BrownEyedGirl |


Latest post on 09 February 2014 - 10:15
Apart from Jim Will Fix It which has been very disappointing recently. TIA Can I ask why, as I use them?
Latest post on 09 February 2014 - 10:08
Type 3 has 3 bedrooms & a downstairs study. It doesn't have a maids room. I think types 2 & 1 have an upstairs study/family room & downstairs maids room.
Latest post on 09 February 2014 - 10:02
Rising stars is the only reasonable name on the list in my opinion. The rest are all ghastly!
Latest post on 05 February 2014 - 23:51
Dubai Community Health Centre has a really good OT called Deepa. 04 5078000 Disagree! Very disappointed with her approach & professional conduct. We are happy with Michelle at TDCC.
Latest post on 04 February 2014 - 10:00
Thanks so much for taking the time to reply DesertRose1958. Much appreciated. Perky piglet. For me the question 'does your child have special needs' has been a very difficult one to answer & to be honest I still don't know! On the one hand I think he may well just be a 'normal' 6 year old boy on a different developmental curve to some of his peers with some of his perceived difficulties being exacerbated by the very academic environment that he is in. On the other hand I sometimes think that his behaviors & abilities go beyond quirky. However, that is often the nature of such difficulties - that they appear inconsistently. Within weeks of starting reception my son's teacher had some concerns about him but we didn't investigate formally until the following academic year owing to his age. He's now had two OT assessments & a full Ed psych report. Unusually he presents with marked strengths & weaknesses in both verbal & non verbal intelligence tests (normally there is one area that shows particular strength & the other area is correspondingly weaker). He has excellent perceptual skills (block design) but finds it very hard to make logical connections. He has well developed motor skills when moving but has issues with handwriting & is almost totally unable to maintain an upright/alert posture for academic work. Quite confusing & certainly no one has been able to make a 'diagnosis' - dyspraxia was mentioned but subsequently ruled out & he has none of the classic co-ordination issues. He is a great reader & has well developed comprehension skills at the same level but struggles with almost everything else (particularly Maths) & can be accidentally disruptive in class because he is so unable to stay on task or work well independently. I would suggest that you go ahead with an assessment but perhaps think about organising one independently. In retrospect I feel I shared too much with the school. We are lucky that he has a fantastic class teacher & head of his key stage but the SENCO is very negative & bullish about how we should manage him. To begin with we had OT sessions at the school (that we paid for) but she became overly involved & the feedback was going to her so we now have his sessions outside. Whilst you know your child better than anyone else his school see him in an environment that demands behaviors that aren't always required at home. There will likely be a considerable cost but it will either give you peace of mind or more specific information that can only help your child. Personally speaking the results of my son's assessment were a revelation & really helped me to understand him. Being seen to co operate with the school can't be a bad thing either. Hope this helps.
Latest post on 03 February 2014 - 21:18
Afew months after I arrived in Dubai I drove a hire car to Ikea. Somehow I clipped my tire on Sheik Zayed Road & ended up with a flat. It was just at a fork, before an underpass & within minutes the traffic seemed to have backed up for miles! I was wearing gym gear & standing on a perilously small traffic island in between lanes & lanes of super fast moving traffic. Just before I made my emergency call my phone ran out of battery & I was literally stuck! I've no idea if the police just happened across me or if someone called them but they were awfully nice, changed my tire themselves & sent me on my way. I could have kissed them!
Latest post on 01 February 2014 - 22:00
I looked into B&L for DS but decided against it on the basis of cost (it's hugely expensive!) & the considerable time commitment. Anecdotally I've heard very mixed reviews about the results. Also I know one of the tutors & whilst she's a fantastic lady, she has no relevant qualifications & was trained in only a few weeks. That surprised me. If money was no object I think I would try it though. DR1958 I was interested in your link. Do you know if anything like that exists in Dubai? I have been recommended Dr Grim (?!) at the Fairmont hotel. Any reviews?
Latest post on 30 January 2014 - 15:07
I found them equally frustrating. For the therapists I was interested in for DS the wait list was months, maybe longer. It makes me wonder why these sorts of services are so over subscribed in Dubai?! In the end we went to The developing Child Centre & so far I'm happy. As they're fairly new there seems to be more scope to get an assessment & subsequent appointments quickly.
Latest post on 19 December 2013 - 16:53
Popped in today to get some bits for the kids & noticed that they have 70% off lots of their scooters. I got an adult one for DH which was reduced from over 1000 to around 300! Not sure what he'll make of it!! The standard mini/maxi scooters aren't discounted. Just thought I'd share.
Latest post on 18 November 2013 - 00:18
Pretty sure they're on sale for 200 at the sports shop at the meadows town centre.
Latest post on 10 October 2013 - 00:00
I considered brain training for DS but felt that the cost & time commitment were too great. I thought it had to be everyday for a minimum of 72 hours?
Latest post on 02 October 2013 - 00:40
Hi moonbeam Why don't you email the manager. If we all complain, they should do something about it rather than just leaving. Don't think we will get our money back for this term anyway. I called last week and talked to Dean to complain. You can email as well. He said class sizes will be 8 but still think its too much for the little ones. Even my dd complaining that she only got to do 2 stations. It was a lot nicer last year. Hope they can sort this out soonest. I still see all the old coaches from last year. There are a few new ones. Which ones are you talking about that started their own club? My youngest daughter refuses to go to the class b/c its so big. They suggested perhaps she was too young but she did gymnastics at Du last year and was fine. My older daughter has been going for years and is used to them. I've aslo seen new coaches, but don't see any that have left? Perhaps different days than I go. Can I ask why you didn't continue with Du gym?
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 13:16
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes, I pay the OT fees! I'm going to complain to her practice about her conduct & now I'm on the hunt for a fabulous alternative therapist.
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 01:26
What is reasonable in terms of professional conduct from a child therapist in Dubai? I have requested a dialogue with my son's OT (an outside agent whom I pay) on several occasions to discuss a revised approach for his therapy this term but she has said that she will need to hear from the school & will not talk to me direct. I had a meeting at school this morning. We are in disagreement about the value of this recent OT. During the course of the meeting it became clear that the therapist had disclosed my private concern that perhaps the school were being alarmist about his issues. As a result things were rather strained. Surely this relationship should be governed by confidentiality?? Her clear agenda is to develop a relationship with the school rather than with me & owing to my concerns about the value of her input I won't use her in future, but can I expect similar from other therapists in future?
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 00:11
Thanks for your replies ladies. Really sorry to hear your son is having a hard time Tara.k. What a shame you have to think about moving to get the support you need. Best wishes to you too :-) I'll check out Andy Dalziell. Thanks emIsnre. Any other recommendations for therapists based in Dubai?
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 21:36
What's the rent amount?
Latest post on 28 August 2013 - 00:05
Pretty sure I saw it in Boots Ibn Battuta.
Latest post on 20 July 2013 - 05:42
I recommend Health Bay Polyclinic. I attended an excellent pediatric first aid course with them recently.
Latest post on 06 July 2013 - 23:27
It's really disappointing that the cinemas don't refuse entry! Then again we went to see EPIC with our 2 LO's afew weeks ago they showed a trailer for World War Z! I kicked up a great fuss but honestly the staff, including the manager, were pretty unmoved by my complaint. They agreed to remove it for future audiences only after trying to argue that it was suitable for young children!?
Latest post on 06 July 2013 - 23:14
I always do. Usually confidently saying 'I spoke to someone yesterday who gave me a much better price' does the trick.
Latest post on 04 July 2013 - 22:42
It depends really. Legally (though I can't be bothered to find the technical stuff, sorry) the LL is responsible for maintenance. However, if it's 'just' a maintenance issue with the AC (cleaning, disinfecting & re gasing) then I think it's reasonable that the tenant pays for consumables. Jim Will fix it have a call out charge of 100 as opposed to 200 for Emrill, & lots won't even see you if you don't have a contract. Book a service with them (300 I think) so you won't need to pay call out & be prepared to be responsible for this yourself but if there are any replacement parts required then LL should pick up the total bill. <em>edited by BrownEyedGirl on 04/07/2013</em>
Latest post on 04 July 2013 - 22:29
Thanks for the replies girls :-)
Latest post on 04 July 2013 - 13:51
Latest post on 04 July 2013 - 12:32
I do t know how big you are talking but I'm a DDD and I like Victoria's Secret. VS has a good sale on just bought bras for AED65 however they only go up to DD I promise they have DDD :) they also do bra fittings as well. And yes I just went to the sale the other day, great prices but it seemed picked over and a little chaotic. ( they don't have bras higher then a DD in their stores in the states only online so I was surprised to find out they actually have them in the stores here) I learn something new every day. I never knew there was a DDD :-) It's smaller than an E cup so I'm not sure why they bother? <em>edited by BrownEyedGirl on 04/07/2013</em>
Latest post on 04 July 2013 - 12:25
Jim will fix it are running an offer at the moment. You can get all of your AC units serviced for a reduced cost. It may just be that they need a good clean & a top up of gas but they will diagnose any faulty components too. It is essential to do this & yes, LL is responsible at contract commencement. Also if you have a water tank make sure LL pays to have it cleaned to begin with. All sorts of revolting things get into the ground tank & it can be an absolute health hazard. <em>edited by BrownEyedGirl on 04/07/2013</em>
Latest post on 03 July 2013 - 11:27
Sorry to post yet another one of these. We've had a long & difficult relationship with our current LL! He's a deeply suspicious man & essentially believes (despite his contractual commitment otherwise) that tenants should be resonsible for all repairs. Every time we approach him with a maintenance issue it's a huge headache to source the best quote & wrangle over whether we are responsible or not. The original agent assured us that he had a maintenance contract in place but it wasn't the case. We've asked him to arrange this (it would be in both our interests as he spends more per annum than the cost of a contract) but he's very reluctant. We've also tried to set out some basic criteria to determine what he will & will not pay for but he insists that each repair issue is determined on a case by case basis. He's digging his heels in about the latest problem. There was a serious leak coming from the bathroom ceiling. It turned out to be faulty flexible connector pipes to the water storage tank in the cavity ceiling. The cost for replacement was 350. Now I know in the grand scheme of things that's not a great deal of money but it's the principle! Of course we pay for any replacement consumables & bear the cost of any AC servicing or cleaning but I think that replacement of a fitting that's part of the fabric of the villa should be his responsibility. He says it's wear & tear.... Is this a minor repair & should we be responsible?
Latest post on 02 July 2013 - 13:21
Don't panic. All of this can be fixed. Forget about expecting your DH to be responsible for sorting out this mess & do it yourself. Even without a current contract the original contract in your name is valid in terms of setting out the agreed terms. You must address the case with the relevant authority! In the mean time it may be worth seeing if you can get your visa processed without a current contract. We recently had a visa for DD done without having our contract registered with Ejari as the LL had been awkward & failed to do this repeatedly. They were very understanding & helpful (after some emotional blackmail). Don't worry about the possibility of a rental increase for now as a change can't be made until the commencement of a new contract in Feb 2014. If you have to deal with a rental increase then, you can find alternative accommodation if necessary. Given that you have been in the villa for several years it doesn't seem very likely that there's a rental scam going on. What an unpleasant position to be in, specially when you're heavily pregnant. Deep breaths.
Latest post on 29 June 2013 - 20:17
I believe that the old rule giving a second year at the same rent no longer stands. I think that landlords can now increase rents for the second year if allowed by the Rent Index calculator. But I also think they need to give you 12 months notice from the end of your current tenancy period. Yes but any rental increase needs to be done with the required notice. Not given in this case.
Latest post on 26 June 2013 - 01:27
Read an interesting article on facial acupuncture the other day!
Latest post on 25 June 2013 - 19:04
Great news!! Well done :-)))
Latest post on 23 June 2013 - 22:56
The schools you mention are British Curriculum. Is that what you want? For foundation stage 1 (FS 1) children are 3 turning 4 (by the end of the academic year). If you don't wish your child to attend school full time then they can do this year part time at some nurseries. My DD will be going 3/4 mornings a week only at Children's Oasis as she has a sibling FS 2 place at Jebel Ali (they don't offer FS1). The issue with this is that it's often very hard to get FS 2 (reception) places so many people feel obligated to take an FS1 school place to ensure a spot for the following year. FS2 or reception is the start of compulsory schooling. Children start at 4 but must turn 5 by the end of the academic year. You're right to start thinking about the registration process now!
Latest post on 23 June 2013 - 16:39
What a horrid experience for you. So glad to hear that community spirit is alive & well & that your LO is fine :-)) x
Latest post on 22 June 2013 - 14:15
Interesting, thanks Heyjude :-)
Latest post on 21 June 2013 - 18:21
Thanks so much for replying! Will try watering it some more, give it some feed & hope the humid weather suits it more.
Latest post on 21 June 2013 - 11:35
Anyone? :-)
Latest post on 21 June 2013 - 11:34
The man is a comedy genius & the most fantastical wordsmith. Totally charismatic too. I love him!!
Latest post on 21 June 2013 - 11:29
We had a huge problem with this. We have repeatedly requested title deeds for our property from the LL but he just keeps procrastinating. I think he feels like he has us over a barrel as we are wrangling over our renewal. In the end DH went to the passport office at Jebel Ali & explained the situation. Fortunately for us they processed her visa without the required documents. Not without hefty fines though!
Latest post on 20 June 2013 - 00:26
Thanks again for all your helpful replies! Sourskittleashnut - it's tough being back to work when they're so little but you & your DH seem to have your priorities right :-)) BeckyDXB - yes I only work mornings & flexi hours aren't an option for me. On reflection I'm so glad I took the time off! DD STILL has a temp after 5 days despite having had 2 days of antibiotics & endless doses of Panadol & neurofen!! She's only just brightened up this afternoon & has finally eaten something. Have been really worried about her! DS spent the second morning I took off puking everywhere but he seems to have recovered more quickly at least (with a little more drama along the way!!). Here's to more understanding employers in future!
Latest post on 18 June 2013 - 17:23
Sorry, think I misunderstood. It's drop off care Children's Oasis provide.
Latest post on 18 June 2013 - 16:50
Children's Oasis nursery are open over the holidays.
Latest post on 18 June 2013 - 16:28
Thanks for taking the time to reply ladies. Exactly Tattie Bogle! I like to think I'm an employee that works hard & tries to do a great job so I was really sad to have such negative & cross comments from her under the circumstances. Good suggestion SanRan but working from home isn't an option for me. I'm not entitled to sick or annual leave as I'm a casual employee. I also don't get paid when I take time off. TDB - I can't believe anyone takes 5 sick days a month!!! :-0 <em>edited by BrownEyedGirl on 19/06/2013</em>
Latest post on 11 June 2013 - 12:57
There are plenty of opportuities for swimming instructors in Dubai & on a per hour basis they are quite well paid. A minimum of 100 AED per hour. However, there are very few full time opportunities & the work will likely just be in the afternoons & at weekends. Occasionally full time swim instructor vacancies become available at the academic schools too. Good swim schools to try :- Kati's Aquatots Speedo Desert Sports Services Best of luck :-)
Latest post on 10 June 2013 - 02:07
Perhaps someone could design a car alarm similar to that when you leave your lights on, it would have to be connected into the car and somehow detect there is a child in the back seat (similar to seatbelt detection). The alarm would go off if you stop the engine and do not remove the child. Apparently NASA developed something afew years ago but no manufacturer will produce it owing to the liability issues. There is also consumer psychology to consider. This forum demostrates that many people think it couldn't happen to them. <em>edited by BrownEyedGirl on 10/06/2013</em>
Latest post on 10 June 2013 - 01:30 <em>edited by BrownEyedGirl on 10/06/2013</em>
Latest post on 10 June 2013 - 00:54
There has been afew of these incidents over the last 5 years since Ive been here, so I wonder why this tragic accident will change the way parents think!!!! But these tragedies aren't about the way parents think. The articles illustrate that over an over again these awful deaths aren't the result of conscious negligence. The point is that the amygdala works in a certain way & we can't really change that. Using discussions like these to raise awareness about hyperthermia, the horrific potential consequence of leaving a child in a car, is surely helpful in reducing the frequency of such events. Personally, I know that I've been utterly paranoid about this after watching the Opera episode on forgotten baby syndrome some years ago. I am so very grateful for that knowledge. These tragedies are about they way parents think? because if they had a thought and just took the little fella out of the car, then this wouldnt of happened, surely. This is only my opinion thou. Reading this story has really upset me, had many discussions about it since Friday, just heartbreaking. edited by salsB on 10/06/2013 I can not even imagine how any parent can forget a child is in the car in the first place! Nor me. The article quite clearly explains it!
Latest post on 10 June 2013 - 00:35
Coach Dxb are affiliated with Dawn Venturas somehow, I believe. She has a website with contact details & a Facebook page.
Latest post on 10 June 2013 - 00:27
There has been afew of these incidents over the last 5 years since Ive been here, so I wonder why this tragic accident will change the way parents think!!!! But these tragedies aren't about the way parents think. The articles illustrate that over an over again these awful deaths aren't the result of conscious negligence. The point is that the amygdala works in a certain way & we can't really change that. Using discussions like these to raise awareness about hyperthermia, the horrific potential consequence of leaving a child in a car, is surely helpful in reducing the frequency of such events. Personally, I know that I've been utterly paranoid about this after watching the Opera episode on forgotten baby syndrome some years ago. I am so very grateful for that knowledge.
Latest post on 09 June 2013 - 15:33
This article on same subject won a Pulitzer Prize. It is a worthwhile heartbreaking read: Heart breaking, but essential reading. Why don't you give it a go simuralu44.
Latest post on 05 June 2013 - 13:51
I'll try to answer your questions based on my understanding :- 1. You do not need to spend money bringing a case with the Rent Committee. The landlord is in the wrong & he should argue the toss with them. 2. He is obliged to give you 90 days notice of any proposed changes regardless of what it says in your contract. You are not required to ask for a renewal provided you do not have a non renewable tenancy agreement. It automatically continues. 3. Can't answer this from experience, sorry. EW users often say that the RC are very helpful & will give telephone advice. 4. Take someone with you, try to be as pleasant as possible but don't give him an inch. I believe he has forfeited the right to demand a rental increase or request a change to the payment arragements as he has failed to give you the required notice but you may wish to agree to one (as per the rental calculator only). I would not budge on the number of cheques. I have heard that in the event of a dispute the default is 4 anyway. It doesn't matter if the LL refuses to sign a new contract as you have the old one & the terms will just continue. It is up to him to take action if he is unhappy. HTH
Latest post on 30 May 2013 - 15:18
Girl Gone - someone Flynn The Red Tent - Anita Diamont Just finished Gone Girl - gripping! It was Gillian Flynn.