SydneyGirl |


Latest post on 14 April 2013 - 08:42
I am in the same boat my daughter is now 5 and only knows my husband as her dad since 8 months old.I would like to know too i feel so sad as she really loves her dad and i worry when she finds out it will change their relationship.
Latest post on 10 March 2013 - 20:50
Just an update my DD passport is ready for me to collect !!!! wooooohoooo the weight is lifted now ! In Australia my consent orders were enough i found it funny when the Embassy were telling me what i was telling them all along ... anyway happy for another 5 years anyway :)
Latest post on 07 March 2013 - 19:06
My back ground is in the beauty industry also,and i would say number one is SPF sun is the most ageing and damaging factor also using aha's in cleanser and scrub really works don't need a toner that's just marketing and all those expensive creams may smell nice and feel nice but don;t work ! using a vitamin c 20% strength serum in the morning is also great for the skin.My scrub contains AHA i use it every day. If you notice men who shave everyday have better skins it's a myth not to scrub everyday. Basically should stick to cosmeceutical brands which have ingredients that are effective :) What Vit. C serum and scrub do you use? I need new scrub and don't know which one to buy I use ASAP which is an Australian brand so i get it in Oz als Alpha H another Oz brand i am sure you can buy online another brand i like is emergin C haven't come across that here either. Look for a scrub with about 10 to 12% glycolic and vitamin C about 15 to 20% is effective.
Latest post on 04 March 2013 - 14:36
My back ground is in the beauty industry also,and i would say number one is SPF sun is the most ageing and damaging factor also using aha's in cleanser and scrub really works don't need a toner that's just marketing and all those expensive creams may smell nice and feel nice but don;t work ! using a vitamin c 20% strength serum in the morning is also great for the skin.My scrub contains AHA i use it every day. If you notice men who shave everyday have better skins it's a myth not to scrub everyday. Basically should stick to cosmeceutical brands which have ingredients that are effective :)
Latest post on 28 February 2013 - 20:41
I am sorry to hear about your problems. I think that the Aust embassy here is very difficult to deal with. It is now 18 months since I applied for a passport for my DD. I have all the required documents, birth certificate, hospital and doctor records, etc, etc, but it never seems to be enough for them. Each time, they find some problem, even clerical, and require the process to be restarted. When I got the errors in a document corrected, they then stated that if it was so easy, how do they know, to reissue the document then it mustn't be worth much and therefore won't accept it!! I have asked in other Aust embassies around the world, showing them all the documents and have been told, there is no problem with these papers, it should be issued without a problem. Arghhhhhhh!!!! I am tired from it and we are, semi joking, toying with the idea of moving to Canada!!!!!! Good luck with them but I wouldn't hold my breath for a positive outcome. I am at my wits end. They won't even issue a visit visa to her so we can go back on vacation!!!! They say no visas while application is pending and if it is refused, then no visa until she is 18 years old - are they mad!!???!! My children are now separated by their passports!!! Two sons with dual passports and one daughter with only one passport - but not the passport of our home country!!!!!! I may well loose my mind over this. I am sorry to hear that you are going through this it is awful !! My hope is that they HAVE sent through the app to Canberra and that they will approve it as i have documents stating i am sole parent etc... I do know what you mean they have given me the run around too with filling in this form and that form. Next time i will apply from Australia now it is just a matter of waiting. Hope it works out for you too x
Latest post on 28 February 2013 - 19:19
An update on my DD passport. I have called the Embassy several times and basically the father did not respond to the request of consenting. The embassy have sent over my application to Canberra to a senior officer there to now decide her outcome. It is this waiting that gets to me ! common sense tells me it should be fine however you just never know it is so frustrating !! The lady i spoke to this end wasn't helping with telling me different senarios like they could give a passport with the condition that DD can only travel to Australia ! i went out of my mind when she told me this can happen. Anyway i can only wait now till i hear back from them fingers crossed.
Latest post on 17 February 2013 - 21:06
another one i just remembered if you have an itchy nose it means something will make you angry and an ithcy left palm means you will receive money and an itchy right palm means you will part with money lol i can go on for days
Latest post on 17 February 2013 - 20:36
I have plenty from my ex's crazy family like never cut your nails at night don't change bed sheets on a friday don't cut hair on a Tuesday leave your bag on floor means you will lose money always put somewhere high a single lady can't sit on a corner of table or she will never marry never clean crumbs off the table with your hand a draft can kill you especially with wet hair if you walk barefoot you will have reproductive problems cold etc i can go on an on there were so many !!! sounds like your ex(or his family) is somewhere from Balkans! LOL ;) and don't forget, u can't take garbage out to the bin at night!? :) Hahaha yes he is from Montenagro !! and yes forgot to mention the garbage as i said there are so many to list !
Latest post on 17 February 2013 - 15:46
I have plenty from my ex's crazy family like never cut your nails at night don't change bed sheets on a friday don't cut hair on a Tuesday leave your bag on floor means you will lose money always put somewhere high a single lady can't sit on a corner of table or she will never marry never clean crumbs off the table with your hand a draft can kill you especially with wet hair if you walk barefoot you will have reproductive problems cold etc i can go on an on there were so many !!!
Latest post on 17 February 2013 - 15:38
Very interesting, have never heard of this. My favourite old wives tale is that if you walk around barefoot or if you wear short skirts you will get a bladder infection :) Hahaha my mum tells me this all the time LOL
Latest post on 17 February 2013 - 15:26
Thankyou for your advice AmyAus82 i will keep you informed. Figers crossed it goes smoothly as i really don't want to have to face this every 5 years !
Latest post on 17 February 2013 - 14:24
Just to mention this has brought me right back to 2008 one of the darkest times in my life going through divorce he had tortured me now this has just bought me back to those awful feelings and depression dealing with this monster :(
Latest post on 17 February 2013 - 14:21
who would i complain to ? i have spoken to the senior person at the Embassy and she was insisting that they need to first contact him. I really feel like i am banging my head against a brick wall !! she sent me a brochure and it states parents with responsibility and thats exactly what i was telling her i am sole parent and it even has that he has given permission etc no one seems to be listening. What shocked me was the fact that rather than send the application to Canberra which was what i was told they would do they took it upon themselves to look for my ex husband ! i clearly wrote on the form that we have no contact he has not seen my DD since she was 12 months and has no financial responsibility since her birth ! I now have to wait till Thursday if there is no response then they will send application across to canberra. I really hate the fact he thinks i need his consent as 1st time he extorted money from me to sign !!
Latest post on 17 February 2013 - 14:13
Make a complaint. Say that you went through all appropriate channels to do so and that they have erred in contacting the biological father. Don't always assume they are doing the correct thing because they are government, government bodies/staff still take wrong actions. It is only you who can complain. Inform them that their contacting him does not comply with Section 11(5)(a)(i) [u'>[b'>AND[/b'>[/u'> (ii) (as BOTH must be satisfied) of the Passport Act 2005, and see if they respond/how they respond.
Latest post on 17 February 2013 - 09:35
The Embassy are telling me even though i am sole parent they should first try and get consent from her father so i fell like i have spent thousands of dollars to have this sorted all for nothing ! i almost feel like it is because i am a woman i wonder if they would be searching for me if it was the other way around !
Latest post on 16 February 2013 - 22:39
If anyone can please give advice or even just put my mind at ease that it will be ok Thankyou
Latest post on 16 September 2012 - 12:56
Don't know what people are getting so worked up about. It's some baps. Not even very big ones :) Lol that's what i said don't know why everyone is making a mountain out of mole hills lol <em>edited by SydneyGirl on 16/09/2012</em>
Latest post on 24 August 2012 - 20:28
Thanks SyndeyGirl. Is it NAN Gold 1 or NAN HA Gold 1? I have the NAN 1 the number 1 is blue colour I was told by a midwife in Australia that it is best to go for the ordinary formula rather than the gold ones as it is easier to will find it everywhere lulus carrefour spinneys etc as i said i have the NAN 1 not the HA it is a white tin with 1 in light blue colour ..hope this helps let me know how you get on fingers crossed...
Latest post on 24 August 2012 - 18:58
yes pretty much what you have described my DS went through i am using the normal NAN stage 1 he is nearly 5 months and he is thriving on it. It just could be something in certain formulas that affect some babies that is what i think anyway. If you do swap formulas they say it will probably take a few days to see if it makes a difference although i have to say for my DS was instant i wish i had swapped sooner !! goodluck i hope this helps i know it is hard to see the little one in pain and lack of sleep doesn't help either !
Latest post on 24 August 2012 - 18:51
yes pretty much what you have described my DS went through i am using the normal NAN stage 1 he is nearly 5 months and he is thriving on it. It just could be something in certain formulas that affect some babies that is what i think anyway. If you do swap formulas they say it will probably take a few days to see if it makes a difference although i have to say for my DS was instant i wish i had swapped sooner !! goodluck i hope this helps i know it is hard to see the little one in pain and lack of sleep doesn't help either !
Latest post on 24 August 2012 - 18:32
I had the same problem with my DS we were on similac too. After a few weeks i decided to change formula to NAN he was a different baby slept right through the night and hardly cried he was happy and content.I would suggest changing formula and see if that helps it certainly did for us !!
Latest post on 17 March 2012 - 09:17
Hi i went on a 14 hr flight to Sydney at 8 weeks and i am now 36 weeks so far so good. My doctor said it was fine just drink plenty of water and move around i was worried too and she had saif if there is something wrong you can't change it and if all good nothing will happen if you take which made sense really.Oh and just don't lift any heavy luggage Good luck !
Latest post on 11 November 2011 - 14:31
I would love to go !!
Latest post on 11 November 2011 - 14:31
I would love to go !!
Latest post on 13 October 2011 - 17:45
What time is this happening?
Latest post on 13 October 2011 - 15:59
Hey Everyone, I had my NT scan on Tuesday i am 13 weeks Dr said all looks good and apparently she was certain it is a boy !! My dd really wanted a sister lol .. i am happy just want a healthy baby.. Does anyone else know the size of their baby at this stage ? and what is the norm as my baby is 13.6cm but reading up the average is 7 or 8 cm !! should i be worried?? The Dr said everything looks good but i can't help worrying a little .
Latest post on 05 September 2011 - 20:44
I had my scan today,so far so good i am 7weeks and 2days i heard the heartbeat 168 bpm which is reassuring does anyone else look pregnant already? By the evening you can clearly see my stomach sticking out i don't know how much longer i can hide it lol (this is my second too)
Latest post on 02 September 2011 - 16:00
I have my scan on monday i am 7 weeks i am really hoping to hear a heart beat..should i be able to hear a heartbeat at 7+ weeks? im so nervous fingers crossed
Latest post on 22 August 2011 - 18:51
Me too !! i am about 5 to 6 weeks
Latest post on 07 July 2011 - 16:58
I am from Sydney and i can tell you it is more expensive in Australia. I am not talking about schooling as here you don't have option of public or private however in day to day you get more for your money here for food,petrol and clothes etc. I went back for 6 weeks in April bananas were $12 a kilo !!!! and the meat is more expensive we get better quality meat here and cheaper and it's from Australia. Going out for meals depending where you go ofcourse i find cheaper here too.Another problem is paying tax on tax in Australia i just hope they do not introduce carbon tax too!! Don't get me wrong Ausralia is my home but it is becoming one of the most expensive cities to live in
Latest post on 26 June 2011 - 10:00
yes it does work for the back also
Latest post on 26 June 2011 - 09:53
I charge half the price of salons. It is true you get best results after regular sessions however it becomes addictive as the results are great. I have mine done every 2 weeks but you can maintain by having it monthly.It speeds up cell renewal leaving your skin more even toned and more plump as it promotes collagen,after awhile you will find you won't even need much make up anymore ! I did leave my contact details if you or anyone would like more info or email me on [email protected]
Latest post on 25 June 2011 - 17:41
Microdermabrasion is great for treating these problems as it sucks up all the dead skin and impurities. The diamond head is non invasive and you get brilliant results even after the first treatment you feel your skin can breathe.If anyone is interested contact me on 0551079234