hi ladies. i just wanted to share my experience with Medcare.... i had my baby there 2 weeks ago, and after reading up everything i could on peoples experiences at Medcare, i was terrified of what to expect, to say the least. i had a c/s, with a few complications, so the actual 'birth' was out of my control, which we had anticipated, so i was prepared for a very clinical birth process, which in all honesty it was. it seemed rushed and out of my control, which obviously is par for the course. the main thing is baby was delivered safely, i was safe and that's all that mattered.my dr is dr Nataliya and i cannot express how amazing i found her to be throughout the entire pregnancy, c/s and after.. (coming to see me every day in the hospital, sometimes twice, giving my husband her personal mobile with strict instructions to call whenever he needed to, day and night).. The theatre staff, although not fawning all over me, were attentive, answered any questions and made me feel relaxed, as much as was possible. my main concern had been the after care, and the 'horror stories' i'd heard about not seeing your baby for hours etc. i ended up under G/A so did not see baby for a while, but my husband had her from the moment she came out, and he went up to the nursery and was with her the entire time i was in recovery. he said the nurses were fab and so helpful and gave him any assistance he needed. when i came to i was taken up to the room, a pvt room as we had requested... and from then on out i can honeslty say that i couldn't fault the nurses one bit. there had been so much negativity that i was so aprehensive, but i found them all to be warm, kind, and brilliant throughout my stay. i was in a lot of pain due to the complications, and they were constantly checking on me, helping me with baby, they were brilliant. i was so happily surprised, as i was expecting something quite the opposite.
the only negatives re Medcare that i really had were that there are no visiting hours, well anyone can come any time until 10.30pm, and i found the evenings SO loud and noisy.. with most people visiting in the evening, and there were constantly hordes of people in the next door rooms, maids with small children waiting in the hallways so the kids were screaming and running up and down outside the rooms.. it was very annoying to say the least. the nurses were so apologetic but explained that not much good comes from asking people to be quiet. and it wasn't all the time... the days were actually quite quiet! and the food wasn't so great.. infact it was pretty grim.. but i wasn't interested in eating so wasn't too fussed!!
so that was my experience. just wanted to share it as i was so aprehensive about going there, i had to as Dr Nataliya delivers from there only and i was determined to stay with her... and i really found the whole overall experience nowhere NEAR as bad as i was led to beleive or had feared! this is a bit long winded but hopefully i can reassure someone else who is going there. . . i hope your experience was as good as mine.