suzq |


Latest post on 24 May 2012 - 16:38
Getting back to the school choice verdeque, I have my two sons going to Safa in September, (the only reason they got a place is they are moving to larger premises, otherwise you would not stand a chance getting a place in SAFA) although I had them on the waitlist for JAPS, and Horizon, Horizon was the top of my list for many reasons - but we were not offered a place for my son. JAPS were very particular about my sons speech (he had fluid in ears so a little delayed but only a little, although he is a bright boy and speech therapy is helping tons) - I felt they wanted perfection in terms of how my child should be (I was told "ooh hes a bit behind in his speech and hes a BIT active") normal for a 3 year old - but they dont make allowances great if your child is all about the academics but definately not the right school for my son. But as soon as I heard Safa were offering more spaces I was straight over there. Its a lovely rounded school and they actually care about the children as individuals - and there individual strengths and have great ethics. I admit they may not be as flashy or well known as the some of the other schools, but with the new premises and sports facilities and ICT provisions etc I am sure they will outshine other schools in the long run. Believe me I have done the tour of most of the schools here, but I would definately pick Safa or Horizon over Regent or Greenfield. I did like the communication of Regent, (my kids were offered places here too) but I felt they cared more about profit than anything else. Greenfield is under Taleem group which is a good group but again I've heard negatives and I just did not like the feel of the school. Safa was like "YES" from hearing the headteacher speak to meeting the teachers in the assessments. And you know for me its about the teacher - they can be at the best school but if the teacher is not right - then it wont work and thats really what did it for me a safa. The teachers and staff have been there for years and are super friendly and professional. If they keep doing what they do but in a place with great facilitlies, IMO you cant go wrong - BUT THATS JUST ME. The other parents all seem happy and more importantly so do the kids! As for the comments about Repton I have alot of friends with children that are thriving and doing really well. And the only American school that I would consider sending my child to would be DAA. edited by suzq on 24/05/2012 edited by suzq on 24/05/2012
Latest post on 08 May 2012 - 17:40
Hey delvin my kids are also starting in September and after seeing it only got an acceptable rating (when the other UK schools in the same league got outstanding or good). I am worried also. The new premises will be bigger but what about the organisation and communication. Only got told to go and pay the deposit to reserve our places but no communication since on fees or anything - when I know other parents from other schools are in the loop as regards to fees etc. I liked to tour etc although I guess the cramped feel will go with the new premises, but I wonder how the transition will go and just hope the level and standards are on par with other good schools. <em>edited by suzq on 08/05/2012</em>
Latest post on 08 May 2012 - 17:37
Safa school - acceptable. My kids are going to this school in September so now I am wondering why its not up to standard as the other well known schools here :(
Latest post on 21 March 2012 - 21:29
Try Safa school. Went for a tour and the head mistress mentioned that they have a speech therapist and OT come in when the term starts to assess every child in case they need further assistance.
Latest post on 12 March 2012 - 23:26
My guess is that they called to see how your child is actually in class - to get a second opinion which kind of stinks if that is the case. I would not even think about putting my child in this school. Get applying for FS2 now (places like SAFA, HORIZON, EIS) dont take a fee for registration. Stick to nursery for FS1.
Latest post on 12 March 2012 - 23:14
Have a friend who has a daughter at homegrown and she says it has a very caring feel. On the other hand both my children went through Kids Island (youngest is at Kids Island) and its sister FS1 nursery Cocoon. (my oldest is now at Cocoon). I cant say enough about these two hidden gems. Fantastic educated teachers and the kids are learning so much. Its holistic, creative, caring with regards to the enviroment and quite eco friendly (recycling/plants and all that) yet structured. My kids have thrived, they come home singing and dancing and are so happy to go in the mornings. Personally now I am looking at schools, Im finding that the expected school entry level for FS2 to be quite high, so whichever nursery you do go with make sure you think about whats after that. I can't recommend it these nurseries enough. Good luck :) With regards to eco 'ness' I think what your kids learn in an outside enviroment should also be practiced at home :) <em>edited by suzq on 12/03/2012</em>
Latest post on 08 March 2012 - 19:30
Forgot to add Raffles dont take the Aed 1000 unless they are sure they can offer a place. My son had an assessment there. It really is disgusting how schools make 3 year old's do long assessments for a place - you would think schools are free over here!!! They need to test for special needs I know, but why oh why make it such a big deal - all kids are different!!! Thinking about it now SAFA were really understanding in the assessment - it actually swayed my choice of schools. It was 45 mins of chilled out play and the parents could be there and the teachers were super nice!
Latest post on 08 March 2012 - 19:26
Dont feel bad Orchard. There are solutions. You can put your child in a very good FS1 nursery, such as Cocoon or Blossom. My son is currently in FS1 at Cocoon and its a fantastic place. Nurseries understand the 'seperation' issue and they work on this. Your child would fair much better in FS1 nursery. Cocoon is in Jumeirah 3. You need to apply quick. Then apply to other schools now for FS2. Safa school is also taking spots now for FS1 - they are moving to bigger premises in September but they are a fab school. My son will start there in September. Other places you can try: Regent, Raffles, EIS. GEMS are also opening a 'little gems' nurseries and you can try to apply there - this would help getting him into a place in a GEMS school. Dont stress and good luck.
Latest post on 07 March 2012 - 14:55
Yes they need to be up to date with vaccinations too as you will have to provide there vaccination reports to the schools. You need to register from overseas - most schools require this and registration payment. Then he can have an assessment when he gets here. School places at FS1/FS2 level are v hard to come by. As Faryn mentions, most schools only provide a shadow at an extra cost (not all schools). If your son requires speech therapy outside school, then I can advise you. My son is currently in speech therapy. Try Rashid Pediatric Centre in Al Barsha. They have good OT's also. And Kids First. You can also try to find a lady called Fiona Cutts, who for a fee would be the best person to help you out. Try the following mainstream schools: Wellington Primary School Greenfield Community School Safa school Raffles International School
Latest post on 07 March 2012 - 14:29
Try Wellington Primary School - they have a good support system for the early years. I know a child with mild autism who goes there and the school have been great about helping him - he was asked by one of the most so called 'popular' schools to leave as he just could not keep up and since being at WPS has thrived. Understanding schools with support systems are very hard to come by here. Try Safa school also. You need to start calling these schools now to get a place.
Latest post on 07 March 2012 - 13:59
Hi Parker NZ - Thanks for the clarification. My son will also start FS1 in September and my other son FS2. When they told me 12pm for FS1 and 2pm for FS2, I did ask if they could provide a late class for the FS1's as I dont want to make lots of trips back and forth (as we live in Dubai Marina). They said as they were movng to the new premises they would be able to provide this. :) <em>edited by suzq on 07/03/2012</em>
Latest post on 06 March 2012 - 16:32
Rang the school as one lady had told me when I visited there that they all start at 7.30pm to 2.30pm. So they told me FS1 finish at 12pm but can extend until 2pm for late class. FS2 upwards they finish 2 - 2.30pm. phew :)
Latest post on 04 March 2012 - 17:55
7.30am to 2.30pm
Latest post on 28 February 2012 - 19:32
Yes please can anyone answer?
Latest post on 28 February 2012 - 19:30
Hi Sue62 .. and anyone else.. I love the old one, although after viewing it recently they definately need more space. Does the new campus have grassy areas? I have been told the teachers are really good, but why did it only get acceptable on the last KHDA report? I have heard good things about this school, and I would really like to get a place for my child but I am curious as to why it got good the previous year and only acceptable the next?
Latest post on 20 February 2012 - 17:19
Hi Chirine, my son is going for an FS2 assessment to Regent too. I have been told the FS1 assessment is very informal they just chat to the child (to make sure they can converse in English) and get them to play with various toys such as building blocks etc. Maybe ask a few colours and shapes etc. Nothing to worry about. Dont know about teachers, but I hear its a good school. Others will tell you different, but I think you will form your own opinion when you go.
Latest post on 20 February 2012 - 17:02
Hi saintlouismama! Which campus at Raffles does your child attend? West or South? I have applied to the West Campus for my son who will be in KG1 and I am desperately trying to find reviews (positive and negative). I am not after American curriculum, prefer IB and English, but I would like to know more about Raffles. The teacher sounds nice and for me its mostly about the teacher, but what about teaching methods. facilities, do you see an improvement now its under Innoventures? Thanks in advance!:)
Latest post on 15 February 2012 - 21:25
Hi Sunshines, my DS is scheduled for an assessment for West Campus (KG1 September). I have heard good things about both schools, but I would prefer West over South just because of the IB curriculum in West, South is Montessori for KG1/K2 and British Curriculum (Cambridge Primary). Both do Arabic at this age, but not French until they are older. I think there are negatives to all schools, but I also think that now Raffles is under Innoventures it can only thrive (DIA has really improved). How was the assessment for South Campus by the way? Getting nervous for my little one :)
Latest post on 15 February 2012 - 16:55
Hi Moiee, I also need any feedback on KG for Raffles too. They have been taken over by Innoventures Group which I hear are a group keen on improving standards. Please can anyone fill us in.
Latest post on 15 February 2012 - 16:13
OMG sorry I just read the entire thread again from start to finish. Its been going on for two years. Monnie please get her out. The way you describe how she has changed was exactly what happened to my brother. He became angry and agressive. I wish I could tell you to your face that it damages them permanently. I remember it hurt him so much but he kept it inside (as they do at this age). Please dont ask anymore questions GET HER MOVED. Think about your daughter, think about her happiness. A happy child equals a successful one. :)
Latest post on 15 February 2012 - 16:03
Take her out now! Forget about how good the school is - its damaging her. My brother was bullied at high school (I was two years below him - but I saw what happened) he did not tell my parents, no-one knew - it was also verbal abuse. So eventually I did tell my parents - he was super angry with me, but they went straight to the head, who addressed the group doing this and their parents and guess what - it stopped. HOWEVER the damage was done. The kids still made him feel uncomfortable (dirty looks etc) and psychologically his self esteem and confidence was effected, it even effected his performance in exams etc and to this day it haunts him, if this carries on for your daughter she will never forget it. He is now 40. My parents often comment that they should have changed schools but it was supposed to be one of the 'best' so they kept him in. Act quickly whatever you do - good luck :)
Latest post on 14 February 2012 - 18:29
And to repeat the question somebody else asked - what about West Campus??? For KG1 or KG2? Thanks
Latest post on 14 February 2012 - 18:25
Hey Sey83, I got an email from the registrar of Safa a few days ago Thanking me for the applications. I have one son applied for FS1 and my other for FS2 2012. Double trouble! I also booked for a tour to see the school. I would love to focus on one school but its impossible, Well lets hope. Great you got a place for WPS - my friend son goes and they have a great learning support system in place. (not everyone needs it but its good to know a school that has this). I applied late also - a year ago for two schools.
Latest post on 13 February 2012 - 10:34
Took my application in this morning and yes you are right its half term and the admin said there is a large waitlist but you never know. WIll call them again next week. Hearing good things all the time about this school, but was always told not to apply by various people as they have very little space. Lets see - fingers crossed. <em>edited by suzq on 13/02/2012</em>
Latest post on 11 February 2012 - 22:01
Hi there, I have had my kids on waitlists over two years for some schools and they have already been refused by one as they just had no space and we were 'late' in applying and thats two years ago!!! Honestly try a few more (its sad as most take application fees and they know they cant offer a place). Here are some that I was told to try recently that may still take applications: Colliegate American School, EIS Jumeirah, Greenfield Community School, Safa School. Good Luck
Latest post on 11 February 2012 - 21:46
Thanks Sue62... heard great things about Safa.
Latest post on 08 February 2012 - 16:02
Can someone please tell me when Raffles West Campus and EIS Jumeirah and Regent start doing assessments and offer places and do some schools offer places last minute when parents have decided to accept there kids places etc. Really beginning to panic and no light at the end of the tunnel..
Latest post on 19 January 2012 - 08:50
Hi ccdsmum, when you say issues - is it learning issues, disruptive issues, speech issues? Which school is your daughter at? We have had a few problems with my ds who is nearly 4 and in FS1 in a nursery in Dubai. He has had asessments for school in Sept but its not going well, mostly due to his speech. Many schools dont have places, but my friends son had some issues and was at Jess in AR. They could not help him and so the mother had to move him. She moved him to Wellington Primary School behind the Shangri La on Sheikh Zayed Road (I believe they have a better support system) and he is doing really well. I wish I'd known this before I applied for certain schools. Good Luck :)
Latest post on 16 January 2012 - 10:23
Thank you Maplemimi - will try EIS. My husband suggested IB as he was educated in that system - anyhow will call and visit them.
Latest post on 15 January 2012 - 18:04
Hi Dunia - did you manage to find anywhere? I only know of the ones in Mirdif you could try (English) Royal Dubai, Star International. <em>edited by suzq on 15/01/2012</em>
Latest post on 15 January 2012 - 17:58
Hi Lauren - great you got a spot! I have the same issue (although we have been a here a while had my son on a few waitlists for a while and been told unlikely he will get at spot (such as Horizon) and need help. The difference is we are looking for British Curriculum preferably but at this late stage (I know) I have to be open to options. Please any advice will be appreciated... if anyone knows any British Curriculum (except Mirdif too far as we are near Jebel Ali) schools or has any info where we could try do let me know. Thank you so much in advance!
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:02
There is another one in Dubai that does custom decals. Its Favourite Things in Dubai Marina Mall stock some of their product too.
Latest post on 14 March 2011 - 17:30
Ok, so I've been in a similiar experience and here is what I think or here is my research. For FS1 there are some fantastic FS1 nurseries. My son is going to Cocoon (fS1 nursery) in September its in Jumeriah 3. I also heard about Childs Play & The childrens Garden. They will get just as good FS1 as putting them in actual school and in nursery the classes tend to be slightly smaller and focused. Then you will have to apply NOW for FS2 next year. The new schools such as GEMS in silicon oasis and JBS (IB) in Jumeirah 1 all have places. The British Curriculum schools you could try that still accept places for next year FS2 2012/13: Horizon, Safa School, JAPS, DBS, WPS, WIS. Its a big gamble, but most people put there kids down in 3 or 4 schools, so as it gets closer to September, you will see more spaces become available as the mass gets sorted out, but that means you have to wait right until the end of August first week of September but usually 2 or 3 spaces become available or that is what I was told. I would focus on FS1 nursery for now and at the sametime put your childs name down for next year FS2.
Latest post on 11 January 2011 - 23:45
Thank you Ladies for the replies - its making me feel a little calmer about the whole school thing. I will have a look at the Jumeirah Garden and JPS. Babyrat & marielaure - Thanks for the info about Star. Will follow-up with them again in a few months as I actually really liked the school and it felt like the 'right place' esp as looks like we are here for the long term...
Latest post on 11 January 2011 - 16:39
Yes Star told me the exact same thing, but they also mentioned that they had no spaces for FS1 Sept 2011 - which is a shame as the school seems good and the staff great! They said my younger son would be fine for the following year. Although they said to go back at the end of August and try but that wont work as I would need to confirm space elsewhere before then. With regards to nursery foundation versus school foundation I agree with babyrat it should be the same. The nursery is Kids Island and Cocoon is its sister FS1 nursery which has its own seperate location just around the corner - it's based on The Early Years programme and it seems good - but now you ask the question it has got me thinking, but I can't think why they would lag behind in a nursery which has less kids per class and is smaller with more focus? But I could be wrong - anyone else think this?
Latest post on 11 January 2011 - 14:18
Hi again, Went to Jebel Ali this morning (I have two sons one is 11 months younger - so ideally need to get them into same school). They told me for 2013 should be no problem for reception/FS2 for my youngest but unlikely for my son going into FS2 in 2012! They suggested he goes into FS1 at his nursery, try and find another school for FS2 and he should be ok for 2013 for Year 1, together with his brother going into reception. Yes Pablo909 Safa, Horizon and WPS no joy! Someone mentioned I should try Regent International and DBS in the Springs? They are taking admissions for Wellington International for FS2 2012 but it is a little more pricey than the others. My husband thinks we should try ASD - American Curriculum in Al Barsha as he went through the same system and this school also seems good but I am not sure about the American system when our kids are European? So what to do ...thinking of keeping him in his nursery for FS1 and just keeping trying for FS2!
Latest post on 10 January 2011 - 14:28
Hi there, I've been told today by Jebel Ali Primary school that for FS2 2012/13 they have 85 places and 185 on the waiting list and they basically said they didn't want to dash my hopes but it was highly unlikely my son would get in for that year!!!! We put our son on Kings last year for FS1 Sept 2011 but have been told he did not get a place. So we've kept it on for next year FS2. Then I went to Star Int - staff were so helpful and they told me they are not even taking applications for FS1 Sept 2011 - and to come back for my other son in May for Sept 2012/13. He is 11 months younger than my eldest. So now I am in a spin. We are down in Dubai Marina so looking for schools within 20 mins drive. I may have to keep him in his current nursery for FS1 - which is a great nursery also but I am worried that he wont be able to get a place in FS2 in a school if I don't put him in FS1 in the same school first? They only place someone told me to try is Regent - so I will try. Please let me know if anyone else has some advice. I know we left this late....
Latest post on 07 January 2011 - 13:53
There is an on-line store based here in Dubai that do vinyl stickers. They have affordable collections and trees and tailor made. Try