DesertRose1958 |


Latest post on 06 May 2014 - 10:33
I don't know for sure, but it was her style, and was over FB message which I know she has access to at work. Plus she was very apologetic and saying she loves me, I don't think he would do that. I kind of don't want to interfere, but not sure what else to do. I can't really go to her family and say I suspect something but don't have any proof. It's all a bit he said she said. I think you can and should go to her family and explain all to them because it would appear your friend hasn't managed to not get involved with a controller/abuser this time around, and its more than likely because of the job her ex did on her mind. He is still in her head, shaping her thoughts, and unless she manages to start thinking differently he will stay in her head for a very long time to come. Quite often women dont understand the situation they are in because the abuse they suffer second or third time around is a different kind of abuse to the original abuse, they think oh as long as he's not like so and so its ok. Its not. She has to break the mould and maybe this link will help her to do so. Perhaps you could just send it to her and say - have a read. I doubt it will make the situation with her any worse than it is now and it could very well be that one day she is able to say I was really peed off at the time but thank you for that. You're her friend, trust your instincts on what you think is going on, and tell her family. If it helps - I wouldn't hesitate at all to go into this at full charge for a friend. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 06/05/2014</em>
Latest post on 24 April 2014 - 16:57
I am disgusted by how woman turn against each other, ive been through the hardest part of my life and because things have turned around for me women cannot help by being vindictive. I am a happy woman now and my ex dh deserved everything he got and I am deserving what I am getting now. I deserve to be happy and he deserves to suffer. I would not wish what I went through on my worst enemy I think people are a bit suspicious of the MD given it could be considered he took his anger re his ex wife out on your husband, and his relationship with you could be viewed as quite predatory. He sounds like a bit of a bunny boiler to be honest but I accept that its not us who know him - its you, even though you don't seem to have known him long enough to know him so to speak. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 24/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 24 April 2014 - 09:46
We have 2 dogs, an alsation/spitz mix, she's the third generation of dog from the same family, and we also have a long haired, long backed pekinese. They are both very old now and might last another year if we're lucky and for sure when one dies the other will follow very quickly. They love each other. We also once upon a time rescued a wadi dog. Another time we had a long haired daschund. As much as we love them I couldn't have them around us if I always had to be thinking 'what if'. It really is not worth it and as small as some of these wee yappy type dogs are - they can be really vicious. What they lack in size they can make up for in nastiness. edited by DesertRose1958 on 24/04/2014 <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 24/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 09:56
sugar sandwiches? You mean to say you've never had sugar sandwiches? Geordie, some people have just not lived! Whats a sugar sandwich? -Thud!!!!!
Latest post on 22 April 2014 - 08:39
I think if a working mum can be needled by comments from a stay at home mum, and a stay at home mum can be needled by comments from a working mum, then perhaps they are not as comfy with the choices they have made as they would like to think. Does it really matter what people think of your role in life, and the misconception that perhaps surround it? I think not. Just get on with getting on, life really is too short to be so offended by so little so often.
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 12:52
I think it might be DHL. They previously did it for people needing an Australian Visa and I think they expanded on their services.
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 12:50
Happiness is the the day you realise you have managed at last to finish all the blooming creme eggs.
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 12:31
Im glad she told her mum because its what I was going to suggest. She needed to tell her family and then tell the bully do what the blazes you like because you dont scare me anymore. I think girls from conservative backgrounds can, at times, totally underestimate the women in their life and their reaction to a daft girl getting herself into a spot of bother. My lot are like guardian angels and god help anyone who messed with the girls they adore. It might all be spoken about and sorted out behind closed doors but these women for the most part aren't daft.
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 12:22
I think this is one of those subjects that can be so difficult to navigate people can sit for ages wording a reply and still manage to get it wrong in the eyes of some. Its impossible to cover all possible interpretations of a persons viewpoint given its such a huge minefield so a person really can just live in hope that others will use common sense and not make much out of comments that are more than likely meant in all innocence and without ulterior motive. Prickly working mum, prickly stay at home mums, the worlds full of them. We need to be giving each other a break and to stop treating each other like the enemy. And lets face it - a man has to be useful for something! <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 21/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 15:21
Fredrick, Im sorry but I don't think I can be of any help to you, and not just because I don't understand what you are trying to do in the first place. Something about this thread isn't sitting easy with me so I'm going to listen to my instincts and leave things alone now. However, to go back to the people I mentioned earlier on - I didn't say they were a couple so I dont know how you wrongly came to assume that, and I think you have misunderstood autism services in this instance. Perhaps someone else will be able to help you. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 19/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 08:41
I contacted these people a while back and still intend to try them out due to my feet being what they are.
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 08:34
Try Mumsnet or Gransnet.
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 07:13
Audrey - I'm your woman if you find a course :)
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 07:11
Fredrick, hello. Someone did try to offer a service like the one you've mentioned but gave up due to the cost involved in setting it up as a business, and as far as I can recall they only resorted to thinking about it as a business due to the knock-backs they received when trying to set up as an NGO. I dont know where you would start to try and set your organisation up but perhaps asking another organisation doing something similar would be the best way. On a different note, there are currently people in town who arrived a few months ago from the UK with a suggestion for autism related services and things have moved so quickly for them they feel quite dizzy. We are involved with them here in Oman but its a different story progress wise so I think if a person is going to try something then Dubai is the place to try.
Latest post on 18 April 2014 - 20:20
It doesn't bother me and I prefer it to being asked did I see Eastenders last night and where are you going on holiday?
Latest post on 18 April 2014 - 20:17
I feel your pain Audrey. I went over to an Iphone and Macbook Pro last week and apart from doing things with the first few icons on the Macbook Ive done nothing else. Unlike you however I never really found my way round my old computer either. I could do letters and things but excel or the likes would have me sitting crying in frustration. I would joke that I'm a technical dinosaur but it began to fall flat on my ears and I started to feel really stupid. I decided a new start was called for so I did the change over though my kids just went along with it because it was my birthday - they think its a mistake. My husband knows when to keep quiet. Anyway I'm taking it very slowly, a few minutes per day. I really only use the phone for calls and messages and its just today my daughter told me if I want to reject a call I didn't have to answer the phone then hang up on the person. Its what I'd been doing. I really don't get this 'google it thing' for the simple reason of you dont know what you're supposed to be doing - how the blazes can you google it? If you dont know what the phone and macbook can do - how do you know what to look for. One really neat thing I have discovered though is that I can prop my phone up against the computer screen and multi-task. If you find a course to do I'll sign up to do it later in the summer.
Latest post on 18 April 2014 - 11:40
Oh my goodness! When I go off on vacation by myself and leave my husband here, he is hardly at home. He comes home to shower and change clothes. Luckily the maid is there to attend to the house, washing, ironing, pets etc. My husband is off all hours with his friends, BBQing, drinking coffee and smoking sheesha. When I get home he is so happy to see me - he is exhausted and welcomes my "strict house rules" - (come home at a decent time, eat good food, etc) as he calls them. Hahaha. I do think eastern men respond better the house rules than western men, however. I actually think it is good to go off sometimes and leave them to cope - because, of course, they cannot!!! It makes them appreciate everything we do for them all the better. You are funny!!!! My husband is similar. I think many eastern men are like that. and many are not, thankfully. My husband can and did do everything in the house, and with the children, that I did. Maybe because he was military, or maybe because he was sent by dhow to Oman when he was 16 and left to fend for himself from that day on. There's very little he cant turn his hand to, he was even capable of making sure I never ever came home to even one odd sock or one piece of dirty laundry in the basket. He was quite infuriating. :D
Latest post on 17 April 2014 - 09:36
Well this old wifie officially opened the doors to her very own business the day after her 56th birthday just last week. Am I old? No, Im not. Ive never had a job, I've always been a stay at home mum, but now Im putting in 12 hour days in 2 shifts so I can still have time with my boy. I love what Im doing even though its the scariest thing ever because Ive put everything Ive saved over the years into what Im doing - 37 years of skimming off the top of the housekeeping mounted up. ;) So at 56 Ive started working, I have the (not too) high heeled court shoes, new business phone and mac book pro to go with it (my family have some really daft ideas between them) and though Im tired I'm certainly not old or feeling it. Age is just a number. Life is for living new experiences. Old? What's that?
Latest post on 14 April 2014 - 21:31
Joyce, you made me laugh because it really is a term I use often. :)
Latest post on 14 April 2014 - 13:49
People grieve in different ways and for some, the pain of loss never goes away. It was the 12th anniversary of my dad's death last week, my inlaws died 2 and 4 years ago and my best friend just under 2 years ago. They are all buried in our local cemetery and our family visit often with flowers. Life does go on though and I had to have a gentle word with my mum who, for a while was completely self absorbed with her own grief, to the point where she would talk about HER grief at funerals and more or less told my sister and I that we couldn't possibly be as upset as she was! She angered my MIL at my FIL's funeral by droning on about how miserable she was without my dad and that "you never get over it" Could have choked her! We certainly wouldn't avoid any anniversary date for any social occasion and it is not any kind of British custom but yes, there would be some folk who would prefer not to hold a social event on an anniversary. Mum is much better now and no longer expects my sister and I to meet up with her on what would have been dad's birthday, their wedding anniversary or his death date which she used to insist on!! "Could have choked her" You do make me laugh Joyce, with your Scottishisms. In fact I like to go further and if really really peed aff I say " eh could've bliddy choked her." It doesn't half stop the conversation at times given my poor mum did actually choke to death - on a fish supper. Not a whole one mind. ;)
Latest post on 13 April 2014 - 00:12
A Piece 'N' Dip Some of you will know what I mean. :)
Latest post on 12 April 2014 - 20:49
People judge me by my username Which One?
Latest post on 08 April 2014 - 05:09
DR and Nomad, with all due respect, the GF of olden days (40 yrs ago) was superb. Today those foundations have crumbled and everything is about cost for them, they have cut so many corners now, it is a shell. I would never put myself through the torture just to cut costs. EK cabin crew are rude, but my flights are always on time. I flew with GA until very recently and it had nothing to do with cost. It was all about the experience. As for EK - you must be really lucky because I frequently experience delays when flying with them and I only do if there is no other choice. Not because of anything bad, just because Oman Air is my national carrier, it goes where I want to travel to, and the support keeps our people in jobs. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 08/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 06 April 2014 - 17:31
I yearn for the days when Gulf Air took me and my special boy on his jaunts. The crews we flew with were absolutely second to none with him and they will forever have my respect and admiration, as well as a place in my heart. We only stopped flying with them because of a timetable change and the stopover became too long and ss it is he will probably never fly again due to ill health. Safety wise - Gulf Air was the pilot training ground of the Middle East and the place from where the likes of Emirates/ Etihad/Oman Air got their pilots. Gulf Air pilots are way up there with the best. There engineers arent bad either :) and it was men of my husbands generation and aquantance who went off years ago to train in Scotland. The engineering foundation in GA is sound and was laid down years ago. Many of the original lot are retired now but equally many have moved to Emirates/itihad/Oman Air into very senior positions. GA brought me to this region almost 40 years ago. My son and son in law flew with them before coming home due to the unrest in Bahrain, never have I been afraid to board a Gulf Air aircraft and I certainly would never have got on one with my boy if I had concerns. Hth edited by DesertRose1958 on 06/04/2014 <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 06/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 30 March 2014 - 14:47
I don't have any knowledge regarding Horizon Gym in Qurum but perhaps you would be interested in attending a new club located in Al Lansab that can be reached in 10 minutes on the Expressway from Qurum. Its a family run studio and is called Art of Life Centre. You can find them on facebook. There are no membership fees, you just pay for a book of tickets and thats it. Studies show that those who excercise in a group get approx 30% more out of their excercise, and all the more so if its done to music.
Latest post on 23 March 2014 - 10:01
Ok. Figures are approx 400 salary, 250 housing, 50 for travel, 30 for utilities. Then there is a sliding scale of commision.
Latest post on 21 March 2014 - 12:23
I think you are being spun a yarn by the people you spoke to due to current visa restrictions in all but vital services such as nursing/teaching. I suspect they want to lure you in and have you hanging around waiting for the many months its now taking to process female visa applications. During the waiting period they would more than likely expect you to work illegally and just keep you hanging on and on in a difficult situation. You need to ask the Salon owner from now if the already have a Female Madoonyia (labour clearance) ready and waiting to be utilized, and it just needs your name on it, or if its a process thay are going to have to start undertaking from now. If its the latter - good luck to them because it is currently taking months. You would also have to ask if you were going to be employed on a local contract or expat one. It will matter when it comes to your package. But that aside I doubt they would pay you any more than peanuts either way due to the nature of the beauty game in Muscat. Its why there are next to no British nail techs etc in town even though Muscat abounds with Salons, and the few who are here very rarely stay in the same salon for any length of time due to it being such a cut throat and nasty industry. As an employer of a few European young women in 2 different professions I think you should be saying to the Salon owner - you tell me what you are willing to offer and what my contract would be on the basis of and expat employee, or local employee - as in you were hired here in Muscat as the trailing wife? of someone and you should be grateful that you have a job and visa let alone anything else. I will ask a salon owner friend whats what and get back to you later today if possible. And don't worry its not my friend who interviewed you. :)
Latest post on 12 March 2014 - 21:31
Trish, two Drs hadn't reassured Sunnysand that her son wasn't autistic. One had said that he seemed to be on the milder side, if affected at all. Another used a sweeping generalization to say he wasn't even though there are countless parents around who've heard the same. They don't all have children who are not autistic even though they were told there child wasn't autistic. Some children who are on the spectrum fit the bill for a diagnosis, totally. Others need a Dr. who's able to read between the lines and understand that not all children do fit the diagnostic criteria to a T but they are still autistic. Its one of the fundamental things in autism and you don't need to know a Dr. to be able to query their competence - you just need to know autism and the misconceptions surrounding it even by medics. Diagnosing ASD, (or otherwise, when there is something else going on that can mimic autism) takes longer than what has gone on here and I will only ever look out for a child in this situation for the simple reason they more than anyone have to live whatever wrong diagnosis may have come there way. And in that I include a wrong diagnosis of being on the spectrum when they aren't. Yes, I feel for the parents which is why I apologized for saying what I did, I know its not easy, how painful it can be, but its the child who comes first. Time will tell if the wee one is on the spectrum or not - more time than has been spent on his consultations to date. And no Trish, I wont be contributing anything else to the forum. I've said all I intend to say that's it really.
Latest post on 11 March 2014 - 22:51
DR.............I say this most sincerely, and truly with all due respect to you, but you are an expert in your own child, not in Autism per se and your post is totally inappropriate on an internet forum such as this. You do not know this child, your opinion, is just that, not an informed diagnosis and I am utterly astounded at your presumption and insensitivity in posting this way. Im sorry you feel that way Trish and yes, there is a lot of truth in some of what you have said. However, Ive made it clear repeatedly that I'm not suggesting Sunnysands child is autistic - just that what she was told about receptive language is not fact. Im more than happy for a child not to be autistic, but I would never be happy for a child who is autistic to go through even a day misdiagnosed for the simple fact every day counts. Neither would I want a mum to be told her child wasn't autistic then to be told further down the line it's all been a mistake and they are. And again Im not suggesting the wee one is autistic, just that I think Sunnysand was misinformed about receptive language skills. eta Ive reread my post and can see it looks as if I was saying that my son understood language and is autistic so that must mean yours may also be - but I can assure you that's not what I was saying. I was pointing out that it is possible to be on the spectrum and still understand language. I used the eye contact as a comparison. That is possible to be on the spectrum and have good eye contact. Cuddling is another example. Yet people are repeatedly told their child isn't on the spectrum because they like a cuddle and can use eye contact. In hindsight I even see the bit about the Dr. can easily be misconstrued. So just as I would never have gone back to a Dr who said my son couldn't be autistic because of his eye contact, I would never have gone back to one who said - he isn't autistic because he understands what people are saying. I made a point in my first post about it not being a case of ticking boxes and saying yes or no, that a person also has to have an eye for things. Its exactly what I mean by my post. The information re receptive and expressive language is well documented - its not something I've made up I really don't have anything else to say except that at no time have I suggested the wee one is on the spectrum. Yes, my post was badly written and not well thought out but I would say the same thing again if I had to - albeit differently. eta Ive come back to this to edit a bit by way of clarification because I cant sleep thinking about it. All I can say in my defence is that in trying not to suggest the wee one is on the spectrum, but whilst wanting to say the Dr is generalizing, I think I actually did make it sound as if I was saying the wee one is on the spectrum. I just wouldn't say it. Really. Im feeling quite upset about this and any hurt or worry I may have caused. I don't for a minute think this post is making much sense either but for now it really is all I can manage. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 12/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 11 March 2014 - 22:23
Sunnysand, I'm glad to hear your good news, and please believe me when I say I'm not suggesting at all that your son is autistic, but I have to say that a person having good receptive language is no indication the person is not on the autism spectrum and I'm really quite cross that you were led to believe it is. Yes some children do have an impairment and a lopsidedness in their ability but what you were told today is akin to me being told your son isn't autistic because he has eye contact. Could you perhaps have a read up on expressive/ receptive language and ASD? My son is about as autistic as a person can be, he was non verbal till he was a very big boy but when he did start to speak it was obvious he had been taking everything in, that he had understood what we were saying, that he had been soaking up information like a sponge. He had excellent receptive language skills. Ok, it may not have been age appropriate but he did understand. Once again, please believe me when I say Im not suggesting your son is autistic but as someone who lives very much in the world of autism I wouldn't be going back to this particular Dr. for anything else. I'm sorry if anything I've said has upset you and spoiled your day but I just couldn't sit back and let this pass. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 11/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 11 March 2014 - 18:46
"tittle-tattled"?? honestly, I didn't want to further detract from the original intent of this thread by commenting here, which is why I initially left it, but it troubled me and I did mention the thread on another thread as you say and then, after others called her on it on this thread, and you left your comment, I thought I might as well make clear that it was not a personal attack, but just a comment on how easily abuse is dismissed as conversation over coffee cups or keyboards. I stand by everything I wrote, on this thread, and the other. We cross posted so here it is from me I also stand by everything I have written here. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 11/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 11 March 2014 - 18:36
On this thread, as well as another one, a woman who I've long considered to be a very decent person due to the posts she makes is being lambasted regarding a question she asked me during what I know for sure will have been a momentary lapse of judgement on her part. Granted I've never met the lady but I do know from her posting history that she is an honorable, very decent woman. Someone who I very much hope to meet one day. Don't you worry, I'm still a big fan of AmyAus82! You're on that same list :-) Amy? :) It wasn't Amy. ETA - you're correct, lambasting was a poor choice of word. I should have said something along the lines of 'judged so unfairly' or 'looked upon so unfavourably' instead. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 11/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 11 March 2014 - 18:35
On this thread, as well as another one, a woman who I've long considered to be a very decent person due to the posts she makes is being lambasted regarding a question she asked me during what I know for sure will have been a momentary lapse of judgement on her part. Granted I've never met the lady but I do know from her posting history that she is an honorable, very decent woman. Someone who I very much hope to meet one day. edited by DesertRose1958 on 11/03/2014 Agreed. I also found it odd, that I was critising Sanddy_Dogg whose advice I always admire. I just did not like Rebellodubai's line of defence. I guess I started that, but I have to say, a bad call doesn't make you a bad person. Sometimes even our friends say things we know are not ok, and it is important to call them on it, (as I was saying in the other thread, that is one of the little things we can do) this was one of those times. I have nothing against SD, her question was inappropriate/offensive in the context it was asked, that's all. But you didn't call her on it, did you? You went off to another thread and tittle tattled there. There was a way to suggest to Sandy she was being inappropriate and your way of 'calling her' on it, whatever the blazes that means, was inappropriate. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 11/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 11 March 2014 - 15:40
On this thread, as well as another one, a woman who I've long considered to be a very decent person due to the posts she makes is being lambasted regarding a question she asked me during what I know for sure will have been a momentary lapse of judgement on her part. Granted I've never met the lady but I do know from her posting history that she is an honorable, very decent woman. Someone who I very much hope to meet one day.
Latest post on 11 March 2014 - 15:35
On this thread, as well as another one, a woman who I've long considered to be a very decent person due to the posts she makes is being lambasted regarding a question she asked me during what I know for sure will have been a momentary lapse of judgement on her part. Granted I've never met the lady but I do know from her posting history that she is an honorable, very decent woman. Someone who I very much hope to meet one day. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 11/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 11 March 2014 - 08:29
Ive read the book, and my son's care team are currently reading it, one of them as part of her post grad studies. We read a varity of books in order to keep up with things spectrum related. It helps develop a bigger picture. I do believe ADHD is way over-diagnosed and didnt have to read the book to come to the conclusion but no doubt about it - ADHD is very real. As for Dr Saul - meh! edited by DesertRose1958 on 11/03/2014 <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 11/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 10 March 2014 - 17:47
Amy, the acid was more than likey drain cleaner. Its readily available in gallon sized containers from any hardware store and as far as Im aware its not an unusual thing to keep at home. We have some. Smaller sized containers of it are available in supermarkets. It could also have been tile cleaner. The one that takes the top layer of dirt off the floor and leaves the tiles looking brand new. edited by DesertRose1958 on 10/03/2014 <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 10/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 10 March 2014 - 10:35
Lady, I think you may have a wee bee in your bonnet due to a simple misunderstanding of Dollys post. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 10/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 07 March 2014 - 09:04
It's not true. There are not many, but they are there! Obviously not as many as the men, I've flown with three different Emirati girls. It's probably that they are either independent or from more 'modern' families since they have to wear the same uniform as everyone else. Cabin crew cannot wear the hijab style of scarf like the ground crew do, or trousers since they are not part of the main uniform any more. Applies equally to all crew regardless of religion or nationality. This may be one of the reasons that there are not many Emirati ladies flying. There are however, loads of Emirati women working elsewhere including as pilots and dispatchers. Picture of Etihad's first female pilot: [url='>here[/url'> edited by SkyKitty on 06/03/2014 I nearly cried when on board an Etihad flight and that girl and another came out of the cockpit as cadets. People were really uplifted to see them. There was a general feeling on the aircraft of WOW!! I was surprised at my reaction given my the girls/women in my husbands family are very high achievers in professions usually dominated by men - but there was just something about the two of them :) <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 07/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 07 March 2014 - 08:57
I have to agree with Sarah, I go to NBar and I am so happy there, the girls are lovely, the music is nice and I get 3 girls at one time - in and out in 45 minutes. Personally - I have never ever had a good manicure from anyone whilst in the UK. Not compared to what I've had here. In UK I had to pay for the manicure on top of the Gellish. Not amused ha and the therapist didn't stop talking the entire time. The girls at Tips and Toes chat to me otherwise I listen to my Ipod Think you ladies slightly missing the point of the post. I'm not asking how your rate uk technicians, merely is there a market for 'mobile ' nail tech. Hahahaha - not doing a very good advertisement for yourself, are you? Twice you have been a little bit rude to people on this thread.....:-P Very true but I was too much of a coward to point it out. Wise words as usual from a wise lady DR :-) thank you, but I edited. Just a little bit to have a laugh but maybe its not funny. :)
Latest post on 07 March 2014 - 08:41
I have to agree with Sarah, I go to NBar and I am so happy there, the girls are lovely, the music is nice and I get 3 girls at one time - in and out in 45 minutes. Personally - I have never ever had a good manicure from anyone whilst in the UK. Not compared to what I've had here. In UK I had to pay for the manicure on top of the Gellish. Not amused ha and the therapist didn't stop talking the entire time. The girls at Tips and Toes chat to me otherwise I listen to my Ipod Think you ladies slightly missing the point of the post. I'm not asking how your rate uk technicians, merely is there a market for 'mobile ' nail tech. Hahahaha - not doing a very good advertisement for yourself, are you? Twice you have been a little bit rude to people on this thread.....:-P Very true but I was too much of a coward to point it out. If someone is coming into your home you want them to be nice, not snippy, and especially not when armed with the drill thing TDB has mentioned. :D <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 07/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 07 March 2014 - 08:39
The Dr.'s testimony yesterday was powerful, it definitely lends weight to Oscar's version of events. If it really was pre-meditated would he have been trying to revive her? be as devastated as the Dr. describes? Will be interesting to hear the testimony of the first person who arrived at the scene. I watched something on the crime channel just the other night and that's what indeed happen - the murderer tried to throw people off the scent by attempting revive the person he had murdered. He was found out because of something found under the body. There really are people who can think this quick in a situation.
Latest post on 07 March 2014 - 07:43
I was thinking about this last night. The fact is, he deliberately shot *someone* - whether it be his girlfriend or the person he thought was breaking in to steal a bottle of shampoo. So on that basis, he is guilty of murder. I don't even give the pretend intruder angle a second thought because the person or persons didn't exist. The poor woman was terrified and hid in a bathroom to get away from her boyfriend, quite simply that and nothing else. She reminds me of a wee boy I was at school with, there was a house fire and he hid in the airing cupboard inside his room, he thought he would be safe - he wasn't. I normally don't go for this kind of news but this person and the people around him are so disgusting I pay attention out of curiosity as to what depth they will sink to next. The Rosary Beads - Ugh! I grew up with Rosary beads and there is just something about seeing them being used and manipulated by this thug that has me straining at the bit. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 07/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 07 March 2014 - 07:30
I don't know what you will need to get her into Dubai but I have always been asked when entering, leaving, and flying within the Uk, to provide documentary evidence that they are supposed to be with me. My grandchildren have also been asked very discreet questions by the immigration officers to see if everything adds up. I don't mind that it happens, its just a safeguard that another family may desperately need. I also have a letter to show to immigration officials here on the way out, if need be. The letters just state all obvious passport and flight details and we have one for each leg of the journey, so if for instance we were going to France from the Uk there would also be one for French immigration - they always ask. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 07/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 07 March 2014 - 07:27
The latest pictures of him sitting there hanging onto a Rosary Bead speak volumes. The man is disgusting and hopefully all his beads will do for him his help the Jury (and others) to see him for what he is - a manipulator of the highest order, amongst other things. As for the SA way of doing things, I can well understand now why Shrien Diwani fought tooth and nail not to be extradited and face trial in regard to his wives death. I mean, I understood it before what with him being guilty as well, but even a guilty person deserves a trial that doesn't seem to be modeled on a circus.
Latest post on 06 March 2014 - 09:05
Its all so very sad and such a waste of a beautiful young woman. I believe he is guilty and he is hoping his fame and life accomplishments will stand to him and get him off the murder charge as no one really wants to believe he did it intentionally. I find it strange that Reeva felt the need to lock the door of the bathroom in the first place .... his story just does not add up Spot on.
Latest post on 06 March 2014 - 07:28
I posted a long reply to you that has vanished into thin air so for now I will just send you a hand to hold for when you are feeling wobbly. I really do hope things go ok next week but pls be aware that at your sons age ruling ASD in or out in one visit could be difficult unless its very obvious as was my sons. There is also the clinical experience of the person doing the assessment - just how good is their eye for it because it doesn't always come down to ticks in boxes. I really dont know what else to say apart from there are people here who know how you feel right now - we're with you in spirit. edited by DesertRose1958 on 06/03/2014 <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 06/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 26 February 2014 - 11:05
Thank you DesertRose1958! Think that could put him off, what a shame as it looks an ideal place to live. Its a nice place to live so please don't be put off by the journey time. Everyone has to do it and though the actual time you would have to leave looks really scary - don't forget the working and school day starts much earlier here. If you let me know what you, as a women, fancy accommodation wise I'll look online for you and make some suggestions. I wouldn't encourage apartment living however unless it was on the Wave or perhaps Muscat hills.
Latest post on 26 February 2014 - 10:59
I was going to suggest on your other thread that you look in the Medinat Qaboos area, but also Bausher and Al Ansab (lansab) as the latter two might be better suited price wise. As for the apartments in the photo - estate agents will say anything, but that aside I don't think they would be suitable for you for a whole host of reasons.
Latest post on 26 February 2014 - 10:54
Hi there, The problem with regards to your salary is that there are loads and loads and loads of Asian English teachers here all looking for jobs. So, if you did get a job it would more than likely be in an Asian school or very small local private school and I doubt very much you would earn more than a a few hundred rials a month. As for international schools or the better local private schools - well they would really be looking to employ western educated or qualified staff and the salaries reflect that fact. And what a lot of the schools are now doing is to employ couples in order to save on costs indirectly. I know none of this is what you probably wanted to hear, and I'm sorry, but its the reality. With regards to your mum - a lot would be taken into account, with nationality playing a very big part in what a salary is likely to be.