WGO | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 08 August 2014 - 19:16
Hi Sorry for the late reply. Both groups do the same thing and offer support to ladies and their families who have moved to Oman. They also hold various events to raise money for Omani Charities. The WGO was founded in 1973 by Hilda Staal, wife of the Minister of the English Speaking Congregation in Muscat, Oman. Originally the group was known as the Women’s Guild of the Protestant Church in Oman. At the first meeting, thirteen women met at the home of Hilda Staal, including Eloise Bosch who still lives here in Muscat and is a WGO member to this day. The WGO’s mission is to “offer fellowship, an opportunity for women to meet each other, to enjoy a varied program of speakers and events, and to raise funds for charitable purposes”. Website: www.womensguildoman.com The Phoenix Group was founded in 2013 and also offer support to ladies and their families who have moved to Oman. Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/pages/Phoenix-Ladies-Group-Oman/618240261616939 There is also The American Women's Group (AWG) which is a non-profit, non-political organization. The American Women's Group (AWG) promote friendship and goodwill. In 1975, Mimmi Wolle, the US Ambassador's wife, brought 20 American women together, forming the nucleus of what was to become the American Women's Group (AWG) in Oman. Five years after its formation, membership was opened to all women residents in Oman. Website: www.awgoman.com Most ladies are members of all three groups. Hope this helps. Regards The WGO <em>edited by WGO on 08/08/2014</em>
Latest post on 23 June 2014 - 09:04
Hi There are many Christmas Events on offer by various groups. The Women's Guild in Oman (WGO) Two fairs each year, a Christmas Bazaar and a Spring Fair [url=http://www.womensguildoman.com/wgo-events/the-craft-fairs/'>link[/url'> Crafty in Oman Have two/three fairs each year [url=https://www.facebook.com/groups/craftmomsoman'>link[/url'> American Women's Group Have two fairs each year [url=http://www.awgoman.com/'>link[/url'> There are also a number of other fair put on by various companies/groups. Hope this helps. The WGO
Latest post on 23 June 2014 - 08:57
The WGO’s mission is to “offer fellowship, an opportunity for women to meet each other, to enjoy a varied program of speakers and events, and to raise funds for charitable purposes”. Our membership is open to women of all nationalities and we look forward to meeting you soon. It's that time of year . . . PRE-REGISTRATION HAS STARTED!! for the coming year 2015/16. This year all returning and new members will need to complete a Membership Form. As the lines can be long we ask that you do this ahead of time and return the completed form, with the RO12 membership fee to the WGO at any of our Coffee Mornings. In the coming months we will also be hosting Registration Evenings so keep an eye out for these dates. MEMEBRSHIP FORM http://www.womensguildoman.com/join-wgo/ CALENDAR OF EVENTS http://www.womensguildoman.com/calendar-of-events/ You can find lots more info about us on our website at http://www.womensguildoman.com/