have "been there, done that" and sorted out the myths from the reality! The great thing for me with doing this exercise is that it certainly makes me more conscious of what I am eating throughout the day - I don't want to ruin all the hard work by eating or drinking empty calories. May as well not bother with the exercise if I am going to sabotage the effort with unhealthy food. Again many thanks for all the tips and info. <em>edited by Snugglepot on 13/04/2012</em>
Latest post on 13 April 2012 - 01:54
Hi Beebers - thanks for checking in and answering:) Sorry I have been out, so couldn't acknowledge you prior to now. Good to know that your Mum & SIster got good results - that's encouraging. Ok - both you and Goldeelocks have mentioned adding weight/setting weight. I don't think this is how Curves works. They use resistance machines - this is a quote from their website - "The circuit is made up of resistance machines that work every major muscle group, two muscles at a time...... provides you with a complete cardio and strength training workout " They call them hydraulic-resistance strength-training machines - the machines are supposed to allow you to pull forward with one muscle group and pull back with the opposing muscles. After the first month they then record all your bodies information in some computer programme that then automatically computes all of your workout data to produce detailed progress reports that show your overall muscle strength, your calories burned and how close you are to reaching your goals. They give you an individual little chip thingie that you put in each machine as you go around. So not sure how this type of exercise compares to lifting weights? The only way I can see of improving on the machines is by working faster and doing more reps. Apart from trying to lose weight - I had read that this type of strength-training is good for helping with bone density during menopause? Beebers - thank you so much - I have read many of your threads and you are always very encouraging as well as knowledgable. Thanks to Goldeelocks as well for your cyber support.
Latest post on 12 April 2012 - 18:20
Thanks Goldeelocks - I kinda thought there should be some muscle ache - so will try pushing myself harder. I do certainly break out into a sweat by the time I am doing the second circuit, so I guess I am getting the cardio but will work on increasing reps and working faster. Thanks - didn't mean thread to sound like it was only for Beebers or Chocs - happy to have advice from anyone in the know!
Latest post on 26 March 2012 - 18:28
Chocs01 - I think you are right - thanks for your "cyber" support and encouragement.
Latest post on 26 March 2012 - 17:51
Thanks Chocs01 - ummm I am contemplating this as I know I wouldn't be motivated enough to keep up exercise by myself at home - that's why I thought going to something structured would be a good idea. (Also thought it would be a good way of meeting new people as well - no EW coffee mornings here to help with that!) Guess I will try it if only to get my confidence up in being in a "gym" type setting using all the different type of machines, then maybe I can move onto something more challenging. They apparently have Zumba-type classes a couple of times a week as well, so would like to try that also if I can keep up with it. Anyway, thanks for your input.
Latest post on 14 September 2011 - 02:39
Yeah Maple - thank you - just looked it up and there is one in Oakville - fantastic - thanks. Will head out there first chance I get.
Latest post on 13 September 2011 - 22:24
@marycatherine - thanks, thought it might be only online, but it still looks great. @Cleo4e - thanks for the tip re sweetspot - will look into it @missyuae- No I don't have children. I am originally from Australia, however, my husband had lived in Canada for 20 odd years before I met him (in Oz) and he has adult children here & other family. The real estate site we used to find rental property was - it might help you to get an idea of locations. Burlington is great and I wish we could have afforded to live there - Stoney Creek is nice also but not so handly to the shops and restaurants - you really need a car to get to anything. But we lived at Arabian Ranches in Dubai - so really it is no different to that. Happy to answer any questions that I can - but some of the other ladies on the forum who are Canadian might be of more use to you. But I will help where I can.
Latest post on 13 September 2011 - 17:24
Hi missyuae - yes I have just moved to Toronto - actually to Stoney Creek, which is only about 15 mins from Burlington - we looked at Burlington first, but found we got a nice home for less rent in Stoney Creek - we would pay a lot more for the same in Burlington. Have been here just over 2 months now - I like it here, but I do miss Dubai! I have noted your email addy if you would like to remove it.
Latest post on 12 September 2011 - 23:33
Thanks for the replies (only just saw them-had to step out for a bit). @tdale - thanks had forgotten about Crate & Barrel - will check it out! OK, local [i'>pampered chef [/i'>supplier - is pampered chef the name of a store? or am I missing something. And have discovered Home Sense - my favorite so far as well. I know the others, Walmart etc. sell kitchen-ware - but not quite the same as a specialised store. @marycatherine - ashtongreen looks great! I have added it to my favorites - only had a quick look so far, but it appears an online store only? Not a walk-in shop as such. @Gummy - not sure if your comment was for the OP or me (who hi-jacked thread!) but I would be interested to know of the specific women's forums - I am in Toronto (Burlington). That is exactly what I am missing - a "ladies" forum. The others I have looked at are not City specific (whole of Canada) and are used a lot by men as well (not that I have anything against men) and deal mainly with immigration issues; getting jobs etc. Not the sort of site like this where you can ask for a recommendation for hairdresser, nail technician, best dress shop, kitchen-ware (girly stuff!) Would really appreciate any information you can offer. Have been reading the other thread on Timmy's - have to say I am a French Vanilla Cap convert - but have resisted the donuts so far, but all the talk of them on the other thread is making me want to go out and buy one!
Latest post on 12 September 2011 - 17:52
Hi Livinia - I have just moved to Toronto Canada and also have been looking for an expat site like EW. Here is another one that I found and is not bad However, I have not come across anything quite like EW! If I could please hi-jack for a moment - can any of the Canadian ladies tell me if there is a "kitchen" specialist shop like the UK Lakeland anywhere in Toronto (Burlington) - you know, for pie plates, mixing bowls, kitchen gadgets etc. I know of Williams Sonoma - but wondering if there is anything else I have not discovered yet. Many thanks.
Latest post on 02 September 2011 - 00:53
Hi crystalsindubai - thank you so much for the offer, but I am now living in Canada (but missing Dubai, as you can tell from me still hovering around on EW!). Scotchanddiet - I haven't set up a user on pinterest yet - I just googled it after seeing it mentioned in your post and was wowed by it. Thanks for your link - I will certainly follow you.:)
Latest post on 01 September 2011 - 18:06
Aghhhhh... Scotchanddiet --- I don't know whether to thank you or shot you!! (Joking) - have just looked at the Pinterest site and WOW - what an amazing concept - I always feel guilty about how much time I spend on the computer going through the EW threads - now I am never going to get off the computer and leave the house by the time I go through all the amazing Pinterest "stuff". Out of interest can I ask what type of craft ideas you are going to try - I have recently thought about getting into decoupage but can't seem to find much about it - has it turned into a "old-fashioned" craft idea - typical of me, always 10 years behind everyone else to get interested in things!
Latest post on 14 August 2011 - 17:47
Ah...tdale - thanks for clarifying about driving in other parts of Canada being different to Toronto. It is actually good to know. Also helps to know it is not just me being in a new environment and imagining the driving to be so aggressive here. Really can't understand it as the police are out in full force, see far more police pulling people over here than ever did in Dubai, so why do drivers continue to speed and intimidate! Sara65 - the girls are right "Toronto" is a huge area - my DH actually corrected me when I put Toronto in the address, he said it should just read Ontario - I am still getting my head around that Hamilton (for example) is actually like its own "city" as opposed to being a suburb of Toronto (still not sure that I have even got that right!). As I am not allowed to work for 12 months (or until I get my PR which can take that long) I guess I have not had to think about transport to get to work - I will eventually try to find something in the area we are living in when the time comes - luckily DH is working from home, so not a problem for him either. There appear to be many web-sites to help with the transition to Canada so I am sure you will be able to find the information you will need. Best of luck
Latest post on 13 August 2011 - 05:39
Hi Sara65 - we have just moved to Toronto from Dubai about 5 weeks ago now. We had intended to look around the Burlington/Oakville area to rent, but found to get something decent was a bit out of our budget. We have ended up in a suburb called Stoney Creek which is very nice (and close to the wineries!). We are in a house, so I guess it depends on whether you are looking at a house, townhouse or apartment. We found a good real-estate site to use is We had started looking on it before we moved to get familiar with the areas and prices. Can't comment on schools as we don't have children. The differences I have personally found so far - very rule and regulation orientated here. Drivers are very aggressive - want to rid on your tail all the time - I actually find it worse here than Dubai. The drivers are crazy in Dubai, but the road system is excellent - the drivers are aggresive here in Toronto, but the road system is also not up to the standard of Dubai (I stress, this is just my opinion). I am originally from Australia (lived in Dubai 4 years) and had always thought Canada & Australia were very similar - am changing my mind a little now that I am here. Oh.... and there is no EW site to go onto to find out information!! I have found another couple of expat sites, but they are not as informative and easy to navigate as EW. Overall - it has taken some adjusting here, but after 5 weeks we are just starting to enjoy and appreciate it a little bit more. Hope this is of some help to you.
Latest post on 20 July 2011 - 22:34
Thank you so much xmasbaby - have your email address now if you want to remove it from thread. Yes Stoney Creek is not that far from Burlington - and should have wheels by the middle of next week, so will drive anywhere then! Wouldn't say we are all settled just yet!! Only second week here - wish I could find an expat site like EW to get some info from - so may have to lean on you a little for inside info! (if you don't mind).
Latest post on 20 July 2011 - 17:51
A little bump for xmasbaby if you are online
Latest post on 16 July 2011 - 17:18
Just found the U Tube viewing (under Art Rage Dubai) - lovely - good on you simoralu44. Thank you for sharing - I am looking for a new hobby and this is something that I will now investigate. Did you do a special course for digital painting - or were you an artist (watercolour/oil) before venturing into this type of art?
Latest post on 15 July 2011 - 18:32
Dragging up an old thread - however we left Dubai :( and landed in Toronto last Friday at last. So can I please avail myself of your inside knowledge ladies? Must admit I am feeling a little like a fish out of water just now, but I guess I will settle. We have just today obtained a rental house in Stoney Creek - any thoughts on this area? (Yes I know asking the question after he horse has bolted, but would still appreciate any comments). Also xmasbaby (if you read this) - any suggestions for hair; nails; doctors; dentists? Oh, and good book and magazine shops. And dare I ask - any places that might stock Australian products - yes, I know the Candian food is fantastic, but got used to seeing quite a few Aussie products in Dubai and now I am missing them! Any advice or feedback or encouragement at the moment would be most welcome as I am feeling a little ummm... don't even know what word to use - unsettled, unfamiliar with things at the moment. Funny, as Canada and Australia are so similar, yet I feel like I setteld into Dubai much more easily than I am here! <em>edited by Snugglepot on 15/07/2011</em>
Latest post on 13 July 2011 - 17:12
Thank you - I might try to download it on DH's Mac in that case and see what happens - if it doesn't work then I will contact their support - many thanks.
Latest post on 13 July 2011 - 16:49
Gentle bump to see if anyone else has a suggestion on this. Frustrated that I have paid for the magazine but can't open it.
Latest post on 13 July 2011 - 16:00
[i'>What is TAFE? My first thought - Teaching Australian as Foreign English[/i'> Haha desertprincess - I guess our Aussie language can be seen as Foreign English to some!! But our sense of humour is priceless!! <em>edited by Snugglepot on 13/07/2011</em>
Latest post on 13 July 2011 - 03:41
Ah ...CK1 - I should have said - I am trying to use it on my computer - Windows - (still waiting for DH to buy me the Ipad!)
Latest post on 30 June 2011 - 09:31
I am movimg to Toronto. We leave Friday of next week - after seeing this thread I have googled Canada Day to understand what it is about. Sad to be missing it over there this year, but excited to be looking forward to it next year!! It looks like a great celebration. HAPPY CANADA DAY for tomorrow!!!
Latest post on 26 June 2011 - 10:06
I have submitted some items for sale to the classifieds section but on checking this morning - nothing new has been added since 22 June. (Can you please look at this Mods) We are sadly leaving Dubai if anyone is looking for * Fridge (we have 2) - 1 x small suitable for maids room or drinks) and 1 x med/lge. (LG & Westinghouse) * Whirlpool Dishwasher * Whirlpool Top-Load Wasing Machine * Small square walnut table and 4 chairs * Double size Mattress Please post on here if interested and I will then provide contact number and details. - Many thanks.
Latest post on 25 June 2011 - 15:37
Hi Lincoln Lassy - we are about to go out again, but should be home tonight if you want to pick up the boxes. You have my phone number below - just give me a call.
Latest post on 25 June 2011 - 14:20
Hi Lincoln Lassy - sorry have been out all morning - just saw your thread. There are stilll some boxes here if you want. my phone number is 050 350 8358 <em>edited by Snugglepot on 25/06/2011</em>
Latest post on 25 June 2011 - 10:09
Hi Chaos 0 you have mail! Can take down your addy now.
Latest post on 25 June 2011 - 09:49
PS - Should have added that some of them will need to be taped up again as we have flatened them to make space.
Latest post on 25 June 2011 - 09:45
Sorry - what a dope not to put where we are!! Like I said tired and deranged! Yes, we are in AR - Al Reem 2 - let me know if you want them and I will put the address
Latest post on 25 June 2011 - 09:09
We have finished packing and have some boxes left over if anyone is wanting them - they are in our garage so you could just come and pick them up. There is an assortment of different types and sizes. Edited for spelling as I am tired and deranged! <em>edited by Snugglepot on 25/06/2011</em>
Latest post on 23 June 2011 - 09:52
Hi RAS - the other thing you could do is actually rub oil each night into the cuticles - not hand cream, but oil. It helps to protect and nuture the nails a they grow out from the cuticle. I buy Solar Oil from Creative, but I have seen other people say that you can just use almond oil.
Latest post on 22 June 2011 - 21:43
Thanks for the feedback MrsMozz - will discuss it with DH. Thanks for the link Claire, what a lovely idea to have a toast to our time in Dubai. I have to admit that as the leaving date approaches closer I am feeling quite sad to be going. The container went from the villa yesterday and I had a very empty feeling watching it go. Still, I guess new adventures ahead.
Latest post on 22 June 2011 - 17:14
Oh Claire - we are doing the same thing - leaving so staying in hotel for last 4 nights. We wanted to stay at Al Qasr, but couldn't find any deals on the internet. We have now booked into the Jumeirah Zabeel Saray on the Palm for sbout AED915 I think. Has anyone had experience with this hotel - is it ok? We can cancel up till the 27th so maybe we could consider Al Qasr. Any opinions on which would be better?
Latest post on 20 June 2011 - 11:52
Hi SunDevil - no not using Mac - but there is a thought - my DH has a Mac so might look at my hotmail on that tonight and see if the pictures are still blocked.
Latest post on 15 June 2011 - 10:47
Sorry to hijack your thread Mahat - but we are moving in about 3 weeks as well to Canada and I had similar questions to yourself. With giving the list to customs when we arrive - anyone know how long this process will take - it is just that our puppy will be traveling on the same flight with us as excess baggage and after a 15 hour flight we will want to collect him as soon as possible to make sure he is ok. Hadn't anticipated that we might be held up at customs - anyone know what the process is? TIA
Latest post on 12 June 2011 - 08:26
We are leaving also - swopping the sand for the snow in Canada after 4 years here. Will miss the wonderful friends I have made here and will also miss many, many things about Dubai lifestyle. And will miss having a site like EW to help find new hairdresser; dentist; doctor; etc. etc. etc.!!!
Latest post on 12 June 2011 - 08:09
Hi - we are off in 4 weeks sadly and it is finally hitting us that we don't have long to go. Up to the selling things off bit - so.... if anyone is looking for a car - Mercedes - 2006 - C280 - pleae check the classsifieds here on EW for further details. DH negotiable on price. Thank you.
Latest post on 08 June 2011 - 18:44
Tks for your response CdnExpat70 (appropriate that you should respond as it is Canada we are moving to!) Hadn't thought of getting someone in and now that you mention it the sofa could do with a clean as well.
Latest post on 06 May 2011 - 22:25
Have you tried Oasis at Wafi - they always seem to have a range of hats. 04 324 9074
Latest post on 06 May 2011 - 22:20
Thanks again SueB - last question - any idea how much your friend paid (ball-park figure). Don't know Satwa well, but have a friend that lives down that way, so will ask her to look at your directions for me. Have been in Dubai 4 years, so have a bit of a collection of lamps etc, just wanted to add to it. One of those things I thought I would get to one day, and then suddenly, we are moving! Thanks againl
Latest post on 06 May 2011 - 19:07
Oh thanks SueB - did actually have a majlis in the back of my mind (had seen one at Dragon Mart ages ago) but you have now helped me make up my mind. Will check out Satwa (anywhere in particular you recommend). I would like to do one room in an arabic theme and the whole concept of a basement is new to me but what I have seen online looks like a good area for it. Yes, a mooch around the Antiques Museum sounds like a good idea as well. Thank you so much for the ideas.
Latest post on 06 May 2011 - 01:33
Oh thank you both for your responses - it really does make a difference to have some 'inside" information. I am going to miss many things about Dubai (Marks & Spencer & New Look to name 2 ha!) but excited about a new adventure to a new country as well (and a White Christmas, can't wait for that). Will definately be Oakville/Burlington (DH sure on that one) so any extra info on those areas would be appreciated. Keep trying to think what I will miss from Dubai that I should be buying to take with me, but drawing blank so far. Thanks for your help ladies.
Latest post on 05 May 2011 - 21:41
Thanks for the response - yes forget to say we are looking at Oakville/Burlington area. My husband has lived here before so he is au fait with things - but a new experience for me. And the things he would think are important will be different to what I think is important!! Have copied your email if you wish to remove - thanks. Have visited Toronto before to see his family, so have tried Timmy's & Swiss Chalet (but thanks for the ideas, all welcome). Funny it is different coming to a place as a visitor, when you know you are going to be living there, you see it through different eyes.
Latest post on 05 May 2011 - 20:57
Well, it looks like we are leaving Dubai and moving to Toronto in the next couple of months. Just wondering if there is anything from here that you would take over there with you? Am assuming that one can get most everything there, but just wondering. Also, does anyone know of any wonderful sites like this one where I could look up hairdresser, dentist, etc. etc. recommendations - just found all the right things here and now have to start over again. Many thanks for any help.