tigermom | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 07 May 2016 - 22:12
Bali in May will be dry season, hot and humid with temp around 32'C or little bit high but not as hot as in DXB. have lots of water and sun cream.
Latest post on 21 January 2015 - 11:56
Thank you.
Latest post on 21 January 2015 - 11:05
Yes I used them too sometimes and they are good, but I thought there's something else that can give straight away to the needy. Thanks a lot
Latest post on 24 September 2014 - 11:16
They have a little "advertising" campaign going on... I drive past it too...A lot of building work going on at that place (and did Nad Al Sheba even open...they seem not to talk about it?). Building sites + children? The one is Nad Al Sheba still lots of construction as well no road open so definitely not open yet.
Latest post on 24 September 2014 - 10:38
is the school open already?? I pass everyday seems still lots of construction and working going on. and the fees unbelievable expensive than repton or foremarke.
Latest post on 16 September 2014 - 20:11
party centre shop in motorcity and umm suqeim and creative mind in umm suqeim,
Latest post on 20 August 2014 - 19:13
I am brand new to Dubai, having just relocated after 2 years in Singapore. We brought our Indonesian maid with us and I am trying to find ways to assist her with making new friends. We live in The Meadows. Any advice on where maids typically go on their day off would be most appreciated. Would appreciate any ideas. Thanks There's some Indonesia restaurant in satwa and karama area, and she also can go to Indonesia consulate for some like EID celebration. Is she usually have friends or having outside/hangout life when you were in Singapore? Maybe you can start with friends from neighbourhood, she might get some mutual friends, words of mouth sometimes help. Dubai is very modern and busy city with lots of nationality and temptation, so please be cautious when you start to let your maid start to join outside world, and understand the DO's and Don'ts law in here.
Latest post on 22 July 2014 - 18:04
Don't bail out, local or not, he will not win the case! Just hang in there, my case finished last week. Worth the wait! Thanks so much Avdm159, at least it will encourage us to keep going, finger cross there'll b a light at the end of the tunnel. :)
Latest post on 22 July 2014 - 15:08
It seems my case is never ending story, it's been our 5th time to RERA incl. 2 court hearings. The main problems in my case is the court need to get LL resident address, when we submitted the case we only got LL company address which not enough. Been trying to contact LL's secretary thru email for home address but to no luck till now. So the last 2 hearings LL never attended (of course!). RERA given us the official paper to submit to Emirates ID HQ and Dubai police to get LL address or to notify the LL for the court case. Emirates ID HQ accepted the paper but Dubai police only accepted paper from RERA ppl not us. We had been treat like ping pong with this RERA ppl, incl. when they made mistake on the date on the paper they didn't admit that but blame on us to collect the paper late. So last week the 2nd hearing court which was 2 weeks after 1st one and as usual the judge didn't process our case since we don't have letter from Dubai police, DH insisted the police didn't accept from him only accepted from RERA and they still ignoring what DH said, at the end the judge mentioned to his ppl to process the letter to police directly and next hearing is mid next month, another month wasted by, and we don't know if RERA "really" process that letter or maybe next month will be the same story as previous. To our surprised and assumption that LL never get any notification from the court up to now. What I don't understand most of all the cases on that hearing were been postponed to next month same like the first hearing, is that how the courts works in here, keep pending the cases as to what they like. This case really drain ours mentally and physically, if we have to wait for another month and at the end of the day we will lose what's the point we submitted the case in the first place which we follow the rules and law. LL notification paper only give us till next month to vacant the villa, if next month hearing another postpone another headache again. Should we bail out this case, which we don't want to but it stressed out too much and we loose money as well i.e. court money and if we move there will be another money to spend, or keep going??
Latest post on 23 June 2014 - 21:06
Stand your ground - you have the law on your side. We took our LL to court and the Rent Committee found in our favour so we have another one year tenancy agreement with no rent increase, although he has given us 12 months' notice but this was received 10 days' after the lease expired so I believe instead of vacating in April 2015, as he missed the cut-off date, we will now be vacating in April 2016. If you want to lodge a case, you will need your Ejari-registered lease, DEWA bill, passport and visa copy and any correspondence (translated into Arabic). Make sure you communicate from now on by email as proof and yes, you will need to pay 3.5% of your rent but if you win, the Landlord will have to pay this back. You will also need to go to a Typing Centre (plenty just outside Union Metro Station) to have a formal application letter drawn up. Take multiple copies of everything and go early - the Rent Committee offices open around 7.30am! You will be given a court date once your application has been lodged. Of course, if your lease has expired, as other posters have said, go to RERA with your old contract and any correspondence and your cheque book and they will issue you with a new lease on the same terms as last year. Do not let LLs bully you - tenants have more rights here than almost anywhere else in the world and the law is firmly on your side. Thanks a bunch weebles for your huge infos, make me lil bit peace in mind :) Which place did you submit the complaint? We took the Metro because parking in this area is a nightmare. As you leave Union Station, the Typing Centres are on the right hand side and the Rent Committee building is directly across the road, over the footbridge. There are plenty of security guards there who will give you directions to the actual offices but they are on the ground floor (I am sorry, I have no idea what the actual building is called) but honestly, it is easy to find and, providing you have the right paperwork, a very easy process. The Court Hearing was about 5 weeks after we lodged the case and although this was mostly done in Arabic (there are translators there), this was also fairly easy. We had to go back a third time to collect the judgement (tip: don't go on the day they say it will be available - leave it four or five days as I can guarantee it won't be ready). It is a faff to lodge a case and I am sure this is why more people just take the path of least resistance and either pay up or move and we had to make multiple visits but it was definitely worth it for us. One Bed apartments in our area are in excess of 65k now and we are paying nowhere near this due to the no increase dictated by the court. I cannot stress enough though to have any rent negotiations and contact by email rather than over the phone - you then have a record of events in black and white and make sure you send your LL the links to the laws on the RERA website - he then has no excuse. It seems we are having this case longer than we thought, the rent committee wanted us to have LL address which when we filed the case we only have his company address where i got it from email correspondence thru his company receptionist email address (bizarre! His not even sending thru his own email address) and we asked from his secretary for LL home address but to not avail until this date. We had our first hearing yesterday but as we thought LL didn't show up and postpone until next month. Now rent committee wants us to give paper from them to dubai court and emirates ID to get LL physical address. And give it back to them once we got it. How this can be long process like this, our contract has expired last 31st May and some posters said it will automatically renew with rent committee as current contract but they not doing it. We not doing anything against the law, we abide the rules as a good tenant, we files the case bcos we wanted to sorted this problem quick because we will go for summer hols next week, but instead we have to running around like chicken while LL sitting relax watching us and play the game with us. We do not want to move this year since I have 1 boy and newbie coming on the way this Oct and we still Willing to pay the jncrease if its base within the law. Never ending battle with this local LL making me stress so much.
Latest post on 23 June 2014 - 17:52
If you want part time it's better to use from maid agencies that you need to pay hourly basis. There's a lot good and options for maid agencies in dubai you may check in EW or google.
Latest post on 17 June 2014 - 20:30
I don't know who my mum was, but I have enough love that made me grown up into good person. Now I always encouraging my DH to make regular contact with his mum and use every opportunity we can to make her happy. Love and affection that we give to her is incomparable with material we have in this world. Life is too short to make a complain, so OP and your so called friend I suggest you not to have children of your own because "karma" do exist.
Latest post on 16 June 2014 - 17:50
It's started around 3.30pm today, only inside the house water not working, water in garden seems work well
Latest post on 16 June 2014 - 16:12
It looks like our turn to have no water in ranches, anybody experience the same in Alma
Latest post on 14 June 2014 - 17:24
I've never actually been but need a new Hoover bad and thought I might try there. Any recommendations for good hover for hard floor n pet hair also welcome! They do have electronic shop on 1st fl but not sure about the price, why not try dragon mart !!
Latest post on 10 June 2014 - 16:50
Latest post on 04 June 2014 - 20:38
Carrefour and big hypermarket.
Latest post on 04 June 2014 - 20:36
New contract for maid as published in 7days recently, they entitled for 14 days paid leave and 30 days sick leave. However previous/old contract normally give 20working days leave exl.w/end. Your maid should understand your situation since you expecting baby in Nov. try to speak with her and explain your situation. Both should find win2 solution.
Latest post on 22 May 2014 - 17:49
Start at 7 pm gate open @ 6pm concert will go on for max 2 or 2,5hrs if its ontime.
Latest post on 22 May 2014 - 17:42
N style or N bar is good. Sister lounge quite fancy place so should be good
Latest post on 21 May 2014 - 21:14
If she needs to work during her holiday leave than logically you need to pay her extra even this is not written in the contract, because every maid has right to take a leave weather she go back home or stay in the country. My maid doesn't want to take holiday same as our family for this summer holiday, instead she wants to take it next Sept, so I told her to take local leave while we away, because we won't pay that lieu day into cash, but of course we give her food money during our absent. I would be very careful with that. She is free to go and work part time in your absence. I wonder how employers deal with maids not wanting to go when they are away. She wants to go Sept for her son graduation and she doesn't want to go same as ours because she dont want to pay flight while we'll pay her flight for Sept, she's been working as a maid for 17yrs in dubai only with 2 families and I kept contact with her previous 2 sponsors. So I'm pretty sure she knows very well do's and don'ts about maid life in dubai, she won't jeopardise her hardwork for all this time for her son's education.
Latest post on 21 May 2014 - 19:15
If she needs to work during her holiday leave than logically you need to pay her extra even this is not written in the contract, because every maid has right to take a leave weather she go back home or stay in the country. My maid doesn't want to take holiday same as our family for this summer holiday, instead she wants to take it next Sept, so I told her to take local leave while we away, because we won't pay that lieu day into cash, but of course we give her food money during our absent.
Latest post on 19 May 2014 - 11:05
Stand your ground - you have the law on your side. We took our LL to court and the Rent Committee found in our favour so we have another one year tenancy agreement with no rent increase, although he has given us 12 months' notice but this was received 10 days' after the lease expired so I believe instead of vacating in April 2015, as he missed the cut-off date, we will now be vacating in April 2016. If you want to lodge a case, you will need your Ejari-registered lease, DEWA bill, passport and visa copy and any correspondence (translated into Arabic). Make sure you communicate from now on by email as proof and yes, you will need to pay 3.5% of your rent but if you win, the Landlord will have to pay this back. You will also need to go to a Typing Centre (plenty just outside Union Metro Station) to have a formal application letter drawn up. Take multiple copies of everything and go early - the Rent Committee offices open around 7.30am! You will be given a court date once your application has been lodged. Of course, if your lease has expired, as other posters have said, go to RERA with your old contract and any correspondence and your cheque book and they will issue you with a new lease on the same terms as last year. Do not let LLs bully you - tenants have more rights here than almost anywhere else in the world and the law is firmly on your side. Thanks a bunch weebles for your huge infos, make me lil bit peace in mind :) Which place did you submit the complaint?
Latest post on 19 May 2014 - 09:42
I had been checked for all the laws and informations thru EW since Jan this year just to get prepared when this things came out. And it was very clear, but as usual LL always wanted their way to againts the rules even LL challenging us when DH told to complaint this to RERA. DH just need to wait email for LL about the increasement letter so he can bring this to court. - What doc do we need if we want to file a complaint ? - where is this RERA office to file a complaint ? Thank you all for the responses, big help!
Latest post on 18 May 2014 - 21:06
My understanding any increase has to be notified 90 days before contract is due for renewal .... end of - no matter who they are or if they are playing games - good luck Landlord jst gave us a call now and mentioned will increase the rent to ,200 K which is way above RERA calculator or give us 2 months notice. Indeed they are playing games and 100% no chance to win with this people.
Latest post on 24 April 2014 - 18:35
The subject is far too emotive for you to get an objective opinion on this forum. Better to look at raw data on the schools' website or an unbiased review website. I would start with pupil numbers, class sizes, exam results and the availability of sport and music activities. Different schools are better for different kids. But there lies the problem, what data? Which results? I'd look at the fees! How can any review website be unbiased? not possible. To be honest We more to the fees, if the education are similar why should we choose the expensive just because the prestige and high end building. So more info will be appreciated please. Thanks
Latest post on 24 April 2014 - 17:52
I had checked online the do's and don'ts bikram yoga for pregnancy, many said if you regular bikram practice before pregnant its not recommended during first trimester but you can go ahead on 2 and 3 trimester since your teacher will help you with modification poses. But Unlike me I was first timer for bikram but I was regular practitioner in Pilates, when I first joined bikram a couple weeks later I realised I'm pregnant, surprisingly I was allowed to do it on first trimester, well I felt better during that time and i enjoyed it so much, i felt much relax, maybe that's why i kept doing it until i passed my first trimester. Basically you have to know your body and you have to be honest and consult with dr and your instructor for what you doing. Unlike Sauna or jacuzzi the heat for bikram yoga is different, in the hot room you sweat so well that the body cools itself down and you don't overheat. So better know your body first and consult with your doctor and instructor before you make decision, what suites for one person doesn't always good for others.
Latest post on 15 April 2014 - 13:44
Primary, what I heard Repton is more ahead in learning education or are they same. Thank you.
Latest post on 15 April 2014 - 09:02
Please further info. Thank you.
Latest post on 19 February 2014 - 12:47
I need information about this as well, what about Medcare and Saudi German Hospital, are they any good, is it Wellcare Hospital in which location? Thank you
Latest post on 06 February 2014 - 15:36
Not At all, had school run as smooth as normal day, glad my son's school keep open. Still no clue why other schools are closed which is no big deal in the closing road.
Latest post on 28 January 2014 - 13:24
Hi, what do you need to know? needed something. TIA
Latest post on 05 January 2014 - 16:24
I have srilankan maid, I paid for her 1800 and she is live in, so I provide the rest of her stuff e.g. food, toiletries and have 2 days off,when my in law in town she always gave my maid extra money. The reason she asked that much because she's been working in UAE for more than 17years and been working only with 2 families during that long years, and that's what the last family paid for her. True, it's roller coaster and nightmare to find good and decent maid in here, but when you find the best one your hard work paid off. So good luck to you !
Latest post on 05 January 2014 - 16:01
You can check in the http://www.expatwoman.com/dubai/monthly_home_garden_maids_in_dubai_8822.aspx , they have all information you need include the standard live in maid salary. case to case basis for live in maid but this one is way too much, that's normally standard for live out maid.
Latest post on 30 December 2013 - 13:02
I never know about the powder but I use teething gel they sell it in any of pharmacy
Latest post on 26 December 2013 - 15:44
Spill the bean please :) Last year we found a super place to watch the fireworks - Burj Khalif aand Festival City We are going to be there again this year and would love some company. So if anyone is interested in a One dish party on the grass, just holler for directions :) ... edited by janatks on 26/12/2013
Latest post on 17 December 2013 - 09:30
if this is Dubai immigration on the side of SZR, the easiest way is get metro and stop in Noor Islamic bank station, the immigration office is right outside from the metro station.
Latest post on 16 December 2013 - 16:18
Oops I don't think I have the deposit receipt! Rats! the last time I close my DEWA bill I brought the receipt with me so they can't find my flaw to prolong the process, it took me only half hour to process (surprisingly again :) ), maybe you can try without receipt , who knows..
Latest post on 16 December 2013 - 16:00
for DEWA you just send email to their customer service check on their website, they will reply quick (surprisingly :) ) it just need some requirement : 1. written request from the tenant 2. date when premises will be vacate 3. contact number 4. passport copy just bring this paper to one of DEWA branch along with deposit receipt with you, normally they will give cash back on the same day. same or similar with ETISALAT just contact their customer service by email.
Latest post on 11 December 2013 - 12:09
Keep em coming!!!!!! Though let's also not forget budgeting sarahlou!!!! How much do you want to pay? :-) budgeting around 300 - 400 dhs incl. booze but still decent good for family/kids, I know its kind of fussy but it's festive month, with in laws in town we would go brunch for at least weekly until finish new year day :)
Latest post on 09 December 2013 - 13:27
if I am not mistaken cut off is 60 years if she's going for new sponsorship, but if it's renewal visa if the maid still capable to work they are allow to do so.
Latest post on 30 October 2013 - 16:34
The whole thing is kind of annoying because the 1st of the month (Muharram/New Year) isn't even until Monday/Tuesday! How can they just move up the holiday to the weekend before and then do it on a non-working day for people and not give a proper day off? Isn't there anywhere we can complain? GAH! I pressume you celebrating this, if not what is a big deal of it, there's a lot company working on Sunday. beside long 1 week holiday 2 weeks ago ( for EID AL ADHA) never enough ?
Latest post on 07 October 2013 - 11:07
I have a spare general admission Rhianna ticket, happy to sell for AED250 or donate to charity. Do you want to sell it??
Latest post on 30 September 2013 - 21:16
In that case there'll be 50 % expats in Dubai will get fine and deported....mind your own business. <em>edited by tigermom on 30/09/2013</em>
Latest post on 18 September 2013 - 10:46
Garden in our Villa is not big enough to cater 15+ kids majority super active boys. Pools party too risky with too many kids, and I think weather in early week October not yet cool enough to have party in park. Some kind activity either sports, car ride, or laser activity is also an ideas. Food wise I prefer kids to splurge themselves with sweeties or goodies while on party, it's their time to leash from weekdays strict diets. Let kids be kids
Latest post on 18 April 2013 - 22:16
As far as I know it's only in Dubai, Palm Jumeirah area.
Latest post on 19 March 2013 - 10:04
Hello there, my sister-in-law mentioned that one of the best dermatologists is practicing at Burjeel Hospital, the new one near Al Wahda Mall. You might want to check that out. :) Hi thank you for the info, can you be more specific with the doctor name, mine need specialst in mole n skin diseased instead of beauty. Thanks
Latest post on 05 February 2013 - 10:19
American Center Psychiatrist & Neurology has good speech therapist Dr.Aliya Sardar contact.no. 026664866
Latest post on 22 January 2013 - 10:00
Where is the Glamour Salon located? El Nilein Bank Bldg, 4th street near corniche phone:026263002 you can check their facebook page
Latest post on 22 January 2013 - 09:40
have a look at health and fitness club or now called ad country club on 19th. they do tawkwondo, well i havent been in a while, they did do it, and the guy ran his own gym on corniche. Thank you busybee...appreciate it.