tania520 | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 25 August 2011 - 14:16
Thanks a lot for all your advice...am trying my best with her and hope to see some progress soon
Latest post on 20 August 2011 - 23:52
How should I be supporting her head? Shes in her bouncer (doesnt have a pillow etc in it) or her gym (which is flat) or in our arms. I have put the donut pillow since last week, which looks like a U kind of.
Latest post on 20 August 2011 - 23:48
Thanks niggles, i will definitely try to get an appointment just to ease my concerns at least. kiwi, she does follow me or her nanny around while in the bouncer. When she sits in my lap, she sometimes follows my fone in the 180 angle while I play a video for her. She usually looks to her right all the times and sleeps that way as well. With the pillow she now sleeps on centre or sometimes does turn left as well. The most concerning thing right now is her neck. While sitting she usually looks down and on her left. Its very very hard to get her to look up...dunno if its because she is too focused on whats down or has trouble looking up. Tummy time is so hard as she cries a lot... Another concern I have is that she doesnt stand...she pushes down with one leg and her left leg is usually bent inward. I dunno any exercises for that. *Deep breathing*
Latest post on 19 August 2011 - 23:40
I am regularly trying to put DD on a 'donut' pillow as recommended by the Al Wasl physio, and alos trying to be more regular with tummy time. The 3 month milestones are raising her head and following objects around, and focusing on an object for at least 1 minute. She is having trouble with all. If shes in the mood, she will follow stuff and focus, but usually she just likes to look at the roof and lights or her mobile. Any idea how to help with that? How can I make her focus? She also puts most of her weight on her right leg and keeps the left one at an angle while standing. And if I sit her in my lap propped up by my hands, she usually keeps looking down even though I talk to her and am at her eye level. Its all very confusing for a first time mom...and more scary since I see her twin progress at a much faster rate...as a mom it kills me that they are so different and I can help my little one...if I play with her twin, I feel guilty that I am not stimulating her enough to progress... Zavitz, I will email you soon...
Latest post on 18 August 2011 - 15:39
My DD was preterm, and is now 6 months actually but 3.5 months corrected age for a preterm baby. She was in the NICU for almost 3 months and when she came to us there were issues with her feeding etc so we did not notice her head shape. A month or so back I realized that her head is quite flat on one side, as she was usually kept on that side in the NICU. ANd she prefers to sleep on that side as well. I thought it was too late to do anything. Last week we had an appointment with a physio at AlWasl, and she conducted some tests, and told me that DD is not meeting the milestones for 3 months. It could be because of the 3 months in the NICU where she got no postive stimulation. She gave me some exercises and also told me to work on her head positioning to improve the flat spot. DD hates tummy time and only lasts a minute before she cries. She has poor neck control and usually is comfortable looking on the flat side only. I am trying to help her, but shes so tiny that I fear that I might pull or break something while exercising with her. So I was wondering if there was a professional physiotherapist out there (other than AlWasl) where we could take her for a few sessions to help her and us gain confidence. I will also appreciate any tips on how to help her out at home... Thanks
Latest post on 07 July 2011 - 11:39
Well, DH has a hard time taking off from work...dunno how much of its him and how much his boss/work. We have argued over it many times before but its never been a good discussion. So for now its my mom and the maid...and me in the other room crying and getting depressed cuz I cant hold them when they are crying. DH told me not to, even though I told him this was an okay stage...Some of them have started to scab, so I guess I should not hold them anyhow... But now my worry is that they will forget their mommy, and forget how to bf. Is 2 weeks a long time to forget bf? And their mom? I am throwing the milk since yesterday as I have spots all over and am afraid that some might burst or something while I pump. What do you think?
Latest post on 06 July 2011 - 16:58
Oh and since our girls go to AlWasl, my husband took them to the emergency there. The doctor didnt see them but a nurse took our case to him (weird) and he said that there was nothing that could be done, just preferably dont hold them and if they get CP, bring them back.
Latest post on 06 July 2011 - 16:56
I do have help...my mom is here and so is a maid, who holds and rocks the girls when needed. The girls are refusing the ebm now that I have started medicene for my chickenpox. They took it fine till yesterday. I am trying to stay in our room most of the day, but today I had to hold them a few times as both were crying and wouldn't be soothed by the maid. DH had to go to work, its very hard for him to take any days off this month. Has anyone had chickenpox in kids less than a year? I am very stressed about that as apparently it can be complicated...
Latest post on 04 July 2011 - 11:52
Best of luck...I have premie twins who came home 46 and 81 days after birth. I can imagine how you feel...and am really happy for you... Let me know if you need someone to talk to as well. I had family over to help so cant help you with the nurse aspect...
Latest post on 02 July 2011 - 13:57
My twin was in NICU for 2.5 months and wouldnt bf till recently. But I had to keep trying once she was home to make sure she tried. Her sister was not allowed to be bfed till almost a month but she also didnt have any issues. Both are bf now. Best of luck to Farsha and her babies...
Latest post on 09 June 2011 - 22:54
Lemondrops...I do feel for you... My DD (second twin) was in the NICU for 80 days, and now that she is home (been a month now), she will suddenly cry and push the bottle away from her mouth with her hands while being fed. She also arches her back and spits milk out at times. The only time she feeds well is when she is very hungry (perhaps twice a day) and over the past week I have noticed her intake reduce as well. And yes I do understand the guilt and the missing out part as well, as her twin feeds easily so I end up spending more time feeding her and enjoy the time with her as well. But with DD2, its very painful and stressful...thank God I have my mom here to help, so I end up giving DD@ to her or DH. Which then adds to my guilt of being a bad mom... I was getting worried about her these days and your post has answered some questions and given me suggestions...so bless you! I hope that this problem is solved soon and your daughter starts to feed well. If you ever want to take some time off and meet for coffee and a good vent, do let me know...
Latest post on 07 June 2011 - 13:23
My girls are 3 months and they do take formula as well as my supply was not enough for both in the start. But over the past week I have noticed the supply getting even less, as I was definitely able to pump more before...
Latest post on 26 May 2011 - 14:57
The staff during my e-csection was very good...I delivered at 28 weeks...and I think that in my case the doctor should have advised me to be on bed rest as one of the girls was really low. But the doc I saw a month before was very abrupt and rude. But I should have added that the staff during my emergency C section was amazing...very helpful and reassuring. Best of luck for your twins...
Latest post on 23 May 2011 - 13:24
I delivered my twins at Alwasl this February. Since it was an emergency C section, I cannot comment on the regular stuff...but here is what I can share: 1. The cost for your prenatal package is AED 5000. It includes 2 full scans, 2 blood tests, 10 doctor visits. BUT you get to see a different doctor every time, which sucks and I was not happy with my prenatal care to be honest. You pay this amount to register yourself at AlWasl for delivery. I think you need to do this by the 3rd month. You first need to go to your local government clinic and they send you to the ALwasl after the first check-up if you request so. Take your tenancy contract, passport etc. This site will be helpful: http://www.dha.gov.ae The lines are long for your checkups, and even if your appointment is at 8:00 you will have to wait for the doc to see you. But if the doctor is good, she will take er time and will not be in a hurry at all. (Hence delaying the next patient :) ) 2. Cost for delivery is AED 9000 for normal, AED 1100 for C section. You pay this at discharge. 3. I was in a shared room with 4 beds as no private rooms were available. The room was empty the first day then I had to share it with 1 lady, then 2. So privacy was a bit of an issue as we didnt want to disturb other people. But it was nice and clean. 3. The staff was very friendly and caring. But I hardly got to see the doctor. I would have liked to see the doctor at least on my discharge day but the nurses handled everything. The lactation consultant was very helpful for a first time mom like me. 4. My twins were in the NICU for 46 and 80 days respectively. So if you have a high risk pregnancy I would recommend making sure the NICU is covered by insurance. The costs for NICU are AED 2200-AED 3900 per night depending on the level of care needed by the baby. But the NICU staff is AMAZING...some nurses are a bit weird but mostly they are very caring and helpful. The payment is made at discharge, and if you cannot pay right away or have to wait for insuarnce, they make you sign a form that you will pay. For high amounts, you might need to leave a gaurantee of some sort. After that you can discuss your payment options with them. Overall, I am not happy with the care I received before my delivery and after. But my hospital stay was fine. But I am very happy with the care given to my twins, and that was why we went to Alwasl in the first place, so all is good. :)
Latest post on 11 May 2011 - 13:04
I am very surprised that they cancelled...what reason did they give you? I had Conceive and they always called when they said they would and no appointments were cancelled. I hope it all works out for the best...good luck...
Latest post on 17 April 2011 - 13:41
At Conceive in Sharjah the treatment cost was around 13k last year, but other tests and scans made it around 20k in total. You can check out their cost on the website as well. IVF is not covered by insurance as far as I know...
Latest post on 14 April 2011 - 12:30
Hi fullofdreams I did my IVF treatment last year and have twin girls...if you have any questions or need any help, please let me know. I would be happy to help out as someone who has been through this. Best wishes...
Latest post on 09 April 2011 - 00:00
We took a nipple used at the hospital when we went to visit the other twin today...the nurse was very reluctant to give me one though. Anyhow, it worked like a charm. She sucked the full amount in under 5 minutes as she used to in the hospital. I am so relieved. We checked the hospital pharmacy if they had those nipples, but they did not. They are designed for premies. Lemondrops, where did you get them from? And yes, if its not to much to ask, can I please have them? My DD and I will really appreciate it...You can email me how and when on: [email protected] I will also check the NUKteats tomorrow. Thanks for all your responses...
Latest post on 27 March 2011 - 23:45
Can you tell me what kind of installments? Were they flexible to your amount/frequency? Also was anything waived off in terms of cost...like a discount? :) How long was your babyin NICU? Its been more than a month for my girls and it seems so long...
Latest post on 27 March 2011 - 13:31
I did my IVF treatment with Dr. Pankaj at Conceive in Sharjah. I would definitely recommend him...as I absolutely loved him. I got pregnant on the first attempt with twins in Aug 2010. The cost of the IVF treatment itself was AED 14000...once the IVF was successful, we stayed with him for 3 months for scans and appointments. The total cost of my tests before and after IVF was around AED 5000. I gave birth to my twins at 28 weeks. The girls are still in the NICU at AlWasl (recommended by Dr Pankaj once he knew I had twins). The recovery is slow for the girls, but steady...so please do pray for the girls.