wowsmarties |


Latest post on 07 April 2015 - 21:07
Hi if you r interested i have a tomy srv400 for sale bought it after reading reviews that it interferred least with wifi frequency plus the range was perfect for my 4 bedroom home...
Latest post on 30 November 2014 - 20:25
anyones seen this here or has one for sale wooden telephone table like a sidtable with attached seat...
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 15:24
I have one for sale in dubizzle if you r interested.
Latest post on 24 October 2014 - 21:14
Just found rainbow loom kit for 39 aed at sukar...thought of sharing info if someones looking out for one...i think there a shipping charge too still way below market price...
Latest post on 05 March 2014 - 18:32
Which is better in pricing???
Latest post on 15 January 2014 - 17:42
Arabian Rancher/Desert Rose it would be highly helpful if you could give an idea on the cost...
Latest post on 07 January 2014 - 16:27
Like this:
Latest post on 29 December 2013 - 12:12
If you want a Muslim maid, you can get an Indonesian Muslim maid. now she wont be able to speak any english, however she will pick it up. I have an Indonesian Muslim Maid and when she came to me, she couldnt speak a word on english but she has really picked it up now and writes shopping lists too ! My previous Indonesian maid was the same. the food situation, for your next maid you are going to have to be very very clear from the start. a lot of problems with maids happen because things are not made clear and expectations are set. I would suggest for your new maid, clear a cupboard and keep the basics such as tea, buiscuits, rice ( 10kg bag is good ) oil, noodles, sugar, chicken stock cubes. Clear a section of your fridge and get her vegetables ( spring onions, garlic, ginger, Kankon ( a herb that I get my maid which she likes eating, most fillapinas like that too ) chilli etc etc , get her some fish and some chicken and pop that in a bag in the freezer and put her name on it. tell her, this is her food and you would like her to cook her own food and eat it. I do that with my maid and keep checking her ' sections ' and i top up stuff when its finished. My maid is very forgetful and she will ' forget to eat ' so I have to remind her like a child. its second nature to me now. good luck . Mushy peas thank you so much for that detailed information...I will do that... And oopsiedaisy I agree I didn't set all the rules on day 1 as I have not had a fulltime before and I thought let her settle in the first week then I will explain things one by one...didn't workout ended up in a mess I will be better equipped wen the next one arrives...
Latest post on 28 December 2013 - 21:23
I took her back to the agency today morning...she tried to talk me into keeping her asking me " why are u sending me mam". I didn't want to talk to her I just said u know why...I had called the agency 2 days back and told them the issues and they had told me to provide her with her supplies and I also agreed to give her an additional allowance her rudeness and she lying on my face I don't give her food happened after that wen I asked her to cook her food at the agency wen they asked her why she wasn't cooking her food she changed the whole story...from I know filipina cooking only teach me your cooking to I don't know cooking then I don't have time and I don't understand when you tell me to cook my own food it became she was afraid to touch anything in my house so she couldn't cook her own food...I really had to laugh and ask so you weren't afraid to open the fridge and eat whatever you liked but you were afraid to touch the things u asked me to get for you...from yesterday afternoon bag of rice,packs of noodles,veggies are still lying on the kitchen table untouched plus the chicken and fish in the freezer which I told her to just ask me before taking so she is clear what is for her and what is for the family, all coz I asked her to cook her own food,I am not sure if she was waiting for me to cook it for her or she was trying to show I was starving her...i had taken a few pics of the things lying on table and I showed it at the agency and then she was complaining madam didn't cook chicken stew for me...leave alone cooking for her I heard the word chicken stew from her mouth at the agency... @oopsiedaisy u really think I can change this woman's habit of lying with clear instructions? I had to tell the agency please take back the queen of philipines and give me a maid who can cook her own food...
Latest post on 27 December 2013 - 18:54
And please don't get me wrong on the coffee thing i drink coffee myself so I totally understand and I have got all her coffee supply wen hers got over but i didn't know a person would need more than 3 to 4 bottles in 2 weeks...and as I said in my previous mail I was asking for advice...I can't tolerate lies if only she was straightforward she could just tell me I drink coffeee mam but the very first day she started off by saying how tea gives her chest problems so she needs coffee I didn't even ask why she doesn't take I see her asking me for tea saying its good for stomach...from past week she's drinking both.only the first time I asked her wen she asked for tea out of concern didn't u say u get some chest problem if you take tea...inspite of getting her all this I found she has helped herself and emptied my decaff bottle (coz I am breast feeding)which I particularly mentioned the first day don't take that ask me wen urs get over.leave alone asking me she didn't even have the decency to tell me it's over...I just open the shelf and there sits my empty bottle...really from what advice I have received so far almost everyone says I should get rid of her...I already tried most of the advices on giving her a chance but I have totally lost trust now I can't have someone like that live in my means a lot to me that a lot of people understood what I have been going through.thank you ladies...and jelly mum please send me that post so I don't underdo or overdo it next [email protected] <em>edited by wowsmarties on 27/12/2013</em>
Latest post on 27 December 2013 - 18:16
Ohh please don't I trusted her and what I got back is this her ironing my kids clothes without me telling her I only see it as trying to make me change my decision of taking her to her agency she has moved the ironing table out of her room and did the ironing in my hall and has kept all the ironed clothes lined up on the table for me to see and after that she came and told me she is sorry but if you had listened to how she raised her voice and lied I am not giving her food just coz I asked her to cook...the tone was very rude...I don't have a guarantee she will not repeat it coz yesterday I sat down with her explained everything nicely I was ready to give her extra allowance if she wanted more food...what should I do more...
Latest post on 27 December 2013 - 18:06
That is another thing that got me angry I told her very nicely I will get you a cookbook and I will teach u cooking...and her reply is "no I don't have the time it's takes a long time to cook I don't understand I can't do it"
Latest post on 27 December 2013 - 18:04
She is 40 yrs old it's hard to believe she hasn't cooked all her life...I don't understand why I should tolerate her day she says one thing next day says another...she told me she knows how to cook filipina cuisine now says I cannot cook I don't have time please read the entire post from beginning...I was asking for advice how to handle this situation...I was even ready to get all the things she wanted and have already got her everything just last week she asked for fruits I got it for her but isn't there something as gratitude...the way she asks is " next I want this next I want this it's not like I can't have this food it's I will not have it I want this" is this acceptable behaviour .i have only asked her to iron my husbands office clothes everyday and that too I tell her umpteen number of times before she does it....I have had parttime filipina maids for 7 years and I had a very good relationship with them I used to leave juice and snacks for my maid who used to come 3 hrs a day for cleaning so don't think I have an issue giving food but as someone said should I give her free reign in my kitchen eat and take whatever u like whenever u like don't ask help ur self to my kids food but now with a toddler and a baby with 2 close emergency csection I find it hard to manage without help...
Latest post on 27 December 2013 - 17:45
If all the cleaning is done by 11am why do you need a maid? It sounds like how much she eats is a big issue for you so maybe just a daily maid would be better than a live in. No seriously I have no issues with how much she eats if she is hungry I don't mind her having food but she will not cook her food she wants me to cook for her I was already giving her the same food my family eats she wants a different cuisine and I have to cook that for her and when I interviewed her she said I know only filipina cooking I will learn your she says she does not know how to cook her own food her mom and sister cooks for her her Arab mam in Saudi cooked all her food...first few days the food I gave her she was throwing in garbage saying I am giving her too much and she can't eat...I told her you take what you want don't waste toddler is very fussy eater so she normally doesn't eat on time so I keep her food in the fridge,after giving the maid freedom to eat what she wants she started taking the food I keep for my daughter from the fridge without asking me and wen I go to get food for my daughter wen she is finally ready to eat it's not there...I thought maybe the maid is hungry so I had to cook again for my daughter and I didn't even ask her bout that till today...
Latest post on 27 December 2013 - 17:25
Yes this is it I am taking her back to her agency first thing tomorrow morning...if only they were open today she would not be in my house by now I will not tolerate her after what she did today morning...morning I told her to cook her lunch wen my baby was sleeping she said " not now mam later".i said fine after 5min she comes to me and says "what am I supposed to do with vegetables I don't eat vegetables I want chicken or fish...".I was like oh really u eat chicken and fish everyday back home and she goes yes with every meal I eat chicken and fish only Christian filipinas eat veggies I don't and my mom and my sister cooks food for me when the food is ready I go and eat...I lost it I told her to just shut up and told her u really think I am going to buy that story...and she interrupts me and says I work whole day and you don't give me food...I said stop right there I have been cooking you food 3 times a day and on top of that u have been taking extra food from the fridge for the past few days without my permission and you have the guts to lie on my face that I don't give you food???She raises her voice and tells me I was hungry so I took food from the fridge see I am taking care of a baby so I will be hungry and my contract says everything is free here.i said this is it I will not tolerate you anymore pack your bags first thing in the morning you will be out of my house...I tell not to touch anything in my house except she can cook her food which I kept on the kitchen table...I told her to stay in her room and I take my kids upstairs.I am so angry and upset... I go down to the kitchen for lunch and I realise she has helped herself to a lot more stuff than just food from fridge...and she has still not touched the rice the veggies or the kuboos the sauce I have left on the table...and wen I had asked her to stay in her room she is cleaning my kitchen,ironing my kids clothes...and then she comes and tells me I am sorry mam I have come all way from Filipinos I don't understand anything here...I stopped her right there and said there will be no more talking be ready tomorrow morning... [b'>What a nightmare...[/b'> edited by wowsmarties on 27/12/2013 yes, I daresay that's what she's thinking too... Why would you say that doubting Thomas if it was a nightmare for her she wouldn't try to talk me into keeping her....
Latest post on 27 December 2013 - 17:11
Yes this is it I am taking her back to her agency first thing tomorrow morning...if only they were open today she would not be in my house by now I will not tolerate her after what she did today morning...I normally don't take this kind of attitude but maybe spending months to find a maid made me hold on till morning I told her to cook her lunch wen my baby was sleeping she said " not now mam later".i said fine after 5min she comes to me and says "what am I supposed to do with vegetables I don't eat vegetables I want chicken or fish...".I was like oh really u eat chicken and fish everyday back home and she goes yes with every meal I eat chicken and fish only Christian filipinas eat veggies I don't and my mom and my sister cooks food for me when the food is ready I go and eat...I lost it I told her to just shut up and told her u really think I am going to buy that story...and she interrupts me and says I work whole day and you don't give me food...I said stop right there I have been cooking you food 3 times a day and on top of that u have been taking extra food from the fridge for the past few days without my permission and you have the guts to lie on my face that I don't give you food???She raises her voice and tells me I was hungry so I took food from the fridge see I am taking care of a baby so I will be hungry and my contract says everything is free here.i said this is it I will not tolerate you anymore pack your bags first thing in the morning you will be out of my house...I tell not to touch anything in my house except she can cook her food which I kept on the kitchen table...I told her to stay in her room and I take my kids upstairs.I am so angry and upset... I go down to the kitchen for lunch and I realise she has helped herself to a lot more stuff than just food from fridge...and she has still not touched the rice the veggies or the kuboos the sauce I have left on the table...and wen I had asked her to stay in her room she is cleaning my kitchen,ironing my kids clothes...and then she comes and tells me I am sorry mam I have come all way from Filipinos I don't understand anything here...I stopped her right there and said there will be no more talking be ready tomorrow morning... What a nightmare... edited by wowsmarties on 27/12/2013 <em>edited by wowsmarties on 27/12/2013</em>
Latest post on 26 December 2013 - 23:39
Honestly, I think you are made for each other.......poor girl is probably starving. The fact you are monitoring how much coffee she drinks says it all. @Grumpy my sympathies are with you for having this level of IQ and for coming up with your discovery...starving certainly not if u read my entire post of what I have been providing her from the time she is with us we went out for dinner today at bout 8:00 before leaving i left her with her favourite pack of kuboos and veggies so she can cook her dinner.i came back at 10:00 and everything is as I left untouched I am not sure someone who is starving will go without food wen it's right in front of you... <em>edited by wowsmarties on 26/12/2013</em>
Latest post on 26 December 2013 - 18:28
Thank you so much ladies I truly appreciate all your advice I just tried to be nice to her but yes she did take advantage it feels bad when u try to be good but all that comes back is this...I have not processed her visa yet DH suggested we do it after a month but it's getting worse feels like it's better off without a maid...I just talked to her very nicely told her I am going to get her supplies for a month and you will cook ur own food from now on and her comment is" no mam I don't have time" I was like what really I have not yet asked u to cook for the whole family I am speaking about cooking your own food She is like I don't have time to cook my food I said I am already doing a lot of things for you which I don't have to...after sometime I asked her to cook her lunch and she says I don't want lunch I said fine but u will have to go without food if you can't cook I am not doing it for you anymore...and then she goes inside makes her own food...wen she told me she didn't know how to cook...we'll I have called the agency they asked me to try to speak to her and if she is still not making an effort they will change her they also told me I only need to pay her 100 aed a month for allowance food,shampoo,soap,etc and the lady at the agency was a filipina too...I was like only 100aed I was planning a lot more she said it's more than enough with her current salary...and that it is enough to keep them happy compared to their situations back home. All cleaning is done by 11 in the morning after which she just takes care of my baby and wen he sleeps she is in her room still she doesn't have time to cook her own food...hmmm. only issue is finding a Muslim maid who speaks English... My maid isnt musim and we are a musim family I dont see the issue. DH is very particular about having a Muslim nanny for the kids...i had a few good nonmuslim parttime maids before so really I don't mind it as long as she meets my expectations...But it's difficult to convince DH in this regard...
Latest post on 26 December 2013 - 16:28
Thank you so much ladies I truly appreciate all your advice I just tried to be nice to her but yes she did take advantage it feels bad when u try to be good but all that comes back is this...I have not processed her visa yet DH suggested we do it after a month but it's getting worse feels like it's better off without a maid...I just talked to her very nicely told her I am going to get her supplies for a month and you will cook ur own food from now on and her comment is" no mam I don't have time" I was like what really I have not yet asked u to cook for the whole family I am speaking about cooking your own food She is like I don't have time to cook my food I said I am already doing a lot of things for you which I don't have to...after sometime I asked her to cook her lunch and she says I don't want lunch I said fine but u will have to go without food if you can't cook I am not doing it for you anymore...and then she goes inside makes her own food...wen she told me she didn't know how to cook...we'll I have called the agency they asked me to try to speak to her and if she is still not making an effort they will change her they also told me I only need to pay her 100 aed a month for allowance food,shampoo,soap,etc and the lady at the agency was a filipina too...I was like only 100aed I was planning a lot more she said it's more than enough with her current salary...and that it is enough to keep them happy compared to their situations back home. All cleaning is done by 11 in the morning after which she just takes care of my baby and wen he sleeps she is in her room still she doesn't have time to cook her own food...hmmm. only issue is finding a Muslim maid who speaks English...
Latest post on 26 December 2013 - 13:25
I am going through the exact same suituation at the moment with my newly hired maid and I am getting so frustrated with her but I was advised to give her a monthly allowance for her food and allowance for metro yet she is constantly asking for more money which is make me wonder is she taking advantage ive had many arguments with her over it but nothing is absorbing... Still she eats my food and I dont know what she does with her money but I feel like her mother!! Exactly I feel like her mother day before yest I went shopping with my 2 yr old and left my baby with her of course with the nanny cam on she didn't have to do any cleaning that day as I asked her to sit with baby lunch time I called n told her to make noodles she was very happy and said yes thank you wen I came back in the evening I got a happy meal for my daughter and I got my maid a pack of fries...and the first thing I asked wen I came back in was did you have lunch she said yes after 10 min she is asking me you have white rice mam I said ya why I want white rice I didn't know what to say so I told her o.k but there is nothing with it coz I have just put the fish to defrost...I told her if she wants to have white rice she can make it and take an egg from the fridge then she says no I don't want it anymore I was like WHAT does she really expect me to cook and feed her 4:30 in the evening that too wen I just got her a new bottle of coffee...leave alone gratitude what is this...first day she came she said she can't have tea if she drinks tea she gets some chest problem or heart problem well that's what she told me well I didn't buy that story but still got her coffee wen the first bottle finished i could only buy the next one during weekend and those days wen she didn't have coffee she said she wanted to have tea wen I asked her u only said u can't have tea then she says tea is good for stomach...and the supermarket send the wrong coffee arabica she opens the big packet drinks it for 2 days and says she doesn't like it after that she says the coffee is making her vomit another half day gone she says it's making her nauseous what if she falls down with baby and blah blah blah so melodramatic...wen I didn't see anything like that...she understands basic English but I need to explain things 2 to 3 times...and now I was telling her I will give food allowance and any extras you want u pay and she tells me my contract says everything is free here...she is single her sister and brother are married her parents are taken care of by them...from what I have heard from her she is not the one who is supporting her family back home she said she wants to be independent...we'll I am sure she can buy her extra stuff from her salary...and really from her attitude I think even if I give her allowance she would still take the things from home...and act as if she doesn't I am now thinking to get her monthly stuff...and leave the rest to her... <em>edited by wowsmarties on 26/12/2013</em>
Latest post on 07 November 2013 - 16:20
Latest post on 02 September 2013 - 11:02
Does anyone know if I might get it anywhere in Dubai? TIA Saw it in Hamleys...Mirdiff City Centre...
Latest post on 27 August 2013 - 21:50
I have a pink one for sale Mothercare miracle blanket if u r interested...
Latest post on 15 August 2013 - 14:31
Anyones got one for sale from a petfree home???$T2eC16d,!)QE9s3HF4leBSBhybQcLg~~60_12.JPG <em>edited by wowsmarties on 15/08/2013</em>
Latest post on 12 August 2013 - 11:55
Dubai Library Distributors have an outlet in arabian center,pretty good for craft,knitting,school supplies...
Latest post on 18 July 2013 - 11:43
Wowsmarties, are you sure that all new appointments will go to Dubai Hospital? I had been in Barsha clinic 2 weeks back and they told me I will be in Latifa, but I didn't meet the gynecologist yet so not sure! edited by cafelate on 11/06/2013 Thats what they told me when i registered with Al Mizhar Clinic...and recently read this on their site...The residence area of the applying patient should be within the attachment area of Latifa Hospital, which includes; Bur Dubai, ALBADAA, Jumairah, Safa, Rashidyia, Hatta and Nad Al Shiba, ALBarsha. I live in mirdiff maybe that was the reason...
Latest post on 09 June 2013 - 11:29
Hi all, I am due with baby # 3 on Oct6th/8th coz first scan showed 6th oct and 20th week scan showed my due date as 8th...Unfortunately i dont remember my LMP as i was breastfeeding my 12 month old...well this is going to be my third CS so i am told that they will do my CS anytime from 39 there is chance i mite end up having my baby in september...I am so in a hurry this time...days and weeks dont seem to be moving and sometimes i totally forget i am pregnant wen i am with my superactive DD's... :). Coincidently my due date is same as my second dd' if it goes as planned i mite have a double the family...
Latest post on 09 June 2013 - 11:13
The DHA clinics are now only tranferring new registration to Dubai hospital...i registered 3 months ago and i wanted Latifa but they said no its the same for expats and locals new policy is the system automatically assigns you to Dubai Hospital...but wen they entered my mobile number it showed i was admitted in latifa 2 years back(i had totally forgotten tat wen they kept asking me if i had any file in latifa) with Urinary Infection and so i got automatically transfered to Latifa...tat was such a huge relief as Latifa is closer for me...but for my foetal anomaly scan i was sent to dubai next appointment 26 weeks will be my first appointment in Latifa as i have borderline Gestational Diabetes...all previous appoinments with DHA... edited by wowsmarties on 09/06/2013 <em>edited by wowsmarties on 09/06/2013</em>
Latest post on 28 April 2013 - 16:30
Can someone tell me if its possible to get sterilised in dubai...if so where,how much does it cost...and as much details as possible pls...Do they do it in Latifa...I am considering getting sterilised as i would be having my 3rd csection and would like to know if its possible to get it done in the same process here... <em>edited by wowsmarties on 28/04/2013</em>
Latest post on 08 December 2012 - 23:21
Mothercare is selling these on special offer for 18 AED,a pack of one today,default,pd.html
Latest post on 01 December 2012 - 23:49
We stayed at emirates park zoo resort 2 weeks back my daughters enjoyed it so much they didnt want to come back eldest was so excited and it was fun feeding the animals...Its a small zoo but its perfect for toddlers,we have been to the sharjah one but found emirates park much better,never been to the al ain one...
Latest post on 01 December 2012 - 16:07
Latest post on 07 October 2012 - 16:04
luking for a preloved step2 desk from a petfree home...
Latest post on 02 October 2012 - 09:18
spinneys always has them...
Latest post on 30 July 2012 - 14:23
I saw it in babyshop mirdiff city center
Latest post on 24 July 2012 - 22:01
My girls are called Hayah and Hibah...Hayah is a palindrome it can be read either way...
Latest post on 23 July 2012 - 17:40
I am using a Tomy srv400 video monitor,its works excellently...and wen i was considering video monitor with minimum interference factor...this one was the best option especially considering we are under flightpath...
Latest post on 27 June 2012 - 21:10
Hi, The shop is called Baby Shop, it's opposite Burjuman and I can't remember how much we paid for the fence. It's a standard item in their range (they are distributors) so even if they had it out of stock they would probably get it in their next shipment? You'd just have to make your way there :) and no not selling as we're still using ours Thanks quizzme i think u mean GoodBaby babyshop opposite burjuman...
Latest post on 27 June 2012 - 20:31
quizzme please leave the name of the shop u got that chicco playfence from and how much did u pay for it,did u get it recently...and if i dont find it is there any chance u would be interested in selling urs...
Latest post on 27 June 2012 - 15:28
do you mean for ski dubai? yes ski dubai but i dont need ski slope pass just the snowpark...
Latest post on 26 June 2012 - 23:45
We bought the exact same in the Baby Shop opposite Burjuman Did u buy this recently???Is it from centerpoint babyshop or any name for the babyshop opposite burjuman...
Latest post on 12 June 2012 - 17:36
I got the Tomy SRV400 video monitor and its working perfectly in our 4 bedroom villa...but i think it costs around 1500 AED in mothercare,i got mine shipped from uk for 385 interference at all considering we are rite under flight path...
Latest post on 26 May 2012 - 22:35
hi i am still waiting for ur mail on the leapfrog fridge words,i have sent u mail... thanks got ur mail...will call tomorrow...
Latest post on 25 May 2012 - 12:47
[email protected] Hi u have got mail...
Latest post on 24 May 2012 - 10:23
I have one for sale. How can i contact you...
Latest post on 19 April 2012 - 15:13
Normally babyshop stocks these they have a sale in oasis center now Alternatively u can also chk these... I found this @ justkidding online,medela-breast-milk-storage-bottles.html I use the medela breastmilk storage bags it costs 85 aed in justkidding same is available for 50 AED in babyshop sale...
Latest post on 01 April 2012 - 12:14
Try Mamas & Papas MCC,i have seen a huge collection of tomee tippee stuff there...also carrefour MCC...
Latest post on 16 March 2012 - 20:27
Babyshops own in-house brands: Juniors, Giggles and Gear.
Latest post on 12 March 2012 - 14:44
I had my DD @ medcare 5 months ago,its been a wonderful experience there especially with doctor shiva...
Latest post on 05 March 2012 - 12:21
chk this out... <em>edited by wowsmarties on 05/03/2012</em>