thompson1 |


Latest post on 16 April 2013 - 20:24
Yes, I think the school will be open by September. I have friends who have been offered and accepted places there. You should be able to get at least a 3 bedroom if not 4 bedroom villa for that budget. Look on Betterhomes or Househunters websites. My friend is paying over 300 for a 4 bed and apparently they have gone up! Gosh Sarahlou that's a lot, they used to be a lot less than that I'm sure :( I think maybe the new ones are more, I have just had a look and we should be able to get something nice for our budget, thanks ladies! It is quite big and beautiful on the golf course that is perhaps why however they are moving because the rent has gone up!
Latest post on 16 April 2013 - 19:10
My DD goes to the nursery next to VH Primary. I do see maids walking kids there, but wouldn't be possible for about 6 months of the year. Also there are no footpaths there & a lot of construction/ trucks/dust, so not a particularly pleasant walk at the mo, but that will get better... We live in AR & cannot recommend it highly enough... Getting out of AR in the morning at the polo roundabout is a bit of a nightmare, I always leave before 7:45 otherwise you can add an extra 10-15mins to your journey, then I take the 'Mummy Highway' (a trackon the sand behind Motor City) to get to school, it's not a bad run at all... Last time I lived in Dubai I refused to drive and school was half an hour away from where we lived, now if we are coming back the thought of school just around the corner is bliss, so even if we chose to live in AR then it would be an easy drive for me? Like the idea of the 'mummy highway' sounds like I could cope with that.
Latest post on 16 April 2013 - 19:08
Victory Heights Primary School will actually be in Sports City, which is adjacent to Victory Heights. Altho Victory Heights would be very close it will probably be too far and too hot to walk/cycle except in the few winter months. The other side of Sports City you have Motor City (mostly apartments) and then Arabian Ranches. The road exit from Arabian Ranches is not easy at that time in the morning. The area is currently subject to road works so it remains to be seen what the final access in and out of the Ranches will be like. The Villas in Victory Heights are lovely and if you get places at the school I would opt to live there. Thanks for this, we'll this all sounds great, now just have to get the girls places and convince DH to move :)
Latest post on 16 April 2013 - 13:07
Yes, I think the school will be open by September. I have friends who have been offered and accepted places there. You should be able to get at least a 3 bedroom if not 4 bedroom villa for that budget. Look on Betterhomes or Househunters websites. My friend is paying over 300 for a 4 bed and apparently they have gone up! Gosh Sarahlou that's a lot, they used to be a lot less than that I'm sure :(
Latest post on 16 April 2013 - 13:06
Yes, I think the school will be open by September. I have friends who have been offered and accepted places there. You should be able to get at least a 3 bedroom if not 4 bedroom villa for that budget. Look on Betterhomes or Househunters websites. I have just had a quick look they are more an I thought, I wonder if the school will push the rent up :( That's great news that the school will be open by September it looks great!
Latest post on 16 April 2013 - 13:04
Hi, does anybody know how far victory heights is or it's exact whereabouts. Would we be best off living in victory heights itself or could we be in Arabian ranches, Would like to be as close as possible to the school. Many thanks![/It is righquote'> It is right next to VH and about 10 mins from AR edited by sarahlou123 on 16/04/2013 Oh wow that sounds great as far as living in VH do you think it would be possible to walk, that is unheard of in dubai I know but I have always wanted to be able to walk to school
Latest post on 16 April 2013 - 12:32
Hi ladies,, could really use some advice, will be moving over from the UK in the summer. Looking at moving to victory heights depending on the school, I have emailed and phoned the school but I haven't heard back yet, does anybody know if the school will be open by September I know the answer maybe how long is a piece of string but I though somebody may have some inside knowledge. Also what sort of villa could we expect to get on a 220-240k budget? Many many thanks ladies! :)
Latest post on 12 March 2013 - 21:29
Please have a look at life works counselling Dubai web page. Tel 043942464 I have seen a therapist there (Sabine) and it was great help. You might need to wait a little while to be seen for the first time as they are usually fully booked but once you are in, easier to get subsequent appointments. Hope this helps Thank you so much!
Latest post on 12 March 2013 - 21:28
Please have a look at life works counselling Dubai web page. Tel 043942464 I have seen a therapist there (Sabine) and it was great help. You might need to wait a little while to be seen for the first time as they are usually fully booked but once you are in, easier to get subsequent appointments. Hope this helps
Latest post on 11 March 2013 - 21:26
Hi, can anybody give me any advice on where to go for anger management and or bereavement counselling, may well be the same person or separate. Any help would be greatfully received. A phone no would be a great help. Many thanks!!
Latest post on 22 February 2013 - 17:56
Hi lidkekiwi It's been awhile since I checked back into this post. Yes I am still looking for a tutor, ive narrowed it down to needing a maths tutor at this stage. Primarily for my daughter aged 10. She has GAD (general anxiety disorder) & finds Maths very difficult to concentrate on. We live in Jumeirah Islands, are you any where near us? Thanks Jo Hi, my daughter has Just been diagnosed with GAD and it would be interesting to talk to you, I don't know anybody else with it.
Latest post on 15 January 2013 - 18:55
I do not know of any tutoring centers. All the children I know, that need tutoring have private tutors that come to their house. This way the child gets individual help targeted at their level. THe school should be helping you, is she in a support program? Or is the classroom teacher giving you advice on how to help your daughter? edited by lidkekiwi on 15/01/2013 I would be interested in two afternoons per week, I have a year 2 and year 4 DD,s not until after Easter though. Do you have an email address I could contact you on?
Latest post on 25 November 2012 - 16:20
Latest post on 25 November 2012 - 14:11
Thanks DR! It's a shame it had taken till now to discover she had this but better late than never, this could be the first layer of other things so we will carry on with the tests, yes your granddaughter may well have IS as DD didn't really fall into the typical dyslexic category so it would be well worth testing her for IS. Thanks MO2 I will have a look at that now.
Latest post on 04 July 2012 - 13:06
I just think its very sad really, a six year old little girl is involved here.
Latest post on 26 June 2012 - 21:44
What line of business is it?
Latest post on 10 May 2012 - 13:20
I just wanted to say with my last dd, and my first c section, I bf for 6 weeks and that was quite an achievement for me as with my first two I didn't, however in the hospital all was okay for the first 24/36 hours then lo realised she was starving and the 3rd night she cried all night, I begged the midwife for some formula but she just said it was perfectly normal and to keep feeding her! And then the milk came in on day 3/4, if the baby is given formula in those early days it may have slowed down your milk production, it is hard but so worth it, I loved the fact for the first few weeks I had no bottles to make up!! All the best you can do it!! If I have anymore I would love to give it another real go and maybe feed for longer next time:)
Latest post on 09 May 2012 - 12:53
Now this is going back some years but, DS had been invited to a party at the theatre it was Christmas time so lots going on, we arrived it was dark and ( thought ) he saw his friend and I (thought ) I saw the parents so in ds went ( he was 5) and I passed him over to a lovely lady who worked there and off I go for a few hours to finish the Christmas shopping........... I go back and collect him and I had got the date wrong!! However ds had a great time and I got to finish the Christmas shopping!!:) edited by thompson1 on 09/05/2012 <em>edited by thompson1 on 09/05/2012</em>
Latest post on 30 April 2012 - 12:53
Ok I take back the last post I have just read the new laws. Thompson 1 my housekeeper can find you a housekeeper/maid when you are in the UK if you like, just so you are aware the going rate is anything from £200 – £500 A WEEK the latter range is for central London so I think you will be looking to pay around £200 - £250 unless you find someone that’s desperate LOL. HTH Ah okay, so it's not even worth applying then?, I would be happy to pay £200, are there any costs on top of that? Visa flight home ect? Many thanks! I pay for her flights home once a year as well as a month’s salary while she’s away, I also pay her TAX and NI and medical costs but you could just pay a flat wage if you prefer. There are literally hundreds of runaway girls here (the ones that have run away from certain nationalities whilst on holiday IYSWIM) the girls don’t have visas but are desperate for work so they’re the ones that accept a lesser wage, so you might need to watch out for them in interviews. If you want leave me your E mail and I will respond privately. thanks so much! I had better do another thread now " Great maid available" :) <em>edited by thompson1 on 30/04/2012</em>
Latest post on 30 April 2012 - 12:51
Ok I take back the last post I have just read the new laws. Thompson 1 my housekeeper can find you a housekeeper/maid when you are in the UK if you like, just so you are aware the going rate is anything from £200 – £500 A WEEK the latter range is for central London so I think you will be looking to pay around £200 - £250 unless you find someone that’s desperate LOL. HTH Ah okay, so it's not even worth applying then?, I would be happy to pay £200, are there any costs on top of that? Visa flight home ect? I pay for her flights home once a year as well as a month’s salary while she’s away, I also pay her TAX and NI and medical costs but you could just pay a flat wage if you prefer. There are literally hundreds of runaway girls here (the ones that have run away from certain nationalities whilst on holiday IYSWIM) the girls don’t have visas but are desperate for work so they’re the ones that accept a lesser wage, so you might need to watch out for them in interviews. If you want leave me your E mail and I will respond privately. <em>edited by thompson1 on 30/04/2012</em>
Latest post on 30 April 2012 - 12:34
Ok I take back the last post I have just read the new laws. Thompson 1 my housekeeper can find you a housekeeper/maid when you are in the UK if you like, just so you are aware the going rate is anything from £200 – £500 A WEEK the latter range is for central London so I think you will be looking to pay around £200 - £250 unless you find someone that’s desperate LOL. HTH Ah okay, so it's not even worth applying then?, I would be happy to pay £200, are there any costs on top of that? Visa flight home ect? Many thanks!
Latest post on 30 April 2012 - 10:22
Hello, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the law changed on 6th April. Visas issued to overseas domestic workers on or after this date are for six months and totally non renewable - you also have to be a visitor to the UK to support the application for such a visa and not someone who is going to become resident. I know this as we are moving home in the June and got a heads up from someone else we knew. We managed to get a visa issued on 4th April and got a full year multiple entry visa. She is now free to come with us in June and renew at the end. For further information on the new rules I would check out the UK borders agency website. It says it all there. :( I have read the new rules, they not very clear though, we are not visiting the UK as we live and have a home in the UK so would we be okay from that point, we couldn't have got her visa before now as she has only been with us a year on the 13th of May. Thanks for the advice!
Latest post on 30 April 2012 - 00:37
I could help you find a Filipino girl in the UK if you like, there are so many girls here looking for work here it might be less hassle to just find someone once you’re here. That would be great! We are in the north west of England, I thought most of them wanted to be in London though? We has so many false starts with help in Dubai if you know what I mean I thought it would be great to try and bring her with us, we are the first family and housemaid job our lady has ever had and I think she is a bit nervous to go elsewhere bless her! As in to another family not to the UK.
Latest post on 29 April 2012 - 23:04
Hi ladies, have to make a decision soon, what would be easier going down the route of taking our housemaid back to the uk with us or getting an au pair when we get back? Anyone had experience of either? Many thanks!:) Hi, I brought my maid back it was quite easy to do, we had to supply photos of her on holiday with us to prove that she was an integral part of the family and she had to have worked for us for at least a year. I think they’ve changed the rules now and its slightly harder but I am not 100% sure. It’s also really easy to get Au pairs back in the UK so either way you are covered, good luck with the move. I had heard they changed the rules, we can but try I suppose, she will have been with us for a year on may the 13th and this is when we can apply for her visa for the UK, just wondering if we have to renue the Dubai visa and then apply for her UK visa, my DH is not returning to the UK so I would like some help as I will be on my own a lot.
Latest post on 29 April 2012 - 20:58
I will mention it to her and if she gets time I am sure she will post more info for you. That would be fantastic! Thanks so much! Or she can email me on [email protected] Thanks!:)
Latest post on 29 April 2012 - 20:50
To go to the uk and she got a 12 month visa I am sure. Okay that sounds really good, I will have to look into what we do next then, thanks!
Latest post on 29 April 2012 - 20:42
A friend of mine has just done this and couldn't believe how quickly and smoothly it all went. Had the visa processed and back in about 2 weeks Really? Was that to take her to the UK? It's only a 6 month visa that they issue now isn't it? Many thanks!
Latest post on 29 April 2012 - 20:40
are you allowed to take her back ?? I think so, we would have to submit the aplication Unless anyone has any recent info to say that we can't?
Latest post on 29 April 2012 - 20:38
are you allowed to take her back ?? I think so, we would have to submit the aplication
Latest post on 29 April 2012 - 13:19
Fortunately the delivery guy had gone off to get me some change so came back just as I found the cockroach! Wasn't sure if I should inform somebody official and didn't really know who or how. Oh at least you didnt have to pay, it's almost impossible to get a refund for anything in Dubai! Puts me off most takeaways when I hear things like this.
Latest post on 29 April 2012 - 13:02
EWWWWW, how did you manage not to pay if it was a delivery? Did they give you a refund?
Latest post on 29 April 2012 - 12:41
Hi TDB, We will be moving in September and have a 2 bed plus (small maids) on the shoreline of the palm, really nice app, when do you have to move by and what is your budget? :) Oh may possibly leave the nanny although I am looking into bringing her with us as she is great! Hey Thompson, that's fab! I think we would look to move towards the end of the year, so it could work out, altho perhaps closer to Nov / Dec as my current contract doesn't run out til Jan. Saying that, I expect to deliver mid Dec so not sure I want to be moving just before or just after that! I have seen 2B+M shorelines for around 110 - 120 so we would hope to find something in that budget, flexible cheques. I think DH is just in shock with the whole situation right now lol! Great lets keep in contact then, my email is [email protected] that is around what we pay now, 120 plus flexi cheques, the landlady is really lovely aswel, may be of interest to you and no agency fees that's always good! If you can get someone in to yours sooner than Jan then your landlord may not mind, ours is up in Nov but the landlady said if someone else wants it sooner it's not a problem to her. Hope you start feeling better soon! :)
Latest post on 29 April 2012 - 12:24
Hi TDB, We will be moving in September and have a 2 bed plus (small maids) on the shoreline of the palm, really nice app, when do you have to move by and what is your budget? :) Oh may possibly leave the nanny although I am looking into bringing her with us as she is great!
Latest post on 22 April 2012 - 22:55
Thankyou - STRESSFUL absolutely and so time consuming!! Its seems to of taken over our life at minute!! Talking with the experience of being offered school places the day before school started in September then having one day to buy all the uniform ( most of which was sold out ) and put names on everything, I really would think carefully about just paying to secure the place. This happens in Dubai because it can. Best of luck with the move!:)
Latest post on 22 April 2012 - 22:22
Yes I know a family and they had to pay after Easter for the final term for two children to start in the September. If it is really the school you want I would pay it to save the stress otherwise someone else could take that place now if they are moving in from outside the UAE. At least you will have peace of mind as it is one of the most stressful things about moving trying to secure a school place. :)
Latest post on 15 April 2012 - 22:20
I flew out a week before , DD was on day 9 of pox. As per our doc CP is most contagious during incubation period...however few kids have severe cough and cold which might lead to high discomfort during flying. My DD had blocked nose for which nasal spray was prescribed and she flew out...she had mild fever too....but nothing else. No doctor certificate is required. As a gesture to other passengers, esp pregnant mothers...its better not to travel with in first 5-6 days of chicken pox.... Thanks that would have been on our flight over here then ( sorry to everyone on that flight ) She has not been poorly at all so quite lucky really. :)
Latest post on 15 April 2012 - 11:08
Okay, thanks will do
Latest post on 15 April 2012 - 09:45
Okay thanks, we don't have a doctor here can we just go anywhere for that do you know? Your child has chicken pox and you don't have a Dr here?? :\: Maybe they've never needed to see a doctor, it's not like to have to register with one when you arrive. As you know, you can visit a different doctor for every ailment if you wish. Chicken pox does not require a visit to the doctor unless there are complications or you need a letter. We did live here for a year and never needed to see one <em>edited by thompson1 on 15/04/2012</em>
Latest post on 15 April 2012 - 09:43
Okay thanks, we don't have a doctor here can we just go anywhere for that do you know? Your child has chicken pox and you don't have a Dr here?? :\: We are just visiting
Latest post on 15 April 2012 - 09:06
Okay thanks, we don't have a doctor here can we just go anywhere for that do you know?
Latest post on 15 April 2012 - 08:36
Bought some yesterday from the chemist on the palm ( building 5 I think) the pink bottle under 6 years :)
Latest post on 22 March 2012 - 12:56
Just out of interest how does that then work? Do you pay uk minimum wage ? Or same salary as dxb? How much is the visa costs? Just being nosey. Yes you have to pay minimum wage but you can counter in accomadation, food and flights home health insurance and that should bring them under the tax bracket. From what I can gather the visa is around 1200 for 6 months. It's not a cheap option and you do have the risk of them running away Still thinking about it, it may be easier to have an au pair here instead.
Latest post on 22 March 2012 - 12:51
Okay so it looks like we may be okay if it is only my dh that has his visa. Thanks ladies!
Latest post on 21 March 2012 - 22:26
It will be a year at the end of May.
Latest post on 15 March 2012 - 13:04
Thank you, yes it was helpful, could be anything I suppose, even stress maybe
Latest post on 15 March 2012 - 00:22
I still get little touches of it from time to time and it is menopause hormones. Ah thank you, hope I can get it sorted soon, will let you know:)
Latest post on 14 March 2012 - 22:36
How old are you? Could it be hormonal? I am 36, yes that's a good idea, I will write everything down.
Latest post on 14 March 2012 - 22:20
Yes I am going back on Friday, just googled the migraine aura but that said headaches lasting 1 hour mine can last for days.
Latest post on 14 March 2012 - 22:15
I had this severely a few years ago and it was migraine aura related to hormonal change. Google it. Ah it's terrible! Did your blood pressure go ? Mine is not sky high but 158/111 I am not happy about it, thanks for taki g the time to reply, I have seen the doctor but he said it will go on its own??
Latest post on 14 March 2012 - 21:59
Hi ladies, I have been feeling awful for the last few weeks, bad headache, tingling in face and fingers and raised blood pressure, I have never had raised blood pressure even in all my pregnancys, any advice on what this could be? Many thanks!